
ItalExit, Politics, Covid Update in Italy, Nationalism, Patriotism, History

London is calling !! quite loud after a post in which I've described the problem of illegal immigration from France to U.K. Behind the Covid Shield U.K. puts France among the countries at risk by imposing mandatory quarantine on anyone who has been to France The 'Highway of English' it's full of Brits returning at home, a huge of people then it's returning back and the anger of France is linked to the economic damage that obviously will not affect only British tourists but
this is the London slap in the face of the lack of French controls that allowed the departures of various boats loaded with migrants, if Libya is an 'uncontrollable' country at war where you can easily move away, France would not really say. OGN Around?!? don't know maybe some British ones would soon appear around, but I am 100% sure that someone as Carola Rachete wouldn't be able to do what she did in Italy with the support of her gov. the left wing politicians and various activists in key roles of the State, mainstream on top. Immigration it's a Business but it's also a Political Plan designed to destroy National States.

A slap in the face of Macron on the 15th of August NOTE, See post about illegal Immigration from France to the U.K.

Torino August the 14th Giuseppe de Matteis Chief Police Commissioner of Turin interviewed by the newspaper of Torino 'La Stampa' states what it is obvious for many Italians not just the men and women of the law enforcement or rather that migrants commits more crimes and during the arrest are more violent and reckless than the Italians. The jurisdictional system doesn't work as it should therefore an illegal immigrant caught red hands committing a crime always react violently as he feels to be disturbed by the police considering that rarely he is going to be jailed and that it's also immune to those administrative sanctions which an Italian citizen can hardly hope to escape from unless it's a kind of homeless not a property owner with no income or private asset of value, such as a house or a car etc nothing that can be eventually capitalized to compensate a possible victim. The state of total impunity then increase that feeling of being bothered by the law enforcement as it's clear it's just a wasting of time but also an insult to those women and men that put their life at risk any day to defend the Italians citizens from an arrogant and always cowardly local criminality perpetuated by these people that soon the day after in spite of all the efforts and difficulties to bring these people to face 'Justice' the policemen bitterly have to swallow the fact that these people have been released free to do again the same things for which have been arrested. It's about yesterday the new of Moroccan illegal immigrant who entered the Duomo of Milan and put a knife on a security guard neck threatening that he would have killed him if the police intervene, there's a video of this champion anyway I'll put a link at the bottom of this post. The chronicles of Italy it's full of these episodes, I recall one that happened to me last year during my service as anti-shoplifting attendant and security guard of a mega store. A Nigerian man used to stay at the front door asking for change to everyone around not to buy food but as soon as he had enough money he stepped inside the store to buy alcoholics, as a regular customer I didn't had any reason to intervene indeed furthermore despite the raining he stayed closer to the main entrance I leaved according with the manager policies of that store to do not do anything which in that case would have be asking him to move elsewhere anyway. Guess to work as an anti-shoplifting in a big store, alone, you can't focus on one single individual of course you have to keep your eyes observing a lot of things often even assisting some elder customer that ask for help, in your head you figure out he or she can be your father so you never deny your help unless there's something more important to do.

The hours pass and the rain does not stop after the critical hours of massive presence of customers you can take it easy and maybe even going to the toilet, my shift was almost over I was just waiting for my colleague when suddenly he came asking for my help as the Nigerian homeless had threatened him with a knife, one of those 14 cm kitchen ones, my colleague arriving catch up with him and asked to move away, the drunken man suddenly stood up waving that big knife swearing to him to fuck off I'm going to kill you etc.etc. I went then to deal with this crazy man keeping the distance, the guy doesn't speak a word of Italian so we are speaking in English, note this man has premeditated to assault my colleague as they had previous discussions in stand by of which I didn't knew anything until that day of course. Due to the Politically Correctness but also to the policies proper of this kind of job I had to keep calm and to avoid that any possible misunderstanding may provoke a critical situation, even to avoid of being accused of 'racism' by some good samaritan among customers, because considering these days you have to pay attention also at this, so to ask to a black drunken man who is starting to have anti social behaviour might be seen as a form of 'racism'. I had no idea of the previous critical situations between this man in particular and my colleague, of which later I knew was frequent, but the fact was that we had a drunken man waving a long knife in a public space frequented by civilians especially elders, pensioner with children and women plus all the stuff members of workers of the big store. I've engaged a open discussion with him trying to calm down he is unstable my colleague phoned the police, they soon arrived but haven't seen as I was on a face to face position I've just realized he went to hide that knife. The Nigerian man never stopped to threatened my colleague in particular, all in English of course, I was the only one therefore on request of the two young policemen I've gave my support trying to calm down, the drunken asshole kept on saying things like I'm going to slaughter you and hang you like a dog upside down, I tear you apart, I tear your heart out I'm going to have a bath with your blood, I've informed the police he hid a long knife so during a moment of distraction they took that knife, in all ways they only tried to calm down and kindly asked him to move elsewhere once the police leaved he returned again, so my colleague phoned back the police and so this situation went on like this several times. The drunken asshole started to take off its clothes so finally arrived another time the police and handcuffed put him on ambulance, do you think it was finally over? no way just 20 minutes and here again he has returned. In Conclusion, this iron wrestling cost me a double shift, not even paid, I've discovered he stole that knife from our store taking care of removing any barcodes, he threatened to kill in a horrible manner my colleague, it was the of the month before on all national and international press the news of a brutal murder of a baby girl slaughtered her body chopped in little pieces, and he was free anyway undisturbed that same day.

The Chief Police Commissioner of Turin declared, If many of the migrants we find in the statistics weren't so aggressive, violent and committed to crime, our activity would be reduced by 45 percent ”. and I trust him he is telling the true however for the globalist there are two weights and two measures on reading statistic data, they blame society as it's up to all of us if a huge of illegal immigrants committed to crime differently when it's about an Italian well they easily conclude it's because of the organized crime or just the nature of the average Italian that he is a kind of fascist anyway.

In the last month out of 23 episodes of violence in Torino, threat of resistance and injuries to the operators of the steering wheels, 11 were carried out by foreigners the only solution that these fake refugees really are worried of it's repatriations of course which it's going to resolve once and forever the problem, pro immigration charities disagree of course as they are making business because of them, we really have a lot of problems in this country due also to the critical moment of covid but because of a political minority we are forced to endure all this, to put up with all this mess plus the inevitable social tensions that the uncontrolled phenomenon brings to the nation for what? just yesterday '' Turin, immigrants attack the carabinieri, bite them and urinate against them “ All arrived in Lampedusa escorted by NGOs then moved through all the country


The conservative press oriented today it's putting on the front page that the government, Prime Minister included, is Under Accusation for the management of the epidemic, the court of ministers will most likely cover up everything so it's not going to happen any further investigation despite there are several serious matters that need to be investigated, the delays on taking a direct action as the fact that initially the Prime Minister and Minister of Health announced that Italy was fine and well equipped to face the virus while soon after Italy became the most infected country of the world after China however the political data remains alongside the fact that a former Minister of the previous coalition government, Matteo Salvini the leader of Lega, in which Conte was Prime Minister as many others 5StarsMovement Ministers would be soon tried by a court.

