5StarsMovement the birth of a Gatekeeper party
With the expression of First Republic historically it’s considered the time soon after the end of the world war two 1945 and the consequent referendum that changed the Italian system from a Monarchy into a Democratic Republic, during the cold war Italy was ruled by the catholic center party known as Christian Democracy the symbol was of a shield with a cross at the center the Christians catholic values in defense from the red danger, by the way the Italian communist party was the biggest of its kind of all western countries.
I’m born during the ongoing cold war and lived my childhood till my early teens to the fall of the Berlin wall of the 9th of November 1989 the consequences of that event will change radically the old continent and its effects overwhelmed the Italian political system of that time, it was a real coup d’état that deserves to be well explained as it represent a model that later on would be used in others contest albeit with different shades.
The popular sentiment was of a total disguise and opposition to the traditional parties, Italy by the way in the early 90s was leaded by the Socialist Party and became the first economy of Europe with the highest growth rate, a country who had lost the war raised itself from the dust and without natural resources managed to became an Industrial power member of the G7 group or rather the most important economies of the world meeting.
Despite all the political system turned to be corrupted at all and the Communist party always left as opposition party managed the popular demos against the ruling class of that time spreading through all the country the idea that the traditional politics was dirty(except the Communist party of course) till the fundaments and that Italians deserved a new course, a new way towards the actual E.U.
However the first obstacle on its way into the European dream didn’t hesitate too long to shown itself, the prominent figure of the Cavaliere del Lavoro, a title given to all great personalities of the Italian capitalism, Silvio Berlusconi, tycoon of the biggest private communication empire, a man who made himself fortune during the first Republic and prospered with the Socialist leading the country before the Berlin heart quake.
Berlusconi scared of the idea that the communism could have took the power managed to form its own political party then created a conservative coalition block that included Alleanza Nazionale the heirs of Fascism and a good part of the Moderate Catholic. The reformed system and the second Republic birth took place in a delicate moment as the ongoing biggest trial to Cosa Nostra wasn’t finished at all and several blast interested the country with the killing of a huge important people as politicians, policemen, chief of the army and of course those magistrates who put behind bars over 300 hundreds Cosa Nostra members.
The new system soon called bipolar inspired to the American one thus foresaw the presence of two opposing coalition the conservative one ‘The Pole of Liberties or also ‘The House of Freedoms’ vs the center left coalition the former communist party turned into the democratic party of the lefts block which included part of former D.C. and others figures of the ‘old’ system called ‘The Olive’ coalition whose will occupied the scenes for a long time.
Italy was entering deeply in the E.U. on 2001 the national value was substitute with the introduction of the Euro, skepticism and diffidence were the main feelings and the Democratic party pushed a lot in this direction imposing a tax as necessary tribute of Italian people to join the European club and in particular to balancing the national account to the new reunited German standards ( that never paid in total its wars debt ), the decline of Italy begins in those days and it will get worse till the present time.
Berlusconi attempted to cut bridges with the antidemocratic financial organization of moneylenders who governed the EU, Berlusconi managed to create solid diplomatic relationship with Putin who became a close friend of the Cavaliere furthermore Italy signed an important treaty of friendship and cooperation with Gheddaffi Libya Bengasi 30th August 2008, Bengasi is the seat of the Italian consulate and there’s also an important site of ENI ( who always have had a privileged partnership with Italy.)
The E.U. power couldn’t accept the idea of Italy could have leaved the E.U. and it’s international policies was lived as a threat to others EU members, Italy had all the tools to get stronger and competitive, Germany and France on top planned a coup d’état that was absolutely necessary and considering that in the political fight the Democratic party didn’t managed to overcome against a tycoon of communication as Berlusconi mediaset empire, despite all magistrates investigations against Berlusconi, an external help was absolutely vital at that stage.
The coup was so strategically prepared, with the Resolution 1973 of the United Nations Security Council.
The Security Council resolution was proposed by the United States, France, Lebanon and the United Kingdom, the so called Arab springtime signed a change regime of the Northern African main countries in particular the richest ones as Egypt and of course Libya, Tunisia was the lab the first one where the West supported a regime change but also for other political and more strategic reasons, so the so called ‘Gelosmini Revolution’ overthrow Ben Ali who wasn’t killed but had to flew and leave the country.
