DIVIDE ET IMPERA the American Chapter
Social tensions and street clashes have characterized the advent of the Trump presidency, Obama himself does not spare himself in giving his contribution at the end of his mandate so that the arrival of the new President was greeted with street protests and demonstrations of open hostility by a part of the American people.
In a nation, albeit a federal one, like the United States, which has experienced the 'civil war', after the war for independence from the United Kingdom, the divisions on which current social tensions rest have well-defined historical antecedents, the official historiography accompanied by films, various books and stories on the cruelty of the slavery phenomenon have led the common imagination to believe that the American 'civil war' had at its center the sole purpose of the abolition of slavery, the roots on which the very meaning of the term 'Racism' is based inevitably in memory of that all-American conflict. While in March 1861 (Wednesday 17 to be precise ...) after three wars of independence the Italian unitary state was born, in the form of a parliamentary monarchy, (the Mazzinian revolutionary aspirations went to be blessed) where the King essentially carried out functions that today can be traced back to the figure of the President of the Republic, his was the final signature for the approval of the laws, plus other peculiarities, in the same year in the month of April 1861 began the American 'Civil War' against the Confederate States of the South. The first questionable fact is to define that armed conflict with the name of 'Civil War' if it was a clash between Native Americans of tribal groups against others it would make sense to speak of a civil war, if by civil war we want to mean a war between compatriots 'brothers', in the American case it is a social fabric made up of European colonizers of various nationalities and if we want to understand as civil war the war that is fought within a state between opposing groups well then we accept this definition as valid.
In the specific case of what is commonly called the American Civil War in reality it was a war of Independence of the Southern States from those of the North, the former British American colonies rose up against the United Kingdom for economic reasons, primarily the high pressure of London tax, there would be a lot to say but I try to simplify myself in spite of myself, I'm just a blogger who tries to kill time after all, with the end of the War of Independence that historians call the 'American Revolution' the United States of America are born, in fact, all various states were involved in opposing the United Kingdom and compactly fought for their independence, independence but also a concept other than the British model of government and therefore revolutionary in that sense, or of rupture, they did not hover from a state that harassed them to replace it with another, each of the states affirmed its independence from the United Kingdom but at the same time his own freedom to decide for himself, how to organize himself and how to regulate his existence with his own laws, once the figure of a central federal government was established, each state maintained, as indeed today, its independence on many subjects, what went to crack the equilibrium from which the armed conflict then took place was not mainly the desire to abolish slavery, 'Libertè Egalitè Fraternitè' the French revolutionary motto as a background and the Statue of Liberty donated by France, a historical enemy of 'England' in New Amsterdam or New York from an intellectual point of view the 'American Revolution' was also yet another clash between the two colonial empires a Republic and a Monarchy, the French revolutionary principles inevitably assumed an intellectual role even in the famous American Revolution where slavery obviously represented an unacceptable contradiction.
England as well as other European Monarchies but also Republican France had practiced slavery and the deportation of African slaves to the various American colonies, the British then 'repented' and following a long process they came to the abolition of slavery. The first abolitionist hints date back to the times of the Venetian Republic in 960, the first European country to actually abolish it was the Kingdom of Denmark in 1792, the United Kingdom after a long process abolished slavery on March 25, 1807 with the famous 'Slave trade act.' Royal Navy was later actively employed in the fight against the slave trade, let's say that this commitment, which lasted about fifteen years, was mainly directed against France, following the Algerian enterprise of 1830 France found itself isolated internationally and finally yielded , there is little wonder after all Libertè Fraternitè egalitè 'only beautiful words remain if, however, they are not followed by facts, those principles that then gave a revolutionary character also to the American enterprise are part of the perennial clash between the two colonial empires, let's say France somehow took its 'revenge' by also militarily supporting the American garrisons at war with London. Returning to the American question, the newly born United States of America went into crisis because the Southern states considered the central federal government like London, they felt oppressed and harassed in the same way, what the fuck had they fought to do the rest? Certainly not to end up with the exact same problem all over again.
The predecessor of Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865) as president,Mister James Buchanan (1857-1861), had allowed as many as seven Southern states to leave the Union without making a fuss. In fact, it was foreseen since the Declaration of Independence that a state could withdraw from the federal pact when it deemed it appropriate. Slavery had nothing to do with it. The problem was purely economic as it is todays and always has been. The North economy was protectionist while the South model was of a free-trade, the North economy which was industrial and manufacturing, defended its products with high tariffs; the South instead which was of an agricultural economic model had to import this stuff, however, exported i large quantity its cotton and tobacco to the rest of the world therefore Its detachment from the Union would have diverted trade to its duty-free ports and is this the main important aspect that provoked the armed conflict.