Many others journals today are reporting that the numbers of people covid positive it's increasing again bringing back the situation at such a level that many experts are whispering it is again a bad situation as it was before during the phase one of lockdown. According to the mainstream the reason of this second wave of increase of the covid infections it's due to the fact that many Italians went on holiday outside Italy, Croatia, Spain, Greece and Malta ( these countries are on the gov. blacklist ) and others EU countries are the top destination of all those returned to Italy covid positive, plus if during the first lockdown covid was concentrated mainly on the north, Lombardia on top now it is substantially present everywhere in considerable data of positive even in the south, Sicily on the top list. Mainstream doesn't even mention the fact the there's no control over the huge of illegal migrants arriving on a daily basis in the southern coasts as it remain silent on all problems of social tensions that are ordinary anywhere in the country not only on the hot spots from where the fake refugees soon escape on the run increasing the risks of spreading the virus everywhere. Again some of the hateful restrictions announced would be introduced or simply extended as the use of the mask, it means that you can't go out without wearing a mask doesn't matter if you are walking keeping the distance from other people you must wear it anyway, on the desk of accusation also clubbing nightlife the industry of entertainment hardly hitten seems to be at high risk of diffusion of this damn virus, people goes to have fun after few drinks don't pay attention to the basic rules as keeping the distance, wearing a mask etc.etc. the core of the problem it's the people gathering together which it's what the government would like to prevent more for political reasons, the covid it's just a useful excuse for the ruling class to exploit the situation to bypass the parliament and having free hands on everything. The most relevant political data soon after the investigation on the coalition government and the P.M. it's the political deal between the ruling class due to the upcoming local electoral tests that will affect various regions and local administrations. The alliance now it is openly announced the political leaders of the Italian board of directors at Achen chains pretending to be a 'government' had a meeting, the 5StarsMovement regardless of all the traiments it's at Beppe Grillo ownership who it's officially the ' Party Guarantor' met with Nicola Zingaretti Democratic Party Chief and Matteo Renzi former Prime Minister and Democratic leader too now the balance needle that keeps the government alive who after having placed some of his followers as Minister just to better control the government works moved out the Democratic Party to form his own kingdom, a new solid alliance of centre left it's born, the Rousseau step just a formal mockery. The international press knew of mister Conte during the 'Italian case' or rather the first coalition government worldwide known as a populist coalition government of the EU area, Steve Bannon himself among many others came to Rome and spoke about the importance of the ongoing political experimentation at the eyes of the Italian people that coalition worked well because somehow it was responding to the willing of radical change opposite to the left wing policies not only on immigration but also in particular regarding the EU. The President of Republic Sergio Mattarella put his hands having the last word on the approval of any candidate for institutional position, memorable it's denial at mister Paolo Savona as Minister of Economy, Mattarella position is clear-cut and refers to article 92 of the Constitution, according to which it is the President of the Republic who appoints the ministers on the proposal of the Prime Minister. So, this is the synthesis of Mattarella's men, it is not a question of vetoing proposals put forward by those who are not entitled, but of simply exercising their own prerogative in full autonomy, Savona fault ? having wrote a book about getting rid of the EU, Di Maio now actual Minister of Foreign affairs toured all talk shows asking for the impeachment of Mattarella, and it was the second time a first time happened with the previous President King Giorgio Napolitano. From the early days of its life the 5StarMovement it's establishment now so the Democratic Party alleged enemy it's no longer an enemy but the anchor on which Grillo it's launching the party for its salvation Russeau platform digital consultation,the so called direct democracy boasted thousands of times, especially whenever there has been a discussion of political alliances is just a farce as the fact that Grillo himself step forward ahead of everyone not just the pretending to be 'Political Chief' Vito Crimi neither Di Maio the golden puppet on Grillos hands shows who is really in charge down there. These local electoral testing on September the 20th are absolutely important because the result might have a decisive impact to the survival of a government that it has never been united if not only to protect each one's own backyard meanwhile there's also a referendum which it's going to ask for a reduction of m.p. and senators numbers, from 630 to 400 at the Chamber , from 315 to 200, at the Senate, this referendum it's a proposal of the 5Stars crap movement which pretend to save a considerable amount of money, estimate it's about 60 millions of euro a year, according with the 'Court of Public Accounts' a reform that the Democratic Party accepted but clearly dislike especially those ones as Renzi that it's at risk of not passing the future electoral test. The main problem in the eventuality these cuts would be effectives it's the institutional chaos would be guarantee and further reforms would be necessary all to reduce the steril 'power' of Italian institutions at the exclusive advantage of Achen/Aquisgrana, In all this chaotic climate of State of Emergency, further restrictions and absolute Prohibition of Public Gatherings, Italy it's going to face a new political season pretty delicate while the Opposition still asleep. The Real Patriots are aware of the importance of the ongoing games and should form asap a unique cartel which in the case the referendum will bring to those cuts would be absolutely necessary, the political design to minimize the political representativity of the Italians people doesn't have actually a strong political opposition as it should be, if the goal it's about to save money therefore to cut bridges and getting rid of this crap fake EU it would bring a real big savings to the Italian taxpayers, this is the battlefield on which the Patriots are calling of duty now, Paragone is the main figure at the moment as it's the only one who can go on telly talk shows to bring our political agenda, singularly each extra parliamentary group must work on the ground fighting the Giant but to be a little weight got its advantages as long as there's a strategic shared plan among all.

Vincenzo Peruggia Dumenza, a little town close to Varese in Lombardia north of Italy in 1881 October the 8th born in a poor numerous family of simple people, five males and one female, Vincenzo Peruggia, that day both his parents didn't knew that the little boy will write a historical page, for someone insignificant, for others a highly symbolic story and at the same time a lesson, the lesson of the humble wretched proletarian to a whole nation and in particular to the selfish ruling class of that time. The Peruggias didn't knew that their little boy one day would have inspired various artists, writers, musicians, actors who would have impersonated him, his name making it echo in the years to come, even now in this blog lost in the digital tide of the web, maybe some occasional reader from some other corner of the world will know about him if he will have the patience to go on with readings of this post or if my style as writer who is writing in a language that is not even his native one will live up to this story but also to stimulate the curiosity of any reader, it is not a feedback I'm looking for or thumbs up I'm already aware my English will never be too perfect for you but I don't mind it is certainly better than your Italian, let's back to Vincenzo now.

Humble workers were his parents humble worker also became Vincenzo, followed his father who has emigrated in Lyon in France, the gracile little young Vincenzo he does not perform the military service in the newly born kingdom of Italy, but there are several ways to serve your own country it's just useful sometimes to ask yourself some simples questions, 'does this country really looks like me in some way?' or ' does this country is exactly what my ideal model of how a country should be?' especially when you have no choice than leaving your home to go elsewhere in another country to search the way to get till the end of the month, or just to make your day with a simple piece of bread to put on the table with an hot soup and a glass of wine. Freshly wet of the blood of millions of Italians patriots who have fought against the foreigner for the great aspiration of an United Italy Vincenzo that only born twenty years after the birth of the Kingdom of Italy at the age of 26 years old it's forced to leave the motherland as many others Italians of the same age. in 1907 when he is working in Paris the capital of France he got sick of lead poisoning, a typical disease for those who are working as house painter due to the lead poison contained in the paints, sure Vincenzo didn't took any precaution to safeguard his health as it is sure that neither the manager of the workers had some form of obligations of that kind by the way we are talking about the early years of the 20th century and even if there was some kind of precautions certainly he would have been the last or neither that one who would have benefit of it. Vincenzo was an Italian simple worker in a group of French that didn't lost any occasion to mock and mortify him for his ignorance and for his imperfect French caricature, a poor little devil from the Kingdom of Italy. Vincenzo used to work at the famous museum of Louvre in Paris, with a team of painters their work consist in taking care of the artworks by cleaning those paintings and cover them up with crystals, Louvre it is one of the most famous museums in the world and the first for number of visitors therefore a not indifferent source of income for France. It is important to go back in the days of the history of France to better understand how the Museum got importance and as grown till the present day it's prestige after the French Revolution of 1789-1799, which was a coup d'etat that with reckless brutality imposed itself eliminating not only the Royals of France but many others related with the former system, in 1791 the national constituent assembly decide to create the National Palace or rather to demonstrate the superiority of the new regime capable of going on with projects as the transformation of the museum in order to demonstrate that the old regime bureaucracy didn't achieved for its corruption, the aristocrats before planned to turn that palace in Royal residency and to host an exposition of arts and science for educational purposes, the new regime free from corruption can finally complete a work that in their intention had to turn the city of Paris in the centre of the world a new Athens therefore capital of real democracy.

A Museum it's a closed space always not even the ideal one for the fruition of some artworks, artist and various genes of creativity since ever have been critical about the idea of the Museum itself seeing as a not natural place where to isolate an artwork eradicated from its natural contest therefore incomplete. After 1774 the victories of the Revolutionary army around the old continent meant lootings, stolen goods of other countries Italy on top, the lootings initially started within the national territory focused on the Church of France and with the same idea or excuse that then is extended elsewhere too. The Revolutionary army, similarly to the BLM actions caught on camera of our days, stole a huge of important artworks to the Italian people, the Italian culture played an important role on the birth of the nation differently from others European countries where at the old regime a coup d'etat introduced a new one, I mean the structure of the State were already there for the new arrived, the case in exam here of The Louvre it is a perfect one. The structures that made France as a Nation were and remained bureaucratic and rigidly institutionalized affirming therefore the pre-existence both political and economical of a specific territory which had as a obvious consequence a direct influence on the constitution of a official national language used on the certificates and written acts valid for the whole governed territory. Italian official language doesn't born from a pre-existing structure of a unique system of govern valid for all the territory, at that time it was made up of little independent states however on the whole territory the theatre of Opera used to be the top of the industry of cultural entertainment , the so called booklet of the Opera on tour provided to the audience of any of those little states to better following the moments of the show, divided in Act one, two etc. was all written in Italian, the role of some composer played then an important role in the birth of a patriotic conscience spread throughout the peninsula which later will give the start of revolutionary movement in the whole territory. There's no doubt that the French revolutionary blaze and the Napoleonic Empire have been the leaven that enlivens Italian society between the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century, Napoleon who was by the way of pure Italian origins gave the impetus to a total renewal and create a first embrion of an Italian unitarian state than didn't resisted but has left behind important social changes and renewals such as to create the conditions on which the Renaissance was born, remember 'Legalitè Fraternitè Egualité' the key words on which to build a new world. If on a hand it is nice to hear such awesome melody even in French an Italian can't misunderstand the meaning of each word or the political impact of the three pronounced together as a formula on the others there are the robberies and abuses of transalpin soldiers that disfigure all the best intentions or perhaps to drop a mask in which they were simply hidden. The Kingdom of Italy would be officially declared on 1861 however the atmosphere political and philosophic of those days of the Renaissance reamined and is the same that even our little man from Dumenza was breathing in, despite he is an ignorant with elementary notions of education Vicenzo is aware that the Louvre it's the temple on which those transalpin looters bandits piece of shit ancestors of his colleagues have taken the stolen goods of his motherland, the idea that he had to emigrate to get there to take care of those artworks instead of stay at home to do the same job plus even the mocking of his filthy bastards colleagues create in his mind an explosive mixture. Vicenzo is changing as person something in his mind it's starting to move the willing of revenge would be not enough ha has to do something as an Italian he has the duty to do throw away that hypocritical mask that reads freedom brotherhood equality from the faces of all France.

