
ItalExit, Politics, Covid Update in Italy, Nationalism, Patriotism, History

Giorgio Scariota nicknamed Scanderbeg

Scanderberg Statue in Rome

‘Athlete of Christ’ ‘Fearless Defender of the Western Civilization’ some of the names given to the figure of Giorgio Scariota alias Scanderbeg.

I want to start this post from the final moment in the life of the one who will later become the national hero of all the Albanian people, On his deathbed, Scanderbeg ordered, among all the people gathered next to him, a child to go outside to pick up many pieces of wood and to make a bunch of them. Upon his return, Scanderbeg challenged those present to break this deck, but none of them succeeded. So it was that the prince then told the young man to undo the deck and break them one at a time, He concluded by saying: “With this gesture, I, I wanted to show you that if you all stay together no one can ever break you, but by sharing even a single child. Will lead you to death “. Having said this, the Athlete of Christ the man the Lord sent to the world for a clear holy purpose expired. The importance to be united, to form a solid group to share common beliefs to preserve values and traditions that’s make of a people diverse from another one, Mussolini himself who said ‘The strength is in the number’ would be present at the inauguration of a big statue, in Albania square in Rome, in honor of Scanderbeg the 4th July 1940 of the artist sculptor Romano Romanelli, The Great Leader, closed in solid armor, with a winged helmet on his head and an unsheathed sword, is depicted on a sturdy horse advancing at a pace. The whole emanates power and contained strength. On the base is an inscription placed in 1968 by the Municipality of Rome, to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the death of Castriota. There are several cities in Italy with monuments in his honor, In Florence, all tourist that go in the Uffizi Gallery would have the chance to admire an historic painting (1552 – 1568) of Giorgio Castriota alias Scanderbeg , the work of the artist Cristofano dell'Altissimo, the list it’s quite long indeed as Scanderbeg used to visit Italy several times, The Venetian Doge will inscribe his name on the books of the nobles of the city of Venice, Vivaldi the famous composer will write an opera dedicated to him, Skanderbeg, by Sergej Iosifovič Jutkevič (1954), premiered at the 1954 Cannes Film Festival and won the title of Best Director and a thousands of books written in different languages by the way you can find monuments, painting etc. also in Paris, London, Ginevra, in U.S.A. at Rochester Hill Michigan, Skopje and of course in Pristina the capital of the Kosova as the Albanian people call it using the female article. The National Hero of Albania which it’s a small and poor country land of emigration since the past till its contemporary history and especially soon after the end of the communist regime of Henver Hoxha ( 1944 – 1985 ) I recall a massive escape of Albanian towards the Italian cost, after being all jailed in a mad world the supreme leader built and have buried all of them. it’s an historical figure of worldwide importance for the Westerners, any Albanian can walk the ground of this world aware that his land gave the birth to such a great man and even if they are forced to emigrate all around the world they always will have the chance to catch up somewhere with the face and the gaze of Scanderbeg in a statue or painting and look up to anyone from the high to remind that even if Albania it’s a small Nation it gave to the Western civilization a great contribute of which any Westerner not only European owes a lot. We are living In a mad time the globalized world tend to destroy the idea itself of Nation of traditional family the motherland in Italian it’s said “Madrepatria’ In one word composed by Mother and Father that’s what a Nation is, is the land of the Fathers and Mothers, of Grandpa and Grandma a legacy which determines our sense of belonging to our land, the land of our people conquered with blood of those ones who came before us and have faced the challenges of the their time and the more we look back and more we can understand about the world around us, about all those big statues that in every European town are above all watching at us often with our depth indifference and ignorance. The ultraliberalism economic model wants to destroy traditional Western values by exacerbating social tensions to inciting intellectual minorities with the claim that some of their principles must be universally accepted by all, little by little the imposed intellectual model created a sort of dictatorship of what we call here in Italy ‘The Single Thought’ anything or anyone who has a different opinion it’s banned, denigrated on the ‘virtual’ public square, appointed with the scarlet letter on his forehead. The deep work of destroying our world it targets the very foundation of our civilization, the BLM gathering in the streets of America tearing down statues and symbols of the past reminds to the advent of the Communism totalitarian regime in Russia where at the beginning churches and others materialistic symbols first were targeted and soon after the target would have be priests, religious people, opponent or just those who didn’t appear to be proudly convinced communist. In National Socialist Germany the Jews were targeted in reason of their ability with manage the finances and the bank system Hitler will consider negatively the Jews interference on Germany defeat of the first world war in a second moment the German politics will work on a deep propaganda about the superiority of the German race above all the others this in order to convince the entire Nation of how true and justified was the hate towards a specific ethnic group, in U.S.S.R. there was a class war which it was considered morally less deplorable anyway I don’t want to go too far with this, on Nazi Germany there are a huge of films, books etc.etc. And it’s commonly associated with the Devil itself especially by the so called antifascist who doesn’t believe in the existence of God, Allah whatever. Albania has always been in the heart of Italy for many reasons and historical events that date back to the time of Scanderbeg and continued beyond until the beginning of the twentieth century and then abruptly stopped with the end of the Second World War and the advent of the communist totalitarian regime of HoxHa that has isolated Albany from the rest of the world and has obscured every trace of any religion, in Albany there used to coexist both the Christian Orthodox Church and the Islam, Albanian never made a problem of it as before the religious faith for any Albanian the Nation comes first. During the Ottoman occupation of Albany in the XIV and XV century at that time to oppose the invasion there were several Albanians aristocrats, the most strenuous and ostentatious among all was Giovanni Castriota father of five sons that would have all been captured by the Turks and taken prisoners to the sultan court of Murad II , Giorgio was one of them, grown up and educated by the Turks who have seen in him a skilled man, Giorgio used to speak Albanian, Arab and Latin and was in particular an able soldier and but absolutely a fine military strategist till the point of becoming appointed as general of a battalion at the age of 17 years old only. He gained the sultan's esteem and trust to such an extent that he gave him the name of Iskender beg or rather Alexander the Great, the Albanian later on will translate his name in Scanderbeg. Scanderbeg will fight for the Sultan but later on he will abandon the Ottomans and with 300 loyal Albanians soldiers will join the rest of the Albanian people to fight against the Turks and taking revenge for its family, Scanderbeg fought like a lion to kick off the Turks from Albanian land and to stop the Ottoman expansionism in Western Europe too. The list of incredible successes of battles it’s long and that’s the reason why there are so many statues outside Albany to remind us of the passage on this earth of the ‘Athlete of Christ’, It will be Pope Callisto III to appoint the name of ‘Athlete of Christ’ and ‘Defender of the Faith’ a crusader leader the worse nightmare of the Sultan and of all the Ottoman soldiers. In any Western school they should introduce the study of the most representative figures of the Western world separated by the history lessons, this it would be a starting point to create the base of a future commons background that can evolve politically and generate the fundaments of a real political union of the Native people of Europe in opposition of the actual model based on the ‘Rule of the Financial Markets’ if you mention his name to any young man or woman the majority would have not any idea of what you are talking about. Albany it’s close to Italy however the differences were and in part still are considerable , despite the time in the early years of the Twentieth century Albany it’s yet a civilization suspended between East and West, at the beginning of the 21st century appeared made up of indominated people, men attached to their rifles ready to use it, a legacy of the ancient invasions that characterized the People also known to be called Schipiteri, with bazars and classic monuments surrounded by a wild nature mixed with the colors of ancestral customs and the sounds of an ancient language. With a thousand-year history under the influence of a thousand cultures and different religions historically a borderland between the Eastern and Western, during the Roman Empire it was characterized by the presence of a so-called Byzantine Christianity then after the ‘400 A.C. after that Scanderberg (died in 1498 of malaria ) who managed to block the Turks attempted invasion for 25 years towards the Adriatic sea Albany would pass under the Ottoman control and half of the population will embrace Islam.

