Gianluigi Paragone a new Party is born ItalExit

ItalExit Taurinorum 'Paragone ItalExit New Political Party'

Gianluigi Paragone senator of the Republic former member of the 5StarMovement, former because he has been kicked out of the 'party' a political movement that was born as a anti system populist group and once being in power before with Salvini Lega right wing party then turned into a pro European party betraying all of it promises, forming a new gov with the left. It is of recent days that Gianluigi Paragone annouced the birth of a new political party named ItalExit, hope on the international press you can find out more about it, here Im just giving my political opinion by having read what he is saying on telly and writing on his social media channel.

1) Recovery of Monetary Sovereignty 2) Fight against privatizations 3) an industrial renaissance plan 4) border control accompanied by a process of true integration into the social fabric.

In summary, the Paragone project is based on what is a widespread feeling and which has worsened with the covid emergency, I would say all interesting things, the moods around this project were immediately very acidic, this is because Paragone attended the 5stelle, while remaining critical and waiting to be hunted, however, it was finally decided to break the ice bringing ItalExit to the attention of the general public.

The positive thing is that inevitably the next elections will already be a sort of referendum on the EU in itself, and this is an opportunity for all the extra-parliamentary political formations, especially those that have set their political program on leaving the EU since several years of being on the competition to gain some seat, each one of us must really choose his own party, the important thing it's to erode of the 5 Stars movement power altogether so the bipolarity struggle will be between those who want to stay and those who don't and then it will be interesting to see especially in the center-right what the decisions will be, because it is useful to reiterate it, not it is with 5% that you leave the EU to do that it takes a political majority first and then activate the procedure that we have seen in the UK it was from the mainstream and from those powers against which we will clash opposed with psychlogical terrorism, fake news of all kinds etc etc.

The end of the beyond the right and beyond the catch prhase of the 5Starsfuckers requires the return of ideas and the free and democratic confrontation between all, without a clear ideology, a long-term project and therefore the future will not go very far.

Personally I think that a sovereign nation must also be able to demonstrate that it can effectively resolve foreign policy issues in perfect autonomy, therefore a reformed military force ready to intervene in the Mare Nostrum to resolve the Libyan affair in this way Italy will be able to gain that prestige that in addition to an international credibility capable of awakening the other Democracies of the Mediterranean basin with which to build solid relationships capable of opposing the hegemony of an increasingly intrusive Erdogan and which should be put back in its place as Putin has been able to do in Syria.

The second world war is over since 70 years a new scenario opens up and we have all the means to build national life and above all educate the People who must return to believe in themselves because being a Great Nation is a task that involves and requires the commitment of everyone from the garbage collector to the aerospace engineer., with today's technology and the frenetic evolution of it, we can achieve great results.