COVID19 Italy latest news
Actually from the dashboard of the national monitoring of the situation there are 12.953 positive increase 29 – reigned with good health 201.947 increase 305 – deceased 35.203 increase 13 – total of the cases 250.13 increase 347 Officially this is still the second phase, Lombardia remain on top of the list of the region with more cases 96.782 total caes (5.546) actual cases (76) increase followed by Piemonte 31.830 (790) (31),Emilia-Romagna: 30.052 (1.712) (44), Veneto: 20.598 (1.228) (63)and Toscana: 10.583 (457) (23) all the rest of Regions of the country are interested with reduced but still considerable numbers. On public transports to wear the mask and keep social distancing it is mandatory especially on trains in particular if you can't keep the social distancing of one meter to others people, people with disability and their career can avoid to wear a mask also children of 6 years old. No doubt that the more affected by the anti covid rules were and still are all those small business no more than two people are allowed to get in, you want a new haircut? you have to call the store owner and book an appointment at that time your body temperature is measured and you have to do a survey where basically you declare that you are well and have not met people with flu symptoms,the asymptomatic are not contemplated and you can't known who is it and who it isn't. At the beginning of this nightmare after the indecisions and errors of the government we have had a three month lock down and only recently we have discovered that the lock down imposed to the whole country wasn't even requested by those experts on which the government trusted and consulted before taking any decision. So on the so called first phase we had more restrictions indeed especially we used to queue at the supermarket, few people allowed to get in, a certificate was mandatory to justify your being off your place, security stuff at the supermarket didn't take any temperature neither asked to fill a statement as in other occasions you still have to do now. Schools are closed now but soon it'd be time for the young to go back on studying, those few who are lucky to enjoy the good season somewhere in holiday are just taking a break from the ordinary life but cannot escape covid rules even in the beach they are monitored by law enforcement, cameras, in some cases army. The football championship it's over now, it was stopped even before the beginning of the lock down then after it restarted but with empty stadiums, live music events same story or even worse. The news from all around the world are not good at all, too many countries are still on state of alert, some cases have been reported of Italian citizens who have spent holidays outside Italy that are returned Covid positive, the Italian press it's reporting of several cases from Croatia which it's close to Italy on the eastern border. Many people had the hope that this virus would have died with summertime temperature but it didn't happen so there are serious concern convid might change and with it it's possible even the medical treatment. What it's emerging according by the mainstream now it's that covid its interesting even young people if before we thought it was only affecting helders people mainly or with an already compromised health, now it's not longer like this, we all are at risk even more than before and there's a valid reason to be concerned. The change of season in Italy it might happen slowly or not but it's a fact that is the most dangerous moment, in normal conditions just being simply cold it's a quite common thing so the flu and now there's mainly one kind of flu around you don't want to get sick. At the present time we don't know yet how to defeat covid but also is not yet clear where this thing it's from? we only know that started in Asia and that China hide it for a while but how many government initially have done the same thing we don't know I presume several also here in the EU area, in conclusion we don't have substantial proofs to blame this or that country for this mass global murdering that it's still killing a huge of people worldwide, it is really important? for the relatives of those victims I guess so, also for economic repairs but let's be honest let's say we are going to find out Who to blame, the point is it is possible that a single country can afford to repair the damages that this bloody virus have done to all these economies? it is impossible of course unless you want to sacrifice that country and with it all its unaware innocent civilians too. Italy would be in a State of Emergency till the 15th of October then it should be the third phase and what's going to change in fact isn't yet clear apart the reopening of schools and some minors sport event the psychological damages are worrying me now, too many people it's scared to get out and to socialize, youngs people too our lifestyle it's radically changed and at the moment we are not allowed to hold public gatherings, so we can't express our opposition to the local institutions neither to the central government. Since the beginning of this nightmare I've started a fcb page in order to organize instant flash mob, I've personally violated the obligation to stay at home, getting outside by car or just walking around my surroundings, I used to do some video clip to collect those moments where I was also documenting the reality around me, I've joined a big national group of protesters that every Saturdays used to catch up in a public square to peacefully demonstrate against our government bad management of the situation it was at our own risk indeed as you can get a substantial administrative penalty of more than 400 euros, during the lockdown and considering the high percent of unemployment in Italy it's a stub in the back. Despite the risk of been caught demonstrating I as many others have challenged the gov dispositions as it was against our constitution, the Gov can't impose that lockdown indeed they used a legislative tool which wasn't even an act, discussed by all parliament, rather something juridically extemporaneous and abstract anyway all those decisions were taken by the gov only bypassing the Italian parliament ( on lockdown too ) while the EU negotiations were underway. A lot of brave Italians have collected that penalty and now appeals to the court are quite numerous anywhere in the country, a government rigid and inflexible with all citizenship allowed the celebrations of the 25th of April a divisional celebration political at all where the left wing supporters go on public square to celebrate the 'Liberation of Italy' from the dictatorship, it's a fact that didn't passed unnoticed of course, during the lockdown till the present day mass migration arrivals never stopped, many of those migrants already within the Italian territory didn't gave a shit of rules and restrictions especially drug dealers that are a stable presence in any Italian city, just prostitution on streets has stopped but migrants with no Id passport were and still are untouchable , the majority of them of course. On September first electoral testing it's going to happen, local elections in many regions are going to be a testing on this government who doesn't have the support of the majority of Italians, the leader of the Opposition Salvini Matteo it's going on trial risking 15 years in jail ( accused of kidnapping of illegal migrants kept aboard the German NGO of Karola Rachete ) while it's probable that he would be politically neutralized as with a conviction he will no longer be able to stand as candidates or hold institutional positions there are open spaces of action for all the radical anti EU political parties it's a major challenge and if we don't overcome those silly divisions that exist among ourselves we will not go anyway, the most important thing it's to place real opposers in any institutional palace at all levels and that's the only way to force the actual opposition to take a radical position about our EU membership status. Note the Data of Covid Dashboard might have changed you can check it out on the official institutional website