Unlike other Nations where the religious identification of a people towards a single unique religion was, and still is despite all, a common aspect, in Albania different religions have coexisted peacefully, a unique case, this due to the fact that the Albanian people considered the Nation as something 'Previous of Religion' a spirituality and sacredness of the concept itself of the Nation that goes beyond religion but does not diminish it at all its importance, to be an Albanian it’s already a form of religion the link a man has with his land its deeply spiritual, it’s a feeling the most of us tends to ignore but in the inner deep subconscious of any man there’s that link that it’s over any political ideologies and the Albanians understood it clearly. In the After-Scanderberg time Albany will enter in its darkest times as for four centuries it will be a province of the Ottoman Empire. Thousands of Albanians will emigrate to Italy in the Southern regions from the Marche till the rest of South Italy, in the region of Puglia there is the so called ‘Piana degli Albanesi’ and there are little towns where people speak Albanian too who have maintained uses and traditions intact, the so called ‘Arberesh’ affirmed their presence in the Italian peninsula since so long however many Italians of today still believe that they came here with the end of the communist totalitarian regime of Hoxa. In 1912 the Balkans wars will manage to kick off the Ottomans, Serbians Greeks and Montenegrins will change the geographic map and will occupy too some of the lands lived by the Albanians, against the new invasion the 28th of November 1912 a group of Albanians will declare the Independence from the Ottoman empire, the new State will be recognized internationally and it’s borderline would be defined by the London conference of 1913 however once again the diplomats didn’t consider that a considerable portions of lands lived by Albanian remained separated by the new State, divided between Montenegro, Serbia with the Kosovo and Greece will include the Ciameria, indeed the new Albany include only half of the Albanian population and half of its territory too. Italy in particular will oppose the projects of partitions and expansionism of Serbians and Greeks taking officially the cause of the Albanian people and helping them to maintain, even if reduced, the territorial integrity also because didn’t wanted an expansion of the Slavic population on the Adriatic sea. At the London conference Italy will insist particularly that Albany must not be under the Ottoman control and neither of the Habsburg therefore it was not properly an independent Nation at all in fact later on a foreigner prince would be assigned to the Albanian, that was still the time were in Europe there were several Monarchic States, except France and other form of National states, however yet it’s the aristocracy of the main European Royal Families that played a key role on international geopolitics, it thus becomes an autonomous and sovereign principality under the aegis of the control of foreign powers. The diatribe between the Royal families would invest in a long debate but in the end the crown of the Albanian Kingdom will be assigned to the Prussian Prince William of Wied, a grandson of Queen Elizabeth of Romania however the Prince will never managed to adapt himself as the King of these lands and after 6 months only he will go away and will never return to Albany neither for a visit. In the meantime the first world war erupted and on its territory Albanians will see the passage of seven different armies and because of its position in the heart of the conflict will lost a 10% of its population, Italy during the war will establish several navy bases in Valona, Durazzo and others part of the country and would like to stay even more after the end of the war according with the era of imperialism the Kingdom of Italy it’s therefore willing to extend its territorial possessions. Italy occupation of Valona it’s dated back since 1914 rejected the Greeks who were trying to advance on the Southern Albany and in 1916 will stop the Austro-Hungarian troops, during the armistice of ‘Villa Giusti on the 3rd November 1918’ almost all of Albany it’s occupied by Italians except of some little areas occupied by French ,Serbians and Greeks. Albanians independence didn’t had a long life indeed, the Albanians reacted fighting back against all the foreigners proclaiming Tirana as capital however 60.000 Albanian didn’t managed to free Valona, in the meantime in Europe it arrived the period of the so called ‘Red Biennial’ and Giolitti Italian Prime Minister strongly influenced by the social tensions will order the Italian military presence of Valona to dismiss and return to Italy, a big part of Italians is deluded and quite angry of the government decision especially Nationalist and the new born Fascist Movement are those that will consider it a defeat on the contrary Socialists will be of opposite feelings and their pressure on the Giolitti government as in the whole nation which included ordinary episodes of violence, social tensions, clashes with law enforcement and occupation of fabrics as of the agricultural fields all of this it will be determinant of the Giolitti decision. Mussolini himself didn’t take it very well and didn’t miss the chance to express his point of view on the journal ‘Il Popolo d’Italia’ ( The People of Italy ) openly critical with the Italian government Mussolini it’s talking about a suffered shame. In 1921 the Paris conference will confirm the previous borderlines which is the Albany as we know it today since then Albanian people would be able to elect their own government and to decide for the policies to be adopted, Albany would be part of the ‘Society of the Nations’ former United Nation Organization however despite independence without foreigner interferences the country didn’t had a considerable development and appeared to be very backward, with a stagnant economic model of the agricultural type , consequently the quality of life was backward too , there was no kind of any progress compared to other Western European nations it remained as it was still in the middle ages, there were no infrastructures, Tirana itself looked like a sort of village lived mainly by Muslim, therefore there were a lot of farmers and some kind of bourgeoisie linked to the old principalities of the country, a peasant world in which time had stopped, a sort of little Oriental bazar close at hand with the uses and customs of the Ottoman Empire where women worked in the countryside and men went hunting, a timid process of a democratic and secular reforming was soon interrupted by the political-military coup led by Ahmet Zogu, which gave birth to the Albanian Kingdom, self-appointed king with the name of Zog I. In the period 1924-1939, Zog I. will keep intense bilateral economic relations developed between the Kingdom of 'Italy and Albania. King Zog I, who was a Muslim, used to be quite ambiguous according with the Italians diplomats this because simply he wasn’t a Westerner and with the Islamic attitude he used to be false and less reliable didn’t had the sense of business at all and even according with the fact he grew up with the Ottoman empire used to be a military officer then moved with the Austro-Hungarian one in conclusion he was a man with an old mentality who strongly believed that with a combined weeding with a member of the Italian Royal Family of Savoy, a catholic Princess, he could have increased his international prestige and of Albany too, the Savoy wasn’t interested at this project and refused to let him join the family so the King of Albany will sent delegations of its court all around the world with a mission, to find a princess for Albany and a wife to King Zorg for its dynasty to get started. During the first world war he changed his mind several times fighting alongside with different armies, will go to live for a while in Vienna and returned in Albany will do a rapid political career, self-proclaiming himself as Premier however will lost the next elections and will be forced to escape in the close Yugoslavia, returns in 1924 with a thousand of Slavic soldiers and with a coup d’état overthrow the legitimate government a year later will nomine Albany as a Republic and will manage to be appointed as President , the Republican moment however it’s just a momentary step as once again Zorg changed the institutional asset by turning the Nation into a Monarchy abolishing the universal suffrage and changing its Islamic name, King Zorg will appoint himself as King of the Albanians so not only of those living within the national borderlines but also of all the rest 50 % remained living outside the National borderlines, in the official ceremony of its crowing will swear on both the Holy Bible and the Coran in respect of the two main religions of the Nations, it creates an embryo of a ‘Rule of Law State’ but remains a middle ground between the Eastern and the Western way of doing things, Ataturk of course disliked his behave. Zorg needed financial support and will sign two treaty of friendship with Italy getting substantial loans by the Italian government as Mussolini wanted to keep a strong presence in Albany, therefore Albany slowly would became more dependent by Italy, if on a hand it’s always asking for financial support to Italy on the other Its acting stupidly getting alliances with countries that are in open competition both political and economic with Italy, when it’s the time to reconfirm an international treaty with Italy Zorg hesitates but the deployment of the Italian royal navy will help to change his mind. Italy will get various concessions and will invest a lot of money to modernize the country, will form the National Army and in particular will give the input to build modern infrastructures, schools, hospitals, aqueducts form a little village of small houses Tirana will be transformed at all and become a modern city redesigned with class and style by the Italian architects who were able to mix the modern Italian style with the oriental one. Among all of the Minister of the Italian government Galeazzo Ciano Minister of Foreign affairs and son in law of Benito Mussolini is the one particularly interested to Albany till the point of not even excluding the elimination of the ambiguous and bungler King, but Ciano will abandon the idea to don’t irritate Mussolini ,in the attempt to get married with a Savoy Ciano saw a chance to keep the King solidly linked under the control of Italy and for Zog was also the way to get a sort of insurance of not being destitute by the Italians despite all Ciano best attempts he will not accomplish the mission as Zorg will get married with Geraldine an Hungarian princess, ironically Ciano will be invited as a witness of the couple. Hitler will give to the couple the most expansive wedding gift which was a big red Mercedes car, for Ciano it would be an obsession as he wanted to reduce the German interference, Ciano never liked Hitler and did all in its power to convince Mussolini to take action with the military occupation and annexation of the country under the Italian crown he played a lot especially on the ‘Valona case’ still a bare nerve for Mussolini and Mussolini who wasn’t naïve understood the fervent ambitions of his son in law who saw in the whole Albanian affair the creation of a Ciano own international success, Ciano self-considered as the founder of the modern Albany differently by Mussolini was naïve person indeed because it’s obsession for the Albany was a wicked point and the foreigner intelligence British one on top surely quite active in that area didn’t missed this detail, Ciano greed and desire of power contribute a lot on the Italian failed invasion of Greece by passing the information, directly or indirectly, of a military attack to the Greek government. Ciano was an egoist man and blinded by the willing of power and the enemy intelligence was aware of his political ambitions as well the Germans ones too, Hitler wouldn’t have hesitated for a while to eliminate also physically someone as Ciano, who indeed at the final stages of the second world war will be condemned to death in the Verona Trial as a traitor. Ciano who married the first daughter of Mussolini Edda the one that even it was more similar to his father as character, was an aristocrat person therefore well introduced in the Italian aristocracy as well with the Royals and the Vatican State so it’s highly probable that apart some naïve indirect cooperation his being thirsty of power and prestige might have lead him on betraying the Duce, his father in law the Grandpa of his children that it is known was a man of humble popular origins in the illusion of being appointed in the future as the Prime Minister of the Italy. The figure of a Minister of Foreign affairs it’s quite delicate indeed and you can’t put a man who is clearly wicked and unable to occupy that armchair, first of all it is important that must be fluent with English both spoken and written, must be smart and a son of a bitch at the same time like a real shark ready to swallow his prey all characteristics that the actual Italian Ministry doesn’t have on the contrary its attached to power only so attached that with no shame betrayed all his political principles and the results of his shameful work it’s under our noses, I bet the 9 Italians on 10 would like to kick him in the ass right now, but it’s perfectly in line with the level of a good part of Italian politicians that promise something and then do the exact opposite, Matteo Renzi on top is the undisputed leader of this new generation of young greedy politicians empty head with no vision of anything all focused on themselves on their public image bred as pop stars by the mainstream media. According with historians point of view, who are individuals with their own legitimate political ideas, Mussolini it’s described as sort of child jealous of Hitler success with the occupation and annexation of Austria plus all the rest suddenly decided to occupy a country that was already at the Italian disposition, a country that Italy legally have helped financially to develop into a modern one, Mussolini needed to reinforce the military presence in Albany and during such a delicate period which was the war time he can’t rely on a man like King Zorg Mussolini was perfectly aware that even a dog would have been more loyal and intelligent than such a puppet King who later on will escape from Albany to Greece, a country controlled by the British, on his red Mercedes in a golden exile as he took all the Nations richness leaving Albanian with a fist full of flies. 7th April 1939 OMT operation starts, the occupation of Albany, on the 8th April Tirana it’s already occupied, Ciano will appoint himself as the leader of the enterprise and will insist so much that the Duce will later accept all of the Ciano ideas of how the Albany should have been organized or rather Albany became part of the Italian Kingdom annexed under the Crown of Vittorio Emanuele II, the Albanians wasn’t really happy to swear to the crown of a little man as Vittorio Emanuele II was indeed and during the crowing ceremony in Tirana didn’t hide their disapproval. Italy will do everything to improve the quality of life of the Albanian population, by completing the modernization process of the Nation, creating a national army that would be incorporated with the Italian one, giving an Albanian government under the supervision of Francesco Iacoboni. The Italian King would have visited just one time and risked also a terroristic attack, even if the occupation didn’t covered a long time incredibly Italy in such a short time have managed to create a modern state in all its aspects differently by others colonial empires where infrastructures were just functional on the stealing of all the resources of the conquest land, see Congo for example, the people used to be treated as submitted and often kept divided by the colonialist inhabitants in some cases as in South Africa the Boers where kept in concentration camp ad abused in all manners, it was from that experience that Hitler took the inspiration for the Nazi concentration camp while the modern South Africa will develop into the institutional asset known as Aparthied. On top of all the great things Italy have done for Albany Fascism managed to reunite all the Albanian territories and to create that Unitarian State that Albanians hardly attempted to achieve The fate of the war will change everything and the ungrateful Albanians, in this not so different by their King, will take the side of the British who bought them easily unscrupulously financing the formations of communist gangs throughout Europe regardless that many of them were composed of several real criminals who didn’t hesitated to kill other political opponents among others partisan groups, with the end of the war Albany would be destroyed and lost all those Albanian territories that used to be separated by the London conference furthermore the Nation entered into another darke age of its modern history worse than the occupation of the Ottoman empire, Albany will became a Communist radical regime under the strict control of single dictator a deeply convinced Stalinist, Enver Hoxa that slowly will isolate completely Albany from the rest of the world and for 45 years will rule the country undisturbed, repressed all political opponents, abolished the two religious cults imposed the cult of his persona and moreover to establish his absolute Stalinist thought he has imposed atheism in the Albanian constitution, a unique case among all the communist regimes , Albany initially knew a industrialization period thanks to the funds of U.S.S.R. but after Stalin death Hoxa will cut bridges with Moscow blaming the new course initiated by Nikita Krusciov the political leader who liquidated the Stalinist legacy and of course Belgrade too, for a while managed to survive thanks to Mao China interested on having an ally close to Continental Europe but will lost even the Asian support, in 45 years Hoxa worsen the quality of life of the Albanian, if Albania had modern infrastructures as modern towns that’s was because of the legacy of Fascism, Fascism in few years have done miracles and the Albanians people decided to betray the country that offered hospitality to his people emigrated since the Ottoman invasion, the country who took their side on the international meetings preserving the integrity of their Nation, the country that have invested funds and energies to improve the quality of life of their inhabitants and moreover managed to complete the Unity of all the lands lived by Albanian people, got alliance with the British and the Greeks, Greece was a state totally controlled by the British crown and didn’t had any interest on giving back part of those territories lived by Albanian people and by the way offered help to the British before the starting of the war allowing them to attack Italian ships in several occasion and that’s the reason why Italy at last had no choice but to engage a conflict with Greece, who only apparently stay out of the war while, as already was happened years before with the Ethiopian Dictator and fervent slaver Hailé Selassie who offered his help on attacking Italy believing that Italy convinced that Italy would never threaten Ethiopia in any way. The British disliked the idea of an Italian expansion on the Mediterranean sea, the natural sea of Italy and of all its neighbored countries of southern Europe and Northern Africa too, the Italian presence especially in Oriental Africa was an element of disturb for the British interests. Mediterranean people who have betrayed themselves first of all deciding to depend by a Kingdom that didn’t had anything to do with the Mediterranean contest and that only needed to install watchtowers, as Malta, to extend its control over it because of the Suez canal, a United Kingdom totally controlled by the financial elites those elites that promoted the starting of the two world wars regardless of all the human cost of lost life, and exploited the natural resources and richness of the colonized lands concentrating huge profit in few hands leaving the chaos behind anywhere he has put his hands, and the result of it are pretty clear in the world of today. The fact that China, for example, turned into a Communist regime it’s mainly because of the private British business company as the ‘East India Company’ who used to import opium in China till the point of contributing of the decadence of the Chinese population, China tried to do something but the East India Company’ refused to keep going on with the importation and sale of opium in China and provoked a war ( Opium first War 1839 -1842 ) that China couldn’t afford so then tried to negotiate a treaty but the East India Company after managed to get even more or rather not only the possibility to sell all the opium they wanted but they request a commercial base in the city of Honk Kong to do so undisturbed, will followed another war ( Opium second War 1856 – 1860 ) and China will lost again and the situation got even worsen as with the ‘Treaty of Nanjing’ the allowance becomes 21 million Mexican dollars, perpetual cession of Hong Kong to the British crown, the opening of various ports and the possibility for the British and their families to reside in these ports enjoying extraterritoriality furthermore of the opium, which had been the spark of the conflict, the treaty hardly speaks indirectly. In 1844, similar agreements were entered into by the Chinese with the United States and France, granting them the clause of the “” most favored nation. “Without fighting the” opium war “, the French and Americans thus entered the Chinese theater. Today we all see Honk Kong protesters gathering in the streets engaging violent clashes with the Chinese law enforcement, all supported by the Western Democracies, EU, USA and of course U.K. I’ve decided to conclude this post opening a window on the Honk Kong situation as many young people of the West don’t know nothing about this shameful page of history they don’t know that basically Honk Kong was a city used for commercial trade of opium that basically addicted an entire millenarian culture as the Imperial Chinese was (8.000 years B.C.), exploited a Nation, mistreated and even the worse thing he did it has enslaved them with heroin devastating the life of the people. China after the British intervention will never be able to restore itself till 1911 with the ‘Revolt of Xinhai’ the Chinese Empire will fall. After the fall of the empire from 1911 to 1949 China it’s going to live through a long trouble time and in 1921 it’s the year of the foundation of the Chinese Communist Party leaded by Mao Tse Tung, with the end of second world war and the Japanese defeat, the Communist party will take over in China while the Chinese Nationalist will move to Taiwan taking all the richness of the Nation what could have happened in the end? the advent of communism with all the dramatic consequences that happened anywhere the communist took over that’s the result of the British intervention and of their ally, France and USA. I am far to condemn the British people even If the ‘East India Company’ was composed by British subjects, it was like a sort of OGN apparently free from a government control the items of the trade in that case was opium and there’s no need of explanation of how terrible and infamous that business was and still is indeed, it has created great capitals and in the capitalistic model of the western societies made the difference as allowed private elites to gain more political power therefore those political parties we do assume are working for the benefit of the population they are instead at the dependence of these elites who from behind are strongly influencing government political decisions. Mainstream speak about conspiracy theories throwing smoke in the eyes of the public opinion while the existing of a Deep State who is ruling the world it’s not a conspiracy theory rather a sad reality of which we have the right to be aware of and to questioning if their plans are really to be considered for the safeguard of the masses?, where are the Athletes of Christ today? do they exist? The Western World it’s under attack on its fundaments by some of the Westerner people itself believing to engage a fight for more freedom while they are contributing to destroy any form of a National Democratic State who could independently decide which economic model should have to be adopted and with it decide what are the best policies for the benefit of the population and for the rest of others oppressed populations too, on both side of the ocean a fake Union of States members it’s been built on the bases of a capitalistic model where In the end private entities through the time have managed to gain more power and regardless of any democratic process they influence the legislative system frequently in their favor, controlling entire Nations by putting just puppets politician ready to sign any shit keeping their head down like ostriches brought to glory by the mainstream as heroes of our times. I do believe the EU project basically took from all the totalitarianism experiences of the Eastern Communist Europe the inspiration to engage for example fake cultural beneficial battles, yesterday it was the youth generation of Chinese students that used to protest and condemning theirs families agitating a red little book today similarly the mainstream promote the figure of a young disable Swedish little girl who agitating her own book travel all around the world speaking in surrealistic situation with heads of State and even the Pope about the emergency of the Climate Change, which it’s just a way to impose the so called ‘Green New Deal’ regardless of reality as of any other democratic confrontation with real experts on the matter of the process that is beyond the climate change, avoiding any political opponent too on such an important issue that it will transform drastically all the Western economies already compromised by a fake globalization process creating a difference in height with those countries that are really poisoning the earth on which entire industrial process that used to be in the West have been located restarting in a way the Capitalistic process that has it happened in Europe on the early days of the last century during the industrial revolution where the Masters made large profits exploiting workers, even of the children with long shifts, zero union rights, low income and on the other hand deporting a huge of illegal migrants deluded by an inexistent European Dream that’s more likely it is going to be just a terrible nightmare of further exploitation but in particular cause of probable social tension among even more poor workers kept far away from the real problems and from the possibility to intervene to reverse this situation and restore the Popular Sovereignty on democratic process of governing the distribution of resources and richness for all. It’s time to remind about those who have fought to stop the invasion of Europe by an Empire that didn’t belong to the West, and now that the West It’s been poisoned from inside we have to gather united to expel this shit before it would be too late, getting back to the deathbed of Scanderberg let’s keep in mind his last speech which in conclusion says’ if you all stay together no one can ever break you’, here’s the key concept all ordinary people should have learned.