August the 21st 1911 7.00 a.m. Vincenzo goes to the Direct Action in his mind he is not stealing it's taking back what belong to the Italian people therefore he is doing an act of justice at his own personal risk of course, but Vincenzo he is not afraid of the consequences indeed careless and contemptuous he acts.

That day was closing day of the Louvre. Peruggia entered the museum through the Jean Goujon door frequently used by the workers and made his way to the Salon Carré without anyone noticing his presence. After removing the picture from the wall, he walked towards the staircase of the Sept Mètres room, freeing himself from the frame and the glass. When he arrived in an uncrowded inner courtyard, he used the jacket he was wearing to wrap the painting. After leaving the museum without being stopped, he got on the first bus, but realized he had taken the wrong direction and so he got off and was brought home by a car, precisely in rue de l'Hopital Saint-Louis where he hid the Mona Lisa. Having to go back to work to justify the delay, he said he had gotten drunk the previous day and still suffered the consequences.

Now examining the whole story of that day Vincenzo, who wasn't a professional outlaw, left several clues around, taken by the emotion and the awareness of this gesture, he humanly experienced unique moments of adrenaline tension, he was cheating everyone, he was cheating the French investigators above all by exposing their inefficiency in the eyes of the whole world. The day after August the 22nd it was the discovering of the rob by two French painters, Louis Béroud e Frederic Languillerme who went to admire and to learn from the greatest Italian artist and sadly realized that Leonardo D'Avinci The Gioconda wasn't there anymore soon they informed the head of internal security of the Louvre Monsieur Poupardin. In a short time, the museum director Monsieur Homolle, the under-secretary of State for Fine Arts, the police chief and the prefect of Paris, Louis Lépine, all gathered in the room just to give how important that rob was. Vincenzo for a month left the famous paint to a fellow Italian friend then worried of weather conditions might affect the paint in the meantime he built a special wooden case to hid the paint and placed under the table in his room where he used to live, the police started to investigate and interrogated all people present on that day plus of course the external handymen included each member of his working team too furthermore they visited Vincenzo modest place, just a room, but haven't found it. Vincenzo fooled in one strike the best investigator of the French Police making the joy of the Prefect of Paris and in particular of the internal security head Monsieur Poupardin, 25.000 francs was the amount of an award promised by the association of the 'Friends of Louvre' it was reported by the worldwide press, the police did not know which fish to take and two young men who would become famous in the fields of writing and art were also mistakenly arrested as possible accomplices: Guillaume Apollinaire and Pablo Picasso, who proved their extraneousness to the facts but entered for a while in that sack of fooled held by Vincenzo Peruggia. A few years ago I've watched an old television drama produced by the RAI ( Italian public radio and television broadcast ) in 1978 with Renato Ceruscio in the role of Vincenzo Peruggia for the Direction of Renato Castellani considered among the most significant of Italian neo-realist cinema, Catellani who is also the author of the drama describe Vincenzo as a kind of silly man without any schooling that seems even unaware of the symbolic importance of his gesture, on his script it's the Italian audience that emerge to be in absolute solidarity with him marking the big gap between the Italian people and the National Institutions Even his lawyer seems insisted to show to the court that Vincenzo was just a stupid man who did a stupid gesture to seek attention or as many people do today to be on top among the stars just for a while. Vincenzo Peruggia It's memorable during the trial held in Italy in 1915-15 in Firenze the paramedic of the court to show that Vincenzo was an idiot, who fooled an entire Nation, asked a silly question which was this : “There are two birds on a tree. If a hunter shoots one of them, how many are left on the tree? “;” One! “Replied Peruggia.” Idiot ! “Thundered the doctor, as the answer to the question was zero, because the other would have run away, now it might be during previous meeting with the lawyer that Vicenzo was advised to keep that profile just to avoid a severe conviction, in the end the court sentenced him to one and a half years in prison later on reduced in seven month. Vincenzo always explained that he wanted to revenge Italy from the French robberies of Italian artworks, his choice to steal that paint was due to the fact that it was easier to stole and hide differently from many others too big therefore complicated. The ante war political situation between the Italian Kingdom and the Republic of France in the late 19th century wasn't good at all the two countries then competed for the control of Tunisia and over North Africa. The French victory on this front led Italy to join the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria in 1882; and then contribute to the trade war of the 1880s between the two countries. The political ruling class of that time in the words of the Minister of Public Education Luigi Credaro was of cooperation with the French counterpart as soon as he was informed of the founding of La Gioconda interrupting the parliamentary works made a speech informing all m.ps that officials of his department had managed to find the Mona Lisa, stolen from the Louvre, in Florence. Bursting applause rang out in the courtroom. In the following days a fraternal love flared up between France and Italy, which in those years had shown that they did not love each other at all. It is clear that the Minister of Public Education was more worried at his political prestige rather than the mood of the Italian population and this is anything new even today where we have real lackeys or servants of Aachen/ Acquisgrana which is the nerve center of the scam called EU. Vincenzo Peruggia an expat proletarian semi analphabet 'The Idiot' who fooled an entire nation and its best police investigators gave a lesson to all those pass cards, selfish and sold politicians, if it's true that La Gioconda was regularly bought from France the Italian ruling class
he should have used the fact of international media case to emphasize the stolen works of artworks that France held and still illegally have, if Vincenzo Peruggia was a mostly half-fool thief he had proved more honest than a whole nation that still fills that museum today thanks to the works of art stolen by his unworthy soldiers, Libertè Egalitè Fraternitè?!? what about Honesty, today EU doesn't show any of these values. The recent celebration of 500 years in memory of the genius of Leonardo took place in Paris at the Louvre museum, the Italian left wing always prone to ninety degrees didn't even dare to affirm that if there's a Nation that should hold that celebration it's Italy instead even on the national French Television journalist on announcing the coming celebration declared that Leonardo D'Avinci was one of the greatest French genius while it is evident just reading the name itself that Leonardo D'Avinci means Leonardo from Vinci which is a small town in Tuscany. The Italian ruling class of today it's of mere servants traitors and everything they do it goes against any National Interest but especially against any form a Patriotism contrary of the majority of Italians that have proven enough of them at any local election and of EU crap fake brotherhood too. Vincenzo Peruggia even if sick because of his job joined the first world war as a voluntary and managed to bring the skin safe at home, the men who always have physically affirmed the primacy of the Nation and fought for her have rarely had a ruling class worthy of them.

Amedeo Guillet “Lawrence of Arabia had an empire behind him that supported him and millions of pounds of gold with which he bought loyalty. Amedeo Guillet didn't have a penny, he didn't have the support of any empire or any political force. “ a note by Vittorio dan Segre Israeli diplomat, writer and journalist of Italian origin. secret agent of the British intelligence during the WW2 Author of “The private war of Lieutenant Guillet: the Italian Resistance in Eritrea during the Second World War,”

There are stories of absolute magnificent but totally invented by the creativity of the man often inspired by real facts then fictionalized with elements of pure fantasy as the novel must be fluid and fluent as a river that the reader crosses driven by the curiosity to reach the end and finally to leave the boat enriched by the feeling of an unique unforgettable experience Ahmed Abdallah Al Redai it's the arab name of Amedeo Guillet, known as Commander Devil, an Italian officer of cavalry.

Back in the days of the A.O.I. Oriental Italian Africa 1936-1941 –'47

April 1941 Oriental Africa

While the British troops are entering victorious in Asmara, capital of the Eritrea Italian colony, the Italian army is forced to retreat it's a moment of chaos while all are escaping there's a young Italian Officer with a hundred men who decided to remain and to fight back the British troops, there's a bounty on his head of a 1.000 pounds it's a rich award promised to those who will capture him Dear or Live doesn't matter as long as the guerilla war would be stopped.