On March 19th 2011 France attacked Libya in ‘defense’ of the civilians innocent victims of the civil war that in the meantime was started in Libya too, French Air force as first ones attacked the surrounding of Bengasi south west or rather bombed important Italians investments fruits of the long diplomatic and commercial relationship, Berlusconi initially wasn’t keen to join the war of course but it has been forced by the pressure of the President of the Republic Napolitano, old big head of the Communist Party.
The Last Berlusconi government then will fall soon after on the pressure of the E.U. and the financial attacks of markets focused on the high spread.
On details
The key dates of the plot are three as former Minister of Economy of Berlusconi government said recently.
The EU Council meets on 21st July and welcomes “the budget package recently presented by the Italian government”. “Monsieur Trichet – remembers Tremonti – remained silent and good”. On 4th August, at the monthly press conference of the ECB, Trichet replied “I have no comments to make” to the journalist who pointed out to him the purchases of Portuguese and Irish and non-Italian securities. The next day, August 5th, the storm broke out with the letter signed by Trichet-Draghi which dictated draconian measures to Italy. “Blackmail – cut short the former minister – a burden imposed in the form of diktat and in violation of the European rules that provide for the independence of the ECB from European governments, and of governments from the ECB”.
The consequences were what we know: “A budgetary restriction imposed on an economy that is already slowing is a very serious economic policy error. Immediately afterwards the ECB flooded the financial and banking system with liquidity”: the whole system was in collapse, regardless of Italy. Meanwhile, a group of bankers, politicians and financiers (Bazoli, De Benedetti, Prodi, Passera, Monti, Caloia) had met in Milan to plan the post-Berlusconi.
In the following months, Berlusconi leaked the possibility of exiting the euro. Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, member of the Executive Committee of the ECB until the fateful November 2011, writes in the book Die austerity: “It is no coincidence that the resignation of the Greek Prime Minister Papandreou took place a few days after his announcement to hold a referendum on the euro, and that those of Berlusconi also took place after the hypothesis of exit from the euro was aired in private talks with the governments of the other euro countries”
According to Tremonti, what really frightened the European chancelleries was Italy's clear resistance to entering the bailout fund. He and Berlusconi asked “to calculate the contribution of each country to the new bailout fund not on the basis of the percentage of participation in the capital of the ECB (18 per cent for Italy), but as a percentage of the actual degree of risk exposure abroad”. Which for Italy did not exceed 5 percent? The most exposed countries, France and Germany in the lead, unloaded their risks on us. At the G20 in Cannes on November 3-4, Obama and Merkel tried to impose aid from the International Monetary Fund on Italy and Spain on halt terms. Tremonti quote the book by the then Iberian Prime Minister Zapatero, ‘El Dile
ma’: «In the corridors there was talk of Mario Monti. There was an extremely critical environment towards the Italian government. “I know better ways to commit suicide” was the phrase Tremonti used to resist. The bolt left no opening. Italy would not have yielded ». The blow came from another speculative intervention on BTPs. «Everything regular then? Is everything clean? »Asks Tremonti. Rhetorical questions.
The coup d’état was finally complete, once Berlusconi was forced to leave The Mainstream have seen the birth of a new private TV Channel whose role it’s mainly political and it’s fully controlled by left wing political activist this
to remedy the scarce media firepower of the left tied to only RAI public TV and in the case of government takeover only then the support of the technical government of Monti was huge with the pressure of press and media with front page title as ‘Do It Soon’ to save the Italian economy exposed to the markets the Italian good relationship with Putin fallen too, Ghedaffi killed and the Libyan Nation destroyed which provoked the mass invasion to the Italian ports supported by OGN of Germany and France mainly but also of other EU members.
Despite all the decline of Italy didn’t arrested the EU policies of Austerity didn’t produced any good effect of course as the plan was indeed to weaken the Italian economy this with the help of the constant pressure of the Democratic Party totally enslaved by the EU that imposed cuts and privatizations that who have impoverished the country by killing the working class and obliterating the middle class.
The Italian popular reaction was increasing and the spread malaise to the Democratic Party aware of getting less popular worked secretly to create a new box which main goal was to catalyze the entire popular malcontent.
Since the advent of the internet technologies one of the most active company for web site and internet marketing promotion Casaleggio Associate of Milan have been working with all the main political party the founder of the company Gianroberto Casaleggio planned to create a new model of making politics according with the ongoing radical change of the modern societies of the world.
