‘Sovranism’ area – The Italian Communist Party today –
It was on a summertime evening of a couple of years ago while walking with a friend of mine that I’ve noticed on a wall a manifest with the classic icon of ‘sickle and hammer’ signed by the name P.C.I. I needed a bucket of cold water in the face as can’t believe at my eyes for a moment I thought it was an old one manifest but it was impossible it has resisted for such a long time.
Turin my hometown has a long tradition of Communist administrators on both Region and local cities, Turin itself had various communist majors and in general the story of the city most industrialized of the Nation have known the mass phenomenon of big strives, union activism and also the dark pages of the red terrorism who have left a lot of cadavers on the streets of the city, not only the Red Brigades but also ‘Prima Linea’ ‘First line’ both used to be very active in Turin.
Back In the days the historical leaders of the Red Brigades were arrested in the little town of province Pinerolo not far from Turin, Turin was the city who held the trial on the Red Brigades and also the city where on the 20th of February 1980 was arrested Patrizio Peci the first repentant collaborator o justice of the Red Brigade, his brother Roberto will be executed and filmed too by the Red Brigades Roman group after the ‘Popular Trial’, anticipating of many years the contemporary Islamist groups but at the same time the revenge of the Red Brigades recalled the typical Mafia style of killing family members of a traitor.
Marco Rizzo it’s a 100% a ‘Torinese’ man, born in this city in 1952, activist in the student movement of the 70s will became a militant of ‘Lotta Continua’ ‘The Fight Go On’ Lotta Continua, short form LC, was one of the major formations of the Italian extra-parliamentary left, a communist revolutionary oriented movement of the working class, particularly active between the end of the sixties and the first half of the seventies. It was born in the autumn of 1969 following a split within the Turin Workers-Students Movement that had inflamed the summer of struggles at the University and FIAT, the biggest Italian Industry. LC was distinguished from other groups for its more marked activism, heterodoxy and criticism of communist regimes. Many young men of LC have made a successful career in the mainstream system mainly as in Politics becoming part of that system they used to fight against. After Berlin wall 1989 the Italian Communist Party decided to change its name and open a new course of the most big left-wing party of Italy and as I have mentioned before the Biggest Communist Party of the West. Marco Rizzo as many others will follow another political way, he did a political career with Rifondazione Communist ‘ Communist Refoundation’ keeping the typical symbol of the sickle and the hammer visible on its logo, founder by the former Unionist leader Fausto Bertinotti, a man who made a long career with the Union Fiom CGIL particularly active in Torino during the hottest seasons of big masses strives, of fight against the FIAT car industry, later on he who will be famous also as became President of the Chamber and in particular because has stopped the first Prodi government, a decisive moment in which Rizzo and many others, who disagreed with Bertinotti choice abandon the party and will follow Armando Cossutta, an iron Marxist of the years of the civil war.
Armando Cossutta lived the civil war, he is born in Milan in 1926 in a family very active politically speaking, his father for example was one of those Rebels who have joined the ‘Fiume Enterprise’ of Gabriele D’Annunzio, Cossutta will join the Communist Party in 1943 and will be strongly convinced of the centrality of Soviet communism, he conceived the USSR as the leading state of the communist world always critical with any reforming of the Communist party he opposed the new Euro Communist project known as Eurocommunism of 1981 which represent an important change indeed that played a key role on the foundation of the actual EU. Rizzo is alongside Cossutta the founder of the new political creature, the new party would be named as the ‘Italians Communist’ it is clear that the willing to mark the distances with the others who has continued within the same political structure of the former P.C.I. It is not just from the Berlin Wall 1989 capitulation of U.R.S.S. that on the left-wing area there were huge divisions the whole history of the left-wing it’s a history of weeding and divorces of little parties, looking back to the early years of the century the Socialism first significant division was during the first world war, from which it will born the Fascist Movement and the Communist Party.
The new bio polar model of Democracy will force all parties to join political coalition, the American model it’s on the horizon of having two big political parties of the masses, usually the left-wing coalitions have seen unity before the electoral competition and once the goal of entering the institutions has been achieved, the smaller parties disengage and move to the opposition, a ‘game’ strategically played in order to get power on political disputes and financial support too
Rizzo was president of the parliamentary group from 1994 to 2004, as a parliamentary group can get funds and has a real political weight somehow in the discussion and parliamentary working. During the D’Alema government also known as the first communist prime minister of Italy the Comunisti Italiani, will try to oppose the bombing of Kosovo of the United Nations allied forces, I recall Armando Cossutta protesting alongside the American military bases of Italy where the bombers flight took off towards the other side of the Adriatic sea however despite Cossutta opposition he didn’t stopped the government, as Bertinotti did with Prodi, he had that power and war apart D’Alema government was actively engaged in the privatizations process.
On 2004 it’s Euro Parliamentary too, his political life will see highs and lows moment till the failure of a new political project who tried to keep united different lines of the most Marxist Leninist elements of the Italian left-wing area who doesn’t recognize itself in the ‘Rainbow list’ globalist pro EU ‘new’ left-wing historical course, from which has born the actual little party which is LeU ‘Liberi e Uguali’ ( Equals and Free ) formed in the parliament mainly by the former President of the Chamber Laura Boldrini and the President of the Senate Libero Grasso during the coalition government of the Democratic Party and Conservative in a national alliance known as The Nazzareno path which took over soon after the technical government Monti imposed by the Aachen Dominion, an ignoble political path between left-wing and right-wing which have seen three different prime minister, included Paolo Gentiloni actual European Commissioner for the Economy a man who has received George Soros in a friendly way to discuss what exactly it wasn’t clear at all but it is easy to figure out considering Soros role on the whole Immigration Process of ethnical substitution of the native people of Europe.
