Aleksej Naval'nyj
westernized in Alexey Navalny, appears from official data available online to be the 'Leader of the Russian Opposition', political activist and blogger secretary of the 'Democratic and Progress Party' as well as 'President of the Democratic Coalition' previously co-chaired with Boris Nemcov, murdered in February 2015.
Nemcov is not just any name he was Boris Yeltsin's deputy from 1997 to 1998, half-jewish on the maternal side, his father was deputy building minister and obviously a member of the CPSU, he made a political career marked by important reforms in favor of creation of a free market, in 1997 the polls attested to around 50% therefore had a strong popular support that stopped in 1998 following the collapse of the Russian stock market, The Market is always the Market ...., Nemcov in that period he is part of the economic team of Anatolji Cubajs considered the Father of the Great State Privatizations criticized for having favored the great post-Soviet oligarchs he was however the man to whom Yeltsin entrusted the economic direction of the new Russian Federation, Nemocv will be forced to resign from office Deputy Prime Minister, he will resume that chair but with the end of Eltisn's Politics he again loses every chance. Nemcov for his reforms was particularly praised by the West the Iron Lady M.Tatcher will visit him in 1993 in his city in the Soviet era called by the name of Gorky famous Russian literary poet, later Nizinij Novogord, as happened to others cities that recovered their original name before the advent of the October Revolution. Gorky was, and still is, an important industrial and research center, geographically in the center of Russia, during the Second World War it was particularly bombed by the German air force, but it was able to recover and due to this important characteristic during the Cold War it was along an inaccessible and particularly protected place, in short, the beating heart of the economy and a crucial scientific pole for the then Soviet Union.
Founder of the Union of the forces of the Right? a sort of 'Freedom Pole' ( Italian center-right Berlusconi coalition name) to draw a parallel on the Western model of the Center-right – Conservative/Republican roughly, in open opposition to Vladimir Putin in the 2004 Ukrainian elections, the period of the so-called 'Orange Revolution' supports the candidate Juscenko who appoints him as economic adviser, the thing in itself in Nemcov's political intentions was to favor relations with Russia but in fact caused a great deal of sensation in Russia, in Ukraine Nemcov prestigious position is not even viewed with much favor, I would say that so many enemies are found, so much so that in the end he was dismissed from the position of adviser to Juscencko in 2006, therefore many enemies and the situation became even more delicate, however, he tried to build a coalition of parties capable of gathering a certain electoral weight but due to internal competitions he abandoned the race aware of weakness policy of his candidacy.
With the 2014 Russian armed intervention in eastern Ukraine, he openly sided with Ukraine by addressing directly to the Russian armed forces defined as a sort of criminals. He undergoes various attacks but was assassinated on the evening of February 27, 2015 in the streets of Moscow right near the Kremelin with 4 bullets in his back, one day before the announced march against the war in Ukraine, a white big car was framed around that very evening and the images of the cameras indicated it as the car of the attackers, the statements of Putin, who is not one who speaks at random and so they were dry and lapidary 'The cruel murder appears as a commissioned murder with the clear provocative intent' in short a burning dead man thrown near the Kremlin, a politically 'useful' strategic death ideally placed against President Putin.
Returning to Alexey Navalny, who appears to have been poisoned with the Novichok while flying from Siberia to Moscow, he therefore feels ill and reaches Germany where he is treated and the presence of a poison is identified which is a bit like putting the name and surname to the whole thing.
Immediately big words from Merkel and to follow the various Eurocrats on a leash, Gentiloni made the 'Big Voice' on twitter ..... I can already imagine him live what a great loud voice, now that the West and the EU in particular both in open hostility towards Putin is nothing new, the Georgian front was resolved in 2004 as we all know, the Ukrainian one is still open and the mainstream no longer talks about it and yet it is about three and a half hours by flight from ' Italy, among other things, no migratory flow of Ukrainians fleeing the war ........ 'if Nemcov had a certain effective political weight even quantified around 50% in the period of his maximum' splendor 'this Alexey Navanly seems is estimated from the point of view of political projections around 2% hence calling him 'Leader of the Opposition' seems to me a bit of a gamble but in any case if the EU considers him this way he will have his reasons and Gentiloni too that Loudly Speak up against this thing, another fact that certainly cannot escape anyone has a minimum of common sense but we really have to believe that someone like Putin is so fooled as to poison someone who politically does not count for anything, then poison him with a poison easily traceable and attributable to Russian hands when they could have eliminated him in various ways, for example wih a plane crash like the one that hit Enrico Mattei back in the days? a car accident but in short we are talking about Putin a former KGB not Inspector Clousesau of the Pink Panther .... and besides, as if it were not enough to get him to Germany where it was obvious the type of poison would be discovered? the KGB during the cold war operated with fine methods and techniques, many of which are still unknown of course but so much is.
For the Western Mainstream it is certain that it is Putin's fault we will soon evaluate further sanctions and we will see how the Chancellor in office since 2005 will move, for Italy the EU sanctions have been a damage to our national economy but it does not matter we have Great Statesmen in key roles in the EU nomenclature that while 'Loudly Protest' are concerned with 'working for us' for the' interests of our country ', right? ..... who is increasingly subservient to this pseudo European union which, as Del Rio says' It has guaranteed Peace for over 70 years 'I'm sure you have heard it countless times ..... bitter irony aside from the majority EU approved a resolution of 10th October 2019' On interference and disinformation in national democratic processes and Europeans' 469 votes in favor 143 against 47 abstentions, what are defined as' electoral interference 'to understand well what they refer to ....... in the intentions of the supporters they serve to favor the anti-EU forces obviously considered Extremists and Populists, here is a sort of 'Segre Commission' ( an Italian commission against hate speech, fake news in light of all this, a post like this can most likely be censored? the fcb page itself which is openly anti-EU for sure, we will see later, as we see how the electoral consultations in Italy and the referendum wanted by the 5Stars Suckers will end, who always bark then with their heads down vote confidence in the government and many greetings and all the various idealisms remain attached to the armchair.