Note, This is a long post make yourself comfortable take your time have a coffee or a cup of tea occasional reader, smoke some fags you might fulfill your ashtray, I hope to have your attention and your interest, I hope also you are a curious person and especially in the case of any non-European readers I hope that my analysis can provide you with food for thought to better understand how life is moving in the Old Continent where your ancestors are from, but most important I hope you have read the 'Chapter one'

The dissolution of the Soviet Empire was an important step of political and economic transition marked by deadly conflicts, while many Nations peacefully gained their independence with the end of Moscow Dominion in others instead a war broke out, in some it happened quickly leaving behind not too many victims different it was the case of what happened in the Yugoslavia Federation after the death of Tito, the Croatian communist leader, who managed to impose his political figure internationally cutting a strategic position of him and of the country during the cold war, gaining the attention of the Western block as a natural antagonist of the U.S.S.R. the leader of the ‘Non-Aligned Countries’ the leader of the communist partisans who engaged a war against the Axis Forces and also against the pro Monarchy Serbian Chetniks partisans who later on would be also known for a simple slogan that underline his awareness of the delicate equilibrium that was maintaining his Nation alive ‘Brotherhood and Unity’ Tito affirmed his personal power over the federation of Yugoslavia as the Slavic communist partisan have fought two different wars at the same time, not only against the Axis Forces and the Ustascha Regime, the second one against the Serbian Chetninks who were loyal to the Monarchy in exile in London, Tito engaged a political battle then but didn’t discovered his cards in order to concentrate all others partisans groups at his command or just simply to enlist new recruits, he played well his cards till the point to gain that international recognition as of a leader of the whole Partisans movement who have freed the country which means he also got helped by the English government as well the Italians communist partisans groups, on a hand the U.K. government gave political asylum to the Serbian royal family on the other he acted in favor of the communist partisans movement all over those battlefields of Yugoslavia and Italy too, a double playing which it’s been typical of the British intelligence. The Red army however arrived and found that Tito was already in control of the situation leaving comrade Stalin men with a fist full of flies depriving the Bolsheviks of any space for political action first of all, Tito was already building his own Communist State advantaged also by the pressure of the Anglo American military forces who supported him military and politically but it is also probable that Tito who was perfectly aware of what could have been if the Soviets had put their hands on Yugoslavia before him, he decided in accordance with the British intelligence to impose himself military and politically before the Red Army arrival, it was a question of time the cold war it started already during the ongoing war and this is a fact. Considering that U.K. was a parliamentary Monarchy with the largest colonial empire the political support to a proud communist as Tito appears as inexplicable but the British intelligence put his hands on the Balkans area long time ago following a plan to reduce the possibility of a German expansion at the expenses of the dissolved Austro Hungarian and the Ottoman empire too, the Brits had to win the war but in their head the post war scenario was even more important of course, having established a strong link with partisans groups of all kind and communist on top in the case of Yugoslavia it was important to have a man like Tito who knew very well the U.S.S.R. real socialism to promote therefore a communist leader antagonist to Moscow had its advantages, first the creation of a big Unitarian state which functioned as a sort of buffer state between West and East but also a unique corridor that physically prevented future Germans political ambitions of expanding its territory, secondly having an alliance with Tito was also important in order to allow after the war the Brit intelligence to keep on working undercover and infiltrate secret agents for the espionage during the cold war.
If Germany had a wall to separate West from East, the Yugoslavia itself functioned as an extended close borderline that separate the world in two, Churchill will refer to it calling that borderline the 'Iron curtain' the hot borderline with Austria and Italy. The Yugoslavia federation was a multiethnic State made up of six different Republic kept united by Tito communism ‘ brotherhood and unity’ was his slogan not by case, taking advantage by the arrival of the allied up in the north the partisans were facilitated also because the Germans after a while went on retirement leaving the Italians military forces loyal to the Fascism alone between two fires, on a side the allied forces on the other the Italian partisan guerrilla, soon the Italian communist groups similarly to the Slavic engaged a war against others partisan groups of catholic and monarchic political orientation, they joined the Slovenians in order to bring Italy under the red flag dominion, this operation included the genocide of thousands of Italian civilians, brutally assaulted, women raped and beaten up, people forced to leave their houses and many others killed in groups thrown alive into the in the karst cavities typical of that area known with the name of Foibe, but this is another story of which I’ll write more on a separate post as here I want to go on to analyze the whole process political and historical that leaded to the definitive death of the Nation, the end of a communist federation which has redesigned the map of continental Europe as it is today. On the early 90s I as many other teenagers I recall when we gather in the streets of my hometown with other students for big demonstration, we naively asked for the cessation of hostilities, naively many participated without any kind of 'political conscience' some others instead had a sort of political motivation just because the left wing in Italy has always monopolized the world of school and therefore while the Italian Communist Party was reorganizing itself during what was the most great political earthquake still in progress that equally confused everyone, the student youth sections of left wing inclination were trying to understand something but yesterday as today they didn’t really catch up with the reality of things of Italy and even less about geopolitics stuff, they always have been ‘the rebels’ against the system, against the capitalist bourgeois State, which allowed him to have militarily occupied the educational system by the way. For the majority of the students it was just important to be there even if nobody had the maturity to elaborate a political purpose to put in examination to the ruling class, I only recall that not too far away the students of Yugoslavia find themselves trapped in a real war and many of them were just dying also in horrible ways, I felt powerless and aware of how distant all of us really were to understand what the real Power is and how it really works. Tito Funeral

