Let's ByPass MSM
The Big Brother it's a format of a particular new model of TV shows, what it appear to be as a silly funny show while it is something different than usual telly crap we were used to watch. The entertainment industry hasn't made just a leap of 'quality' rather it was on a hand a sociological experiment focused on a small place with a small group on the other it has been the put on practice of what later on would be applied on a largest scale. First of all getting the willing of participants to be involved with it was the first step/goal to let them accept to live under specific rules to be lived as a ludic experience, there were too many people wishing to be part of it that the authors have made the show of the show, in reality that was an effect expected but not obvious, the long queues of pretending to be a participant gave the idea that the submission of the masses can be accomplished with the consent of the masses themselves, it's terrible but true. The figure of a psychologist who supervises everything and that took private conversation with any single participant just to give the idea of human interaction and of mental health care provided to those little mice at any moment, you play well you win your slide of cheese you fails you might be kicked out one day and as in highlander at last only one will prevail, 'divide et impera' applying on a mall group to install the process on which will emerge one natural leader, the winner of the show. Now MSM applied the same method on a large scale and even if you don't see it it is so Orwell imaginary world it's here. The Big Brother format was spread everywhere in the West and beyond, after it others format arrived, the format for pretending to be a Star of the music business too, it's the MSM who is in control of everything even those 'Idols' we have to imitate too or models we need to identify with. Back in the days the Music Business was a different world rock n roll bands in all their various kinds were a spontaneous reaction against the establishment, we have had in all the West Musicians, Folk Singer, Bands etc. etc. who used to do politics somehow and also to stimulate people intellectually same thing cinema and in particular 'the independent ones. Back in the days the establishment used to exploit this natural process in order to make money but during the years MSM took over and now it's the establishment who is creating everything even those supposed to be 'revolutionary' elements that we feels are real while they are not, it's all a fake. In a post of this blog I've wrote about Andrea Boccelli making a political statement about the anti covid19 restrictions imposed by the actual Italian 'ruling' class, meat puppets on Achen/Acquisgrana hands, would you believe back in the days a Musician like him making a political statement? there aren't spontaneous phenomenon in the world of creativity, those few true and pure real Artist/Creative people struggle to emerge and not because they aren't valid but simply because are uncontrollable and dangerous too therefore are ignored by MSM, in conclusion Bocelli on an hand it has displaced everyone on the other hand it has thrown a big blow to the arrogance of power of the Italian ruling class, thanks Andrea you are not a local artist you are a worldwide big star of music and by clearly speaking up you gave voice to all those people that are always ignored kept away by the MSM, who it seems silly even to pointing out are all controlled by financial institutions who are the real Deep State who all control and all legitimate to exist even included the 'rebels elements' so antifa BLM etc.etc are just the useful idiots who really believe that to fight against power means to go in the street to engage fight with police, a thunderous applause to this bunch of fools it's all deserved indeed. The silent majority doesn't march with these fools and doesn't even buy MSM crap anymore, more and more are the people who are opening their eyes, Brexit, Trump is a proof that the Big Brothers methods aren't working anymore, more are the people aware that we must reject the 'Divide et Impera' policies because we all are afloat in the same filthy water and that it's time to reverse this shitty process, the struggle isn't between White against Black, or Antifa vs Fascist The clash can only be among us all who are below and we are also the majority against those few very rich true exploiters who are above, they keep on watering on those silly fake problems but militant stupids are just a few all the rest dangerous nazifascist racist extremist whatever of course. In Conclusion let's bypass MSM let's keep in touch directly with other ordinary people all over the world, create real alternative literature, music, blogging, social media too and the fact that social media owners boycott Trump too its just a sign of the fact that real power its elsewhere and that Democracy need to be restored, as Westerner we have the duty to do it then it'd be benefits not only for our own world but also for those people of other part of the world too.