AZZURRA the CRUISE SHIP 50.000 euros a day
translated from a fcb post of #Italexit #Taurinorum
ByoBlu's analysis ( an Italian independent web tv channel ) about the very serious facts of the 'suspension of democracy', in which initially some Italians 'sang and danced on the balcony' except to calm down after the cold showers and the prolongation of psychological terrorism by the Italian mainstream, which it's conformed to that Western model that just during the Nuremberg trial materializes in its case and then evolves over time up till the present day.
The homemade film material was used by the mainstream for its ignoble propaganda work, still today there are those on TV who praise the 'civil and obedient behavior of the Italians' of those dramatic days but we owe all this to decades of psychological experimentation and sociology that in the Big Brother format has its first affirmation and from there to the present day has been perfected.
We have been raised by a Western capitalist model that has inculcated in our heads the absolute importance of Making Success, Becoming a Champion, aspiring to make the leap beyond the screen, to become active participants in television.
Pasolini spoke of the media without mincing words even if he identified in his analysis institutional fascism and consumerism in short, a model of 'total homologation', in my opinion wrongly but he was still a convinced Marxist therefore ... his analyzes must be considered fruit of a precise ideology, which on closer inspection is a contradiction. In cinematographic terms we describe with the term 'Diegesi' or rather 'the universe of the story' the author of the story is a little bit the God of that imagined world, narrated, scripted, the Television or rather the television environment shown, what we are shown , is a Diegesis in facts and the rules of each narrative model applicable to a fictional tale are equally applicable to reality,to manipulating the reality is neither science fiction nor conspiracy, an intelligent prepared person would reduce the sardine/leftwing globalist critical of the situation to a thousand pieces in a possible open confrontation.
The relationship that is established between the one who speaks from the television or framed in the confines of the frame and the one who receives passively, without the possibility of interaction, emphasized Pasolini is precisely an anti-democratic relationship in fact, (search on youtube Pasolini interviewed by Enzo Biagi in the 60s black and white pictures you can check it out, there are no english subtitles ) The evolution of mass-media communication has reached unthinkable peaks even for an intellectual of Pasolini's caliber, I remember that among other things Pasolini was expelled from the PCI Italian communist party for 'Moral Indignity' because he was a fagot. The process of involving the public in an 'active' function was docile and subtle, we are already thinking only of games, programs with live phone calls, '' the beauty of live broadcasting '' when some crazy anarchist splinter scrapped the plans of that Diegesi built before for purposes of commercial persuasion, forcing us to buy something the purpose has always been the same.
As the technological tool have evolved with them, the television medium has also evolved and consequently that illusion of 'Active Participation' of the viewer / consumer who, little by little, was preparing to cross the boundaries of the television frame to physically entering in facts in the 'Olympus of the Gods', which is precisely the TV studios of 'Mamma Rai or Mediaset' the two main important ones. Big Brother, therefore, but also the film 'Do it yourself' or that operation in which in every western country was involved with, the population has been involved in self-recovery, following a pre-established narrative thread, to assemble a unique film then broadcast on the big screen, let's say to participate in a similar operation is not a bad thing it is clear I am not criticizing at all indeed I recognize that it is also a good initiative, but it gives the idea of how, as educated by this capitalist system (which to us we have been saying 'exported' with the expulsion of the Empire of Evil from 1945 to today) our desire to emerge at all costs,to make success no matter why and for what reason, it is really great
A certain doctrine of the left over the years, throughout the West, has pursued the key of the Struggle Against Power in questioning some educational models, under the illusion of fighting the system with targeted attitudes, for example by not buying certain products, whether they are food needs. primary or simple clothes 'secondary' needs by boycotting mass phenomenon such as snubbing football considered as a retrograde mass sport and therefore 'fascist' (with the term 'fascist' there are automatic mechanisms in our country that are all misleading and absolutely without any logical sense) to watch just a little TV or better to watch only certain films, programs etc.etc. that is to be completely locked up as breeding pigs and obviously in the street fight with the police the top of the 'Fight the Power''Fuck the System' and these slogans.
The LockDown and the absolute obedience of the People was total and artfully commanded, neither more nor less, following the methods that the mainstream has always used, which are the same that also determine a good part of those street demonstrations that culminate with the clashes with the police, and also on this we must acknowledge that Pasolini had clearly explained who the proletarians were and who the middle-to-high middle-class silver spooned ones whatever of the situation.
The Suspension of Democracy did not end in the lockdown it's a fact still on progress, the reasons why Italy has suffered and continues to suffer what we know respond to a precise political plan, after Brexit and the arrival of Trump, the yellow-green government ( first Conte coalition gov ) really scared the Aachen/Acquisgrana domain, Salvini can be criticized as much as you want, he hit his enemies in the Wallet precisely in his work to combat immigration, we are talking about a volume of business greater than that of drugs let us realize what we are talking aobut.
