Vincenzo Peruggia An Important lesson by an Italian emigrant, a proletarian, house painter without any academic qualification who fooled an entire country
Dumenza, a little town close to Varese in Lombardia north of Italy in 1881 October the 8th born in a poor numerous family of simple people, five males and one female, Vincenzo Peruggia, that day both his parents didn't knew that the little boy will write a historical page, for someone insignificant, for others a highly symbolic story and at the same time a lesson, the lesson of the humble wretched proletarian to a whole nation and in particular to the selfish ruling class of that time.
The Peruggias didn't knew that their little boy one day would have inspired various artists, writers, musicians, actors who would have impersonated him, his name making it echo in the years to come, even now in this blog lost in the digital tide of the web, maybe some occasional reader from some other corner of the world will know about him if he will have the patience to go on with readings of this post or if my style as writer who is writing in a language that is not even his native one will live up to this story but also to stimulate the curiosity of any reader, it is not a feedback I'm looking for or thumbs up I'm already aware my English will never be too perfect for you but I don't mind it is certainly better than your Italian, let's back to Vincenzo now.
Humble workers were his parents humble worker also became Vincenzo, followed his father who has emigrated in Lyon in France, the gracile little young Vincenzo he does not perform the military service in the newly born kingdom of Italy, but there are several ways to serve your own country it's just useful sometimes to ask yourself some simples questions, 'does this country really looks like me in some way?' or ' does this country is exactly what my ideal model of how a country should be?' especially when you have no choice than leaving your home to go elsewhere in another country to search the way to get till the end of the month, or just to make your day with a simple piece of bread to put on the table with an hot soup and a glass of wine. Freshly wet of the blood of millions of Italians patriots who have fought against the foreigner for the great aspiration of an United Italy Vincenzo that only born twenty years after the birth of the Kingdom of Italy at the age of 26 years old it's forced to leave the motherland as many others Italians of the same age. in 1907 when he is working in Paris the capital of France he got sick of lead poisoning, a typical disease for those who are working as house painter due to the lead poison contained in the paints, sure Vincenzo didn't took any precaution to safeguard his health as it is sure that neither the manager of the workers had some form of obligations of that kind by the way we are talking about the early years of the 20th century and even if there was some kind of precautions certainly he would have been the last or neither that one who would have benefit of it. Vincenzo was an Italian simple worker in a group of French that didn't lost any occasion to mock and mortify him for his ignorance and for his imperfect French caricature, a poor little devil from the Kingdom of Italy. Vincenzo used to work at the famous museum of Louvre in Paris, with a team of painters their work consist in taking care of the artworks by cleaning those paintings and cover them up with crystals, Louvre it is one of the most famous museums in the world and the first for number of visitors therefore a not indifferent source of income for France. It is important to go back in the days of the history of France to better understand how the Museum got importance and as grown till the present day it's prestige after the French Revolution of 1789-1799, which was a coup d'etat that with reckless brutality imposed itself eliminating not only the Royals of France but many others related with the former system, in 1791 the national constituent assembly decide to create the National Palace or rather to demonstrate the superiority of the new regime capable of going on with projects as the transformation of the museum in order to demonstrate that the old regime bureaucracy didn't achieved for its corruption, the aristocrats before planned to turn that palace in Royal residency and to host an exposition of arts and science for educational purposes, the new regime free from corruption can finally complete a work that in their intention had to turn the city of Paris in the centre of the world a new Athens therefore capital of real democracy.