Dismissed the military uniform, the officer camouflages himself among the local populations wearing their traditional clothes, growing a beard, learning Arabic perfectly by joining the local schools for children known as 'Madrassa', therefore he studied on the Koran and learnt also to write perfectly in Arabic, successfully changes identity thanks also to the Mediterranean features of his face, despite being a Piedmontese, an Italian of the North and usually have less Mediterranean features than those of the Southern regions of the 'Stivale' Boot, with a concubine and a hundred of fidel men Amed Abdallah Al Redai engage his guerilla war against the hated enemy. An extraordinary story begins soon it became legendary among the local populations and the enemy too a real 'James Bond' capable of changing thousands of faces a fearsome and reckless chameleon man at the same time that to remain faithful to his code of honor he will have to change identity, country, language and even religion all this to defend Italy. Amedeo Guillet

His adventure begins with the fascist defeat in East Africa lieutenant Amedeo Guillet separated by the army on retirement and isolated by the enemy too, took up a decision or rather to resist and fight back the enemy giving precious time to the Italian army to reposition itself and reinforce the lines of defense in Libya. It's a risky decision, as for the international laws of war the army that surrenders ceases all hostility for this reason his gesture it's a gesture of rebellion that frames him no longer as an official lieutenant of a regular army but as an outlawed terrorist guerrilla man, the signature of the commander's surrender in fact binds the whole army. The case wanted that Amedeo remained in that isolated position but he refused to surrender and handing himself as prisoner of war in the hands of the hated British enemy, there's no time to waste he thought and so aware of the risks of being killed if captured he challenged an entire army with just a hundred of local men, that's a new war that it's own private war. The Negus of Ethiopia Hailè Selassié supported by the British troops entered Asmara and with their help he would like to annex Eritrea, it's on the political ambitions of the Negus that Amedeo Guillet plays his work of persuasion in the recruitment of volunteer soldiers, the ethnic divisions among different people it's in fact a reality despite globalist would like to describe that we all are migrants and that the National State with its borders aren't necessary, they are wrong of course. Amedeo soon it's able to assemble a real army the Eritreans always have been hostile to the Ethiopians and therefore with their British ally, they didn't want to be under the British indirect control, if not under the colors of the Italian Kingdom which they preferred to stay with they would have been independent. Amedeo can account on this national pride of the Eritreans and luckily by having still the Italian abandoned deposit full of ammo and weapons he was then able to form a real army equipped with what the Italian army on retirement has left behind. The Eritreans see in Amedeo the values of bravery, honour, fidelity and real friendship and this is the reason despite of poverty no one of them would have betrayed him for any reason, there are things that have no price and freedom it's one of them but also something worth to fight for because to have your own territory were you can live in peace with your people similar in uses and costumes, traditions and religion too with which to form a Nation, your Nation defined with borders to defend it's a natural consequence and a legitimate aspiration. Today globalism want to trample all this, eradicate every bond that man has built over the centuries with his own territory to which he is spiritually linked, turning all of us in to mere consumers with no links at all, citizen of the world, it doesn't matter where we are we can be moved anywhere and anywhere it can be our place, of course someone can decide to move somewhere else for any reason, work, a partner whatever but the ongoing mass immigration process we are seeing in these times it's another thing, it's a political design financed by very rich elites and their goal it's to destroy any form of National feeling as it's within the Nation borders and it's in the State that a people can affirm his rights democratically against the arrogance of the markets who don't give a damn of people rights but only care of making more profits plundering the riches of the world, by putting different ethnic groups in one unique sack and shaking it then with 'Divide et Impera' policy putting each one of us against the next keeping people distract from the ongoing exploitation of their lands. You can change identity hiding your real one of course but this it's not going to change who you really are, so Amedeo Guillet did indeed and for being a smart intelligent person he earned the nickname of 'The Devil Commander' capable of deceiving the enemy and even making fun of him in front of the entire world. A Natural leader The Devil Commander used to says that he was a Yemeni citizen who remained trapped in Eritrea during the chaos of the events of the war, the total transformation, not only aesthetic but above all interior, fervent Catholic undertakes the study of the Islamic religion, begins to pray five times a day, for him it makes no difference to call God or Allah and of course this in the eyes of the local people means a lot, it means that he really has integrated with them, to integrate can't not be established by a piece of paper as the globalist says, you don't became Italian or English just because you lived some years in a country or because you went to the local schools, the willing to integrate must be sincere and starting from the bottom of your heart rather than that the emptiness of your wallet and to find out the easiest way to fill it, a welfare migrant doesn't give a damn of the Western culture and only wish is to exploit the situation, therefore to exploit the welfare system that any Western country guarantee to the citizens, instead of fighting and working to create those conditions in it's own land all these people invading the West prefers to leave their home and take benefits for which they didn't participated in any way, they only take and doesn't give anything back to the Nation it's hosting them on the opposite they often spit on the charity offered and even pretend that the country must adopt their uses and costumes. Amedeo spent several years under a different identity but in the end the calling of the motherland arrived and he has returned to Mother Italy to his promised wife and relatives. Actions of sabotage, trains that blow up continuously and repeatedly assaults on British stations, the press initially attributes all this to the local gangs but having discovered the truth imposes censorship, it warns of the danger that from a propaganda point of view this story can cause beyond certain to the obvious embarrassment in front of the world because the Commander Devil ridicules the enemy who will never be able to capture him. Differently from the most famous Lawrence of Arabia Amedeo doesn't have the support of a Minister of Economy, when Laurence it's buying the loyalty of the people Amdeo got it spontaneously because he earned that on the battlefield and in everyday life of that experience. Memorable Amedeo as a real 007 used to visit the British headquarters of Asmara to give false information regarding his person diverting the investigation of him getting his bounty money and also of course by studying the enemy from a close point of observation. The British Intelligence opened a file of him, Max Harari the Chief of the British intelligence in Oriental Africa wrote a detailed report on him, the haunt to catch The Devil Commander will keep Chief Harari quite busy during all the military operations in oriental Africa, Harari started to admire Guillet as man of the army see in him a smart and brave soldier. Guillet isn't a fascist buy he is loyal to the Royal Family of Savoia and as a true patriot he joined the war of conquest of Somalia where he made the first experiences of study of Arabic language, on the battlefield he is victorious and he earns medals. On the 5th of May 1936 the Italian troops of Badoglio enter to Addis Adeba few days after Rodolfo Graziani troops occupied Dire Dawa, the war is over Ethiopia became Italian and sign the birth of the Italian empire. From Ethiopia Amedeo then moved to Libya called by Italo Balbo and he is in charge to organize the celebration with Mussolini in visit of Libya with the famous moment in which il Duce raises the sword of Islam to the sky. In the summertime of 1937 he joined the campaign of Spain, Guillet isn't a fascist but didn't wanted that Spain would have fallen on Soviets hands that would have been a danger for Italy itself, considering that Italy didn't declared any military operations in Spain Mussolini sent undercover troops and it is here the first moment in which Guillet start to hide his identity in a war where communists of all Europe fought against all Nationalist patriotic forces, his Spanish cover name is 'Alonso Gracioso' again ain't that difficult for him as for many others Italians to learn Spanish, which its a romance idiom language, he drove the assault of San Pedro de Romeal that will lead to the conquest of Santander General Francisco Franco himself award him with medals, will leave Spain after being wounded and will return to Africa. in 1939 the Vice King of Ethiopia the Duke of Aosta calls Guillet considering his abilities on familiarizing with the locals population and entrusts him with a mission to eradicate a group of bandits, so Guillet leader of an indigenous army engage the battle against these bandits and soon overcome again victorious. His experience in those lands expose him and his figure as of a natural leader and the fashionable of this will procure the young lieutenant even more respect and a lover too. He started to take more private decisions also because didn't agree with all the political choices as the racial laws against jews or the fact that to get a military promotion quickly he should get married, the spirit of rebellion in him it's a distinctive trait of his personality in some of the local enemies at the service of the Negus against he had fought with he does recognize the valour and honour and instead of killing them as ordered decided to enlist them to his own battalion. In several occasion he had to reinvent himself adapting at the situation, during the intervention of the British army he played to be def and while a soldier was calling to stop he continued to walk till a hill then getting on his knees started to pray, meanwhile that a farmer was telling to the British soldier that he is def and can't hear his calling so on the razors edge Guillet once again fool the enemy. The Duke of Aosta who was a smart and intelligent man too always cover up his decisions furthermore the Duke himself had the idea to create an entire regiment of cavalry composed by only indigenous local people, a special unit, rapid agile and autonomous capable of a great impact. In two month The Devil Commander formed this special unit with different ethnic and religious groups named 'Ammara Armed Group on horseback' while at work on training the battalion the situation changed, Italy sign the path of Steel with Germany therefore Italy officially joined the world war two. In 1941 with the advancement of the British troops Guillet keeps on resisting supporting the formation of the Libyan lines of defenses and it's at a certain point that after a long resistance decide to counter attack the enemy that was better equipped with heavy artillery armaments and thanks. Guillet crazy idea to counter attack a motorist mechanized war machine with a battalion of cavalry appears to be a real mission impossible, he decided to attack the enemy at the center of the armed column as it was sure that was the only possible way as of course in that positions the British can't open fire because they would have inevitably hit themselves and it was right for five, six hours arrest the enemy, also known as the charge of Kerouk passed on the history as the only military charge of a cavalry against tanks that in the end incredibly it's comes out victorious. Max Arari, British Intelligence Chief detailed reports shown deep admiration for such a brave and smart officer, he can't be otherwise even if enemies a valiant soldier knows how to recognize the values and the honour of the enemy, Harari like in a chess match always arrived closer to capture him but he failed all times. Guillet adventurous life in Africa goes on, he have seen the death getting closer to take him several time and several time he cheated also the death probably with the help of a good star. With the advance of the enemy Guillet it is forced to leave after 8 month of guerrilla seriously wounded he sadly leaves his legendary troops and his lover too escaping in the desert escorted by just one man a Yemeni with no place to go suggest Guillet that a safe place for him is Yemen a country friend of Italy, so him and his Yemeni soldier reached the cost and once again change identity adapting himself to the new situation. He started to work at the port as man of fatigue first then as dipper/water seller, which it's still today a figure you can met in northern Africa, I've recall have seen them in Morocco a country that I've visited several times. Once he has collected enough money to pay the journey he embarks with a group of smugglers, those filthy bastards after a day of navigation because of their load of weapons fearful of being betrayed themselves decided to throw them in open waters infested by sharks luckily they managed to reach the cost and started to go ahead walking in the desert, after a while near a water well they meet a group of nomadic shepherds and they have got beaten up, at the last extreme of their forces, wounded, sick and tired when everything seems to be over and their last breath before dying they met a man that taken by human pity he helps them and takes both to his house. In the life of every votary Muslim it is as necessary as it is to pray to help others in need, to make action of charity and so it's what that man did with them, the man would like to give him his daughter as wife and for a while Guillet it's even thinking about it but changed his mind Restored and cured properly Guillet restart it's journey reached Massaua finally embark to Yemen. Arrived in Yemen in front of the Mufti recites the prayer of Islamic faith, a new identity now it's mandatory again even because for a long time of hiding from the British haunters he has pretended to be a Yemeni and of course in Yemen he can no longer go on with that play, for as much its arabic was good he clearly didn't had a real Yemeni accent so it didn't take too long for the local law enforcement of the port to understand he was hiding something therefore he has been arrested and put in jail risking the capital penalty. Curiously the Yemenis suspects that he is a British spy while the news of his arrest start to circulate around and reach the British ears it would be because of the Brits themselves, that formally have written a request of extradition of that strange prisoner, to save his life, they felt that it was the man that for too long kept them occupied fooling the British intelligence, the extradition request makes the King of Yemen suspicious he wants to discover who really that man is. Amedeo Guillet then taken in front of High Majesty the King of Yemen tells his incredible story, the King it's amazed and decide to free Guillet asking what is his particular skill and Guillet answer that he knows a bit about horses, so the King gave him a job as horseshoer of the court and also a flat with the salary of a colonel, Guillet new life at Yemen court has begun. After a year Guillet wants to reach Italy, the motherland calling it's so strong, thanks to the old good friends of the port of Massaua he embark secretly on a ship of the British Red Cross for all Italian civilians who need to return in Europe, discovered by the Captain as an intruder Guillet reveals his identity and put his life in that Capitan decision or rather he inform the Captain that there's a bounty on his head and that he would be killed if handed on British hands therefore the Captain decided to save him and Guillet hide in the sanatorium of the ship playing as a mad person until finally arrives in Italy after a 40 days long journey of navigation. Despite all he have been through he wants to return to his Africans friends in Somalia and go on with fighting, he's about to be launched with a parachute when it's arrives the 8th of September and the situation change radically, the Monarchy betrayed the Nation, Italy it's divided in two, Guillet who has never been a fascist but a true patriot and loyal to the monarchy go to the south in front of the King. In the Republican Italy he joined the intelligence and saved the Italian archive of Africa in the Social Republic of Salò, he got married in 1944 and had two sons. In the 50s started a career as diplomatic and worked in all the Africans state he lived his extraordinary life soldier he became ambassador of Italy in some of those former Italian colonies, he has witnessed two coup, in Yemen and Morocco, survived at two airplane incidents, and dedicates himself to promotes the interreligious dialogue between the three big monotheistic religions Later on he will transfer to Northern Ireland in the land of the former enemies that will officially met in a public event in his honour, Max Harari the Chief of the British Intelligence of Oriental Africa and also Vittorio dan de Segre a secret british agent that will be the author of its biography and became then a good friend of him. On November 2nd 2000, the President of the Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi awarded Amedeo Guillet the Grand Cross of the Military Order of Italy, the highest Italian military honor, throughout his life He has collected a whole series of medals for military valor and honors The extraordinary life of the Devil Commander finish on the 16th of June 2010 in Rome at the venerable age of 101 years old.

