Recovery Fund , an announced release

Translated from the fcb page ItalExit Taurinorum 27/07/2020

RENZI has already SONONELY slapped the Pentafuckers Mov5Star M.P. in a humiliating, for all of them, speech in the Chamber of Deputies, the political strategy was clear and evident since the beginning of the meetings that have been held in recent months in Brussels, to exhausting the Nation its their goal, exhausting the Italian people but at the same time keep all of us under house arrest in order to avert street demonstrations that would have been a media disturbing performance against the strategic plan underway yet another scam made against Italy.

My contempt for the Mov5Stelle/ 5StarsMovement has no limits, Renzi in his speech praising Conte, in addition to humiliating them, everyone says clearly that the Mes must be asked immediately because it contains 'minor' conditionalities compared to the recovery fund, admitting in fact that recovery fund is a rip-off but this was already known and beyond the triumphant welcome of Conte who was welcomed applauded in the parliament as 'Hero' his speech already immediately after the agreement on the recovery fund was all too clear, especially because he mentioned like a parrot with words put in his mouth by Merkel and Macron or 'Do we have to spend this money to fill the unforgivable and no longer postponable delays on the structural reforms that Europe asks of us? that is, it has been trying to impose us for a lifetime, if the Italian people, the constitution etc.etc had not gone through.

Shameful Traitors, then extend the state of emergency, to arrive in September October with the Italianspeople put on the wall with water up to their neck and force them to accept the Trojka or rather the Mes. those pieces of shit of the Mov5Stelle I'm sure that many of them are already recycling to enter who in the PD, who in Leu or Italia Viva with the support of Forza Italia then fuck the Italian People who will not even have the opportunity to go to the square forced to keep on social distancing, masks etc.etc. if this is not yet another coup d'etat?, should we face the crossroads with the 'coherence' of the 5StarsFuckers? will they bring down the government? postponing everything to the elections? also in this case the President of Republic Mattarella will pull out a technical government because we are once again facing a pre-Monti situation we all remember the 'Fate Presto/ Do It Soon! there's no time to waste' and the compliant Italians got screwed, this time we cannot and must not allow them to put a gun on our heads, now other than holidays and various distractions of bullshit and false problems, now is the time to make ourself heard and the center-right must move if those pieces of shits of Forza Italia m.p. have already been sold to the usurers of Brussels it's time for the center-right parties to leaving aside the media dramas and the dust in the eyes, here there is to defend national sovereignty because both the recovery fund and the Mes do not go to complicate the life of a possible future victory of the center-right, where Berlusconi will be in a position which today is what Renzi covers, life will become complicated for all the Italian people.

#ItalExit #SovranitàMonetaria #Taurinorum #NoUE