A Museum it's a closed space always not even the ideal one for the fruition of some artworks, artist and various genes of creativity since ever have been critical about the idea of the Museum itself seeing as a not natural place where to isolate an artwork eradicated from its natural contest therefore incomplete. After 1774 the victories of the Revolutionary army around the old continent meant lootings, stolen goods of other countries Italy on top, the lootings initially started within the national territory focused on the Church of France and with the same idea or excuse that then is extended elsewhere too. The Revolutionary army, similarly to the BLM actions caught on camera of our days, stole a huge of important artworks to the Italian people, the Italian culture played an important role on the birth of the nation differently from others European countries where at the old regime a coup d'etat introduced a new one, I mean the structure of the State were already there for the new arrived, the case in exam here of The Louvre it is a perfect one. The structures that made France as a Nation were and remained bureaucratic and rigidly institutionalized affirming therefore the pre-existence both political and economical of a specific territory which had as a obvious consequence a direct influence on the constitution of a official national language used on the certificates and written acts valid for the whole governed territory. Italian official language doesn't born from a pre-existing structure of a unique system of govern valid for all the territory, at that time it was made up of little independent states however on the whole territory the theatre of Opera used to be the top of the industry of cultural entertainment , the so called booklet of the Opera on tour provided to the audience of any of those little states to better following the moments of the show, divided in Act one, two etc. was all written in Italian, the role of some composer played then an important role in the birth of a patriotic conscience spread throughout the peninsula which later will give the start of revolutionary movement in the whole territory. There's no doubt that the French revolutionary blaze and the Napoleonic Empire have been the leaven that enlivens Italian society between the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century, Napoleon who was by the way of pure Italian origins gave the impetus to a total renewal and create a first embrion of an Italian unitarian state than didn't resisted but has left behind important social changes and renewals such as to create the conditions on which the Renaissance was born, remember 'Legalitè Fraternitè Egualité' the key words on which to build a new world. If on a hand it is nice to hear such awesome melody even in French an Italian can't misunderstand the meaning of each word or the political impact of the three pronounced together as a formula on the others there are the robberies and abuses of transalpin soldiers that disfigure all the best intentions or perhaps to drop a mask in which they were simply hidden. The Kingdom of Italy would be officially declared on 1861 however the atmosphere political and philosophic of those days of the Renaissance reamined and is the same that even our little man from Dumenza was breathing in, despite he is an ignorant with elementary notions of education Vicenzo is aware that the Louvre it's the temple on which those transalpin looters bandits piece of shit ancestors of his colleagues have taken the stolen goods of his motherland, the idea that he had to emigrate to get there to take care of those artworks instead of stay at home to do the same job plus even the mocking of his filthy bastards colleagues create in his mind an explosive mixture. Vicenzo is changing as person something in his mind it's starting to move the willing of revenge would be not enough ha has to do something as an Italian he has the duty to do throw away that hypocritical mask that reads freedom brotherhood equality from the faces of all France.
August the 21st 1911 7.00 a.m. Vincenzo goes to the Direct Action in his mind he is not stealing it's taking back what belong to the Italian people therefore he is doing an act of justice at his own personal risk of course, but Vincenzo he is not afraid of the consequences indeed careless and contemptuous he acts.
That day was closing day of the Louvre. Peruggia entered the museum through the Jean Goujon door frequently used by the workers and made his way to the Salon Carré without anyone noticing his presence. After removing the picture from the wall, he walked towards the staircase of the Sept Mètres room, freeing himself from the frame and the glass. When he arrived in an uncrowded inner courtyard, he used the jacket he was wearing to wrap the painting. After leaving the museum without being stopped, he got on the first bus, but realized he had taken the wrong direction and so he got off and was brought home by a car, precisely in rue de l'Hopital Saint-Louis where he hid the Mona Lisa. Having to go back to work to justify the delay, he said he had gotten drunk the previous day and still suffered the consequences.
Now examining the whole story of that day Vincenzo, who wasn't a professional outlaw, left several clues around, taken by the emotion and the awareness of this gesture, he humanly experienced unique moments of adrenaline tension, he was cheating everyone, he was cheating the French investigators above all by exposing their inefficiency in the eyes of the whole world.
The day after August the 22nd it was the discovering of the rob by two French painters, Louis Béroud e Frederic Languillerme who went to admire and to learn from the greatest Italian artist and sadly realized that Leonardo D'Avinci The Gioconda wasn't there anymore soon they informed the head of internal security of the Louvre Monsieur Poupardin. In a short time, the museum director Monsieur Homolle, the under-secretary of State for Fine Arts, the police chief and the prefect of Paris, Louis Lépine, all gathered in the room just to give how important that rob was.
