With the approval of the Resolution 10 October 2019 against external electoral interference in the European headquarters, voted by a large majority, extremely dangerous scenarios open up for all Member States and in particular for all the extra-parliamentary parties / movements which are declared anti-EU. one more reason that, in my humble opinion, imposes a sort of alliance / coalition between all the realities of the so-called Italian Sovereign Area but I would say in general of all continental Europe there is no doubt that unity is strength.
The EU is an enlarged Germany there was not only the approval by all European states for a reduction of war debts, integrating West Germany and the former DDR has set in motion a similar process that involved all other European States, this key concept is absurd to reiterate but it is often precisely what escapes the vast majority of people, unification was not only a process of economic adjustment of the former DDR to the Western model of West Germany but involved the whole of the rest of the European nations, each with its own economic situation different from each other. The tensions that subsequently affected the recent history of the EU, see Greece and Brexit, are just the tip of the iceberg and a confirmation of all this The process was made possible thanks to the 'various collaborators' in Italy Ciampi and Prodi in the lead but there are many, precisely through the adoption of the Single Currency the Reunification process was possible and as I reiterated it affected all European countries. On August 30th 2020, few day ago, Kennedy jr. in Berlin he made his speech citing several times his uncle killed in Dallas 'Ich bin ein Berliner' he repeated several times addressed to all the people present in the square, (I wrote a post on purpose reporting his full speech), there were several citizens of other European states, including Italians, calm down, I am not a Berliner I am Italian and I am European this is the basic message that every true Sovereignist, Nationalist must proudly affirm to counter the universalistic Kennedy message, that the Mainstream has ignored JFK's grandson it can also be there, after all, it is not a prominent political figure but it's not because that message, it was ignored by the media, must therefore pass for 'Revolutionary' well anyway, let's say that the nature of the demonstration against the restrictions due to covid are the only things which I share for the rest re-read that post, because at each paragraph of Kennedy jr's speech I explain my point of view, the point of view of an Italian and European Nationalist. With respect to the new EU resolution on foreign interference, I reiterate a certain concern that is also strongly motivated by the recent political events that have affected Italy, see the fall of the yellow-green government, Salvini on trial and resumption of migratory flows massively towards the our coasts by OGN of each Member State, Germany in the lead but above all in addition to the well-known philanthropist Soros, other characters of that cultural humus of the left have been added, including recently the boat painted by the British street artist known with the name of Bansky, in his country he does not dream of downloading thousands of Fake RFGS but he tries, starting from Spain, to download them in Italy under the illusion that his street art gives him the right to favor illegal immigration in our country by a private ships that we all must admire as one of his new works of art, to be honest it's just some pink graffiti now and there anyway.... I think it is absolutely important to take a few steps back and examine what East Germany was, which thanks to the Single Currency reunited with the West, contributing to the birth of today's EU in which the Eurocommunists of the past were the object of particular interest by the espionage system of the East and the communists of that time helped to build. During the Cold War, the DDR distinguished itself from Moscow in a competition between the KGB and the Stasi, the other secret services of the rest of the Soviet Satellite States had a 'minor' role to put it this way, a different story for the Stasi whose leaders they recycled peacefully in the new German Federal State, it is a historically established fact that the Stasi had far exceeded the KGB for 'efficiency' Eastern Germany it was an open-air prison in which following the first popular uprisings it was immediately completely evident that the Germans of that time didn't give a damn about Communism. The People were Re-educated and this happened through a capillary control in an era in which the technological means available were not in the least comparable to the current ones, today Politically Correct for example is a form of 're-education' same thing concepts such as Gender Theories and attack frontal to traditional values, to the male figure in general, especially the family, are precisely forms of mass re-education.
Germany splits in two in October 1949 the DDR was officially born at that time or rather the very first germs of the Stasi, the DDR was just an eye facade structure and this is not a minor detail, it was in February 1950 after just three months after the German Communist government decided to transform the 'Directorate for the Protection of the Popular Economy into the Ministry for State Security' then the Stasi was officially born under the command of Wilhelm Zaisser, at the beginning it was a detachment of the Soviet security services but slowly it affirms itself and takes its place. In 1953 the first major popular demonstration against the DDR, against Communism explodes in the country and records a very high participation of citizens, it is the test bench of the Stasi the party leader Walter Ulbricht is forced to ask for the intervention of Moscow which as in his style sends the army, 20,000 soldiers and the usual tanks, the Soviet repression sadly famous for leaving nothing to chance indeed when you have to crush a people you have to do it literally and a truck does not have the weight of an armored vehicle. war which is precisely the tank, today we have this world situation of the covid and the restrictions and social distances are refined means of repression that have triggered the various demonstrations such as Berlin and London and the reactions of the mainstream and the various Eurocrats were not long in coming , Deniers, Crazy etc.etc. After the revolt of that time, the sums are drawn up, it is clear that the DDR has no popular consensus and this is where the role of the Stasi comes into play, without Preventive Control and Repression there is no hope of survival for German Communism. There are men for every season and, having been ascertained for the 'delicate' task, a new character is needed, Zaisser skips and his deputy Erich Mielke is replaced, an iron communist from the first hour already at the time of the Weimar Republic had distinguished himself for having organized of the attacks against the police he escaped from there in the Soviet Union and had a let's say 'particular' role in the Spanish civil war that of the ruthless killer with the task of eliminating Anarchists and Socialists in the head, not being a prominent intellectual, he saves himself from the Stalinist purges that as it is known that he made a clean sweep of all the communists of the first hour. Mielke with extraordinary funds will be able to establish a sprawling and at the same time deadly control over the German population. The politically destabilizing elements are immediately thrown into the Berlin 'Honenschonhausen' prison, imprisoned, tortured in various ways the Stasi refines its techniques by massacring the political activists deemed most dangerous as they are capable of inciting the crowds, today you are obscured, mocked, banned on your channels social media you are practically canceled overnight, as has happened to many exponents and individual citizens who are critical of the Single Dominant Thought of which the EU is the legal physical structure.
