COVID Emergency Management, Half of the Italian government investigated

The conservative press oriented today it's putting on the front page that the government, Prime Minister included, is Under Accusation for the management of the epidemic, the court of ministers will most likely cover up everything so it's not going to happen any further investigation despite there are several serious matters that need to be investigated, the delays on taking a direct action as the fact that initially the Prime Minister and Minister of Health announced that Italy was fine and well equipped to face the virus while soon after Italy became the most infected country of the world after China however the political data remains alongside the fact that a former Minister of the previous coalition government, Matteo Salvini the leader of Lega, in which Conte was Prime Minister as many others 5StarsMovement Ministers would be soon tried by a court.

Many others journals today are reporting that the numbers of people covid positive it's increasing again bringing back the situation at such a level that many experts are whispering it is again a bad situation as it was before during the phase one of lockdown. According to the mainstream the reason of this second wave of increase of the covid infections it's due to the fact that many Italians went on holiday outside Italy, Croatia, Spain, Greece and Malta ( these countries are on the gov. blacklist ) and others EU countries are the top destination of all those returned to Italy covid positive, plus if during the first lockdown covid was concentrated mainly on the north, Lombardia on top now it is substantially present everywhere in considerable data of positive even in the south, Sicily on the top list. Mainstream doesn't even mention the fact the there's no control over the huge of illegal migrants arriving on a daily basis in the southern coasts as it remain silent on all problems of social tensions that are ordinary anywhere in the country not only on the hot spots from where the fake refugees soon escape on the run increasing the risks of spreading the virus everywhere. Again some of the hateful restrictions announced would be introduced or simply extended as the use of the mask, it means that you can't go out without wearing a mask doesn't matter if you are walking keeping the distance from other people you must wear it anyway, on the desk of accusation also clubbing nightlife the industry of entertainment hardly hitten seems to be at high risk of diffusion of this damn virus, people goes to have fun after few drinks don't pay attention to the basic rules as keeping the distance, wearing a mask etc.etc. the core of the problem it's the people gathering together which it's what the government would like to prevent more for political reasons, the covid it's just a useful excuse for the ruling class to exploit the situation to bypass the parliament and having free hands on everything. The most relevant political data soon after the investigation on the coalition government and the P.M. it's the political deal between the ruling class due to the upcoming local electoral tests that will affect various regions and local administrations. The alliance now it is openly announced the political leaders of the Italian board of directors at Achen chains pretending to be a 'government' had a meeting, the 5StarsMovement regardless of all the traiments it's at Beppe Grillo ownership who it's officially the ' Party Guarantor' met with Nicola Zingaretti Democratic Party Chief and Matteo Renzi former Prime Minister and Democratic leader too now the balance needle that keeps the government alive who after having placed some of his followers as Minister just to better control the government works moved out the Democratic Party to form his own kingdom, a new solid alliance of centre left it's born, the Rousseau step just a formal mockery. The international press knew of mister Conte during the 'Italian case' or rather the first coalition government worldwide known as a populist coalition government of the EU area, Steve Bannon himself among many others came to Rome and spoke about the importance of the ongoing political experimentation at the eyes of the Italian people that coalition worked well because somehow it was responding to the willing of radical change opposite to the left wing policies not only on immigration but also in particular regarding the EU. The President of Republic Sergio Mattarella put his hands having the last word on the approval of any candidate for institutional position, memorable it's denial at mister Paolo Savona as Minister of Economy, Mattarella position is clear-cut and refers to article 92 of the Constitution, according to which it is the President of the Republic who appoints the ministers on the proposal of the Prime Minister. So, this is the synthesis of Mattarella's men, it is not a question of vetoing proposals put forward by those who are not entitled, but of simply exercising their own prerogative in full autonomy, Savona fault ? having wrote a book about getting rid of the EU, Di Maio now actual Minister of Foreign affairs toured all talk shows asking for the impeachment of Mattarella, and it was the second time a first time happened with the previous President King Giorgio Napolitano. From the early days of its life the 5StarMovement it's establishment now so the Democratic Party alleged enemy it's no longer an enemy but the anchor on which Grillo it's launching the party for its salvation Russeau platform digital consultation,the so called direct democracy boasted thousands of times, especially whenever there has been a discussion of political alliances is just a farce as the fact that Grillo himself step forward ahead of everyone not just the pretending to be 'Political Chief' Vito Crimi neither Di Maio the golden puppet on Grillos hands shows who is really in charge down there. These local electoral testing on September the 20th are absolutely important because the result might have a decisive impact to the survival of a government that it has never been united if not only to protect each one's own backyard meanwhile there's also a referendum which it's going to ask for a reduction of m.p. and senators numbers, from 630 to 400 at the Chamber , from 315 to 200, at the Senate, this referendum it's a proposal of the 5Stars crap movement which pretend to save a considerable amount of money, estimate it's about 60 millions of euro a year, according with the 'Court of Public Accounts' a reform that the Democratic Party accepted but clearly dislike especially those ones as Renzi that it's at risk of not passing the future electoral test. The main problem in the eventuality these cuts would be effectives it's the institutional chaos would be guarantee and further reforms would be necessary all to reduce the steril 'power' of Italian institutions at the exclusive advantage of Achen/Aquisgrana, In all this chaotic climate of State of Emergency, further restrictions and absolute Prohibition of Public Gatherings, Italy it's going to face a new political season pretty delicate while the Opposition still asleep. The Real Patriots are aware of the importance of the ongoing games and should form asap a unique cartel which in the case the referendum will bring to those cuts would be absolutely necessary, the political design to minimize the political representativity of the Italians people doesn't have actually a strong political opposition as it should be, if the goal it's about to save money therefore to cut bridges and getting rid of this crap fake EU it would bring a real big savings to the Italian taxpayers, this is the battlefield on which the Patriots are calling of duty now, Paragone is the main figure at the moment as it's the only one who can go on telly talk shows to bring our political agenda, singularly each extra parliamentary group must work on the ground fighting the Giant but to be a little weight got its advantages as long as there's a strategic shared plan among all.