🎵 Fedivision 2024: Living The Dream!

#song #music #fediverse

My new song, Living the dream, was especially written for this year’s fabulous #Fedivision song contest, and I am now finally allowed to reveal it to the world!

BREAKING NEWS: my song made the top 10!!!

May 27 Now that the contest is over, you can find Living The Dream, my official #fedivision2024 entry which made the top 10 (at number 9) out of 72 tracks \o/, at the following fine locations:

Thanks again to the #fedivision organizers and to everyone who went out of their way to vote for my song and/or say nice things about it ☺️❤️.

(Strangely enough, this song is a musical version of a blog post!)

Two poppies growing in an overgrown garden under a bright blue sky, surrounded by an old stone wall on the left, and a tiled roof in the middle.