Vincenzo for a month left the famous paint to a fellow Italian friend then worried of weather conditions might affect the paint in the meantime he built a special wooden case to hid the paint and placed under the table in his room where he used to live, the police started to investigate and interrogated all people present on that day plus of course the external handymen included each member of his working team too furthermore they visited Vincenzo modest place, just a room, but haven't found it. Vincenzo fooled in one strike the best investigator of the French Police making the joy of the Prefect of Paris and in particular of the internal security head Monsieur Poupardin, 25.000 francs was the amount of an award promised by the association of the 'Friends of Louvre' it was reported by the worldwide press, the police did not know which fish to take and two young men who would become famous in the fields of writing and art were also mistakenly arrested as possible accomplices: Guillaume Apollinaire and Pablo Picasso, who proved their extraneousness to the facts but entered for a while in that sack of fooled held by Vincenzo Peruggia.
A few years ago I've watched an old television drama produced by the RAI ( Italian public radio and television broadcast ) in 1978 with Renato Ceruscio in the role of Vincenzo Peruggia for the Direction of Renato Castellani considered among the most significant of Italian neo-realist cinema, Catellani who is also the author of the drama describe Vincenzo as a kind of silly man without any schooling that seems even unaware of the symbolic importance of his gesture, on his script it's the Italian audience that emerge to be in absolute solidarity with him marking the big gap between the Italian people and the National Institutions
Even his lawyer seems insisted to show to the court that Vincenzo was just a stupid man who did a stupid gesture to seek attention or as many people do today to be on top among the stars just for a while.
It's memorable during the trial held in Italy in 1915-15 in Firenze the paramedic of the court to show that Vincenzo was an idiot, who fooled an entire Nation, asked a silly question which was this :
“There are two birds on a tree. If a hunter shoots one of them, how many are left on the tree? “;” One! “Replied Peruggia.” Idiot ! “Thundered the doctor, as the answer to the question was zero, because the other would have run away, now it might be during previous meeting with the lawyer that Vicenzo was advised to keep that profile just to avoid a severe conviction, in the end the court sentenced him to one and a half years in prison later on reduced in seven month.
Vincenzo always explained that he wanted to revenge Italy from the French robberies of Italian artworks, his choice to steal that paint was due to the fact that it was easier to stole and hide differently from many others too big therefore complicated.
The ante war political situation between the Italian Kingdom and the Republic of France in the late 19th century wasn't good at all the two countries then competed for the control of Tunisia and over North Africa. The French victory on this front led Italy to join the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria in 1882; and then contribute to the trade war of the 1880s between the two countries.
The political ruling class of that time in the words of the Minister of Public Education Luigi Credaro was of cooperation with the French counterpart as soon as he was informed of the founding of La Gioconda interrupting the parliamentary works made a speech informing all that officials of his department had managed to find the Mona Lisa, stolen from the Louvre, in Florence. Bursting applause rang out in the courtroom. In the following days a fraternal love flared up between France and Italy, which in those years had shown that they did not love each other at all.
It is clear that the Minister of Public Education was more worried at his political prestige rather than the mood of the Italian population and this is anything new even today where we have real lackeys or servants of Aachen/ Acquisgrana which is the nerve center of the scam called EU.
Vincenzo Peruggia an expat proletarian semi analphabet 'The Idiot' who fooled an entire nation and its best police investigators gave a lesson to all those pass cards, selfish and sold politicians, if it's true that La Gioconda was regularly bought from France the Italian ruling class
he should have used the fact of international media case to emphasize the stolen works of artworks that France held and still illegally have,
if Vincenzo Peruggia was a mostly half-fool thief he had proved more honest than a whole nation that still fills that museum today thanks to the works of art stolen by his unworthy soldiers, Libertè Egalitè Fraternitè?!? what about Honesty, today EU doesn't show any of these values.
The recent celebration of 500 years in memory of the genius of Leonardo took place in Paris at the Louvre museum, the Italian left wing always prone to ninety degrees didn't even dare to affirm that if there's a Nation that should hold that celebration it's Italy instead even on the national French Television journalist on announcing the coming celebration declared that Leonardo D'Avinci was one of the greatest French genius while it is evident just reading the name itself that Leonardo D'Avinci means Leonardo from Vinci which is a small town in Tuscany.
The Italian ruling class of today it's of mere servants traitors and everything they do it goes against any National Interest but especially against any form a Patriotism contrary of the majority of Italians that have proven enough of them at any local election and of EU crap fake brotherhood too.
Vincenzo Peruggia even if sick because of his job joined the first world war as a voluntary and managed to bring the skin safe at home, the men who always have physically affirmed the primacy of the Nation and fought for her have rarely had a ruling class worthy of them.