COVID19 Italy Last Update
The Emergency status continues and the use of the mask is now Mandatory everywhere
The Salvini trial or rather the preliminary hearing started in a still quite warm city of Catania Sicily last 3rd of October, as usual there were demonstrators against Salvini and supporters of the whole center-right coalition kept separated by the law enforcement the usual Western buffoonish ‘living theater’ served for the cameramen of the mainstream , Salvini lawyer former Minister of Justice of the previous coalition government, Giulia Bongiorno got injured while entering inside the court permit because a piece of the tribunal wall has fallen down hitting her ankle, so she spent all time ( really some minutes ) on a wheelchair, she got off on that wheelchair supported by a gentle member of her party, so this is the image of the coalition that theoretically represent the political majority of Italy.
Days before ( 29TH of September ) the initial step of the ‘Trial of the Year’ Giorgia Meloni FdI leader ( Fratelli d’Italia ) was unanimously elected as the new president of the conservative and reformist group in the European Parliament CER ( Conservative European Reformist ), the group of those who believes that Europe can only be changed by standing inside and reforming it gained a new prestigious member, Fratelli d’Italia supposed to be the heir of ‘Alleanza Nazionale’ ‘National Alliance’ however the party born at the end of the cold war from the hashes of the M.S.I. (Italian Social Movement) which was the 4th Italian Party and in particular it was made up of former members of the Social Republic of Salò, those fascist that didn’t betrayed Mussolini and fought the enemies, British, Americans and their allied U.R.S.S. plus the various communist formation who especially in the north were furnished by the British foreign office Intelligence of all armaments and stuff to engage the civil war to ‘Liberate’ Italians by’ themselves’. Better to stop now I’m aware I’m going too far from the topic of this post but it’s inevitable for me as passionate of history and of politics in general anyway.
The preliminary hearing of the trial against the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, accused of kidnapping for preventing the disembarkation of 131 Fake Refugees rescued in the central Mediterranean by the Navy ship Gregoretti, It is that phase of the criminal trial in which the judge for the preliminary hearing (GUP) decides whether to send the accused to trial and then start the real trial phase, or acquittal and filing the trial itself.
If Salvini would be sent for trial, he would risk up to 15 years in prison, as wrote in a post in this blog almost a month ago, the crime of kidnapping of a person in Italy it’s a serious matter, during the economic boom of Italy and in particular since the 70s through all the 80s and early 90s the organized crimes of Sardinia and Calabria in particular ( but not only ) used to kidnap rich people regardless of age, sex and health condition keeping the hostages in captivity even for years, it was a phenomenon so spread that the press of that time used to kept a specific page with the precise numbers of the kidnapped, it’s a long chapter let’s conclude that Torinese top Model and member of a rich family Carla Bruni herself will admit she left Italy back in the days as she was afraid of being kidnapped.
The Italian State appeared to be powerless and the Politics response was quite hard or rather seizure of the assets of kidnapped family members, telephone under control and absolutely increased prison sentences for those who committed this crime, now would you dare to compare the legislative intervention of a Minister of the Republic to a criminal act so infamous like this? It’s seems absurd but not in Italy where the left-wing control over a good portion of the Judiciary System has long and strong roots, being unable to overcome on an electoral campaign the left-wing strategy, this is historically the heir of the communist style, is to destroy the image of the opponent to discredit him till the point to politically eliminate him, because in the eventuality of a conviction Salvini would not be able to be candidate for the future election, and that’s what the EU plan have been working for since long time, a plan studied by Macron,Merkel the 5Stars Movement and their fake Prime Minister with the contribute of the Vatican State led by Bergoglio the pro-immigration Jesuit Pope an extreme Stalinist in all facts.
The Catania prosecutor's office again asked, for the third time, to dismiss the accusation against Salvini. After two hours in the council chamber, however, the preliminary hearing has been postponed to the 20th of November, when Giuseppe Conte ( Prime Minister of all seasons ), Luigi Di Maio ( former allied of th 5StarsAshameful Movement now Minister of Foreign Affairs ), Danilo Toninelli ( former 5StarsAshameful Movement Minister of Infrastructures ) will also be heard, while on December the 4th Elisabetta Trenta ( 5StarAshameful Movement former Minister of Defense) , and the actual Minister of Interior Luciana Lamorgese and also the Italian ambassador in Europe Maurizio Massari will be heard.
Salvini's lawyer, Giulia Bongiorno, in fact asked for a probative investigation by the judge to verify whether the disembarkation procedures indicated in the indictment have continued during the current government, which of course continued indeed.
The Gregoretti case began at the end of July 2019, when Salvini was Minister of the Interior. After rescuing more than one hundred migrants on two different rubber boats, the commander of Gregoretti was not given authorization to dock and disembark the migrants. Salvini insisted according with the League policies accepted by the 5Stars Movement to stop this ridiculous mocking of the Italian authorities and all the 5 Stars Movement allied totally agreed with him, they have spent over a month to work on a government path, in the end the stalemate was finally resolved after some European countries and the Catholic Church had expressed their willingness to welcome Gregoretti's migrants, note soon after arrived in the hot spot center many of these fake refugees managed to escape.
