USTICA one of the many Italian massacres unpunished despite the foreign involvement of confirmed allied countries
Introduction. The voice: Massacres, in Italy I’s a long and full bodied chapter written with the blood of many innocents Italians citizens , unresolved massacres it’ correct as for the majority of them none really paid with a trial and then with years of jail or any form of repayment, this is a book of horrors and general infamous of the democratic institutions not only Italians but of others western countries theoretically ‘allied’ of Italy. I was born in the middle of a war in a cold day of January 1974, a time when that bloody book was being written, as any child the world to discover was a wonderful place full of beauty and any other human being a possible friend, I can’t knew anything of the world around of how cruel and unjust it was and still is despite was a child however I recall the tension and nervousness around, there was so much of it you could breathe it and it’s obvious on the long term to be exposed at such air produce consequences physics that are invisible and imperceptible to the human naked eye but as you are growing up they contribute somehow to your growth as human being. The world of today it’s changed through all these years, of the early years of my life I recall faces, images and facts some of them are clear in my mind as if I’m looking it right now, in the late 70s we didn’t have mobile phones, internet or powerful computers as the one we use today, so those of my generation have a lot of printed photos and films stored somewhere in the draws of some old solid wooden cupboards, in those images the imperceptible consequences of the mood are like invisible skeletons as much as this country really has accumulated over the years to come. The colors during all this time as the quality of the material has undergone the passage of all these years and it gives the idea of how many time has actually passed and how the simple things of everyday life have changed.
The Historical contest
Contemporary historians use the expression ‘Year of Lead’ and it starts from the late 60s till the early 80s of the twentieth century, it’s a wrong consideration as the so called ‘years of lead’ has started during the second world war, in the north of Italy groups of partisans and bandits outlaw received weapons and ammo by the British intelligence who is responsible of several terrorist attacks not human errors but real terrorist attacks that killed civilians women, elders and children by it the goal was of light up a popular rebellion against the Italian institutions incapable to defend the civilians , some example of such a vile attacks, the bombing of Gorla primary school, October the 20th 1945 that killed 184 innocent children, or the Montecassino Monastery but really the list it’s so long I just want to report that apart the human error which it’s considerable in a state of war of occupation many of these air bombing were done with the clear will to kill innocent civilians, as well the civil war was planned and directed by those foreign intelligences who financed groups regardless of political colors and soon after the war most of them became enemies of the west, a similar operation took place in the south were US military forces financed and supported big names of Cosa Nostra, after the end of the war the terrorism goes on especially on the eastern border with former Yugoslavia where Tito partisans helped by some Italians communist group therefore at the orders of the Italian communist party have killed other partisans, civilians and of course Italian soldier loyal to the country.
The communist partisans never engaged an armed conflict directly against the Italian army or the German one, the used to follow some isolated soldier during a free license moment and shot him in the back then running away by doing so little by little the civil war began and both sides are responsible of ignoble crimes but this is the result of ‘Divide et Impera’ a strategic planned political design who have clear responsible that from behind maneuvered everything.
The Italian territory was a battlefield were soon the cold war has started therefore the ‘years of lead’ indeed begins back in those days.
In the Italian Republic period the war continued in a new not conventional form also called war at lower intensity, various terrorist attacks hit trains on travel, banks, train stations, public squares and also the airspace a huge of innocent civilians have died without know why and their relatives never had justice.
Many of these terrorist attacks on large target as on single personalities, politicians, magistrates, policemen, are linked and the Italian secret service play its role on misleading the investigations and in many cases all has been silenced as Secret of State the people can’t be informed, must not be informed as the consequence might lead to a probable revolution alongside these dirty business the mainstream and the jurisdictional system too did their part except some rare occasion, but those who wanted to investigate more in depth has been killed with no mercy.