Among the clients of the Casaleggio associates there was Beppe Grillo a comedian who worked in the mainstream during the 80s and early 90s and then was kicked off by the Socialist officially because of the offensive satyr of the histrionic comedian as like Italy was the U.R.S.S., Grillo website became the first Italian most visited website for a long time, alongside the work on the web Grillo toured all the peninsula to present its satirical shows full of political contents but also of purposes too, the strategic plan was giving its fruits a huge of Italians used to open an account on its website and so the Casaleggio idea of a direct democracy took place little by little imaging a new way to do politics overcoming the traditional ideologies no more left or right but in particular the alleged popular involvement in important decisions.
The Big Brother experiment gave good results and following that model Grillo first attempted to take the Democratic party membership card, but has been refused, then collected signatures for three referendum and by doing so it proved himself the capacity of its machine of volunteers free citizens ‘self- organized around the idea of a revolutionary model of policies making’ anyone can be a politician and do better than the corrupted Italian traditional parties. Grillo now organize free shows on the main cities with special guest willing to be part of the cool event of the moment and most important Grillo obtained the support of important Mainstream media of the caliber of ABC Australia, BBC, CCN, Al Jazeera, then by recruited aspiring politicians, clean-faced young graduates with no skills, people with no significant professional experience of any kind, easy to indoctrinate to the new model and to use as a persuasion system to capture electoral support.
Grillo belong to that generation who fought the cold war and during those days the most important terrorist group was the Red Brigades who used as symbol a star with 5 points, the armed party failed on its revolutionary intent to impose with violence a regime change however a good part of those who back in the days used to fight ‘the system’ later on would be part of it and forcedly tool their space, Grillo so attempted with democratic methods to achieve the same and the symbol of the five stars recall that experience of which Grillo as many others external probably silently sympathize with.
The V-day Tour or rather ‘FUCK OFF DAY tour’ had the main goal to destroy traditional parties credibility instead of the ambush and the shooting, the public media pillory who didn’t eliminate physically anyone rather politically the public image of many politicians was destroyed and the Italian mainstream journalists too accused of being the main responsible of the actual decline moral and socio economic of the country, the audience increased V-day by V-day till the most important one, the Turin V-day of the 25th of April 2008 the day of the celebration of ‘Liberation’ from Nazi fascism.
In that V-day there are all the main political elements of the ‘New Political Toy’ Grillo declared ‘we are those who are continuing the work of our grandfathers, those partisans who fought to liberate the country’ ‘We are The New Resistance’ as the Red Brigades used to say indeed or rather that they wasn’t happy at all with the result of the liberation war and that it was necessary to go ahead with the battle to really free the country and give a change regime in Italy, Grillo operated form a point of view more intellectual and political similarly just avoided the use of weapons and real killing as he held a more powerful weapon, The Propaganda Machine, by excluding the Italian press and also denouncing the mainstream he forced all journalists and media to run behind it’s creature, the members of the 5Stars movement as robot obeyed and kept off the media , properly brainwashed they agree with the idea the Italian press wasn’t comparable with the foreigners ones and the only intent of the gangster of journalism was to destroy the revolutionary ongoing project.
Many Italians brainwashed and earned by the proposal of the Citizenship Income or welfare income without doing anything in masses voted for them, the referendum to free Italy from the Euro cage proposed and supported with great commitments of time and energy was done intentionally as many Italians were and still are aware of how crucial it’s this thing indeed, it’s the main political affair.
The first electoral attempt failed but in a way they introduced themselves little by little especially in the EU institutions were crated a coalition with Farage Ukip leader jut to be present in a parliamentary group after having lost the European election in which they assumed to be victorious, the one in which Renzi made a 40% result, they cut some head inside cleaning and changing attitude, Grillo who always stayed on the front line was put away.
By the time they managed to win the national election or rather to get more votes mainly from formers voters of the Democratic party, not even a surprise, the eu influences and financial elites covered with huge of money people that few years before didn’t have a stable job, some of them neither a particular scholar title, completely easily buyable, then after the first attempt as coalition government little by little with the pressure of the President of Republic and the pressure of EU leaders on the Italian Premier they provoked a political crisis stopping the Lega on the financial aspects that EU disliked to finally take back to power that Democratic Party that is the main responsible of the Italian decline and total enslavement to Aachen Dominion.
In conclusion at E.U. Aachen Dominion headquarter are aware of Italians hostilities towards the actual regime so they are trying to ties hands and feets the next government with loans and further debts as the EMS that have occupied a great debate between government members and of course the actual opposition the fact is that with the EMS ItalExit would be almost impossible but the last word hasn't been written yet.