Soon after Tito Funeral in 1980 the 6 Republic of the Yugoslav Federation had six years of stability more or less due to the fact that many functionaries of the communist party of each Republic, I would define ‘Traditional’ leaders managed to keep some sort of stability, this till 1987 but a new political class was emerging and with it things will take a different course. In this story dates are absolutely important, considering the ongoing process of dissolution of the U.S.S.R. which will have a great weight in the unfolding of events, as much as they always bored me I recognize the importance of keeping tracks of the chronicles of the events to give instantly the idea of how things can rapidly move and why, to elaborate the mechanism to explain how Power works. Regan in Berlin 12/06/1987 Berlin, Ronald Regan the American President speech referring to M.Gorbaciov said ‘Tear down that Wall’ many years before him the famous speech of J.F.K. the end of the U.R.S.S. appear to be closer than what all the world would had imagined 19th of November 1988 a few months later, almost five Slobodan Milosevic public speech in front of a huge crowd of Serbs declared that the Serbians were aware of the enemies plans against its country therefore declared that they were determined to fight them all at any moment and anywhere in order to defend the integrity of the Yugoslavia federation and in particular they would have took care of the safeguard of all Serbian people, Milosevic was aware that behind the curtains there were plans to destabilize Yugoslavia and it's speech was the warning sign to the West and East too. Milosevic in Josovo April the 20th 1988, the springtime it’s about to come.... 8 years after Tito funeral, three months after the speech of November, Milosevic is in Kosovo the poorest province of the Serbian country, a critical situation erupted between the Albanians and the Serbians the two ethnic groups of Kosovo, reciprocal accusation from both sides however Milosevic first public speech in front of Kosovar crowd was typical of a communist leader style member of the Central Congress condemning Nationalism and calling to that 'brotherhood and unity' of Tito legacy, but things wasn't that easy to be resolved just with slogans and he got openly confronted by the Serbian people who accused the Communist party of negligence towards their problems and asked for a private meeting with the Serbian leader who agreed just to calm down the situation but also because he realized that the ongoing change needed different answers from the usual ones. The first important consideration that we have to appoint it’s that by accepting to have a private confrontation with the Serbs or rather one specific ethnic group, in an area as Kosovo, it has represented a radical change compared with the usual communist style, Tito would never had accepted a private meeting with one side of the contenders as he was aware of the delicate equilibrium that was keeping the federal Nation alive an equilibrium that could be broken in few minutes, Tito was aware of the importance of never take a side on a social and political dispute of that kind, Milosevic choice can be explained in two ways, his decision was made in absolute and voluntary will of breaking with the old teachings or we must assume he was so stupid and I don’t think he was, Milosevic was all but stupid and decided to take the side of its own people as mentioned before on his November speech the Serbians were aware of the ‘dark forces’ moving behind to destabilize the country and declared that the Serbian were determined to defend the Nation and in particular the safeguards of any Serbian community of the Yugoslavia Federation. ‘Divide et Impera’ policies of the ancient Romans interested a multiethnic empire made up of colonies of different ethnics group to put one against the other was easy and strategically the best way the keep out of minds any revolutionary attempts to overthrow the Roman establishment. The Serbian community of Kosovo at that time was of a 10% of the entire population, these people felt to be discriminated and denounced to be often attacked by the Albanian who were the majority 90% therefore Milosevic aware of this situation planned a strong popular reaction in order to be legitimate to authorize the military intervention to calm down but in particular to protect the Serbian community, furthermore Kosovo was considered as the heart of Serbia, the most important Monasteries and Churches of the Christian Orthodox faith are in Kosovo, today still protected military, the Albanians were historically divided in Muslims and Christian Orthodox and in Albany the two different religious group coexisted with no problem till the arrival of communism, in Kosovo it was different as Albanian were a majority with no voice at all, Croatia and in particular Bosnia Erzegovina will be at the center of what later on would be a brutal war among the three dominant ethnics groups of the former Yugoslavia Federation. Milosevic in Josovo The dissolution of Yugoslavia it's an important chapter of the Continental Europe history in particular for how the situation escalated but also how the European Community and USA reacted can teach us a lot. Many of the former Satellite Puppet States of the Soviet Federation gained their independence without an armed conflict, it's no surprise that all of these former communist colonies afterward rediscovered a national pride, their identity as people with traditions, uses, costume and religion belief, Christianity and Catholicism in particular played a key role in the political process of opposition to the Soviet Totalitarian Tyranny that never admitted any form of Religion and in fact has substitute the religious faith with the faith on real socialism. Country as Poland or Hungary, the Czech Republic among others have been experienced the brutal repression of the real Communism, fresh in the memory of all Europeans those dramatic events of Budapest or Prague, the youngest Polish and Hungarian politicians who later on would have done a political career didn't knew one day they will have to catch up with former western European allied of Moscow, many of these people at that time didn’t condemned the brutal repression of the Soviets and that during the cold war cooperated with the U.R.S.S. as the Italian Communist Party who it's better to remind was the biggest Communist Party of the Western World, here again this wasn’t just a case or a coincidence, if the US forces invested on the Sicilian horse, the Brits focused on the reds ones to facilitated the intelligence operation, as the East infiltrate the West same thing the West through the European communism parties did the same.

Let' go back to Kosovo, April the 24th 1988 Kosovo war Milosevic gather alongside the Albanian Kosovar President Azem Vlassi they walked through a crowd of angry Serbs and as is in the style of ‘real socialism’ faced a public meeting with the locals people in the institutional palace of local administration, the representatives of the Serbian community denounced to be regularly discriminated and attacked by the Albanian to the point to be forced to leave their land as nobody not even the local law enforcement, who was controlled by Albanian, was doing anything to guarantee their safeguard, the plan appear to be quite clear or rather, the Albanian idea it’s to getting rid of the Serbians community to achieve after an Unique Ethno State then getting international political recognition in order to separate from the Yugoslavia federation and joining Albany, to achieves such an important goal which was and never died ambition of the Kosovar Albanian,( note only Italian Fascism will be able to reunited all the Albanian people in one unique great Albanian state ), it's necessary to eradicate any physic trace of Serbian deleting anything related to them as the Monasteries and Churches and also the Orthodox cemeteries too, the first step is to make life hard for the Serbians to provoke their voluntary exodus . The Kosovar Albanians denied all the accuses, by the way it is important to keep in mind that Albany or rather an Independent Nation of Albanians already existed and still exist, and the idea of a Kosovo totally in Albanians hands had indirect political support of Tirana, Albania among the communist countries after Stalin death got more close to Mao China as the Chinese saw in them the possibility to have a sort of a direct ‘watchtower’ in the heart of the Mediterranean sea therefore it is reasonable that the Asian Communist giant being interested too to extend its political presence in the Mediterranean sea might have helped the communist Albania to reach that goal. Yesterday as today the role of TV propaganda in such a situation it's crucial and even when things appear as spontaneous it might be they are not, meanwhile the meeting it’s going on outside the crowd got nervous and engaged clashes with the law enforcement, mainly Albanian, Milosevic and Vlassi abandon the meeting and went to face directly the demonstrators outside, TV cameras all around captured those moments, you can check yourself navigating on youtube, Milosevic got approached by an elder man who is informing him that the Albanians have infiltrated the Serbians crowd to engage a fight with the police to provoke then a violent repression, dark in the face as the tension was huge, Milosevic answered ‘They are not going to beat you up anymore’ inevitably that moment and specifically that sentence went on the national television and it’s political effect on the Serbian people was huge, it was a call of duty to all Serbian people to defend their Serbian brothers persecuted and kicked off not only from Kosovo by the Albanian people, Kosovo population historically divided in Muslim and Orthodox too but and this is the most important thing, the awakening of a national pride of the Serbian people a feeling buried and canceled for too long by the communist utopia of a fake brotherhood based on political principles that really never worked and that history proved to be ineffective. The evolution of the events that led to the dissolution of the Yugoslavia Federation started from Kosovo but it's thanks to real 'mise en scene' then broadcasted by the national television that things have turned bad, it is important to remind that all the process took years and that the Berlin Wall falls would be on 1989 so Milosevic was still considered by the West as the man who would have took Tito place and guarantee a similar politics of distance from Moscow, for the moment it was important to have that buffer state stable and the only man in charge to keep that stability appear to be Slobodan Milosevic the Serbian leader. Milosevic appears as the defender of the Yugoslavia Federation and the fact he has extended his control over the regions of Voivodina, by sending there buses full of Serbian demonstrators, Montenegro and of course Kosovo haven't bothered the West, the idea of the Great Serbia or rather of defined territory for all Serbians people wasn't anything new but Milosevic was in practice realizing it masking the whole process as the preservation of the Yugoslavia Nation as the last whispered words of King Alexander killed in France suggested years ago, and apparently he was doing it without any solid obstacle. A mass immigration process can be provoked with the use of violence as it happened in Yugoslavia but a better way it's to get the control of a country economy then by impoverishing some areas to the advantage of other areas it will provoke a spontaneous phenomenon of emigration and this is the better way to free an area or to reduce the capacity of its self-defense not only in terms of military forces but also economical, its productive capacity would be affected too, it is also a good method to install a different ethnic group into a defined territory with all that typical character that define that territory as a Nation formed through long process that took a lot of years. Once you have imported a huge of mass illegal migrants deluded by a nonexistent Eldorado as the E.U. dream in fact is it's already a first step of an orchestrated instability easy to direct, social tensions real or apparent would be an easy discounted result. The ongoing mass immigration process often justify by the instability, political and economical of many northern African countries it's going to transform the European 'stability' in the long term and somehow it's already a political tool of pressure to blackmail a ruling class, among all goods legal or not that can be trade the human being is the more economically valuable, of all business the human trafficking it's the most lucrative and produce richness a richness that can be invested to gain more power political and economics in a world dominated by a specific economic model as ours it makes a great difference. In this globalized world dominated by financial rules of a specific economic model there are few ever more rich minorities who can buy all those tools necessary to mislead public opinions, mainstream media on top then also internet of course, the Politically Correctness ideology it's exactly this, the power of a minority to impose what can be said and what cannot, the aggression to the free speech main goal is to prevent that the public debate will focus on real problems rather than fake ones as for instance the risk of the rise of a Fascist regime, the ongoing pandemic situation that it’s affecting the entire world has already changed the democratic rights of the masses, the massive manifestation that took place in Berlin the first August of 2020 has been condemned by all eruocrats, the German Minister of Interior Andreas Geisel of SPD banned further demonstrations in particular that one scheduled for Saturday 29 of August arguing that the demonstrators are not respecting the social distances and the correct use of masks but in particular undermined that over 20.000 people expected to gather in are all radical right wing extremists. In the case of Yugoslavian war note that Milosevic to gain control over Voivoidine region sent buses full of Serbian he had to increase the ethnic presence of the Serbs, with Montenegro then who was practically a natural allied Milosevic had the control over a good portion of territory even if the President Stamblic was of the ‘old Tito school’ Milosevic in regard of the Kosovo situation openly spoken of an ongoing coup d’etat organized by the nazist Albanians, it’s curious as Albany was just another Communist state and a deep studying of its history it’s important too if we want to understand the Old Continent of today. On February 1989 Albanians miners of Kosovo took the streets asking president Mlai to form a military unit later known as U.C.K. ( combat unit of Kosovo ) Milosevic who was on top of his popularity and despite some few old political opposition had the authority over the federal Army so the day after will sent the military forces to destitute all the political figures and restore a Serbian control over the region. The attempts to have the solidarity of others Republic failed, Slovenian and Croatians disagree with Milosevic policies arguing it was extending Serbian territory at the expense of others masking the whole thing as the preservation of the Yugoslavia Federation which technically and juridically it was even entitled to do so, both Croatian and Slovenian delegation decided to abandon the communist party congress, Slovenia was a pure ethnic state furthermore due to its proximity with the West it was already culturally infiltrated by westerns elements as it happened indeed on the satiric press who didn’t spare the criticism on the figure of Milosevic and his crew, the Serbian request of a banning of the western propaganda against the Yugoslav official policy were ignored by Milan Kucan Slovenian President. In the springtime of 1991 Slovenia and Croatia were prepared to the hypothesis of an armed conflict with Serbia, The Slovenian who had a pure ethnic state soon declared their Independence furthermore Slovenia was geographically separated by Serbia while the Croatian territory was sharing a borderline with Serbia furthermore, and this is the most important aspect, Croatia had a big presence of Serbian community in that region of Knin which of course will create the ‘casus belli’ between Franjo Tudjman Croatian President and Slobodan Milosevic political leader of Serbia, at that time the Serbian were in charge of Presidency of the congress of the Yugoslavia federation, the President of Serbia was Borisav Jovic that meant that the Serbian had the total control over the federal army. Franjo Tudjman It is important here to take consideration of the EU leaders of that time, first of all they wanted to manage the situation by themselves showing to the USA that the EU had the capacity of problem resolving of what was considered as an ‘internal affair’, EU leaders first step to recognize Slovenia independency giving a three months of time to monitoring the ongoing events didn’t helped to calm down the situation even because the Croatian soon followed with a similar request meanwhile a delegation of Knin people dusting off old grudges dating back to the Second World War time went to Belgrade to ask for protection from the Croatian Fascists as the Ustaše who used to be loyal to the National Socialist Germany and Italy were frightening them as in the old days, doubtless it was a mess. Knin Knin law enforcement protest supported by the local people turned in to a revolutionary step to destitute any Croatian institutional power on that territory and to do so they needed weapons to form a real army from Belgrade or rather the Serbian army itself deployed on the territory to defend their revolutionary aspirations, local Serbian people of Knin were instructed to organized themselves patrolling the territory with military improvised check points on the main highways forming a defined political borderline, so the Serbian avoided to violate internal laws. Tudjiman had enough of the Knin situations which it’s located between Spalato and Zagabria Croatian touristic towns those check points were illegals indeed and realize that the Croatian authority had to be soon restored so during the European Athletic championship held in Spalato ordered the Minister of Interior to intervene soon. In that springtime of 1991 Milosevic as Chief of the Federal government of Yugoslavia in charge had the control of the federal army therefore Croatia didn’t had an army at his disposition just law enforcement with poor armaments of course, Croatia needed to form a real national army, illegally Tudjiman bought heavy artillery and weapons in order to be able to engage a war at any moment, the link with Italian criminality who provided weapons and all the necessary stuff invested Tudjiam son directly a scandal that didn’t spare even the Croatian Minister of Interior. Milosevic initially underestimate the real situation or rather how strong was Croatia independency aspirations so despite secret services confirmed by filming the ongoing contraband of heavy armaments in Croatia, decided to send just 2000 troops divided in small group of soldiers to patrol the borderline with Slovenia. Slovenia War Milosevic made a tactical error as the Slovenian who instead had already their armed forces were much more numerous and deploys 35.000 troops whom engaged soon an armed conflict to kick them off making difficult also to create any supply line to reinforce the troops, the Serbians small troops therefore were isolated at all and needed everything of course and the only possible way then It was via the airspace. Igor Bavcar Slovenian Ministry of Police/Interior warned the Serbian to do not attempt to violate the Slovenian airspace in any way, the Serbian ignored the warrant and sent an helicopter soon taken down as promised, the helicopter pilot by the way was a Slovenian who died wearing the Yugoslavian military uniform while was just transporting some bread to fed up the federal army, it was at that point that became clear to everyone that Yugoslavia federation didn’t existed anymore, Slovenia act of war in a normal situation should have been considered as an act of terrorism, would you figure out a similar situation in any other Western country as U.K. or in any other Westerner Federal Nation? Our ruling class when massive demonstrations took the streets in some foreign country often speak up about the lack of Democracy till the point to justify a military intervention to protect civilians, but what happened when the protesters take the streets as it happened recently with the yellow vests in France? Macron brutal repression reached level that has nothing to do with that democracy he pretend to defend, what about the G8 of Genova described by the press as a ‘Mexican butchery’, this is an insult to the Mexicans in my opinion, If was in the shoes of the Mexican prime minister I would have called the Italian ambassador for a formal protest.