Despite ‘LeU’ didn’t collected a considerable amount of votes it’s thanks to the President of the Chamber Roberto Fico who is from the left-wing area recycled in the 5Stars Movement that has managed to form it’s parliamentary group which mean to get monetary funds and has a more significant importance otherwise it should have been joined the so called mixed group parliamentary block, Leu supporting the actual coalition government of course managed to impose itself getting a Ministerial Assignment attributed to its member Roberto Speranza actual Minister of Health, but this is the clowns style of Italian political life.
The significant political data which prompted me to write a post it’s that going back to those years when the Italian Parliament confirmed the Maastricht treaty of 92/93 is that the only two parties who openly voted against that treaty were Riondazione Comunista and the M.S.I. even if they were both critical, in a different way, nowadays among the most radical opponent to the European crap Union in that area defined as ‘Sovranista’ still there are Marco Rizzo new Italian Communist Party Leader and or example Casapound Italia which is the radical right-wing in some way Casapound it has been formed by members of the M.S.I. as you can see both the opposite political area indeed were marked by internal divisions while the institutional parties are critical with the EU and mainly they promote a political line which it’s about to change the actual system by being inside or rather forming a political majority opposite the EU itself, that it make any sense? Of course It doesn’t as EU it’s been created to be what it is and the old rules of Democracy doesn’t match with it, therefore who ever it’s going to support a political line of ‘internal change’ it is lying aware of being a liar.
At the present time in the area of the so called ‘Sovranism’ which as always said it’s a journalistic expression used principally because it makes rhyme with Fascism and the globalist who are in control of the mainstream plays with these words given for granted the natural association that these words are evoking in anyone minds, another recent example that match very well with the globalist narrative it’s the recent critical position of all EU representatives towards all demonstration of Berlin, London also of Rome where all these people have been called ‘Deniers’ which is an expression loaded of specific political content and everyone that heard this word instantly it’s thinking about Auschwitz at least it is curious that in this Political Area which it’s more big that what foreigners actually think it’s including political parties who have been traditionally in an opened bloodiest opposition, now these two old ‘families’ born from the Socialism of the beginning of the twentieth century have a lot of things in common and to be honest it’s not surprising me at all.
While Simone Di Stefano leader of Casapound it’s in practice banned by the Italian TV Rizzo instead can account on a bit of media visibility and he use it well talking about Politics, and not bullshit, during a Talk Show Rizzo warns the actual Minster o Economy Gualtieri of the Democratic Party a sort of doormat man always scrolled down in front of the eurorats moneylenders of Brucella’s inviting him to weigh his words because he would take him out of the studio and punch him in the faceas, by the way he seems to be passionate of boxing a sport that probable he still practicing just for pure passion so Gualtieri would have got a good one, all deserved..
I have to admit that I have several things in common with Marco Rizzo, we are both born in the same town, both passionate for the Torino Football club, we are both passionate of boxing and we want that Italy leave this crap Union, we are divided probably politically in few things as well with others Parties, some of them are indeed born after the great delusional infamous betray of the 5Stars Movements while Rizzo creature and Di Stefano and Iannone Casapound more or less have their birthday very close.
What are substantially the differences between the Italian Communist Party and Casapuound? A more depth analysis it’s necessary because apparently both share the idea of the restoring of the National Sovereignty, the creation of a National Bank system who gives loan without moneylenders interests, the stopping of the mass immigration process in short words the exit from the EU.
Rizzo as a Marxist Leninist is still talking about classes even if at the present time the so called ‘working class’ weight it’d been drastically reduced by 20 years since the starting of the official EU membership, the middle classes are in an even worse position and that rampant capitalism declared enemy of the working class it has turned into the financial elites powers that once used to take over from behind, the same who have provoked both world wars as other conflicts in other countries to overthrow government not obedient with their imposition, furthermore it is undeniable that the U.S.S.R. it is born under the pressure of Jews financial elites in revenge of the Royal Russian family of the Romanov who historically has persecuted the Jews sending them to concentration camps of Siberia many years before the advent of Hitler.
All the more representative’s figures of the October Revolution were Jews and not surprisingly made an alliance with Hitler first with the Ally forces then.
Hitler never hide his hate for the Jews it is sufficient to read the Mein Kompf itself where apart of the economic and political explanations Hitler added all that stuff about the superior Arian race which was an excuse to persuade the Germans people of getting rid of any Jews presence in Germany, Hitler accused the Jews of having betrayed Germany and of having directly worked to urge the American direct intervention during the first world war, as in the second one as Mosley denounced. The financial elites of America increased their economic power and bought more political influences in a young Nation that have seen the assassination of his president in a couple of occasions, see Lincoln and J.F.K. both assassinated in different historical times it’s clear that the existence of a supranational power is not a fantasy of some idiotic conspiracy theoretical believers, the Red Brigades glossary used the acronym S.I.M. which meant Imperialist State of the Multinationals, according with today political reality it’d be more appropriate to talk about Globalist Entity of the Financial elites or rather G.O.F. who can account of immense financial resources, which it’s deploying a huge o NGOs all working on the transportation of illegal migrants in the Italian territory regardless of the political orientation of the majority of the people and if it’s necessary bypassing it overthrowing the uncomfortable government as it has happened with the previous one known as the yellow-green first Conte populist government.