The Stasi Agents study all the techniques of classic espionage, stalking, mail control, secret searches and in particular of 'Operational Psychology' or through the basic foundations of human psychology the objectives are subliminal to destroy a feeling, an idea, to create tensions within defined social groups, producing real illusions such as forcing an innocent person to confess something or worse still being able to insinuate doubt about their own ideas and beliefs, provoking fears and panic attacks, inducing depression, which is a serious pathology and with very serious consequences in a person's life, a subtle and in some respects much more refined work dictated by the need that the people at the time had no esteem for communism, it was precisely created in a certain sense, educated from the depths of soul.
Of course, society is made up of various layers and depending on the control exercised by the Stasi agents themselves, they formed over time depending on the dedicated control, who controlled the magistrates, who the scientists, etc. etc. a sort of secret and parallel university within the state apparatus.
The control was particularly tight against Western intellectuals who, not surprisingly, were the most sensitive to recruitment by the Soviets, in this sense the communist agents had an easy life thanks to Western freedoms or the fact that it was a matter of infiltrating agents in open societies the exact opposite of communist ones that were ironclad and closed to the outside world.
With the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, the Stasi takes advantage of the escapes to the West by infiltrating the various fugitives of secret agents who will sneak into West German society with the clear purpose of spying on it better, living it directly, now that of the Stasi it is an Absolute Power all those who try to cross the wall will be killed.
In 1964 Khrushchev who had shown small openings towards the West gives way to Leonid Breznev who stiffens relations and relies on his German ally who is always ready for the calls of mother Moscow who rewards her by increasing funds and support of every gender, in the meantime in West Germany comes the social democrat (the communist euro) Willem Brandt, advocate of a policy of detente and rapprochement with East Germany known as 'Ostpolitik' and it is thanks to his commitment that the DDR will make his entry into the United Nations, but thanks to this approach he will be kept under close observation by the Stasi, which will even manage to support him with one of his secret agents and for this reason make him fall from the chair of prime minister in May 1974, it emerged that one of his most trusted collaborators Gunter Guillaume
was none other than a Stasi agent under the orders of the capitan of the foreign missions of the Stasi Markus Wolf known for years as 'the Faceless Man' this confirms his particular operational efficiency, but also the fact that the men we believe to be our democratically elected representatives are nothing more than puppets managed by others, in this our dear Prime Minister Conte and the whole band of 5 Stars I would say that they are precisely the plastic demonstration of how much this practice is still in vogue today, held by the balls by the Democratic Party which in turn is on the leash of Brussels which dispenses armchairs and assignments to everyone.
When we talk about Stasi we are talking about an Orwellian-type control entity, capable of producing over 6 million dossiers going well beyond, but also for reasons of time, 1 or 2 million informers available, to the secret services of National Socialist Germany but the opposite is also true, many former National Socialists 'adapted' to the new situation and ended up becoming part of the Stasi themselves, after all, dividing a nation as Hitler's Germany was in two could certainly not be considered a simple operation. surgery such as dividing a cake into equal parts indeed, the Nuremberg trial played an important role in this.
It was always by Mark Wolf that the 'Romeo Spys' or Stasi agents who had the aim of making secretaries who worked on behalf of institutional offices fall in love, people who got married and even had children, others instead maybe after 20 years discovered that they had simply been used and exploited in all senses, this to explain well how sneaky and efficient the 'Psychological Operative' training was Women have always been at the center of these espionage operations, even in the Arab world and they are still today, if we look closely, among the most assiduous supporters of the mass invasion of fake refugees from simple towns, in various social roles but we also think only to the various captains or leaders of the various NGOs engaged in the ferrying of thousands of irregular immigrants who are invading our coasts, women are the weak link of Western culture and history confirms this. The DDR established itself internationally above all thanks to sports competitions such as the Olympics and the World Cup, the success was spoiled by the massive use of anabolics, drugs of all kinds and real poisonings, everything came to the surface only after the complaints of various athletes, especially women…. who paid the consequences on a physical level, the World Cup in particular were the occasion of the occasions where the two Germanys found themselves playing together, as happens in 1974 in West Germany where despite the famous names of its champions as Muller, Becknbauer once again the use of various drugs made a difference. In 95 the Gorbachev era begins to crumble communism little by little and with the massive demonstration in Leipzig in October 1989 the Stasi remains displaced, over the years the DDR has entered as to say in competition with Moscow and has done everything to establish itself as an Independent Communist State, Gorbachev's policy was a slap in the face to the various KGB secret services and precisely Stasi in the head who found themselves completely unprepared or perhaps they wanted us to believe it, I doubt they were unprepared indeed, the unfolding of the events that from there to little will determine the collapse of the Berlin Wall I doubt they escaped the Stasi and KGB agents, however when the demonstrators arrived at the Berlin Stasi headquarters the agents were unable to get rid of all the dossiers they had accumulated over the years and today they are in fact available in Germany. The various directors and agents were not criminally prosecuted, this allowed their relocation to the new Germany and a new employment in the formation of new services but above all in the formation of a sort of single European people, with the technological means available today for persuasion operations. , control, repression and above all orientation of public opinion thanks to the mainstream and the ability to pass laws such as the EU resolution of 15th October 2019. We remain vigilant but above all united both in Europe and in the United States, the Nationalist movements and parties must join n united forces and try not to fall into stupid provocations but above all avoid being brainwashed.