28 of June 1991 Luxembourg, the EU Diplomacy in action Lord Carrington The European Community leaders had a meeting to discuss the ongoing situation of the ‘former’ Yugoslavia federation mainly to demonstrate that they were able to manage the situation without the American help, a delegation of three Minster of Foreign Affairs flew straight away to the Croatian territory as Slovenia was already officially declared as a war zone, the Italian role, back in the days wasn’t secondary and the presence of the Minister De Michelis confirmed the importance that Italy held, also considering the borderline and the trade of weapons from Italy to Croatia operated by secret services best men on the Veneto ground at that time the role of the so called ‘Mala del Brenta’ of Felice Maniero was crucial, Italy held a large share of investments in the newly emerging Croatian State, who was by the way also a good place for money laundering via the Croatian casinos. The European Community recognized the independence of both States asking for a three months of negotiations, Milan Kucan Slovenian President who wasn’t the first time he had a meeting with European delegates clearly spoke informing that Slovenia was at war however EU had formally asked for break of the armed conflict in exchange for the starting of peace negotiations, the break was just on papers of course as the conflict in reality didn’t stopped and Slovenian troops defeated the federal ones, to open a space of negotiations it’s just useful to give break to the fighters the ongoing situation can evolve in a way or in another of course but also whoever manage to resolve a political problem of such proportion gives international prestige and assure a brilliant political career.
In Belgrade the State of Army would like to launch a massive attack but in the end the Serbian changed their mind, and they did another error as the EU clearly had already canceled the Yugoslavia Federation and stimulated the tensions among the Serbians presidency and the others Republics, plus considering the presence of Serbian people thought all the Yugoslavian territories, except of Slovenia, the divide et impera plan has sorted out its effects. Yugoslavia could have been a federal State on the model of many others westerner ones the main problems was that by having several Serbians communities through all the others Republic has complicated a peaceful political transition, once again it can coexist within a defined Nation the presence of minor ethnic communities as long as they are ‘minor’, Italy it’s a unicultural Nation who has alway guarantee and protected those minor ethnic communities with special treatment and of course political recognition too, if for example Austria or Germany would start to send buses full of Austrians to the Eastern area of Italy where there are two ethnics groups it’s going to destabilize the situation and it will soon provoke a military intervention. Again regarding the massive ongoing mass immigration process that it’s targeting Italy a country can’t allow an invasion of its territory masked of humanitarian intervention by the way managed by OGN who apparently are not depending from any government , this is false, the OGN are depending on private financers who given the actual economic model, that’s the real deep state who’s financing political parties and deciding their agenda too, the Nations ethnically homogenous with a unique common Religion with defined borders are under attack as them with their constitutional democratic rights are an obstacle to the creation of a super gigantic market that want’s to wiped out with one stone Democracy and trade unions in order to create a fake citizenship forcing all workers to accept the rules these globalist elites have decided furthermore with different religions it is imposed the supremacy of a fake secularism, Muslims societies haven’t developed a process of secularism and if you see those terrorist attackers that hit France who were considered as French Citizens in spite of their cultural background, their clear norther African aesthetics aspects it’s confirming the opposite, they have spits on the religions rules and politically never considered themselves to belong to the Western world on the contrary they have joined an extremist Islamist group who its absolutely against the Western model of Democratic open society. Back in that days of the Yugoslavian war the president of the Yugoslavia in charge the Serbian Borisav Jovic explained the Serbian point of view, considering that to engage a war with Slovenia who have been already recognized as Independent State officially by the international meetings with EU and considering the terms of a break of the fighting concluded that it wasn’t a war worth to fight for as the Serbian Political aspirations have changed rapidly or have been forced to change by the EU political resolution, Slovenia had a defined territory but in particular Slovenia was a ‘pure ethnic state’ there weren’t Serbian minorities in danger to be protected, the apparent gave up indeed was a tactical and political move, if Slovenia was entitled to have its independency and it’s integrity as ethno state that principle, a principle affirmed after all at the end of the first world one by President Wilson, the same principle should have been valid then for others Republic as the Serbian one for example, then the dispute remained open with Croatia only as Croatia differently of Slovenia had a massive Serbian presence estimated of 600.000 inhabitants who felt themselves in danger and that legitimated the request of protection by the Serbian State, Croatia had two choices, to negotiate or to engage a war in any case. Abandoned the Slovenia chapter Milosevic aware Croatia will wanted to follow the same way clearly reclaimed the Serbian political legitimacy of having their own independent State was equally right and that Croatian had no right on forcing 600.000 Serbian citizens to remain under Croatian control, the situation was serious now Milosevic reclaimed that territory lived by 600.000 Serbian as a firm condition for Croatia to separate by the rest of Yugoslavia, would you understand now why it is so important to maintain the integrity of the population of a Nation? If Castel Volturno which it’s already a Nigerian enclave within Italy with his parallel institution included a sort of law enforcement too formed by the Nigerian Mafia men will continue to enlarge it’s going to create sooner or later a political problem and that’s exactly what the globalist are willing to achieve, masking then any form of legitimate reaction of the State as an expression of ideological racism or the raise of a Fascist regime, and in this design the cooperation of the left wing antifa who are already on the pay roll of the globalist see all the business of welcoming the fake Refugees and those expansive OGN ships, now the Italian government its providing, at Italian tax payers expense ,the so called big quarantine ships this because with the covid crisis that Puppet which is the Italian prime minister he bartered financial support in exchange of the promise of taking care of all Fake Refugees and after earning the Recovery Funds magically all OGN came out, even some new ones as the Bansky mysterious artist of my balls, all willing to take a slide of that rich cake of the Recovery fund, another shameful EU attempt to manipulate Italian political life. It wasn’t the first time the history impose how important it’s the concept of ethnic groups who are living a territory, if someone implant in a city of 100.000 inhabitants a group of 50.000 people in specific area that area already doesn’t belong anymore to you as it happened in Knin and Kosovo, those people can be directed to organize a military control of the territory which it’s going to be the starting point then as in Kosovo happened to provoke social tensions among the population to stimulate law enforcement intervention It starts a domino effects as then the ‘minority’ in danger will not hesitate to ask for political recognize or even for a military support to resolve the humanitarian crisis, the mainstream propaganda will do all the necessary to facilitate the coup d’etat by sending the Free Press on the ground, foreign government too via OGNs so little by little the political pressure will start to give its fruits. The ongoing invasion of Southern Italy it’s been provoked by the military intervention of France and UK following on Lybia first then Syria, the media propaganda increased till the pathetic shows of Berliners crowd at the station singing ‘Say loud say it clear refugees, Syrians, are welcome here’ the domino effect of the ‘Arabs springtime’ stopped in Syria supported by Russian army and after nearly 6 years of a brutal war it is not over yet. Following the example of Yugoslavia EU ad USA planned to support the Georgian war on 2004, which has failed, more recently the war was provoked in Ukraine, Donbass and today in that Belarus, the Arabs connection and cooperation to destabilize the Russian federation are dated since the war in Afghanistan, the Caucas region and of course Syria where Russia managed to kick off all bandits westerner and Arabic sunni allys, in regard of the Caucas war it has been proven the connection with London Mosque of Finsbury park and again it’s involvement in some terroristic actions in French territory. A Political line held by those elites in control of EU, of Israel and the deep state of USA it’s to achieve another world war and China and Russia and their allied are the main target at this stage, Honk Kong wrestling arm with China isn’t separate by the Covid pandemic crisis that has invested in particular all the West, the chemical weapon it’s been spread to wick the Western economies and in less than 4 years in my opinion the situation it’s at highly risk to get worse the military machine its ready it’s the people who are not aware of it and the lockdown period all Western countries have experienced it was just a training to prepare people worldwide to a real state of war in which hourly curfew as provision of food and primary needs only would be allowed. The fact that Italy have been the first country to experience the lockdown it’s because of its geographical position in a military point of view Italy held several US bases, nuclear weapons and the main control antenna and command of modern system armaments located in Sicily
If you ask anyone in Italy about the war of Yugoslavia and I am referring not only to the people of my generation who have lived that historical moment but I suppose even those young going at school now, no wonder to realize that there’s a true ignorance of the facts that really have determined that terrible war, at the present time in Italy we have several Politicians of those who are in blinded supporter of the actual E.U. regime that it’s because of the European Union we had ‘Peace’ in continental Europe the last 70 years, how It is possible then? Simple having control of educational system as of the mainstream you can shape the minds of general public opinion, usually not very attentive to really important things as it is used to the constant bombardment of bullshit of all kinds and news of a general nature or for pure propaganda purposes of those who have the control of it. During the terrible war of dissolution of the Yugoslavia federation Europe and the entire world have been silent while genocides and ethnic cleansing not unlike Jews and gypsies persecutions during World War II were ongoing and this happened on the early 90s. The former Minister of Transports Graziano del Rio of the Democratic Party a party who it’s ruling Italy today in a coalition government it’s among those ones who often like to tells this great bullshit of the precious E.U. which has guaranteed peace for 70 years, the EU failed on its intent to manage the Yugoslavia situation and the UN first therefore the Clinton administration let’s say ‘resolved’ or rather completed the death of the Yugoslavia Nation.

Examining the EU political attempts to resolve the situation

of the Yugoslavia federation in details it helps to understand the reason why EU never worked in the past as it’s not working today absolutely incapable of giving common responses to the problems of our time, being by the way changed with the Brexit and the consequent solid predominant attitude of what I call the Aachen Dominion which it’s born politically under the threat of Isis and Daesh terrorist attacks that hit France in particular and in minor way Germany too, on the contrary EU has exacerbated social policy issues among the Member States by determining the process that led to Brexit for example and in the specific case of my interest how the so called EU Auster policies have downsized for the worse the Italian economy weakened it voluntarily to the exclusive advantage of the national interest of France and Germany and its 'allies' of the current Italian government.