The Eurocrats without losing heart has deployed all the forces and means at their disposal to give a lesson to Italy with the active participation of the Vatican by the way, and therefore at all costs to avoid that Italy could even think of wanting to leave the EU, if Greece leaves it is an account if the third net contributor leaves the EU collapses definitively.
Having a poor political class means exactly this, that is to have suckers anxious to reach success unable to realize the political and economic weight of Italy of its strength which will be gradually reduced and once completely stripped made therefore harmless to the point that detached from the EU or not would no longer matter.
Are we lost forever? No but it is imperative that it is also and on the level of international relations that we must operate we are not Alone in this War, for now at low intensity, however, Smart and Unconventional Men are needed in every sense that with the democratic and constitutional tools we have. , no a small thing, hit the enemy where the blow will be stronger or rather in the wallet, then there will be pains. (incidentally the cruise ship Azzurra costs 50,000 euros per day)
update to September 12th
equipped with all comforts a cruise ship normally have, the Azzurra isn't the only one, the local 'Reception Center' in Lampedusa the situation it's critical as all August OGNs and private embarkations mainly from Tunisia have and still are constantly arriving in the little island which is the strip of Italian land and then EU territory at only 2 hours from Tunisian costs.
the Lampedusa hotspot is structured to accommodate 95 people, at the moment there are 208, the figures refer to those who actually are inside vary daily due to uncontrolled arrivals arrivals of hundreds and hundreds of people who are then divided among various hotspots a the moment just only in Sicily there is Pozzallo,Agrigento province, Messina, at close distance in Puglia region there's an hotspot in Taranto too.
The Governator of the Autonomos Sicilian Region Nello Nusumeci issued an order for the closure of the hotspot in question by engaging in a political battle with the government of Rome to protect the health of its citizens and the same non-EU citizens gathered on the island, decided to close the hotspots and transfer migrants elsewhere.
From the first of January 17.000 have landed to Sicily, Sicily it's been left alone by the central government by all EU State members, frequently at the center of attention of filmmakers supporting mass illegal immigration and others left wing politicians searching for the media limelight, Sicily then it's alone facing problems on problems and with the actual covid19 pandemic it's really too much, Rome engaged a political answer on the legislative plan regardless of the dramatic situation, frequently many Fake RFGS are dislocated in others Italian hotspot secretly by night, frequently many of these people run away soon after arriving at the definitive hotspot then you have people of which you don't know absolutely nothing, if have been convicted of something, if are covid positive or any other useful information in time like this are necessary.
The controversy between the Governor and the Ministry of the Interior Lamorgese had its highest peak towards the middle of August to immediately disappear from the media attention to date loaded beyond belief on episodes of black chronicle, in reference to the beating and consequent death of a young man of Cape Verdean origin Willy Duerte killed by beatings by 4 young Italians two of these MMA experts and with militarist inclinations, although a 'racial motive' is not explicitly declared, it is however strongly implied, the left in order has touched upon the idea also in reference to the use of social networks for the usual repressive silencing campaign, Suddenly in Sicily there is no longer talk of all irregular migrants who none of whom really correspond to the status of 'War Refugee' are placed in new and very expensive cruise embarrassments, all this in the face of a People who was forced to welcome and suffer the arrogance of NGOs led by the governments to which they belongs a, from the inability of the current government, in addition to being pro-immigration, they are also unable to manage the phenomenon, even after having given substantial funds to Tunisia, the Foreign Minister Di Maio returned to Tunisia escorted by EU officials to drop more cash, 11 millions euros, this again while the Italians are reaping the benefits of all the unconstitutional management of the crisis that has suspended democracy for months and months and that continues to impose measures and restrictions on the people that immigrants disregard, sure that among mainstream journalists, left-wing magistrates, left-wing government etc. they have all possible and imaginable guarantees at no cost and all on the shoulders of the Italian taxpayers.
Schools are about to open next week and it's already a chaotic situation but most importantly there are local elections now and the referendum, the Mainstream Media it's all focused on the horrible death of a young boy and if a foreigner should by accident switch on an Italian tv Channel it's going to watch a 24 hours constat update of this unlucky boy, I will write a post about it sooner or later but let's say now that the shameful political looting it's already on and the media circus it's promising further shows on schedule, Willy relatives in the meantime asked for TV cameras to not be present at his funeral even if severely tried by excruciating pain they have not lost consciousness of the disgusting and deplorable exploitation in progress by the ruling political class, left-wing on Top.