sknob’s fediblog

#song #music #musique

It’s no secret that #Bonkwave, and to a lesser extent #notBonkwave, are sweeping the nation and indeed the world.

(S)-K-N-O-B could not not B-O-N-K, now could he?


#song #music #musique

A love story.


#song #music #musique

If reality exists, this track was made with a real Casiotone MT-100 keyboard, a real bass and a real guitar.


#music #musique #radio

Simon Repp, the creator of Faircamp, a beautiful static site generator for self-hosting music on the web, was interviewed on Austrian radio station Radio Fro 105 Mhz on February 6th, 2024.


#music #musique #collaboration

J’ai contribué au Asychronous Drone Orchestra de @chelidonframe, qui crée des morceaux atmosphériques à partir d’enregistrements envoyés à l’aveugle par les contributeurs. On a une indication de durée et de tonalité, mais c’est tout.

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#song #music #musique

Meta on so many levels I lost count…


#song #music #musique

My new song, Pushing It, was recordred and published just in the nick of time on Mastodon, and is now available on my music site, and in high-def on Bandcamp, where you can purchase it or download it for free.

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#blogpost #music

Français | English

I love writing music, but I don’t particularly enjoy playing music. I play to compose. Playing is a means to an end, not an end in itself.


#song #music #musique

Stop what you’re doing and listen to my new song About Time!

Arrêtez tout ! Écoutez mon hymne à l’oisiveté radicale, About Time !

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#song #music #chanson #musique

Puisque « le #Covid, c’est fini », je me devais de clore mon album Gestes barrières en beauté !

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