EU Diplomacy helped to get worsen the situation of former Yugoslavia federation, Lord Carrington plan was rejected by Milosevic who of course was put with the shoulders against a wall, EU first step in Luxembourg was to recognize independency to Slovenia and Croatia aware to the Serbian communities all over the Yugoslavian territory, when then all armed conflicts were clearly provoked, the war invested the city of Vukovar a borderline city on the north east side with an important presence of Serbians, Vojislav Seselj Serbian Nationalist leader launched a campaign to call the Serbian in defense of their people, the Serbian forces already deployed on the borderlines alongside Croatia represented a large portion of further territory that could have been incorporated with the rest of the Serbian territory forming therefore a unique territory responding that political ambition which was described as the Great Serbia, the voluntary armed groups were then sent on the oriental sector to break through Vukovar. Note that apart of the official Yugoslavian Army even if controlled as the Serbian were in charge at the Yugoslavian presidency Milosevic had to use an army of Serbian volunteers to pay back with the same way those ‘dark forces’ who moved to dissolute the Yugoslavia Nation, as we have seen in this story to play on ethnic and national feelings have been crucial for the follows events. All those political figures who have really tried to work for a peaceful resolution soon became the first enemy of who behind planned to destroy the Yugoslavia federation, forming little States that of course will never be able to protect themselves and therefore will have to join on alliance or simply joining the big EU family of peacemaker and Nobel Prizes appointed on its jacket. The local chief of Police, a Croat man, Rehil Kir tried to find out a compromise to avoid the war, he will be killed by the Croatian intelligence as that wasn’t the moment of negotiations but a moment of war and during a war you can show any sign of wick as inevitably it will advantage the enemy, after having created a casus belli because of the presence of the Serbian volunteer soldiers the war started. EU Diplomacy took again a second step meanwhile innocent civilians have died in the heart of Europe, genocides, tortures, death camps women raped and all those crime against humanity denounced during the second world war was ongoing in front of the whole world, the same world that always said ‘Never Again’ while the Federal Army who was composed by all former Yugoslavian people wasn’t motivated at all to maintain the unity of the Nation of course the process of a pure Serbian army became the most important thing, if you don’t have soldiers really motivated you are not going anywhere. Two month after the first conference of Luxembourg the situation got worse and on a second meeting held in the city of Aja the six representatives of the formers Yugoslavia state seems accepting lord Carrington again as the European mediator who tried to discuss a plan with the main actors but as in many other conflicts these meetings were just a waste of time or rather a break of hostilities while secretly any of the sides were thinking on where to move the next step and this occasion wasn’t different indeed, from Vukoar came the time of Dubronvik. The State of the Army planned everything or rather the intention was to conquest Zagabria the capital of Croatia and then forcing a negotiate to get Knin they estimated the whole thing to be completed in 48 hours, the risk of such operations were huge of course as it have been a violation of international laws and Serbia can have find itself internationally isolated or even worse therefore Milosevic and the rest of Serbian allies forming the cabinet of war had to accept Lord Carrington proposal so again returned to Aja for another stage of that plan in this case a written path. The Lord Carrington path was basically a path of dismembering of the Yugoslavia federation or rather a solution to an ongoing provoked dissolution of it, as Slovenia was already out, the path recognized any of the six Republic independence and Sovereignty, Milosevic disagree of course having several Serbian communities between Croatia and Bosnia but remained isolated as all participants accepted that solution even Montenegro, Milosevic argued that the West was cancelling the Yugoslavia federation with a trait of pen and that wasn’t acceptable and that was exactly what EU Diplomacy worked for since the beginning, do we have to assume that those EU Big Heads were not aware of the presence of several Serbian communities in all the Federal Nations territory? Or even worse the case of Bosnia Erzegovina who wa a multiethnic state between two big competitor as Misloevic and Tudjiman, those EU Big Heads voluntary ignored the reality of the complicated Bosniac situation and despite the blue helmet presence a mass genocide and ethnic cleaning operation took place and nobody moved a finger but allowed later on the support of military intervention of the Nato forces to stop Milosevic , legally Serbia was on charge as Presidency of the Yugoslavia Federation so he was rightly defending Yugoslavian integrity but on the other hand with the Slovenian independence and the Croatian one on the good way his role was just figurative because in fact there wasn’t a Yugoslavia federation anymore. Who’s going to defend those Serbian communities separated by the motherland? Lord Carrington path didn’t resolved this big question and at last failed of course as Montenegro changed his mind and returned alongside Milosevic, basically anything really changed. Vukovar The siege of Vuokvar restarted again and for two months resisted and when Tudjiman thought it was lost it appear clear that politically the sacrifice of Vukovar was necessary in order to get international recognition by Germany, 15.000 died, half million refugee that was the result of the occupation of Vuokovar now it was just the moment on deciding what it’d be the next front of war and soon it appeared clear that Bosnia a multiethnic state was in danger.

The Siege of Sarajevo

yugoslavia war

“Graziano Del Rio former Italian Minister of the Transport and National infrastructure ‘The EU granted peace in continental Europe for over 70 years’ let’s go on with the final part of the dissolution of Yugoslavia Federation.

The situation of Bosnia Erzegovina was particularly different, first it’s between the Croatian territory and the Serbian one, second has always been a multiethnic state with several Serbian communities through different areas of its territory and Islamic communities too, plus others minors ethnic groups, similarly to Albania the more dominant religions are the Christian Orthodox and Muslim. While Muslim are in control of the center of the city all the surroundings are lived by the Serbian therefore with the consequent state of war any militia it’s been formed soon defending its natural position, on the hills that are watching Sarajevo then the Serbian militia have installed heavy artillery while powerless civilians in the city like mice didn’t have a way out. Radovan Karadzic who was the local Serbian representative leader on the 3rd of March 1992 agreed to have a meeting with the President of Bosnia A.Itzebegovic Muslim but the situation was already pretty messed up, one hour of meeting they concluded anything important just to keep the situation momentary calm. Karadzic Karadzic aware of the secret agreement between Milosevic and Tudjiman to dismembered Bosnia as in the end that was the only solution for both countries to conclude the situation and the religious element it can have assumed also a decisive role. Tudjiman openly spoke about a sort of Confederation but of course he would like to a partition of the Bosnian state at the expenses of the Muslim communities. On a hand Milosevic didn’t mind about the international recognition of the Bosnia as with his President Jovic already agreed to take a portion of those territories so he sent more soldiers on the disposition of Karadzic Serbian Bosnian leader on the ground plus the voluntary militia already seen in action in Croatia. The first city in which Milosevic sent its troops is the city of Bijeljina a strategic crossroads which it’d be a direct link with Belgrad the siege of Sarajevo have to be completed in three days in which the city would be attacked by heavy artillery from north and south while the militia on the ground would be in charge of the killing, house by house, of all innocent civilians hided, Izebegovic didn’t had enough military forces and neither any special equipment he can only ask to the local police to defend Bosnia as much as they can while in the meantime he started a political and strategical work involving international actors as the ONU troops. On th 5th of April its Sarajevo citizens on demonstration being a multiethnic city with mixed weeding among different ethnic group they are aware of how hard it’s going to be a partition of a country that it’s multicultural since ages the people entered the Parliament and assaulted the general quartier of Serbian Bosniac forces, they are against both Izebergovic and Karadzic considered unable to resolve the situation politically. The demo ended in blood as Karadzic ordered his snipers to opening fire to the demonstrators, soon after they will be captured by the local Bosnian law enforcement while Karadzic managed to escape to the mountains but the situation was too critical, however before attacking Sarejevo the Serbians are willing to conquest all those territories close at the Serbian hand regardless of the inhabitants, Sarajevo eventually would be the last final target. Zvornik The city of Zvornik lived by Muslim population it’s forced to accept the Serbian ultimatum, police should be disarmed and the city would be proclaimed Serbian territory, despite the illusion of a peaceful process the population of Zvornik will soon make the expanses of the Serbian policy, one day of fighting Zvornik it’s lost and many Muslim civilians have been killed, the military police it’s searching for them more than 2000 people are missing the rest of people are kicked off of a total of 49.000 Muslim inhabitants nothing will remain, the genocide it’s been organized in Belgrad according with the nationalist leader while Milosevic keep on denying, it’s not clear why the Nationalist leader of the voluntary militia clearly admitting its crime washing up his hands on Milosevic face, later on Lord Carrington EU mediator will return on the idea of a partition of the Bosnia in ethnic groups but Izerbegovic refused and despite the situation was critical for him and for the Muslim communities he honestly admitted ‘if we gave up they will kill us anyway so let’s resist as much as we can’. The Blu Elmet of ONU gathered around but the situation of Sarajevo escalated already, the entire world we’ll see the siege of Sarajevo attacked by three sides a guerrilla war managed to stop the Serbian advancing and surrounded the Serbian military commander the general of the Serbian command its now trapped Blu Helmet From Lisbon Itzrbegovic keeps on refusing any idea of a peaceful resolution has he doesn’t trust Milosevic on his way unaware of the fact that the Sarajevo airport was fallen in control of the Serbian military forces decided to land there even because he knew that an ONU convoy it’s going to be there waiting for him, that day the ONU convoy was late so arrived at the airport him and his daughter have been captured, Itzerbegovic and his daughter have had the possibility to negotiate their freedom only because the Serbian commander Kuanjac and his men remained trapped at the Serbian military command surrounded by the Bosnian forces, an exchange between him and Kunajac and his men was the only way out for him and his daughter when finally the ONU convoy arrived a travel through the devastation of the war started.


Vice President of Bosnia Gavic warned the Serbian general that they were trapped and that his life as the one of all the soldiers would be in danger if Iztebergovic wouldn’t have returned alive, the Serbian had to negotiate with the mediation of ONU General Mackenzie the Bosnia President managed to save his and her daughter life in a very critical situation indeed, the convoy with Bosnia President and Serbian General was divided on the way back and the fight started immediately the Bosnia President and the General Bosniac Commander Divjak wanted to resolve the situation peacefully that dramatic situation so stopped and the convoy started its travel again, this has been the war in Bosnia a mess up on the ground hard to resolve and more the situation goes on and more the European Community and the ONU appeared to be not appropriate to put an end to the situation, Bosnia became a member of ONU but in spite of this political decision things didn’t changed, The Siege of Sarajevo was decided and now came the turn of a new Serbian General, Mladic who soon would became famous for the ruthless behave and in particular for further genocides committed in front of the ONU soldiers captured and used as human shields to avoid the Nato military intervention to stop the siege.. Clinton administration offered support for peace negotiations supporting initially Milosevic and the Serbian cause, despite of the genocide known and reported by the press the American administration took then the side in defense of the Serbians in the Kosovo area the conflict had strong religious basis too, Muslim vs Orthodox Christians fought till the last breath a war in the, the process of negotiations moved from EU to the USA and took a long time, Bosnia in the end paid a terrible price in terms of human lost, after having supported Milosevic the international community turned against him all the main figures of that war ended up in front of the court of Aia for crimes against humanity, Kosovo self-proclaimed its Independence on 2008 it’ in fact self-governing territory under the protectorate of the United Nations; claimed by Serbia, 96 Nations recognizes as Independent State against the whole 193, 22 o the 27 EU member States recognize his status, it’s a parliamentary Republic on its territory UE it’s present with a military operation known as EULEX, Kosovo it’s on the protectorate of the Unites Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, it’s has not being recognized by Serbia of course and Russia, even if the euro value it’s the currency in use it’s not a real EU member state differently by many others several little independent States all born with the end of U.S.S.R. many of them as Croatia,Slovenia,Lituania,Lettonia,Bulgaria,Poland,Cechia,Romania,Slovacchia,Slovenia,Ungheria have joined the EU, CLINTON In Kosovo Pristina capital there is Bill Clinton Boulevard, plus a big statue on its honor, the toponymy of the city also include a street in honour of George W Bush while in other cities there’s a street in honor of President Wilson the American president of the Versailles Treaty that didn’t make happy anyone. UCK UCK In conclusion before the arrival of USA Western Europe was defended by the communist threat mainly by Italy and Germany after the second world war the USA kept going on with the cold war creating secret military units ready to intervene in case of a Soviet invasion, the then famous Gladio organizations, is not clear yet what Former Minister Graziano del Rio of the Democratic Party ages ago Italian communist Party how EU have managed to defend and maintain peace in continental Europe for over 70 years this is the justification always use when its defending this fake Union that since back in the days when Germany wasn’t completely reunited didn’t managed to resolve a fuck but as I have explained have only contribute to the escalation of a brutal war of which still today you can see the sign in all the former Republic of the Yugoslavia Nation, according with the news I have it seems that in Pristina there’s no statue of Lord Carrington of or any other former prime minister of the EU Diplomacy team of the early 90s someone should give a shout to those servants pretending to be journalist all pro EU left wing activist working in the mainstream.

