Badly Beaten Berliners in front of the Russian Embassy
( while in the streets of Minsk people would like to join the
European Dream )
President Frank-Walter Steinmeier : declared the attempt of demonstrators who have reached the Reichstag as an “intolerable attack on the heart of our democracy” that Germany would “never put up with.”
38.000 people much more than those of the previous anti covid restriction protest of the first of August, a demo that was banned since the beginning with various accusations included pseudo political reasons, it's a fact that eurocrats coalition government of Germany as in Italy and others EU country have managed the covid situation trampling on basic constitutional rights as the free right of people to gathering together to protest against the ruling class. In Italy we had a three month lockdown unjustified, the southern regions wasn't affected by any risk and many people started soon to questioning about the high number of victims related to the covid pandemic, mostly elders with natural precarious health conditions, bodies burned no autopsy allowed and the images of military trucks carry on a huge of coffins to be burned had a strong impact on terrorizing the population especially elders. the comments of the German ruling class all disapproving otherwise the discounted support, of many of their fellow Eurocrats attached to their armchairs and Italian 'intellectuals' to the Minsk protests are all of the same tenor, after the Georgian bankruptcy of 2008, the 'forgotten' Ukrainian front 2014 now Belarus. EU diplomacy, which has been able to write shameful pages in contemporary European history since the Berlin Wall fell, today stands out only for a change of internal forces, yesterday there was England, Germany was divided in two, and the 'Italy had a significant political weight, but 'Mani Pulite/Clean Hands' was about to receive the bombs of' Cosa Nostra 'or the coup d'état that destroyed a political class' guilty of having increased the public debt' to the point of making us the First European economy with the highest rate of economic growth. The Del Rio on duty ( PD mp former Minister of Public Transports and national infrastructures ) or the Bersani (former PD chief secretary leader) in short, the various 'Europe it's asking us to do so' often on many occasions have made shameful statements such as 'The EU has guaranteed peace in Europe for over 70 years' an ignoble mystification launched and relaunched by all compliant media imbued with Euroshitty Propaganda, only the 5Stars elector or Antifa can believe this nonsense someone like Di Maio ( Actual Minister of Foreign affairs ) who has not even lived through those years, many of us, even if adolescents, remember how we lived in Italy but above all what produced the collapse of the Wall of Berlin in Continental Europe and in our beloved country.
The Italian Communist Party
leader Occhetto's tears changed the name of the party, several names till the actual one Democratic Party of yankee inspire, while antifa and supporters of the communist party threw coins at Craxi ( Socialist leader and former Prime Minister of Italy during those days) who came out of the Hotel Rafael, the antifa and all the various followers of Italian communism who were all on the payroll of Moscow that it's important to remind from Hungary had missiles aimed at our cities on were spared by #'Tangentopoli' Clean Hands investigation, Di Pietro ( the man symbol of the whole judicial operation taking off his toga on live stream and the images of the bombs in via D'Amelio the Capaci massacre, the Ceausescu spouses shot live by a firing squad, the Romanian 'modus operandi' capital execution inspired by the unique model of the CIA coup d'état remembered a lot in some passages, the Italian one even if the context at that time was that of a real war, to draw a similar parallel we must look at the events of the 'Mare Nostrum' Arabs Springtime and among all the countries certainly the Libya is the most apt comparison, with the images of Ghedaffi captured beaten up and then shot in the head.
The Yellow Vests
were massacred with unprecedented brutality to the Berlin protesters it wasn't that bad but they suffered charges and accusations of all kinds when European civilians take to the streets en masse no one thinks of sending blue helmets, or even worse, aviation to protect Democracy and Human Rights that are violated and trampled on.
In Italy,
being in the electoral campaign, the covid emergency is being handled, which increasingly appears to be anything but what they want us to believe, but above all the Migrants issue to distract Italian public opinion from the outbreaks of war that the EU and the American Deep State light up in the East. As much as I am disgusted with American politics, it is a fact that Trump's policy at least mitigates the risks of further war scenarios and it is for this reason in the first place that the American Democratic Party and that deep state controlled by them has unleashed BLM and Antifa, the EU is unable to do anything, There Is No True European Union and this is the real Problem, the current EU, both internally and internationally, is unable to do anything concrete, curiously the offices of the German Polizei have been particularly heated precisely near the Russian Embassy, will it be a coincidence? I do not believe at all the tweets of the Eurocrats like Gentiloni ( former Prime Minister and actual EU commissioner for economy of the Democratic Party ) and Letta ( other former Prime Minister of Italy and member of the Democratic Party) Mr 'steel balls' in support of Minsk protesters and the charges in front of the Russian embassy ... the message it's pretty clear. Interior minister Horst Seehofer spoke about 'misuse of the right of freedom of expression' ashemful words are not a surprise, the break through the police barricades around the Reichstag has been called as a 'Nazi Propaganda' action declared The CDU head, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht has demanded the state to use its full power of repression against the ‘attackers’: “We must defend ourselves, with the utmost consistency, against these enemies of our democracy, the people or rather those who by voting have sent them where they are suddenly became all Nazist terrorist?! it's the idea itself of what 'democracy is' at its roots to be sick for the German ruling class, a coalition government of Frau Anghela Merkel which is in charge since 2005. Both Germany and Italy who shared in the past a path of alliance during the world war two have this political thing called 'The Center' Moderate political creature that its a common trait for the countries who have lost the war a particularity you don't see in evoluted democracy as U.K. for example. The EU it's not a real federation of Independent Nations and that's the reason why has never worked on the contrary has only heightened tensions among members states till the Brexit, the ongoing tensions between France and U.K. focused on the migration phenomenon are confirming two important things, first the migrants are used mainly as a form of political pressure to destabilize internal politics of a country secondary a part of being a big financial business are useful to keep public opinion divided and distracted by more serious scenarios as the outbreaks of war supported by Eurocrats policies. The repression in Italy never stopped and the mainstream propaganda it's bombing on the fact that now young people are at risk, therefore discos clubs activities have been shut down and forced quarantine for those who went in holiday in country as Spain, Croatia and many others, the electoral campaign it's almost invisible and there's a constitutional referendum too promoted by the 5Stars'deadly'movement to cut the numbers of and senator with all real problems Italy it's facing now by the way it's clear the intent to reduce and minimize the role of the National assembly of Italians political representatives in favour of that fake expansive parliament of Bruxelles, the Italian parliament frequently bypassed by Conte 'The people lawyer' since the covid emergency became a national issue gave a taste of what is democracy for these employee at the Markets services, that Globalist financial lobbies who are in control of the system of power dislike National states it's a fact and those supporting it are all those 'useful idiots' raised and educated by the democratic education system which it's run in a regime of absolute monopoly by the left, The Single Thought Dictatorship doesn't admits no other opinion nor the free expression of it in the form of a mass protest as the one that took place yesterday in Berlin.