I wanted to spent time to write such a long post about him in memory of a great man as the story of his life it's the story of a model of man that today in particular I think we need to rediscover especially because globalism attempt to bury any form a Patriotic feeling and tends to destroy specific values as Patriotism and Love for the Nation and sacrifice for her.

Beirut Moonlight

WAR ONLY WORLD HYGIENE used to says Marinetti the founder of Futurism the first artistic avant garde movement The concept of WAR it's always here with us, there are different levels of war, at low intensity, commercial war, propagandistic war, the level can increase till a real open armed conflict. Actually we can watch a the globe the presence of fires of war as a signal of smoke in the sky the intensity of that smoke gives the idea of how higher are the risk the situation can suddenly change into a armed conflict, divide et impera policies are still the best way to overthrow a government legitimate democratically elected and the reason beyond are all part of a greater political design in which common National interest of different countries are involved. Lebanon and Honk Kong are the hottest places at the moment but not the only ones. Italy is engaged in 35 military operations around the world 34 for of which are in international of 25 countries, according with the reports of the Ministry of Defense the total amount of personnel employed is of 12,520 units of which 6.920 in the national territory and 5.560 in international operations. The largest Italian contingent abroad is the one engaged in Lebanon, where Italy participates in the UNIFIL mission, acronym of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. In the country there is also the Italian Bilateral Military Mission in Lebanon, known as MIBIL. The total number of Italian personnel in Lebanese territory therefore amounts to 1250 units. Lebanon is the country where for the first time since the end of the second World War the Italian Army officially have been deployed, the civil war left a huge of victims and because of its position it's since the past back to the Roman empire that Beirut has been at the center of violent clashes between West and Middle East. Sabra e Shatila massacre in 1982 its a crime that still it's calling for justice but there's no justice in this world or rather as always I don't think that Justice belong to this world hopefully in the kingdom of heaven it would be so. The recent big explosion of Beirut with more than a hundred victims ( body count its still ongoing ) appear to be an incident, the MSM already balimed indirectly Hezbollah of having abandoned in a site with poor and precarious security conditions which was the port warehouse a huge amount of explosive sensitive material or rather ammonium nitrate used to make fertilizers, so smart these people to collect such a huge of that stuff in a unique squalid site located in an important place which is the Beirut port anyway should I assume these guys are really Idiots anyway let's forget about it, let's the MSM only have clear explanations do you wanna buy it? go on. Lebanon was already in a difficult economic crisis and now it's even worse with poor food supplies and with ordinary revolts that have already provoked the government resignation of Hassan Diab, a real revolution it's of the kind of those we have seen in the recent years in Northern Africa relatives of those victims apart who knows how many of these people are politically opponents of Hezbollah supported by foreign countries? probably a lot of them. It's Chaos now as it was in Lybia after Ghedaffi murder, a divided country, and that's possible it's what some 'dark obscure forces' wanted to achieve. Lebanon as country is born during the France Nazi occupation in 1942 from a demographic point of view there are various ethnic groups, palestinian arabs, christians, Syrians. Many experts have inevitably thought of a new dramatic terrorist attack, linked to the trial underway in The Penal Court of Aja. At the stand there are four defendants in absentia, all members of the Shiite Hezbollah movement, which has always rejected the accusations: Salim Ayash, Habib Merhi, Hussein Oneissi and Assad Sabra. They are accused of “conspiracy for terrorist purposes and intentional murder”. For this reason Hezbollah leaders denied any involvement in the explosion, also excluding that it was an Israeli attack on one of its weapons depots, the fact that Israel has been excluded of being directly involved by an official declaration of Hezbollah is not of secondary importance furthermore having a trial like the one mentioned before it's a good chance to put gas on fire and to create a link like those that has imposed Hezbollah to make such official statement.