Manifestanti a Roma

In line with the Berliners and Londoners citizen who has demonstrated against the handling of the whole matter related to covd19 last Saturday the 5th of Septeber in Rome a similar even if less big crowded demonstration took place. The electoral campaign needed a starting moment or rather a topic to keep virtually united the actual coalition ‘Board of Directors’ who is in control of the Italian colony, the globalist and its servants have passed on the attack as in 13 days it would be the Referendum promoted by the 5StarsMovement to cut the numbers of m.ps and Senators furthermore we are going to have local political election in many important regions of Italy and despite it appear clear that the ruling class and in particular the 5StarsMovement is going to reduce its political representativeness the former ‘Political Leader’ and Minister of the Work, now Minister of Foreign Affairs Giggino Di Maio already declared that in the event of what appear to be especially for its infamous movement, an announced political defeat him and all the other m.ps are not going to leave to the Italian people the possibility of going to a Political Election. From 2007 till the present time the parable of the former seller of drinks and chips at the San Paolo stadium in Naples Giggino Di Maio as of the whole ‘Pretending to be Revolutionary Anti-establishment movement’ it’s marked of a huge of shameful moments, in several occasion the major of Rome Virgina Raggi as the one of Torino Chiara Appendino have given proof of their absolute adherence to the left in general. The over the left and right ideologies movement of which I’ve wrote a detailed post on this blog (https://noblogo.org/taurinorumatnoblogo-org/5starsmovement-the-birth-of-a-gatekeeper-party) have joined at all the typical left wing antifa attitude of the, used to be hated, Caste who see fascists and racist in all the majority of the Italian population that never voted for them. The Mainstream ignored the Rome demonstrations or rather the Password used by all national journals and TV and of course of all the members of the Italian bureau of directions it’s the word ‘Deniers’ to denigrate all those who have shown a critical thought regarding the whole management of the covid situation, an implicit political significance well established by centuries of media bombardment that refer to the extreme right wing or rather all those people that have been radically critical about the existence of the concentration camp of extermination, the mainstream goal it’s to cancel at all the contents of all the people who worldwide are expressing critics on the respective ruling class in particular the radical measures as the lockdown and the use of masks, the social distancing and now also the forced vaccination of the students which soon will return at school, and in particular the whole business around the medical stuff and the link between big names of the American Capitalism who is investing a lot on a vaccine anti covid19 and the eventual forced use of it. Who is writing decided to start blogging when all this madness has started, initially the idea was a way to exorcise the nervousness and terror feelings due to the lockdown moment as many others I’ve followed the evolving of the situation worldwide and being equal at zero my faith on the mainstream media system of information I thought that a good way to inform other people around the world was to write mainly in English, Italy has been the first country that have been hit by the pandemic while on the rest of the Western world life was going on calm without any worry. On the early days the covid19 was just a mortal virus circulating in China, I recall I used to see clips of how badly things were going in the city of Whuan, the epicenter of this damn virus however the Italian ruling class in the person of the Prime Minister himself and other representative figure went on TV and minimized the possibility that Italy could have been affected, they insisted on the fact that the national health system was solid and prepared at any eventuality furthermore a political campaign using the so called ‘Experts’ who denied the risk of the covid19 described as a normal flu for which there was no reason to be worry and in particular about the use of mask to cover face and nose. The mainstream in February informed that the covid was arrived in Italy because of a group of Chinese tourist visiting Rome at the end of January and reported also the case of a young Italian researcher that went in Whuan for the new year’s day returned later in Italy resulted covid positive, all recovered at the Spallanzani Hospital of Rome an health center of excellence specialized on research and infectious disease. After 29 days of intensive care treatment the Chinese couple, mid aged pensioner, were healed and moved to another hospital to complete the physic recovery dismissed after 49 days from the Spallanzani moved to another Hospital of the capital for further monitoring. abbraccia un cinese invotino primavera The Reaction of the Italian Ruling Class during those days was shameful and idiotic at the same time, the left wing started a campaign named ‘ Hug a Chinese’ denouncing the presumed racist attitude of the Italians people who were asking for better control or eventually to stop all Chinese flight from Whuan, a ridiculous campaign that interested all the major figure of the Democratic Party, the Prime Minister in a press conference expressed concern for eventual ‘racist’ episodes of the Italian children at the primary school towards Chinese children, the whole circus of the left wing takes the opportunity to ride a political campaign which had nothing of political and bordered of ridicule, after ‘Hug a Chinese’ several talk shows started to talk about the irrational racist attitude of the Italian people that were boycotting Chinese restaurant in particular therefore followed a solidarity competition of journalists, politicians and various personalities all intent on eating the typical Chinese starter dish 'spring roll' the major of Milan too didn’t miss the chance to do his performance and launched the ‘Solidarity Aperitif Milan never Stop' all this pathetic show to ridicule the worrying of the Opposition who represent the majority of Italians by the way and many others Italians. The situation escalated soon and the consequences are well reported in this blog however at the present time the official number of victims it’s of 35.000 people and it’s like Italy have faced a real war scenario, last day at the private party of the journal 'Il Fatto Quotidiano' very close to the 5StarsMovement an embarrassing Prime Minster was denouncing the so called 'Deniers' claiming that we all have to shut up as there 135.000 victims in spite of the fact that another even more embarrassed journalist and former director of that journal intervenes trying to correct the hoax of Conte that appears to be deff and blind all intent on playing a pathetic 'political' role. It is important to underline that nobody of the so called ‘Deniers’ denied the evidence of all these victims sure anyone knows that there were a lot of victims around 35.000 more or less not 135.000 as the Premier says but after the scandals that came out as the fact that the Government declared the ‘Emergency state’ already in January, just on paper, without having informed the Italian population in January by the way in those days the Prime Minister used to minimize any risk supported by the Expert Doctor Burioni and with the production of a clip transmitted on the public service of RAI television. While the Prime Minister used to minimize the whole situation the Minister of Foreign Affairs Di Maio donated a huge of mask to the Chinese people furthermore it has been discovered that the Prime Minister Conte procured for himself and his beloved ones all the necessary material to set up a small hospital equipped with everything necessary for the treatment of conid19 in spite of the fact that the Italian National Health Service was struggling to get all the necessary stuff from the mask to the artificial breathing machine, the situation was so critical I recall that I had to ordered 3 mask at the local pharmacy and after two month I’ve received the phone call of my pharmacist who at last informed me I can only buy 2 miserable masks at the price of almost 10 euros, so despite the lockdown I had to go to work even the enterprise I was working with gave me just a single miserable mask of canvas useful a fuck. The government had all the information in hand to be able to act promptly, but did nothing but file it or, worse still, keep it in the drawer, regardless of the seriousness of the consequences shown by the data. A study already delivered on February 12 to the Technical Scientific Committee warned that the virus would cause between 60 thousand and 120 thousand infections and that there would be between 35 thousand and 60 thousand deaths. Above all, it clearly highlighted the criticality regarding the – lacking number of intensive therapies necessary to cope with the situation in spite of the fact that the whole government was perfectly aware of the scientific study as of the warnings but decided it were not enough to trigger the government's action and what is worse is that everything has been classified furthermore numerous obstacles posed by the Ministry of Health and Civil Protection in order to hide to the Italians people a truth that nw need clarification no more excuses of the need not to spread panic is absolutely not acceptable anymore. The tardive national lockdown who by the way were unjustified regarding the southern regions of Italy, the leak of news on early days that provoked panic among the population of the north and of Milan in particular who assaulted the train to avoid of being blocked in the north, the shameful financial speculation made on the cost of the masks, of all national journals ‘La Repubblica’ who belong to the ‘Gedi group editions’ which control many important media and radio station too it's propriety of the Agnelli family who appear to be the main one who is pressing on denigrate the so called ‘Deniers’ the same family it’s on the business of mask production plus other Italian enterprises even if the government again isn’t clear and transparent at all, it is obvious that the forced use of mask as the not justify extension of the State of Emergency till the 15th of october no doubt It’ all s a big business. The ruling class it’s not only denigrating the justified concerns of a lot of people but again it’s pushing for social tensions among the population, it happened especially on the early days in Rome where the Major and its stuff promoted a campaign charging all Italians to be vigilant and if necessary denounce all those people whom had escaped the lockdown restriction or who simply were jogging without wearing a mask. It's a dangerous game that can escalate on more worse tension among the population and it's probable what the ruling class would like to achieve a chaotic situation to speculate again and again just to gain some political points on the polls, the official ones are manipulated and they are aware of how much the Italians have enough of this ruling class, the Eurocrats of the Democratic Party too while are encouraging the demonstrators of Minsk or Honk Kong speaking about 'Democratic constitutional rights' on the other hand are denouncing and denigrating all the Westerner who demonstrate against the suspension of democracy and of constitutional rights in a perfect totalitarian dictatorship style, with the opening of the school concerned Mothers free associated was among all the demonstrators as the forced use of mask and the probable vaccination it might be imposed to all the young more than 6 years old, a Grandma leader of this group last day chained herself on a pole in front of the President of Republic palace after a while 20 policemen arrested her and took away for identification, she was released soon after and declared to be insulted by the law enforcement which during all this time it kept a repressive attitude of many Italians for silly reasons violating the elementary democratic constitutional rights. Let's be vigilant anyone who is critical it's an extremist even a grandma tomorrow we might read of the rise of Nazism while the single Thought it's the only one admitted who its ruling now what can we say and what not.


