The Case Zaki – the fixed idea of ​​the Italian leftwing to give citizenship as a gift

Translated from the fcb page ItalExit Taurinorum

The Italian Public Service TV it's spending beyond belief for the Egyptian left-wing political activist, Patrick Zaki, an Egyptian citizen who has been studying in Bologna for months under arrest in his country.

the insistence of the Italian media in reporting news and insights on the 'Zaki case' in the national news networks conceals a very dangerous message or, come to Italy to study, request a study permit, then it is to be seen who will go to syndicate on your performance, automatically you will become European citizens, now ius-soli ( you born in Italy you are Italian doesn't matter of your family homeland) is outclassed by one ius- culture and who knows what else, in fact Italy is nothing but a member state which, although it is and remains the third net contributor to this EU scam, that is, we send it our money, not that of the infamous 'INPS resources' that come from every corner of the world for the eurocrats pretending they are paying for our pensions?!? in a country that it's in a very difficult time for what about stable jobs then, Despite being huge the amount of money Italy give to Brussels must in turn ask for the loan money in long and humiliating negotiations, then for what? implement policies strongly conditioned by the decisions of Acquisgrana/Germany and France, and who is going to assure us that one day they will not oblige to regularize all illegal immigrants, welfare migrants, minors under the age of 17 etc. etc. who continue to arrive on our territory? yes of course they will become Italian / EU citizens but if they then break the law in Germany or France they are going to be rejected it in our territory and this it's even more likely to happen than of rejecting them in their country of origin, science fiction? I would not say

The idea behind the Italian Left is that you just need to complete a cycle of studies to automatically become Italian, better if you are a university student, many Italians have perhaps stopped in middle or high school and then following this reasoning, those who studied more in Italy would be automatically even more credible as an Italian citizen, how many times have we heard expressions like 'you don't even know how to write correctly in Italian, he and she are more Italian than you' and other similar crap nonsense. Reading the synthetic program of Senator Gianluigi Paragone head of a new party named ItalExit yesterday I was thinking about the words he used, Border Control and 'accompaniment' to the integration of the various foreigners, he did not specify if he was referring to those already present on the territory or on any new arrivals, so I presume 'selected ' When you use expressions such as border control it means that you are reaffirming the sovereignty of the Italian people. It is not clear of this or that government, but precisely of the Italian people in a geographically defined territory, a first-person return therefore of the policy on the defense of national borders. It is a very important step, I don't know now but I have the impression that Paragone has in mind an operation similar to the left or that of 'Politicizing' the migrants to whom then later to recognize citizenship? building a party on the British model where multiculturalism exists for obvious historical reasons is a real idiocy, in America the Republican party is full of black citizens even children of first generation immigrants with dual citizenship can be m.p. but again it doesn't make any sense to compare our situation with those mentioned above.

It does not exist, the political opposition to such a design from my point of view must be Total, in fact already now Italian citizenship is granted very easily, I remember when I went to the Italian Embassy in London there were many African immigrants, 'Italianized' North Africans too who went to renew their Italian passports and who did not even know how to speak Italian.

That the state issues study and / or work permits is a normal thing I would say no way a must be done thing but this does not give you the right to consider yourself Italian because the cultural and spiritual link that exists between a people and their land is not quantifiable in sheets of paper or in the number of books read, are there a lot of illiterate Italians? or anyway with a poor cultural background, there would be a lot to say on this issue, no matter in my opinion the Italians must take precedence over everything, social status, support for the birth rate, home and work no one must remain in conditions of poverty and misery , the greatness of a nation is measured precisely in the ability that its institutions have in being able to take care of their people, this has nothing to do with 'Racism' and Intolerance this is a matter of Social Justice, as does a Sovereign Nation appear to be credible and serious when it proposes to help others who come from outside when in fact it proves to be unable to take care of its native citizens? everything is the result of political choices it seems obvious to me and the Zaki case is precisely the son of a policy that I disapprove of because in the first place dishonest and false, it is used and he lets himself be used without realizing how mortifying and racist this attitude is but if it goes well for him, for certain things do not need special study cycles, this policy practiced by the 'internationalist / globalist' left is harmful because it undermines the foundations of what is a nation state that arises from the struggle and expulsion of the foreigner, the wars that our ancestors have done, the long labor that led to the birth of the Kingdom of Italy are trampled under water, obscured as if they never existed as if Italy was born out of nowhere.

Italy exists because many Italians died for it, Italy already existed culturally when it was divided into small states, in the various opera houses the librettos of the various operas staged were all written in the same language as Italian and being that a 'multimedia' show even the illiterate could follow it and understand its spoken / decanatato singed language.

Ours was a strongly cultural unit, a nation born from literature and poetry, music and theater from the ingenious creativity that is typical of the Italian people, when the revolutionary patriots fought to hunt the Austrian foreigner they wrote on the walls W V.E.R.D.I. music therefore as an expression of a Subversive Revolutionary feeling because in that acronym, in that name in particular it evoked and incited that revolutionary spirit that animated the ardent passions of our ancestors, the fathers and mothers of our grandparents to understand us ready to dying for a too big ideal that is more important than life itself and not those of Patrick Zaki who will also be able to learn Latin, will be a very good student and a valid person but will not have to consider that all of this can qualify him as Italian or rather as European, Patrick he should fight for his motherland but he should get there alone.

This message must be clear immediately 'I DON'T MIND' of the beautiful words and crooked noses of the various patriots of this or that pretending to be a sovereign party or aspirant such that it is, united Italy did not arrive magically by chance, quite a lot, of course we say geopolitical riots they have determined and favored the Revolutionary Cause of the Italian People despite the fact that this spirit has been mitigated over the years and in the last century or in 1861 that the Motherland was born that revolutionary spirit today must return to being stronger than ever, a flame that has been extinguished on purpose and that we must rekindle starting from our children and grandchildren starting from the very world of the school that a certain left has militarily occupied disseminating altruistic feelings of the 'good Christian' to the point of inculcating a shameful unconditional love to all foreign stuff and even a sense of disgust and / or contempt of some Italians for our beloved Tricolore National Flag good only to be shown when there are Olympic games or during the World Cup, Nationalism described as a cancer that threatens the well-being of others when it is the exact opposite, the triumph of love for one's land can and must be viral, Rome must return to be an inspirer and supporter of all peoples Oppressed thus supporting an extension of its influence which must inspire the oppressed peoples everywhere in the world to the cultural values ​​of our Republic and costituional rights.