18 Italian Fishermen Kidnapped by Haftar Militia
18 Italian fishermen still prisoners of Haftar and western allies, but Italy doesn't care Italy is a geographic expression we are just ‘Souvenirs’ Knick-Knack , some prestigious and of value some others instead not as in the case of these 18 Italian fishermen, Workers, people who must Work who cannot afford to do charitable social volunteering, people like us who are moreover the majority in this fucking former Nation more and more 'Geographic Expression' that takes spit and slaps from everyone in an unworthy way
During the first lock down I waited almost 2 and a half months to get 2 masks for about 19 euros, the new dpcm extension of the state of Emergency until January 31st and Obligation to wear the National Mask, certainly now they don't cost so much the boom / Robbery have already done it, but sure they will invent standards on the type of masks to force us to buy the ones made by the brothers Elkan/Agnelli the fuck that is. They claim that we are under a new wave of Contagions and this explains the extension of the state of emergency, under the constant threat of a new total lock down it’s almost certain because the Recovery Fund for now it’s just Chatting from what I understand not even that miserable 10% of the first tranche it has been given to the Italian shameful board of directions, translated we are paying Tunisia not to send us its people on vacation, we pay astronomical cost the quarantine ships to host all fake refugees that every day OGN deliver to our costs, and that genius of Zingaretti Democratic Party Leader and Governor of the Lazio Region who talks about Integration and Reception, we have a huge of job positions to offer by the way, but in particular he is insisting to dismantle the Salvini Act voted by the 5Stars worms now ally of the Democratic Party who wants the Reintroducing the Humanitarian Right Permit, unique case in the West, to give 'Hospitality' to the first jerk who disembarks and maybe comes to tell us that the new Tunisian President is strapping them all after DiMaio and Lamorgese handed over Italian taxpayers' money.
18 families of compatriots are absolutely out of every National Mainstream report, News, They Don't Exist, the Mainstream doesn't see them and He doesn't want them to be seen, as if nothing had happened, 18 Italian fishermen were kidnapped and the only one who really can't do shit but went to cheer up the families is the Governor Nusumeci crucified this summertime for daring to say between the lines 'He Had Enough of Fake RFGS invading Sicily' by Giggino and Lamorgese and all this euroclown gang at the government of the Nation.
it is a month of kidnapping / blackmail that the militias of Haftar is carrying out, perhaps under the advice of some European ally / friend, just to recall that for the Italian judiciary the four Libyan arrested are full-fledged smugglers and were found responsible for the 2015 shipwreck 'The Ferragosto Massacre' in which 49 people have died, strangely there was no NGO of the case who knows what went wrong that day..... anyway, for Haftar Italy has arrested four Libyan Football Promises, it seems a joke yet he declared this, at the port of Benghazi a flash mob of the families of the arrested, 4 individuals, ask to Haftar to do not release the Italian fishermen until Lamorgese Minister of Interior has freed the Libyan football stars who had ventured to Italy following the poor economic management of the country by the Government of National Agreement led by Al Serraj, supported by our government, with sums of money, various benefits motorboats, cartons of cigarettes etc.etc.
The Libyan Dossier is a direct clash between Italy and France, a dishonest and disgusting confrontation as it is right to remember that the Italian Left in all this filthy situation has always played its dirty part, betraying the interests of our country, but this is a long history that from the times of the Red Brigades goes on ... and still insist, just to remind during the ‘Years of Lead’ cold war era, France gave Political Asylum to several Italians Terrorist who have killed with no mercy innocent civilians, policemen, journalist, magistrates, political leaders.
Actually the Italian mainstream it’s bombing us on the table victory of Juventus of 3-0 against Napoli who didn’t shown up In Torino due to the covid19 positive results of some players, and of course about the new ‘dpcm’ anti-constitutional Act to extend the state of Emergency until January, this government of EuroClowns it’s leaving 18 of our compatriots kidnapped with Ndrangheta methods to rot. France and others are openly supporting Haftar while Italy, the UN, the USA and obviously the European Crap Fake Union of which France it’s an EU member state, blissfully gets its own fucking business.