Paradoxically the abolitionists themselves agreed that the South should go on its own, so much so that William Lloyd Garrison (1805-1879), the founder of the American anti-slavery society, supported its secession. A good example was given by Brazil, who was a federal state too in which one of the states, Cearà, had abolished slavery, consequently the blacks took refuge there and inevitably this brought down the price and, in a few years, led to the abolition in the whole country. The American secession would have caused the flight of slaves to the abolitionist states and this would have forced the ruined South to follow the Brazilian example furthermore the overwhelming majority of Southerners were not slave owners and, indeed, several prominent personalities (such as Generals Lee and “Stonewall” Jackson) were opposed to slavery. The first seven states that had withdrawn from the Union had actually done so because it was no longer convenient for them to stay there and this was peaceably admitted since the days of “fathers of the fatherland” such as Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams. So judging that the central government had now become oppressive as London used to be seven states claimed their right to slam the door or rather, South Carolina, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Florida. It's with Abraham Lincoln election in 1861 that things take a different turn, Lincoln needed a 'casus belli' and it worked in that direction by sending a ship to supply Fort Sumter, which controlled the port of Charleston of South Carolina. It was clearly a provocation because South Carolina had already made itself independent and did not intend to allow the federal government to maintain and even to strengthen a garrison on its own territory. The locals fallen into the Lincoln web and opened fired on the fort and despite there was not a single wounded their reaction served Lincoln to declare the rebel secessionists and to start war. At that point, four other states declared their independence: Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina and Arkansas. In fact, at the time of signing the Constitution, Virginia – but also New York and Rhode Island – had obtained the inclusion of a ratification clause that allowed it to leave the Union if the central government had not been to the agreements, they had not fought against English tax oppression to find themselves subjected to a similar power. Hence the war. Which was not of the states of the South against those of the North, but of the eleven made independent against the federal government
The Civil War was also the first total war in history after the days of ancient paganism. For the first time, the civilian population also became a target of war. In occupied New Orleans, Northern General Butler effectively gave his soldiers rape license in a proclamation. In Vicksburg, General Sherman had all the farms destroyed and the crops completely requisitioned. In Meridian, for five days, ten thousand Northern soldiers worked with picks, axes and fire to raze every house to the ground. The total fire in Atlanta can be seen in the famous film 'Gone with the Wind' today on BLM ,Politically Correctness and antifa critics for the bad representation of the blacks people . In that war, science made its talent available for the first time, long time before the first world war, the Italian war on Ethiopia too represent the second step of an industrial country that used modern equipments for the war. The “chivalrous” war of the previous centuries had disappeared forever, nor would it ever return, in a crescendo of horrors whose end still cannot be seen today. For this and for the real causes of the detachment of the South, Lincoln's murderer, John Wilkes Booth after having perpetrated the attack in a daring escape that saw him fall on the stage exclaimed: “Sic semper tyrannis,” so always to tyrants In the eyes of the Southerners, Lincoln was but an oppressor.
BLM and antifa indulged in looting and devastation in all cities where the manifestation took place, all started to denounce the racism of police and in general of the american society, the american antifa mainly white people alongside the BLM denounce the existence of the 'white privilege' numerous physical attacks against anyone who manifested a different political thought, or even just put at the center a message such as that All Lives matter as that man of which I've wrote on this blog that has been brutally assaulted in Portland, a truck driver not really a great privileged job indeed but respectable of course, that man named Adam do represent an ordinary man not even too politicized who didn't hesitate a second and went to defend a person, transgender, who was robbed in the general chaos typical of these 'peaceful' demonstrations according to many democrats leaders, in all this mess the role of the mainstream supporting BLM at all it's just watering on social tensions that has nothing to do with the death of George Floyd all to give a critical background image of the American society consequent of Trump bad administration, despite the Democratic convention it's over the machine set in motion under the pretext of G.Floyd's death is still in progress and perhaps will run out little by little, until the next major political event in which the left will need a new symbol to stir up the masses but ignoring the real deep malaise that exist but that's too far to be understood by the globalist elites.