A Somalia scenario appear to be the most probable in my opinion as the western aids of food and funds for the reconstruction of the New State, considering at the moment Lebanon in terms of institutions capable of governing the territory doesn't exist anymore, might provoke a chaotic civil war to establish who it's going to manage those aids like happened in Somalia indeed.

The advantages of such a chaotic situation in that specific area of the world it's huge, all of the illegal traffics are possible now, who is controlling who? and especially what it's getting there, guns weapons ammo to support a side of a possible conflict in which Hezbollah national socialist party it's the main target and doesn't have to mention who and why has interest on attacking Hezbollah now. Who is Hezbollah then? Hezbollah means The Party of God born in 1982 as a paramilitary forces became a political party on a second moment and confirm itself as the strongest army of Lebanon also because of the Iranian Islamic Republic support,its leader is Hassan Nasrallah.

Suicidal attacks sign its affirmation in the world especially on the early days in 1983 the most signficant one was the attack international peacekeeping force in west Beirut that killed 241 US marines and 56 French para. Italian army was there and joined the operations as far as possible of rescue of wounded and dead.

Shiite Islam therefore natural allied of the Syrian President Bashar al Assad Hezbollah joined the war in Syria against Daesh, among all the enemies of Hezbollah, Israel and USA apart, it's France ,EU State member, one of the natural enemy of the shiite political armed party, France attitude to the former colonies never changed and still consider those countries area of France mainly interest, Macron visited the country soon indeed as to confirm the role that France its ready to affirm in the country and Hezbollah is an obstacle that must be eradicated. Soon after France there's Germany that put Hezbollah on the list of undesired presence in its territory, declaring illegals all the forms of collecting funds made in the German territory in favour of Hezobllah by the Shiite Mosques. EU or rather Achen/Acquisgrana on Israel and USA pressure declared that Hezbollah it's a terrorist group and banned its satellite television because of the incitement of racial hate especially against Israel. The side effects of what appears to me as a real coup will soon be felt in the EU territory, in particular in France and Germany, it's probable a new humanitarian crisis with consequent increase of migration process but the Shiites have always been refractory to the idea of ​​abandoning their country unlike the Sunnis who are the vast majority of migrants who invade the coasts of southern Europe, Italy in the lead. At this point I am really curious to see what the attitude of the Italian government will be, considering of the large Italian military contingent on site, I am not optimistic and I fear that the Italian government will sleeps as it did while Italian interests were trampled in Libya by the EU French ally, again the Mare Nostrum it's the center of geopolitical upheavals that are inevitably of strategic importance for Italy given that it is our natural neighborhood but the EU membership status it's just a brake a real cheat for all Italians people, Italians real patriots don't buy MSM bullshit and don't trust those fake allies and the crap fake union known as the EU. https://soundcloud.com/taurinorum/beirut-moonlight

autoroue des anglais The 'Highway of the English' or rather 'Autoroute Des Anglais' it's the highway traveled by hundreds of trucks and cars every day and especially in summertime, from Calais or Dunkirk you can embark to reach Dover U.K. territory, 33 km as the crow flies separate the two countries. I've already wrote about Calais and the birth of the biggest illegal hotspot of France known as 'The Jungle' the name given to that 'spontaneous' hotspot recall in a symbolic manner the idea of absence of authority, a wild territory where everybody has to learn how to survive where there's no sign of any politics to prevent clashes among its inhabitants, in the jungle there's an ostensible kind of anarchy while in fact it's the law of the strongest that rules. It is absolutely unthinkable that the secret services of a Sovereign Country ( EU Member ) are unaware of the processes that govern the birth of certain phenomenon. The Jungle stayed there and its function was of an instrument of political pression but especially for the political propaganda that gave an important contribute for the Brexit referendum result. To infiltrate someone or why not even an entire squad of secret agents in the Jungle it's like putting an hot knife into the butter, it's a cake and it's a practice in which isn't even unthinkable that more than a country might be involved with. What we see on the surface it's what we have to see but it's between the lines and in some cases beyond that we must look, I can light a big fire hoping that the smog provoked will recall the attention of someone but that can be also a strategic step to keep away from more important things any possible interference. National State operate on different levels, supposed to be allied often didn't share the same purpose and when there's no convergence of common interests then it's more like an 'arm wrestling' situation in which both contendent are trying to win. The Jungle prospers During the presidency of François Holland Prime Minister was Manuel Valls ( 2014 – 2016 ) when the enfant prodige of the French elites Macron future leader of 'En Marche' who is a banker first of all, held the post of Minister of the Economy, in U.K. it was David Cameron turn, the Conservative leader in charge made history for managing the Brexit referendum, David Cameron however didn't wanted to leave the E.U. after several meetings and negotiations he worked for the 'Remain' campaign and has lost his battle so the day after resigned from downing street. The Jungle Calai It is important to have the political spectrum of the whole situation, both country share a colonial empire therefore the 'arm wrestling' it's a practice they always have done face to face, all migrants are fluent speaker of French and English and not because they won a scholarship at the Sorbonne or at the Oxford institute, if the oldest empires don't exists anymore it doesn't mean that the political influence it's been lost with it. Both country decided to eliminate Ghedaffi in particular France, during Sarkozy presidency, who had particular interest on closing Ghedaffi mouth forever.

The military intervention in Lybia was a common interest of both these countries soon after Sharkzoy it's David Cameron the second European leader that insisted to overthrow Ghedaffi powership on the northern african country, Ghedaffi dead follows a long list of National Socialist leaders that didn't had a democratic process at the Aja (Holland) international court see Slobodan Mjlosevic the Serbian leader supported before by all the West, USA ahead, than betrayed. Ghedaffi Death

Illegal migrants have become bargaining chip, source of lucrative earnings but also an excellent instrument of political pressure at the same time, Anghela Merkel obtained a substantial financial funds to block the easter border of Germany paying directly the Turkish 'dictator' Erdogan who recently forced an invasion of a huge of illegal migrants mostly men, fake rfgs, on the Greek borderline, in that occasion we have seen the Greek people compact united fighting back the invasion, military forces and especially local people attacked OGNs, which are at the orders of their respective governments from which they receive indirect financing, the Greeks have shown to the rest of European Patriots that it is possible to stop the arrogance of financial elites who pretend to govern our life. Theresa May took the place at number 10 of Downing street soon after Cameron resign and took care of the 'day after' negotiations with the EU institutions, to secure its border her government invested a huge of money of British taxpayers to built a wall to prevent any attempt by illegal migrants to enter the U.K. land by hiding themselves in the trucks. It is almost sure that among all things, that have determined the willing of the British people to leave the EU, immigration played a key role and so 'The Jungle' of Calais as well, MSM reaction on the Brexit referendum result was quite evident, delusion on a hand but didn't lost hope on the other, the hammering played by the MSM has been huge, the idea of a second referendum was on top of the list, the message was that the British voters have been fooled by Farage first and Cameron's naivety then, the recent elections in U.K. put a stone once and forever on eurocrats mouths. The BBC of course it's full of supposed to be journalist which are left wing political activist mainly that have to defend their status quo and have failed at all, again here we have the demonstration that the Native People of a country have made the difference as in Greece, long time abandoned by the major parties the british working class took its revenge at the first occasion given to say its word and despite all forces in the field were against them they have won, democracy prevailed. Now to think that those 'forces' gave up it's like as said before been captured by some smoke signal in the sky from somewhere else to keep the observer distract from the most important thing the actual invasion attempted by groups of illegal migrants, on the 6th of June 235 migrants arrived in the U.K. territory again on the 8th of August another group of 130 people, differently from the usual in this case the 'fortun boats' were full of women and children.

Between U.K. and France the arms wrestling it's on by the face of their respective Minister of Interior so on a side there's Chris Philip on the other Christophe Castaner, Philip it's accusing France of negligence on controlling the border and that should prevent the departure of these 'fortun boats' promising that all the illegal migrants arrived from France will return back. On 12 July 2020, the French and British Ministries of the Interior signed an agreement to create a police intelligence unit capable of combating human trafficking and reducing irregular crossings of the Channel. The first political effect its to show to the British people that despite UK it's leaving EU it is impossible to stop the invasion furthermore if between EU State members there are shared intel data U.K. now it is out of the 'games' and so must willing or not stand up and go to sit at the table of negotiations which means to invest money anyway for the contrast at the mass immigration plus of course the internal political pressure that the British institutions have to deal with Refugee Action director Stephen Hale, for example says that limited arrivals do not constitute a 'migration crisis' and called on the London government to worry about the coronavirus crisis instead, Boris Johnson amazing majority in the country can be deflated on this field, the more realistic among the British voters are aware that Boris Johnson it's far away from being considered as a real Nationalist leader who will defend their interests, it is more likely to happen that it's going to be hard for the EU western citizens only to enter U.K. despite as westerner have more in common with them than any of those Islamic people while nothing it's going to change for all those migrants coming from African and Middle East area for whom special channel would be open anyway as before, again while the people are watching that smoke signal it's elsewhere that things are moving on, just adapted to the new reality. Once upon a time there was a brilliant politician in U.K. the youngest M.P. 21 years old of the British Parliament who have tried to free U.K. by those financial elites who have taken the control of the Bank of England and put him in jail during the 2WW despite he didn't committed any crime but just for its political ideas only, Sir Oswald Mosley didn't had the crystal ball but as an acute and smart politician as he was indeed was aware of the illimitate power and resources of the sharks of wall streets and of the City of London too who by exploiting countries and population worked then to create that multiculturalism hailed by the globalist who allow them a better control over the 'democratic' Nations of the West and in particular on the natural resources of the exploited countries of origins of all these migrant, 'Divide et Impera' rules are easy to apply then when you have a multicultural society and again here are the Westerner 'White privileged' people that are paying a salad price.