If we really would have a Sovereign Italian Government, still an EU member, as it should be, the special forces would have freed those 18 fishermen (the workers were kidnapped in international waters 35 miles from the Libyan coast) Italy is mobilizing for the Egyptian student Zaki for which Italians Antifa /Left-wing various rib of the Institutional Left the one that makes money with the ‘hospitality business o fake RFGS’ just to be clear, those democratic who shout ‘Let’s Be Human’ one or two good reports by the Italian Mainstream on the front page of course every month for Zaki is assured as for the various cooperatives in their early twenties who venture into dangerous areas , without any precautionary measures,
The Civil Italy that Repudiates the War waving Rainbows and fish-shaped cartographies is mobilized, while the Italian Opposition it’s dancing a walzer while receiving European investitures, from the same Europe that allows Macron to be a 'sovereign' euro clown.
For the relatives of the 18 kidnapped compatriots there are no front pages or Front Pages of the case, the Italian workers in what remains of the Libya that Italy has invented are all at risk, the most absurd thing is that the Italian government for 20 years sends our military around the world to protect private interests and not even more of some Italian companies, on the contrary even against our own interests, reaching rock bottom with the case of the two Marò with which the Italian Left-wing All United has Smashed the balls by spitting in the face to a whole nation, and there the English led by Cameron exposed themselves directly to the defense of poor innocent India horned and beaten by the Italian corrupters, another one of those really shameless jokes.
In times of need Al Sarraj received a Cup in the shape of a Middle Finger from Conte, after all can someone like Conte make decisions? Beyond the masks, scooters, health care costs guaranteed by the state for those who want to grow their breasts, It is not by chance that the pandemic dust rises, Conte is a figure who appears to make media performances studied by Casalino, responsible of its communication, the spin doctor grown up in the first edition of the Big Brother, can’t stop to swear…..
A Popular National Political Government with a Political Prime Minister would have already unleashed the secret services to organize the kidnapping of some French journalist / aid worker, subsequently summoned all Italian workers, ambassadors and consular offices to their homeland, delivered an ultimatum to Haftar no later than 24 hours after which he would launch a 'Humanitarian' military operation to save the lives of 18 Kidnapped Italian Civilians with the placid and silent approval of our dear Ally Macron, accidentally bombing French oil installations, perhaps sending a missile under the courtyard of the French ambassador, it would be really too much, however ........ It is to say that in our case a nice missile went like this around May, it arrived by mistake in Tripoli near the Italian embassy, as well when France started to bomb Libya the first target where all Italians site fruit of the Italian-Libyan Friendship Treaty signed during the last Berlusconi government.
We have an army and avant-garde means to occupy the strategic centers of the country, we do not even have to struggle for a supply line and / or alternation of soldiers to be employed, in spite of the UN and all these useless antics and expansive tools, Turkey has taken over where it would be due to actively enter Italy, Turkey 'frees' us Aisha who, even before appearing with the burqa, appeared with a Turkish military vest.
Do we realize to what level of disgusting doormat they have reduced Italy? Conte as a good puppet has only been able to collect shitty figures, one after the other mocked by that louse of Macron who when needed comes to Rome and goes directly to Bergoglio Head of the Vatican State without even stopping for a coffee in the Italian Parliament ...., it's called War but the word itself 'is a Fascist one' you can’t dare to use It in Italy, it is never better to sweeten things like this properly, it is a question of 'Humanitarian Military Intervention' to save the lives of civilians, not only Italians, detained in the ‘Libyan Lagher’ as the leftwing denounce since ages in order to allow a free access to Italy to all Fake RFGS of the World, so we solve this great desired mess once and for all, that was an idea of the Obama administration that I entrust to Sarkozy, reason why the American ambassador in Libya Stevens, close to Hillary Clinton, was later killed and Paris was the subject of several terrorist attacks, Obama towards the end of his 'glorious mandate' concluded by admonishing France for the great shit he did against a Sovereign Nation……another joke yep I know, it’s a fact that thanks to the France criminal military intervention to shut Ghedaffi month forever opened the invasion of Italy by Fake RFGS supported by OGN of all the Western World, and make sure they doesn’t cross the borderline in Ventimiglia, this is the real EU, just