'Half of The Italian Government Under Investigation' and the mainstream press in Italy.

Conte Merkel

The fact that half of the actual Italian government it's under investigation should be on the front page of any newspaper and telejournal too , is not something of less importance that you can relegate to the last pages. It's of last month the news that the Italian senate gave the 'OK' go on to bring Salvini Matteo Lega leader on trial for the case of the NGOs 'Open Arms' a vote, and not even the first of the case, which returns the figure of a country split in two 149 in favour 141 contrary, just 8 votes made the difference, Salvini it's accused of multiple kidnapping for having detained at sea the Spanish NGO 'Open Arms' with 164 illegal immigrants on board transported illegally to Italy with the usual stratagem of 'rescuing in the open sea' of a boat in obvious danger, the former Minister of Interior blocked the Open Arms for 20 days, a period of time in which the NGOs could have go elsewhere, Malta ,southern France and of course Spain itself to which the NGOs belongs to. The fact that these NGOs ship have the flag of a Nation it's just a symbolic thing, often the crews are mixed, reproducing an all-European multi-ethnic microcosm or in any case of Western citizens only, in the specific case of the 'Open Arms' it is not even a secret it's part of the financial project known as the 'Open Society' financially supported by the Jewish philanthropist of Hungarian descent George Soros. That immigration it's a political pressure tool is nothing new, see Brexit referendum result, see the assaulting of massive groups of illegal migrants that Turkey pushed on the Greek borderline, the recent iron wrestling between France and U.K., I've wrote a detailed post about it on this blog. Matteo Salvini actual Lega leader put the stopping of human trafficking of illegal migrants or rather Fake Refugees on the Government agenda, the first government known as the Yellow Green majority with Conte prime minister had the political support of the majority of the Italians people on the contrary of the Democratic Party policies of open borders and totally acceptance of all NGOs transboarding of fake refugees to the Italians ports only. Matteo Salvini on trial was on top of all the news and of course on the front pages of all journals and television news bulletin but while the news of the trial of a single person who used to be Minister of Interior of a coalition Government who therfore also included a good part of the actual majority, 5StarsMovement and the same Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, 'the lawyer of Italians' has been reported as the most important news by all the mainstream, differently the investigation of half members of the government and of the P.M. Conte himself it's partially reported or rather it's just on that press right wing-conservative oriented. The fundamentals of a Western Democracy it's the Freedom of Thought in which journals and TV news bulletin and shows are the plastic representation of this principle, separated powers, juridical and legislative complete the format of the Western Democracy or rather apparently in all the Western World these are the aspects that make of the West an unique block familiar because of the adopted system of power. However the Freedom of Speech therefore of printed word in the Western world it's living the worsen moment of its existence, the format itself had an apical moment during the Nuremberg trial it was refined in that occasion for the purpose of re-educate an entire Nation , that format arrived to us through the decades till the present time and evolved alongside the technological evolutions of mass media. The next coming trial of Salvini with the total covering of journals and TV it's giving the idea of the fact that it's highly probable he can be convicted no matter if he was in a coalition government with the same Prime Minister of today not even the fact that the political agenda of total opposition of the illegal immigration wasn't just his single private political battle, Salvini indeed has a strong followers support that forced the party to change the name from La Lega to La Lega with Salvini, destroyed and reduced to dust by scandals and investigations , the party treasurer accused of dissipation of public funds misappropriation of the same that was the substance of the scandals themselves La Lega – The League, was almost dead but Salvini leader won a difficult bet taking a dying party on the edge of certain death to the actual days where it's a fact has became the first party of the centre right-conservative area, overtaking the several times Premier and leader of the center right Silvio Berlusconi, the hated historical enemy of the Italian left who later on would have be a good ally that driven by an high sense of 'institutional responsibility' formed a government with the Democratic Party of Matteo Renzi the the cynical and unscrupulous leader without values ​​willing to sell himself and to sell opposite ideas and principles who in fact has become the distinctive trait of the globalist left that inspired the political action of the 5StarsMovement or rather to promise and disregard all the opposite of everything as long as to keep the power and its benefits, considering that the majority of 5StarsMovement M.P. and Senators were unemployed or with unstable jobs mainly unskilled people that suddenly find themselves earning a huge amount of money ready to do everything to keep the power in their hands no matter if they have betrayed all it can have been betrayed. Politically the ongoing investigation on the Government agenda during all this time of covid crisis it's an important affair, we are talking about more than 35.000 people who have died and today we know most of them could have been saved furthermore it's the totalitarian management of the power to rule the country which has no historical precedent, the lock down imposed to the entire Nation, later on it'd be known wasn't necessary, the absolute violation of constitutional rights all in the name of safeguarding the national health and that's the shield the ruling class it's waving now on which pretend it's decisions were necessary even if not democratic, to bypass parliament at all too, producing a list of provisional legislative actions at the government only discretion. An investigation is not a Trial that's fine but still remain a political data of absolute importance, the easygoing attitude of too many journalists of both written and audio and video media it gives the idea of certain of impunity it's already written, in this country the justice courts are part of the political battlefield another good portion it's on the press, the control of a good part of magistrates by the left wing it's an established fact, with the Berlusconi time we had a previous example and in that case the attack to his person was taken to a level never seen before, attacked on more fronts with no exclusion of hits, since ever the demolition of the figure of the 'enemy' it's on the communist strategy, if you can't beat him on the elections to destroy its reputation is the first step to reduce it' popularity and in the case of a tycoon of a private mass media empire as Berlusconi was and still is it was mandatory. The long political battle between the Center-left block and the Center-wing one has produced a trial of Berlusconi and a conviction then of the former Prime Minister but on the plan of mass media tools we have seen the born of a private channel all left wing oriented La7, so between the traditional Public Service of 'Mamma Rai' there are private channels that belong to the opposite political areas. In all this situation the role of the web and of social media networks on top became the main target of the illiberal actions of censorship in which the left stays on top, that 'Politically Correctness' worldwide spreaded in all the West it's the main instrument used to attack the freedom of speech, the social media banning of political post of private citizen are frequent, the American President himself known as great twitter users has been banned too, the battle then moved on this field and Donald Trump is on the front line, his opposition to the 'Deep State' it's a fact and a lot of Americans citizens are with him, even the Brexit referendum result has provoked a violent reaction of the censors, the control over the mainstream, the propaganda of its political activist pretending to be journalists is not enough as these two defeats as the Trump election and the Brexit result are still burning a lot. What about Democracy then? if in the name of Politically Correctness we can express our point of view? if the totality of mainstream journalists it's on the pay book of those markets and financial elites that are imposing policies in conflict with the people direct interests ? in open conflict with the idea itself of a Democracy? if on an hand there's no a single unique model of a Western Democracy on the other there's a single model of mass media communication which is the mainstream media system that as in the US or in EU it's the same who establish what can be said and what cannot. The link between the judiciary system and the world of information it's huge, it's up to them the legitimating of the Leadership of a political figure as it's destruction too regardless of people willing and of any basic democratic principles, the role of the free world wide web its crucial and the consequent birth of real independent web channels a sign of reaction and political opposition to a totalitarian model pretending to be Democratic. Globalism ultra liberalism economic model it's the worse Totalitarian form of Governance the covid19 affair on their hands it's a dangerous tool even before the health issues.