Columbus as a symbol of 'Racism' and ethnic cleansing must be smashed same things others statues, but how the Kingdom of Italy or even before the various little State of the Italian peninsula have contribute to the slavery business it's not yet clear to me. I don't want to minimize or even ignoring that Racism in the US society it's a serious matter, as an external observer I can't understand what it's going to happen once you have smashed all statues, rightly or wrongly , you are associating to the slavery American past? are you gonna take a step aside by leaving the US territory forever getting back anyone to the country of origin? that might be a solution it would eliminate the possibility of any form of racism indeed. 'White privilege' what is it? how many white homeless are living in the streets of America, have to be considered as White any others that are not clearly African origin citizens? or what? The more I see of what's going on in the US the more I conclude that Multiculturalism simply failed and even those supposed to be free area or rather 'No Go area' sorted to keep off the law enforcement where BLM and Antifa lived their 'revolutionary dream society' have failed, if the purpose was to show a supposed higher morality and true democratic lifestyle honestly you have burnt all chances not to mention assaulting stores lootings etc., first of all if you have political support from an institutional party as it seems happened in all the cases it is correct to state that it's a failure of the Democratic party too and of those electors who shown solidarity with BLM Antifa experimentation of a better world, antifa tends to criticize closed borders to then locked up themselves in specific are patrolling with guns the borders?!? are you nut or what? To witness the killing of a man under an ongoing arrest by the law enforcement it's unacceptable thing, here in Italy we had several critical cases of Italians citizens killed by the law enforcement with even worsen brutality, we had political reactions and who has politicized the battle against the institutions even if in all of these cases there were not substantial political reasons on top anyway Politics work on it or rather tends to use these tragic events to bring water on its mulin and some honest man really works to avoid in the future that such terrible murders might take place again. This country have a long list of political homicide, here the cold war has been fought for real leaving a lot of young men and women dead on the ground it's that what you want now? a civil war? politicians on top levels of both sides have a huge responsabile now and should really take car on what they do and says. Here in this country we don't have a constitutional right who allow us to own a gun and to use it for self defense it doesn't mean Italians doesn't have licence to own a gun or that didn't happened that someone in self defending himself his close relatives or just its belonging didn't used to shoot the thief, sometimes even killing them, but without getting here in Europe just take a look at your closer neighborhood which is Canada do they have a similar statistics of murder rate? I don't think so, I think they do also have licence to own guns but probably it all depends by the political power of the lobbies of arms, in the USA those lobbies ( NRA ) are definitely more powerful in any case the illegal market I suppose it is prosperous therefore canadian criminals have access to a variety of guns and rifles made in USA. On the web data statistics of race and crime in the US are available to anyone just check it out, the trends indicate that a study of the government data from 1980 till 2008 on almost three decades used to consider as 'White' also the Hispanic communities then the sum of those two ethnic groups wrongly indicate that White crime rate was higher than Black, with a better look on those different ethnic groups the trends indicate that Hispanics have higher crime rate than White but lower than Blacks, aware of the political speculation on this data let's conclude that the homicide rate in the USA it's substantial higher as is the prison population The statistics of murders and of dead by violent crimes seems to indicate that among the African American communities emerge that percent of 'black people' are killing themselves more than the opposite or rather White people killing Blacks, in the U.K. too I've watched a documentary about knife crime which it's a serious matter in that country well I've heard terrible stories of a 'wasted youth' and I was very impressed that a black father I presume Jamaican origin claimed that Blacks in Britain had done more damage to their community than far-right parties and movements did in facts, this man didn't lost his son differently from others, his son is still alive but in such a worse conditions that he will need total support for the rest of his life, it really hit me so much suffering but also the courage that that father had on speaking up clearly about that matter without putting on politics as its a fact another black young guy same age of his boy has stubbed his son for a futile reason leaving him disable for life, the stop and search policies of course is not enough to resolve this situation which appear to be typical of U.K. mainly. On my first days in U.K. July 2007 in London I recall a few meters from my place there was a big picture of a young British boy, flowers everywhere and written cards 'We miss you Ben' initially I thought it was a scooter incident, Ben looked so young can't be a car driver, but let's say that as an Italian I'm used to hear of several teenagers died because of an incident while on driving a scooter, none of that, Ben died because of serious casualties of ripetute stubs so he bled to death.
I had no children even though my partner at that time was a single mother of a beautiful baby girl a bit younger than Ben and all the times we used to walk that way a strange silence closed our mouths for a moment of respect of Ben and his family. It's really hard to explain to a child what happened at that corner as an adult you are powerless indeed so it became morally significant to do something tangible the same way death it is. It's wrong to state Black lives matter because it doesn't make any sense to politicize a murder how many officers have died in the USA during their job ? politics shouldn't water on this divisions because it doesn't lead to anything good, if you says that only Black Lives Matter well you have to accept that White or Hispanic whatever could claim the same right, if black lives matter how would you explain that among the Afro American community black people are more likely incline to kill others blacks? Again multiculturalism what is it? if then all ethnic groups tends to live altogether? and it isn't even absurd it's a natural tendencies. The days of slavery are gone, there's no apartheid anymore in South Africa and White people don't have any particular privilege the fact that there are black people who have made career in all fields it's a proof of it's contrary, London has an islamic Major then what's this anti white constant propaganda of the BBC? White european people have all the right to form their political organization and to claim the right to do so without necessarily having to be defined racist. Slavery still exist today see Nigeria exploitation of others Nigerian see the South Eastern Asia, slavery was also applied by Africans on other Africans of different tribal side, the Turks and the arabs too used to enslave European people so stop with this crap that describes the European People as 'the most evil race on earth' because it's bullshit, why a thousands of Fake RFGS wants to live in the Western countries? why islamic people don't move to Saudi Arabia or Qatar or any other rich islamic country? On Indigenous celebration day I wish all the best to the native people of my country and Europe too and let's pointing out that only Africans can free Africa that's the only way to stop mass migration is not the working class of Europe who is stopping them to do so, colonialism its over and on recent years all these countries have had independence plus springtime revolutions recently however it seems they are unable to express a decent ruling class and that is not up to us.