Back to the present time the covid19 crisis changed a lot of things in the life of Italians but the business of welcoming Fake Refugees never stopped furthermore it was on last day the new dpcm anti-constitutional act. Which It’s not a real official law of course, but the government personal decision who doesn’t need the signature of the President of Republic and neither the involvement of a parliamentary debate, it’s a dictatorial system justified by the covid19 emergency in which the actual board of direction supposed to be the National Government of Italy it has particularly taken advantage of this to quell any political opposition
The Conte Bis government who after the recent local election have registered for the 5Stars a total debacle ( read the specific post about it ) it’s now on the leash of the Democratic Party who soon took the initiative and abolished the Securities Acts of Salvini approved by the former coalition government in which 5StarsMovement and Conte were member of and have signed too, reintroducing the ‘Humanitarian Permit’ which it’s something that doesn’t’ exist in any other country of the world.
It is all linked to the glorious victory of Mister Conte the Lawyer of Aachen or rather that Recovery Funds for which Conte have hardly worked during the covid19 crisis that put the Nation on its knees, the suspect it’s that as other left wing government before also in this case the barter was to welcome all immigrants in exchange for a substantial economic support or the Recovery Fund, so let’s see what’s the Recovery Fund it’s about and how it works.
Initially it was supposed to be given a 10% of the entire amount which is of 208,8 billions so divided in loans: € 127.4 billion (compared to 90.9 billion proposed by the EU Commission); transfers: € 81.4 billion (slightly less than the initial 90). The receiving of it it’s subject to the presentation of a national reform plan which refers to the biennial 2021-2023 the plan will be evaluated by the European Commission within two months of their submission, the second step then it’s the approval of the European Council which will express itself by a qualified majority on the proposal of the Community executive, this will be done through an implementing act which the Council itself will adopt within four weeks of the proposal.
The Commission will ask the Economic and Financial Committee for an opinion on the achievement of the targets, both intermediate and final.
The Recovery funds must be used for these fields only ,Health, Education, Energy and Transportation, the first tranche of money will be given after the presentation and subsequent approval of the plan so it’s about next autumn if not wrong. It’s curious that Italy indeed was the first Nation to be badly affected by the covid19 pandemic crisis when all around it was fine, and because of the covid19 all EU rules fallen down like a castle of sand, at the present time the situation it’s reversed or rather there are several EU State members facing a dramatic situation of the pandemic diffusion, Spain, France on top but also U.K. the curious thing it’s that despite the situation in Italy stabilized a lot in terms of diffusion, victims and hospitalized people the actual government postponed the state of emergency till the 15th of October and last evening again postponed once more till the end of January, while apparently there are no valid reasons for such a decision furthermore the use of the mask it’s now mandatory anywhere even in open spaces if you miss you can get sanctioned to pay a penalty from 400 to 1000 euros.
The psychological terrorism goes on and with it even the suspension of Democracy in Italy, as always the government didn’t discuss with the rest of the parliament they used an administrative act known as dpcm that isn’t a real law and therefore doesn’t need to be signed by the President of the Republic, it’s an absolute power on the hands of a government that doesn’t represent the Nation anymore and honestly never did, why keeping an high level of alert then? If the situation isn’t bad at all on the contrary it happened to be stable and quite good in any case better than elsewhere? Simply to force the government to accept the EMS which it’s a loan ready on the table, provided by an external financial institutions because the ECB can't give loans as any other central bank of the world, all this to prevent any attempt of Italy to get rid of this fucking EU fraud.
A curiosity, several Italian famous people, among journalist, politicians and mainstream characters got infected by the covid19 and they all have managed to recover soon, then they all have reported the same thing which is that it’s just a flu disease, lucky for them now the paramedics knows more about it and especially about how to treat the virus as initially the artificial ventilation machine was described as something absolutely necessary while it was a mistake that provoked the dead of a lot of people.
The Most important step following the EU plan to destroy any attempt of Italy to get rid of the EU ,as UK have done, was to take Salvini on trial then to change its ‘Security Acts’ particularly focused on the stopping of illegal immigration transportation by the various Ongs who doesn’t take them in their countries as in no other ports but Lampedusa or any other Italian one, the suspect I have is that the Recovery Fund its strictly linked with a ‘secret path’ between Conte the puppet and the rest of Northern EU State members who have a real strong political leaderships, the path is that Italy only must welcome all these fake refugees which are welfare migrants forced to get here and refused by all others EU States members, so considering the pandemic situation they will need medical treatment of course and here it intervene the Recovery Fund which can be used for medical purposes.
