As the carnival winds down, The wasteland below Looks dull – but real. At least the landing was soft, And maybe, just maybe, If I look very closely, And with a bit of luck, I might find flowers in the dirt.
pensieri in corso
As the carnival winds down, The wasteland below Looks dull – but real. At least the landing was soft, And maybe, just maybe, If I look very closely, And with a bit of luck, I might find flowers in the dirt.
Led by a will-o'-wisp Through a dark forest To an eyeless staring contest It's such a tease divine To surrender my beating heart
Uplifted: I had forgotten What it feels like, and now Though this wind has a name A kite doesn't wonder If it's going to fly tomorrow But it savors the current
L'unica libertà che conosco È l'assurdo sacrificio Di ciò che è bello e buono; Il saper agire senza ragione L'unica prova di umanità.
Flooded by bitter sorrow Let go of hope effort fear When despair overwhelms you At the dark bottom of Hades You might find a smile
Enter Sorrow Unexpected and luminous A siren call On papery wings of memory
Wingless dreams Sleepwalk over the cliff Crashing down In disappointed agony And I hear the cry of Widowed memories Mourning bittersweetly
La sensazione della perdita È infine la paura di svegliarsi Da un sonno ormai inquieto. Ma già è l'alba, E se non lo è, lo sarà presto.
Il grembo della solitudine Partorisce antichi mostri Frenetici senza catene Riverberano nella mente Nella luce nello spazio Esausti si dissolvono Nell'oceano primordiale
This morning, I shed myself Like a traveler sheds their burden. I was the one carrying the weight, And I was the weight being carried. I look at it with relief and horror, Relishing the weightlessness But still bound.