Actually from the dashboard of the national monitoring of the situation there are 12.953 positive increase 29 – reigned with good health 201.947 increase 305 – deceased 35.203 increase 13 – total of the cases 250.13 increase 347 Officially this is still the second phase, Lombardia remain on top of the list of the region with more cases 96.782 total caes (5.546) actual cases (76) increase followed by Piemonte 31.830 (790) (31),Emilia-Romagna: 30.052 (1.712) (44), Veneto: 20.598 (1.228) (63)and Toscana: 10.583 (457) (23) all the rest of Regions of the country are interested with reduced but still considerable numbers. On public transports to wear the mask and keep social distancing it is mandatory especially on trains in particular if you can't keep the social distancing of one meter to others people, people with disability and their career can avoid to wear a mask also children of 6 years old. No doubt that the more affected by the anti covid rules were and still are all those small business no more than two people are allowed to get in, you want a new haircut? you have to call the store owner and book an appointment at that time your body temperature is measured and you have to do a survey where basically you declare that you are well and have not met people with flu symptoms,the asymptomatic are not contemplated and you can't known who is it and who it isn't. At the beginning of this nightmare after the indecisions and errors of the government we have had a three month lock down and only recently we have discovered that the lock down imposed to the whole country wasn't even requested by those experts on which the government trusted and consulted before taking any decision. So on the so called first phase we had more restrictions indeed especially we used to queue at the supermarket, few people allowed to get in, a certificate was mandatory to justify your being off your place, security stuff at the supermarket didn't take any temperature neither asked to fill a statement as in other occasions you still have to do now. Schools are closed now but soon it'd be time for the young to go back on studying, those few who are lucky to enjoy the good season somewhere in holiday are just taking a break from the ordinary life but cannot escape covid rules even in the beach they are monitored by law enforcement, cameras, in some cases army. The football championship it's over now, it was stopped even before the beginning of the lock down then after it restarted but with empty stadiums, live music events same story or even worse. The news from all around the world are not good at all, too many countries are still on state of alert, some cases have been reported of Italian citizens who have spent holidays outside Italy that are returned Covid positive, the Italian press it's reporting of several cases from Croatia which it's close to Italy on the eastern border. Many people had the hope that this virus would have died with summertime temperature but it didn't happen so there are serious concern convid might change and with it it's possible even the medical treatment. What it's emerging according by the mainstream now it's that covid its interesting even young people if before we thought it was only affecting helders people mainly or with an already compromised health, now it's not longer like this, we all are at risk even more than before and there's a valid reason to be concerned. The change of season in Italy it might happen slowly or not but it's a fact that is the most dangerous moment, in normal conditions just being simply cold it's a quite common thing so the flu and now there's mainly one kind of flu around you don't want to get sick. At the present time we don't know yet how to defeat covid but also is not yet clear where this thing it's from? we only know that started in Asia and that China hide it for a while but how many government initially have done the same thing we don't know I presume several also here in the EU area, in conclusion we don't have substantial proofs to blame this or that country for this mass global murdering that it's still killing a huge of people worldwide, it is really important? for the relatives of those victims I guess so, also for economic repairs but let's be honest let's say we are going to find out Who to blame, the point is it is possible that a single country can afford to repair the damages that this bloody virus have done to all these economies? it is impossible of course unless you want to sacrifice that country and with it all its unaware innocent civilians too. Italy would be in a State of Emergency till the 15th of October then it should be the third phase and what's going to change in fact isn't yet clear apart the reopening of schools and some minors sport event the psychological damages are worrying me now, too many people it's scared to get out and to socialize, youngs people too our lifestyle it's radically changed and at the moment we are not allowed to hold public gatherings, so we can't express our opposition to the local institutions neither to the central government. Since the beginning of this nightmare I've started a fcb page in order to organize instant flash mob, I've personally violated the obligation to stay at home, getting outside by car or just walking around my surroundings, I used to do some video clip to collect those moments where I was also documenting the reality around me, I've joined a big national group of protesters that every Saturdays used to catch up in a public square to peacefully demonstrate against our government bad management of the situation it was at our own risk indeed as you can get a substantial administrative penalty of more than 400 euros, during the lockdown and considering the high percent of unemployment in Italy it's a stub in the back. Despite the risk of been caught demonstrating I as many others have challenged the gov dispositions as it was against our constitution, the Gov can't impose that lockdown indeed they used a legislative tool which wasn't even an act, discussed by all parliament, rather something juridically extemporaneous and abstract anyway all those decisions were taken by the gov only bypassing the Italian parliament ( on lockdown too ) while the EU negotiations were underway. A lot of brave Italians have collected that penalty and now appeals to the court are quite numerous anywhere in the country, a government rigid and inflexible with all citizenship allowed the celebrations of the 25th of April a divisional celebration political at all where the left wing supporters go on public square to celebrate the 'Liberation of Italy' from the dictatorship, it's a fact that didn't passed unnoticed of course, during the lockdown till the present day mass migration arrivals never stopped, many of those migrants already within the Italian territory didn't gave a shit of rules and restrictions especially drug dealers that are a stable presence in any Italian city, just prostitution on streets has stopped but migrants with no Id passport were and still are untouchable , the majority of them of course. On September first electoral testing it's going to happen, local elections in many regions are going to be a testing on this government who doesn't have the support of the majority of Italians, the leader of the Opposition Salvini Matteo it's going on trial risking 15 years in jail ( accused of kidnapping of illegal migrants kept aboard the German NGO of Karola Rachete ) while it's probable that he would be politically neutralized as with a conviction he will no longer be able to stand as candidates or hold institutional positions there are open spaces of action for all the radical anti EU political parties it's a major challenge and if we don't overcome those silly divisions that exist among ourselves we will not go anyway, the most important thing it's to place real opposers in any institutional palace at all levels and that's the only way to force the actual opposition to take a radical position about our EU membership status. Note the Data of Covid Dashboard might have changed you can check it out on the official institutional website

mafia nigeriana The organized crime of Italy it's in absolute the most efficient industry we have, back in the days the control of the heroin market in the USA was in Cosa Nostra hands and the reason of this have to been searched since the end of WW2 when Italian Boss of Cosa Nostra Lucky Luciano substantially has offered his help to the O.S.S. former C.I.A. on how to land secure in Sicily, I've wrote a post about it, there's no need to investigate here as all informations in terms of books, documentaries and historical research made by unquestionable experts are all at the disposition to everyone who wish to know more in deep, all of the material isn't just crap bullshit but it's been proven with data and specific facts. It's just a case I've find out a short documentary about Nigerian Mafia of Castel Volturno in Italy by the Foreign Correspondent ABC News in Depth by Emma Alberici https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rSCndxoZ4U ABC Australia therefore by an Australian Italian origin journalist produced a detailed report questioning also the world wide known author of 'Gomorra' by Roberto Saviano. Roberto Saviano lives under constant protection of undercover agents of the Italian law enforcement Carabinieri since he openly spoke up against the mobsters living that area calling them by name in front of the crowd and asking to free the area during a local event in Casal di Principe city 21.613 inhabitants province of Caserta in the southern region of Campania Italy, historically the area of influence and control of Camorra the organized crime organization of Napoli and surrounding. Saviano Saviano lives in N.Y. mainly due to its job he travels a lot however ne has never renounced to speak up about his political position for what about the phenomenon of mass immigration that its interesting the Italian southern ports.
First of all it's absolutely a Saviano right to have its own political ideas and it's normal that not all Italians people agree with him, when a very special person decide to speak up about a specific matter as this one it's obvious he is taking a specific side and by doing so he is in practice doing politics therefore it's on the political field only that I'm expressing my point of view which I know it's quite spreaded over the Italian people too, according with exit polls and political results of all electoral competitions that took place in this country in the last 20 years, it's pretty clear the majority of Italians have enough of the actual ongoing invasion of Fake RFGS. Saviano speaks about the fact that the Nigerians Mafia its working under the permission of the local ones, I'm sure of it couldn't be possible otherwise but Emma Alberici doesn't asked why aware of this sort of joint venture between Italian organized crime and Nigerian one he is still supporting the so called 'Open Borders' policies? why from the top attic of his luxurious N.Y. flat he keeps on pointing his finger describing whoever its politically opposing this process by calling everyone as a racist, fascist whatever? His indirect clashes with the former Minister of the Interior and leader of the Lega, right wing Party, Matteo Salvini are quite famous to the Italian audience. What's the point of fighting the organized crime the way he does if then despite realizing what's behind the mass immigration phenomenon he still keep on defending this suicidal policies that shortly will bring here to a real Racism phenomenon as it is in the USA and in others multicultural societies, mainly all former colonialist empires of the past so U.K. and France. Salvini it's far away from what can been described as a Fascist he is a smart guy and a populist natural leader loved by a lot of Italians people who took a party that was falling down and making of it the biggest one in terms of collected votes of the center right wing coalition. Fascism back in the days when it was ruling Italy had to deal with the organized crime of course, Mussolini aware of how powerful and destabilizing these criminal organizations were didn't waste it's time and gave a free licence to operate to a man that became soon famous as the 'Iron Prefect' Cesare Primo Mori. Cesare Primo Mori Born in the city of Pavia on 1871 Mori started his career as policeman then became Prefect till the grade of Superintendent, in 1928 became Senator of Italian Kingdom however Mori had its limit too I mean if on a hand he had a free licence on fighting crimes on the other he wasn't a politician even if had the fascist membership card and this lack made the difference when suddenly had to surrender and leave Sicily. To the journalist who asked if the Mafia was completely defeated he answered
«They have not yet understood that the brigands and the mafia are two different things. We hit the first ones who, undoubtedly, represent the most striking aspect of the Sicilian crime, but not the most dangerous. The real fatal blow to the mafia will be given when we will be allowed to rake not only among prickly pears, but in the ambulatories of prefectures, police headquarters, large manor houses and, why not, some ministry. “ Italy wasn't a Totalitarian State, Mussolini shared the power with the Royal Family of Savoia and the Vatican State, differently of Hitler or Stalin in Italy there has never been a purge of uncomfortable figures, Mussolini leaved a long list of enemies not only political opponent, all those persecuted by Mori escaped outside Italy took their revenge as they had their occasion to do and that occasion came indeed the day when O.S.S. / C.I.A. men went to knock the door of Lucky Luciano the Boss of Cosa Nostra member of the Genovese family, Time magazine inserted his name on a list of 20 among the most influential personalities of the twentieth century I'm growing up educated that even leafs don't fall from the trees in october if Cosa Nostra doesn't allow it so Saviano but still he doesn't want to understand that to stop mass immigration policies it's something that must be done as soon as possible, let's learn from the past to put in practice what worked but in particular to avoiding on repeating the same errors Mori did underestimating the political aspects of the whole thing.