Beirut Moonlight

WAR ONLY WORLD HYGIENE used to says Marinetti the founder of Futurism the first artistic avant garde movement The concept of WAR it's always here with us, there are different levels of war, at low intensity, commercial war, propagandistic war, the level can increase till a real open armed conflict. Actually we can watch a the globe the presence of fires of war as a signal of smoke in the sky the intensity of that smoke gives the idea of how higher are the risk the situation can suddenly change into a armed conflict, divide et impera policies are still the best way to overthrow a government legitimate democratically elected and the reason beyond are all part of a greater political design in which common National interest of different countries are involved. Lebanon and Honk Kong are the hottest places at the moment but not the only ones. Italy is engaged in 35 military operations around the world 34 for of which are in international of 25 countries, according with the reports of the Ministry of Defense the total amount of personnel employed is of 12,520 units of which 6.920 in the national territory and 5.560 in international operations. The largest Italian contingent abroad is the one engaged in Lebanon, where Italy participates in the UNIFIL mission, acronym of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. In the country there is also the Italian Bilateral Military Mission in Lebanon, known as MIBIL. The total number of Italian personnel in Lebanese territory therefore amounts to 1250 units. Lebanon is the country where for the first time since the end of the second World War the Italian Army officially have been deployed, the civil war left a huge of victims and because of its position it's since the past back to the Roman empire that Beirut has been at the center of violent clashes between West and Middle East. Sabra e Shatila massacre in 1982 its a crime that still it's calling for justice but there's no justice in this world or rather as always I don't think that Justice belong to this world hopefully in the kingdom of heaven it would be so. The recent big explosion of Beirut with more than a hundred victims ( body count its still ongoing ) appear to be an incident, the MSM already balimed indirectly Hezbollah of having abandoned in a site with poor and precarious security conditions which was the port warehouse a huge amount of explosive sensitive material or rather ammonium nitrate used to make fertilizers, so smart these people to collect such a huge of that stuff in a unique squalid site located in an important place which is the Beirut port anyway should I assume these guys are really Idiots anyway let's forget about it, let's the MSM only have clear explanations do you wanna buy it? go on. Lebanon was already in a difficult economic crisis and now it's even worse with poor food supplies and with ordinary revolts that have already provoked the government resignation of Hassan Diab, a real revolution it's of the kind of those we have seen in the recent years in Northern Africa relatives of those victims apart who knows how many of these people are politically opponents of Hezbollah supported by foreign countries? probably a lot of them. It's Chaos now as it was in Lybia after Ghedaffi murder, a divided country, and that's possible it's what some 'dark obscure forces' wanted to achieve. Lebanon as country is born during the France Nazi occupation in 1942 from a demographic point of view there are various ethnic groups, palestinian arabs, christians, Syrians. Many experts have inevitably thought of a new dramatic terrorist attack, linked to the trial underway in The Penal Court of Aja. At the stand there are four defendants in absentia, all members of the Shiite Hezbollah movement, which has always rejected the accusations: Salim Ayash, Habib Merhi, Hussein Oneissi and Assad Sabra. They are accused of “conspiracy for terrorist purposes and intentional murder”. For this reason Hezbollah leaders denied any involvement in the explosion, also excluding that it was an Israeli attack on one of its weapons depots, the fact that Israel has been excluded of being directly involved by an official declaration of Hezbollah is not of secondary importance furthermore having a trial like the one mentioned before it's a good chance to put gas on fire and to create a link like those that has imposed Hezbollah to make such official statement.

A Somalia scenario appear to be the most probable in my opinion as the western aids of food and funds for the reconstruction of the New State, considering at the moment Lebanon in terms of institutions capable of governing the territory doesn't exist anymore, might provoke a chaotic civil war to establish who it's going to manage those aids like happened in Somalia indeed.

The advantages of such a chaotic situation in that specific area of the world it's huge, all of the illegal traffics are possible now, who is controlling who? and especially what it's getting there, guns weapons ammo to support a side of a possible conflict in which Hezbollah national socialist party it's the main target and doesn't have to mention who and why has interest on attacking Hezbollah now. Who is Hezbollah then? Hezbollah means The Party of God born in 1982 as a paramilitary forces became a political party on a second moment and confirm itself as the strongest army of Lebanon also because of the Iranian Islamic Republic support,its leader is Hassan Nasrallah.

Suicidal attacks sign its affirmation in the world especially on the early days in 1983 the most signficant one was the attack international peacekeeping force in west Beirut that killed 241 US marines and 56 French para. Italian army was there and joined the operations as far as possible of rescue of wounded and dead.

Shiite Islam therefore natural allied of the Syrian President Bashar al Assad Hezbollah joined the war in Syria against Daesh, among all the enemies of Hezbollah, Israel and USA apart, it's France ,EU State member, one of the natural enemy of the shiite political armed party, France attitude to the former colonies never changed and still consider those countries area of France mainly interest, Macron visited the country soon indeed as to confirm the role that France its ready to affirm in the country and Hezbollah is an obstacle that must be eradicated. Soon after France there's Germany that put Hezbollah on the list of undesired presence in its territory, declaring illegals all the forms of collecting funds made in the German territory in favour of Hezobllah by the Shiite Mosques. EU or rather Achen/Acquisgrana on Israel and USA pressure declared that Hezbollah it's a terrorist group and banned its satellite television because of the incitement of racial hate especially against Israel. The side effects of what appears to me as a real coup will soon be felt in the EU territory, in particular in France and Germany, it's probable a new humanitarian crisis with consequent increase of migration process but the Shiites have always been refractory to the idea of ​​abandoning their country unlike the Sunnis who are the vast majority of migrants who invade the coasts of southern Europe, Italy in the lead. At this point I am really curious to see what the attitude of the Italian government will be, considering of the large Italian military contingent on site, I am not optimistic and I fear that the Italian government will sleeps as it did while Italian interests were trampled in Libya by the EU French ally, again the Mare Nostrum it's the center of geopolitical upheavals that are inevitably of strategic importance for Italy given that it is our natural neighborhood but the EU membership status it's just a brake a real cheat for all Italians people, Italians real patriots don't buy MSM bullshit and don't trust those fake allies and the crap fake union known as the EU.