Macron blackmails London, Aachen's retaliation a few months before the officiality of Brexit
The 'Highway of the English' or rather 'Autoroute Des Anglais' it's the highway traveled by hundreds of trucks and cars every day and especially in summertime, from Calais or Dunkirk you can embark to reach Dover U.K. territory, 33 km as the crow flies separate the two countries.
I've already wrote about Calais and the birth of the biggest illegal hotspot of France known as 'The Jungle' the name given to that 'spontaneous' hotspot recall in a symbolic manner the idea of absence of authority, a wild territory where everybody has to learn how to survive where there's no sign of any politics to prevent clashes among its inhabitants, in the jungle there's an ostensible kind of anarchy while in fact it's the law of the strongest that rules.
It is absolutely unthinkable that the secret services of a Sovereign Country ( EU Member ) are unaware of the processes that govern the birth of certain phenomenon.
The Jungle stayed there and its function was of an instrument of political pression but especially for the political propaganda that gave an important contribute for the Brexit referendum result.
To infiltrate someone or why not even an entire squad of secret agents in the Jungle it's like putting an hot knife into the butter, it's a cake and it's a practice in which isn't even unthinkable that more than a country might be involved with.
What we see on the surface it's what we have to see but it's between the lines and in some cases beyond that we must look, I can light a big fire hoping that the smog provoked will recall the attention of someone but that can be also a strategic step to keep away from more important things any possible interference.
National State operate on different levels, supposed to be allied often didn't share the same purpose and when there's no convergence of common interests then it's more like an 'arm wrestling' situation in which both contendent are trying to win.
The Jungle prospers During the presidency of François Holland Prime Minister was Manuel Valls ( 2014 – 2016 ) when the enfant prodige of the French elites Macron future leader of 'En Marche' who is a banker first of all, held the post of Minister of the Economy, in U.K. it was David Cameron turn, the Conservative leader in charge made history for managing the Brexit referendum, David Cameron however didn't wanted to leave the E.U. after several meetings and negotiations he worked for the 'Remain' campaign and has lost his battle so the day after resigned from downing street.
It is important to have the political spectrum of the whole situation, both country share a colonial empire therefore the 'arm wrestling' it's a practice they always have done face to face, all migrants are fluent speaker of French and English and not because they won a scholarship at the Sorbonne or at the Oxford institute, if the oldest empires don't exists anymore it doesn't mean that the political influence it's been lost with it.
Both country decided to eliminate Ghedaffi in particular France, during Sarkozy presidency, who had particular interest on closing Ghedaffi mouth forever.
The military intervention in Lybia was a common interest of both these countries soon after Sharkzoy it's David Cameron the second European leader that insisted to overthrow Ghedaffi powership on the northern african country, Ghedaffi dead follows a long list of National Socialist leaders that didn't had a democratic process at the Aja (Holland) international court see Slobodan Mjlosevic the Serbian leader supported before by all the West, USA ahead, than betrayed.
Illegal migrants have become bargaining chip, source of lucrative earnings but also an excellent instrument of political pressure at the same time, Anghela Merkel obtained a substantial financial funds to block the easter border of Germany paying directly the Turkish 'dictator' Erdogan who recently forced an invasion of a huge of illegal migrants mostly men, fake rfgs, on the Greek borderline, in that occasion we have seen the Greek people compact united fighting back the invasion, military forces and especially local people attacked OGNs, which are at the orders of their respective governments from which they receive indirect financing, the Greeks have shown to the rest of European Patriots that it is possible to stop the arrogance of financial elites who pretend to govern our life. Theresa May took the place at number 10 of Downing street soon after Cameron resign and took care of the 'day after' negotiations with the EU institutions, to secure its border her government invested a huge of money of British taxpayers to built a wall to prevent any attempt by illegal migrants to enter the U.K. land by hiding themselves in the trucks. It is almost sure that among all things, that have determined the willing of the British people to leave the EU, immigration played a key role and so 'The Jungle' of Calais as well, MSM reaction on the Brexit referendum result was quite evident, delusion on a hand but didn't lost hope on the other, the hammering played by the MSM has been huge, the idea of a second referendum was on top of the list, the message was that the British voters have been fooled by Farage first and Cameron's naivety then, the recent elections in U.K. put a stone once and forever on eurocrats mouths. The BBC of course it's full of supposed to be journalist which are left wing political activist mainly that have to defend their status quo and have failed at all, again here we have the demonstration that the Native People of a country have made the difference as in Greece, long time abandoned by the major parties the british working class took its revenge at the first occasion given to say its word and despite all forces in the field were against them they have won, democracy prevailed. Now to think that those 'forces' gave up it's like as said before been captured by some smoke signal in the sky from somewhere else to keep the observer distract from the most important thing the actual invasion attempted by groups of illegal migrants, on the 6th of June 235 migrants arrived in the U.K. territory again on the 8th of August another group of 130 people, differently from the usual in this case the 'fortun boats' were full of women and children.
Between U.K. and France the arms wrestling it's on by the face of their respective Minister of Interior so on a side there's Chris Philip on the other Christophe Castaner, Philip it's accusing France of negligence on controlling the border and that should prevent the departure of these 'fortun boats' promising that all the illegal migrants arrived from France will return back. On 12 July 2020, the French and British Ministries of the Interior signed an agreement to create a police intelligence unit capable of combating human trafficking and reducing irregular crossings of the Channel. The first political effect its to show to the British people that despite UK it's leaving EU it is impossible to stop the invasion furthermore if between EU State members there are shared intel data U.K. now it is out of the 'games' and so must willing or not stand up and go to sit at the table of negotiations which means to invest money anyway for the contrast at the mass immigration plus of course the internal political pressure that the British institutions have to deal with Refugee Action director Stephen Hale, for example says that limited arrivals do not constitute a 'migration crisis' and called on the London government to worry about the coronavirus crisis instead, Boris Johnson amazing majority in the country can be deflated on this field, the more realistic among the British voters are aware that Boris Johnson it's far away from being considered as a real Nationalist leader who will defend their interests, it is more likely to happen that it's going to be hard for the EU western citizens only to enter U.K. despite as westerner have more in common with them than any of those Islamic people while nothing it's going to change for all those migrants coming from African and Middle East area for whom special channel would be open anyway as before, again while the people are watching that smoke signal it's elsewhere that things are moving on, just adapted to the new reality. Once upon a time there was a brilliant politician in U.K. the youngest M.P. 21 years old of the British Parliament who have tried to free U.K. by those financial elites who have taken the control of the Bank of England and put him in jail during the 2WW despite he didn't committed any crime but just for its political ideas only, Sir Oswald Mosley didn't had the crystal ball but as an acute and smart politician as he was indeed was aware of the illimitate power and resources of the sharks of wall streets and of the City of London too who by exploiting countries and population worked then to create that multiculturalism hailed by the globalist who allow them a better control over the 'democratic' Nations of the West and in particular on the natural resources of the exploited countries of origins of all these migrant, 'Divide et Impera' rules are easy to apply then when you have a multicultural society and again here are the Westerner 'White privileged' people that are paying a salad price.