Furthermore I was reading on the government official web page that the reintroduced ‘humanitarian permit’ include a large variety of options, let’s make an example a Senegalese migrant declare he is escaping from Dakar because Senegal Health System it can’t afford to provide high quality standards of medical care therefore to avoid the risk of getting the damn virus the Senegalese collect his money and goes to Libya getting through a journey well organized where he pays the various elements of a network of spread illegality of which the French armies who is there deployed doesn’t see anything, in the end all these people are not going to France even if they are fluent French speaker anyway, the rest of the story its known even from the seagulls and others animals of the jungle, arriving in Libya the various militias divided the human load then with a satellite mobile phone they get in touch with the various Ogn’s Capitains and organized the ‘salvation’ in open seas of fake war refugees that are shipwreck in the Mediterranean sea in front of the Catholic Italy land of infidels.
The government re introduced the ‘humanitarian permit’ which is an unique of Italy only so this it’s going to increase the invasion furthermore the redistribution it’s going to be done within the national territories only or rather they will send migrants here and there to all the system of cooperatives of left-wing and of the catholic church that have always made business with it receiving public funds in spite of the fact that Italians taxpayers are badly affected by the economic crisis due to the covid19 pandemic, Salvini touched that business or rather he has intervened on the budget, when you want to hit someone Falcone and Borsellino told us follow the money and confiscates all assets money, property and there you will really hit them badly.
This country it’s hostage of a political minority that it’s imposing the multiculturalism ignoring of the tragic consequences its producing, they are watering on a hard field as Italians have enough, there’s no stability at all in terms of occupation and yet the government first thought are the migrants, their integration with houses benefit and stable jobs all things that Italians can only dream of, furthermore it remain absolutely mandatory the possibility of protesting, no public gatherings allowed, social distancing, forced use of mask all things that migrants never follows and for which are not even persecuted by the law enforcement as migrants have no documents, no private propriety nothing of nothing are untouchable, they are going to end up in centers where after few hours will escape and will try to reach the borderline with France or Austria where they will find a solid human wall of officers to stop them and send it back here, while all the leftards keep on explaining that the one who is blocking the redistribution of Fake Refugees in the wonderful EU is the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, while Macron is a benefactor of course.
We don’t need a crystal ball to predict the future and it’s going to be explosive, meanwhile I’m writing this post the press it’s reporting of a violent revolt of Tunisians fake Refugees hosted in a center in Agrigento.
Tunisia received from this government a huge of money while Italians were kept prisoners in their home furthermore they never stopped to invade our borderline neither when that clown of our Minister of Foreign Affairs Giggino and the Minister of Interior Lamorgese escorted by two eurocrats went once again taking further money, would you imagine someone more intelligent and smart than these useless parasites, with all the real problems Italy have, none it’s respecting our borderlines, 18 Italian fisherman kidnapped by Libyan coastguard that one we gave them the speedboats and various ships to patrol their cost on preventing the departures in the end are working with the OGN as for each transportation they make a fortune, same thing the Tunisians , Moroccans and Algerians fishermen too, they violates the territorial waters arriving till 2 miles from the Italian cost and the law enforcement doesn’t do absolute anything at least goes to collect the migrants, what a shame for a military unit to be employed as a sort of red cross, miserable destiny indeed anyway, just last day it was a rare case the Guardia di Finanza coastguard managed to arrest a Tunisian ship by the way shooting on air some bullets...., in any case if the fishermen return at home with no fishes at least they have earned a huge of money, all this thanks to the operations of which Salvini its been taken on trial but also the wrestling arm with the OGN led by the German rastafari Carola Rackete who has violated the stops of the Italian police and even rammed the boat forcing the police blockade all this under the suggest of the German Minister of Interior as herself admitted on a TV German show.
So she gave the example to everyone that it is possible to do the hell you want in Italy because it’s not a Sovereign State but a colony o Aachen therefore everyone it’s entitled to get here and to force even police controls so now anyone feel free to violate our territorial waters ,as to steal fishes and other important seafood resources of the local Italians fishermen not happy even kidnapping them and the Italian mainstream do not spend a word about it, it will end up that the Italian government will pay a big amount of money, as usual Italian taxpayers funds and will release, in secret, those smugglers arrested and convicted of the murdering of 49 people, this is the result of having a ‘board of direction’ instead of real National Government , it’s only merit of the 5Stars Movement If the Democratic Party who have lost all elections and on 20 regions of Italy it’s only governing on 5 it is returned to ruin the Nation regardless of the Italians needs they only care about migrants and these recent shameful decision it’s going to provoke further social tensions and they are aware of it, so with the excuses o covid19 are now deploying the army in the streets apparently for our wellbeing while it’s evident they want to repress any form of public demonstrations against their shameful operate.
It’s a dictatorship and the only hope for the free world it’s that the actual American President, the only one who is fighting against these shameful deep state somehow of which EU it’s the most disgusting part of it. will win again.