Ustica is an island in the Tyrrhenian Sea located about 67 km north-west of Palermo the capital city of Sicily
27th of June 1980 Above the strait between the Italian islands of Ponza and Ustica the civilian flight Douglas DC9 of the Italian company Itavia it was hit by something, it was then deconstructed and fell into the Tyrrhenian Sea. All 81 occupants of the aircraft died in the massacre, including passengers and crew, it was soon classified as an incident but investigations soon will demonstrate that wasn’t an incident. The civilian flight departed from the Bologna airport of Borgo Panigale directed to Palermo airport of Punta Raisi Capodichino, various hypothesis on what happened that day and despite the misleading and the evident difficulties for the magistrate who investigated the case the plausible hypothesis, among other things accepted with validity in criminal and compensatory matters, concerns an international involvement, in particular French, Libyan and American, with the DC-9 that would have found itself on the line of fire of an air combat, finally being accidentally targeted by a missile (specifically fired by a NATO fighter against a MiG of the North African state of Libya ) Renzo Martinelli who, in my opinion, Is one of the most valid film director of Italy probably the only one director of genre films at the moment, has made a film that reconstructs the political climate of that period and tells the story with great descriptive depth of the singular facts that took place on that cursed day, the film it’s dedicated to the memory of all those innocents Italians who are composing a long list of others victims of a cruel war in which Italy paid a salad price, and all relatives still are asking for a real justice or simply to know the true to understand why their beloved have died during a ‘peacetime’ but in particular why the Italian institutions have done nothing on the contrary they have put obstacles to the investigation till the application of that Secret of State too many times abused on the Italian Republican history. Even the holy father Pope Wojtila has been the target of a terroristic attack that almost killed him by the hands of a Turkish citizen member of a Turk nationalistic terrorist group known as ‘The Grey Wolf’ the image of those days as the killing of John F. Kennedy are inserted in that contest of Cold War, Kennedy died During the fascist era nothing similar happened apart the controversial singular episodes as the kidnapping and then killing of the Socialist m.p. Matteotti, the Vatican State had an historical deal with the Italian Kingdom as Mussolini indeed resolved an historical contention that since the unification of Italy in 1861 remained unresolved, the ‘Dictator’ man of the evil shared the power in Italy with the Royal Family of Savoia and of course with the Vatican State differently by what have done Hitler in Germany or Stalin in the U.R.S.S. It’s since that bloody day of june 1980 that the Italians relatives are waiting to know the true as many others of the others massacres , it’s a recent new that the actual Italian government in the face of its Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte ‘The Lawyer of the People’ as he introduced himself to the Italian people has further classified until 2029 important documents on the Ustica massacre decided by Palazzo Chigi, the government central building, “because the truth would hurt Italy” A decision taken in response to the request for access to documents made by Giuliana Cavazza, honorary president of the “Verità per Ustica/ True for Ustica” association and daughter of one of the 81 people who died in the massacre of 27 June 1980, on a letter on reply to Mrs Cavazza formal request the actual government replied stating that making public the notes of Colonel Stefano Giovannone, head of the SISMI ( Italian secret service operative outside the Italian territory) center in Lebanon from 1973 to 1982, who in the days before the massacre warned the Italian government of the imminent dangers facing our country, especially at the hands of the PFLP, would cause “serious harm to interests of the Republic. Ten days earlier the Services from Beirut warned us that an attack on a plane was possible among various retaliations because we did not free the Italian leader of the Popular Front for the liberation of Palestine. On the morning of June 27, 1980, Beirut always warned us that retaliation would come from the evening. But for our government the desire to know what happened in Ustica is not sufficiently worthy. Incredibly, even if you know “ The recent answer of the actual Chief commander of the Italian Secret Service refutes President Conte and the other members of the coalition government who, for Ustica and Bologna, had beaten their breasts asking for desecretation, The intelligence services of course depends on the actual government, a coalition government formed by a supposed to be revolutionary and sincerely populist ,in the noblest pure meaning of this expression, anti EU political movement known as the 5Stars Movement and the Democratic Party who have lost all the recent electoral elections, both national and local, due to the Italian system after the first Conte coalition government crisis with the Lega party that finished that experiment denouncing it was politically impossible to go ahead the ball passed on the President of Republic that before closing chambers and declare new elections has the duty to verify it is still possible to form a new government, surprisingly the 5 Stars Movements betraying all the promises made during the years to get more consensus among the Italian people, and an alliance in particular with the left was out of any logic, a huge of public statements and complaints on their part about the Democratic Party were particularly hostile, they also compared the Democratic Party as the Mafia organized crime and for this reason really nothing would have hinted at an ingenious betrayal to the Italian people. They have introduced the figure of Conte who presented himself as ‘The Lawyer of the People’ despite all this clowns and their ignoble actions the Italian people and in particular those real patriots that initially gave their vote to these scumbags traitors knows the true of all the shit they keep on hiding under the carpet, the smell of shit it’s huge and the only certainty we have at the moment it’s that their political death it’s just a matter of time.
The generation of those ‘children’ like me who were born in the 70s who insist on knowing the truth is growing and organizing themselves politically despite the betrayals of the 5 Stars and the hostility of the mainstream and all their friends globalists internal and external, no despair because we already know the truth but in particular we know a final showdown will come.