The Balkans area it’s been since ages the theatre of events that have had inevitably a crucial effect to all the old continent, it’s due to the terrorist attack to Franz Ferdinand of the june the 28th 1914 in Sarajevo the started the first world war in the early years of a century the European map was redesigned by the arrival of new young Nations, Germany and Italy on top but there were other ethnics groups that were struggling to complete an Unitarian process, the importance of having a defined place for each ethnic group with defined borderline to extend therefore the political and economic control was and still is a natural sentiment other than a legitimate ambition. After the end of the First World War Serbia who joined the victorious alliance sat at the peace conference held in France having gained that chair on the battlefield with honor and absolute sense of the duty paid his price of victims The frontier of the new state was established in 1920 and included Serbia , Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia plus Montenegro and Macedonia former Ottoman enclave, that was the first time in history that the Slavic people have formed an unique big State, back in the days all people were in favor of the big state despite the differences, two religion, two alphabets and different ethnics groups, the new state already appears to be wick due to all these differences so the idea of which structure the new Unitarian state should have been was an important practical problem. Croatian was of the idea that it should have be a sort of confederation of the five or six ethnics groups but their intentions was to keep the Serbians divided in minor communities anywhere, if the Serbian on a hand were already a solid formed state Croatian wasn’t and had always been forced to fight for their political aspiration of independence or more simply for the recognition of their rights, therefore the arm wrestling about the future of new born Yugoslavian State was between Croatian and Serbian the others countries were just territories of conquest political and economic first of all to be taken at its own side for both the biggest competitor. King Alexander In 1921 the constitution it’s been written and the new state it’s a Centralized Monarchy ,Alexander the King will rule on a Nation formed by three different ethnic group to which he didn’t concede any particular right in order to maintain the necessary stability between Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian, however there was a problem named Kosovo, a small region lived by a 60% of Albanian and Muslim that would prefer to join the motherland of Albania it will follow a war known as Kaciak Movement who was the cradle of the Albanian nationalist movement at the same time it’s in Kosovo were the ancient Serbian fought to defend Christianity till the last man and despite having been defeated in the Serbian imaginary Kosovo represented the cradle of the Serbian heroism and bravery against the Muslim invader, that day known as Vidovdan became the day of Serbian national celebration, it’s on Kosovo that historically Serbian and Albanian fought each other till the present time, actually in Kosovo there are Italian military forces deployed in defense of the Christians churches and Monastery. The King Alexander however managed to restore the Serbian Authority all over the kingdom despite the Kosovar affair, Croatian use to elaborate different political plan, Stefan Radic leader of Farmers Party was an important figure of the Croatian politician class that never clarify its geopolitical intention, to be independent or to gain territories from the Bosnian state?, in 1928 during parliamentary meeting a Serbian nationalist will shoot on the Croatians m.p.s seats killing some of them Radic included got shoot deeply wounded will die a few days later, that was the most dramatic moment for the Croatian and it will compromise the future of the Yugoslavian state, Radic will became an important figure of the Croatian Nationalist cause so for the Ustascia and later for F.Tudjiman too. Alexander then abolished the constitution and imposed dictatorship so before it was called the Kingdom of Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian then would became the Yugoslavian Kingdom, Alexander plan was to create a new state at all with an unique people, trough patriotism expressed by public events of national parade Alexander will try to encourage the new identity but he will fails, the differences between the various ethnics were too strong. From Croatia soon it will emerge Ante Pavelic who will form a political party of small proportion named Ustascha that literally means the one who join the revolution or simply The Rebel, Pavelic radical plan it’s to create a Nation based on racial fundament and the first obstacle to his project was the King that had to be eliminated. On the 8th of October 1934 Alexander went in France to join an alliance against Hitler and Mussolini while Ustascia took the occasion to take the side of their natural ally, Italy and Germany, in spite of the fact that the King Alexander was protected by a huge of police he will be killed by a terrorist while the cameramen are recording the parade, that was the first time that a head of a State by the way a King would have been caught on camera while being assassinated a few seconds before dying Alexander whisper “ preserve Yugoslavia “the killer it’s a Macedonian man at Pavelic dependences, but the effect provoked was opposite of what Pavelic expected, the whole country will gather united around the coffin of the King that from Spalato ( Croatia ) will travel through all the country and the people will attend alongside the rails in sign of respect as it happened with Tito too. king Alexander Peter the young prince was only 11 years old then it’s the Uncle Prince Paolo who took control of the situation and soon will put the end of the dictatorship experience, will restore constitutional rights and promoted new elections, Prince Paolo recognize more autonomy to the Croatian, the Banovinan of Croatia will define the future federal asset of the Nation. Journal With the second World War Prince Paolo signed a path with Germany provoking popular violent reaction and will be destitute as head of the state, Yugoslavia would be soon bombarded by Hitler and the Yugoslavia would be divided in a big Croatian independent State, Kosovo and Montenegro will join Albania already member of the Italian colonial empire. Ante Pavelic Croatian Ustascia will apply racial laws against Serbian, Jews and gypsies, death camps and persecution similar to the Germans but with more extreme brutality, the camp of Jesanovac would be sadly famous for the huge number of victims over 600.000 Serbian, 200.000 Jews and 40.000 gypsies are estimated to have died plus all various opponents to the Croatian regime. In the meantime in Serbia it’d be Mihailovitch that will form the first armed group of resistance against Germany and therefore Croatian, the Chetniks group became soon famous among the family members of the Slavic monarchy in exile in London and during the war was appointed as Minister of the War by the exiled government, nicknamed 'the Hawk of the Balkans' would be named man of the year by the Time Magazine in 1942 alongside the Chetniks leader in 1941 there’s another group who managed to affirms itself whose leader Josef Tito 49 years old had already a long career of militant communist born and raised in a little Croatian village will join the first world war in the Austro Hungarian army, captured by the enemy managed to escape in the newborn U.S.S.R. were will discover the communist ideology and will convert himself to the communist cause by joining in 1917 the Red Army at the early 20s will reach the top of Yugoslavian communist party during a time when the party it’s officially declared illegal, Tito it’s very close to Stalin, it was famous for its oratory passionate skills, he will do career within the party and became in 1937 the absolute leader. Cethniks At the end of 1941 Chetniks and Communist Partisans are in open competition, the two groups were opposite, one wanted to restore the Monarchy while Tito initially cheated declaring he was fighting only for the Yugoslavian independence gaining therefore the sympathy of all partisan groups opposed to the Ustascia regime. In 1943 allied abandon the Serbian Mihailovitch in favor of Tito who shown to be more efficient in the guerrilla against the Axis forces, between civil wars and war of liberation the entire Yugoslavia it’s in total chaos, Chetniks against Ustascia and both in opposition against the Communist, the second world war represented the first internal fight that underlined the deep differences among the big major ethnic groups, indeed if the Yugoslavia had a high number of victims it was because of these differences. Cethniks The 20th October 1944 partisans free the country with the help of the Red Army, it’s the end of the war and now Tito have no competitor at all it's just him taking on the scenes , Tito transformed what was an Unitarian Kingdom into a federation of States united under its figure or rather the cult of its figure as a sort of physical guarantee of peace and unity among all the different ethnics groups, it was inevitable that he associated the balance of the new Nation to its own persona and that was a great risk as indeed later on happened. The new Yugoslavia recognized the existence of 6 different Republic, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Macedonia plus two autonomy provinces Kosovo and Voivodina both united to the Serbian Republic, a complicated system controlled by the central power of the communist party, Tito with special trials will eliminate, as in a perfect Stalinist style, all the enemies or supposed to be according to him only the communist have fought for the country liberation, a typical arrogance of the commies anywhere they took over have soon proven to be absolutely antindemocratic and totalitarian worse than any others preexisted ideological state. Tito Tito as a true liar affirmed that only commies had the legitimacy to govern the Nation in a fake unity and brotherhood will try several times to resolve the differences of the ethics groups. Tito political aspirations was to include Bulgaria, Albania and Greece too in an even more great Federal Nation and because of his great ambitions that Stalin started to boycott its figure till the point that Moscow will isolate economically the Yugoslavian federation giving so indirectly to its figure an important role in the eyes of the Western countries especially during the cold war period, Moscow describe Yugoslavia as a sort of fake communist state more close to a capitalistic one but Tito didn’t gave up and affirmed that Moscow plan was to destroy the Yugoslavian Federation regardless of the sufferings the populations have been through, at the end of 1948 the break is total so in U.S.S.R. all citizens supporting of the Tito politics were deported same destiny for the Yugoslavian in favor of Stalin and this is the very essence of Communism a fake utopia supposed to be based on values as ‘internationalism, brotherhood, moral justice etc. supposed to be ideologically superior to the Western values the communist in all their historical life never hesitated to stab themselves, in any contest of war the communist partisan have attacked whoever had a different political orientation in particular communist leader of the first hour, socialists and anarchist or rather these elements came always as the first of the list of those who had to be eliminated The isle of Golly Ottok close the Croatian cost would be known to be the prison of all the Yugoslavian pro Stalinist till the 50s 4.000 opponent jailed and tortured the majority of them will have died behind those wall, a new regime was born and the repression didn’t spare anyone. The economic model adopted was a different compared with the U.S.S.R. The workers became the owner of the enterprises on a corporative model imported by early socialist model of the Soviet on the other hand the recognition of a little private propriety of the artworks as of the land, till the 60s economy will grow and the regime will tolerate a sort of cultural freedom it was the golden years of Yugoslavia where people can also travel across Europe, where the government used to finance anything even rock n’ roll music differently by DDR Yugoslavia culturally was open to the West especially for economic reasons, the immigrant used to send money to the motherland plus sharing a borderline with Austria and Italy the sector of commerce expo of goods at cheap price was considerable. It is important to remind that the gap between the Northern Republics and the Southern region was huge, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia had a significant economic and scientific development so life style of the population had better quality standards differently by Montenegro but in particular of Kosovo. The central government or rather Tito got the financial support of the USA who saw in the Yugoslavia Federation a good ally and a natural antagonist to the U.S.S.R. by the willing of expansionism however Tito imposed himself internationally as a unique leader even if he always took care of its independency. The golden years of the Yugoslavia Federation didn’t survived at the passing of time as the economics differences started to show a Nation that was already deeply divided, these gaps would be worse and will determine the tensions among the different ethnics groups. However there were questions particular still unresolved as the Kosovar situation, The 60s contestation that interested all the Western World erupted in Yugoslavia too, it’s from Belgrade Universities where students claimed more rights, less corruption and put on the table again the ethnic differences among the others groups, the movement of students started to questioning the so called ‘aristocracy of the revolution’ blamed of a thin whispered corruption following the Prague springtime and the mottos of French universities of the 68 Serbian protesters invaded the streets putting directly the system under accuses, asking for an orthodoxy of the system or a more democratic self-management. Differently from the Serbian of Belgrade the Kosovar of Pristina, capital of the region, didn’t have their own University or any other official institution of the Kosovar Albanian culture, the political contest was completely different, the young Kosovar people Albanian mainly felt discriminated and asked to be recognized as a Republic by the way there were more population in Kosovo rather than Montenegro that instead had the status of Republic, it’s clear that Albanian people do represent a threat to the integrity of the Nation and Tito saw in those protesters a political design of a future independent state willing to rejoin with Albania, that by the way was a communist state, ethnically homogeneous with two official religion, Islam and Christian Orthodox so again the internationalism among proletarians was just a huge of bullshit . Pristina the Kosovar capital is the theatre where demonstrations took place the press ignored the Albanian political request considered as a form of a ‘nationalist feeling’ and of course wasn’t accepted, a brutal repression will follow and the press as the national TV didn’t reported any news the National press spoke of the chauvinistic character of the Kosovar inhabitants who unfoundedly claimed their de facto rights trampled on and out of question ,the whole time of contestation that blow up in the Western world have in a certain sense awakened the Slavic consciences too, the Serbians denounced corruption and a less realism of the communist values somehow by the way old Serbian resentments lay deep inside and were the real roots of their resentment. Tito ability to affirm his political figure internationally was undiscussed he managed to establish himself in 1956 as the leader of the ‘non-aligned communist countries’ a model of inspirations for those communist parties of the Western World who used to participate to the Moscow congress, Italy among all the Western countries had the biggest communist party which was the second one indeed of Italy soon after the Christian Democracy , the violent repression of Hungarians and Czech Republic people of Prague played a key role in this sense, all people of Yugoslavia condemned Moscow brutal repression as they feared it might happen to them of course furthermore even if the Yugoslavian model wasn’t equally right for what happened with the Kosovar, among all of the communist Nations just Yugoslavia and Ceausescu Romanian leader openly spoke up with words of firm condemns, equally many of the Western European Communist leader had a different opinion of the Soviet brutal repression, the Italians leaders for example didn’t condemned the whole thing as they were to close with Moscow being directly funded by U.S.S.R. didn’t had the honesty to take a side and at the end of Communism the Chief of Italian Communist Party Achille Ochetto shameless presented himself with the Socialist Prime Minister of Italy Bettino Craxi to pay homage to the tomb of Irme Nagy leader of the Budapest revolution killed with no mercy by the Soviet, Ochetto that back in the days agreed with the Soviet brutal repression, this double face it’s a common trait of the Italian communist that for what about coherence and dignity are not second to any other commies party of the world. NAM Alongside the ‘Non-Aligned communist countries’ of which Tito was the leader around the seventies a political initiative within the West takes shape, a sort of ‘Western Communist International’ known as Euro Communism, the main participants were the communist parties of Italy, France and Spain the biggest among others European one, in total were 29, considering the divided Germany and the high level of penetration of the Stasi agents these reforming movement within the West was a real thorn in the Western side. We can’t ignore the important political role of this experience as it would be determinant in the birth of the actual EU especially because the main supporters of the actual EU are all these ‘former’ communist or social democrats whatever. Eurocomunism The official birth certificate of Eurocommunism is usually considered the 1977 a meeting between Enrico Berlinguer (ICP), Santiago Carrillo (ECP) and Georges Marchais (FCP), held in Madrid, where the so-called “new way” was theorized. In particular, the Italian Communists had already for many years developed a line of independence from Moscow, starting with the explicitly declared dissent on the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, note as it happened with Hungary the party members had different point of view who supported and justify the Soviet repression who will abandon the Communist party. In 1975 the ICP and the Spanish ECP had solemnly declared that they wanted to “march towards socialism together. “In” peace and freedom “. In 1976 in Moscow, Enrico Berlinguer, in front of an assembly of 5,000 communist delegates, had clearly spoken of a “pluralistic system” (which the interpreter prudently translated as “multiform”) and expressed the intentions of the ICP to build “a socialism that we think is necessary and possible only in Italy”. The crux was the possibility for the European parties to be able to elaborate different political lines, a different path to socialism that was therefore detached from the indications of Moscow. this stimulated a series of meetings between the various European parties, the Italian and French in particular, we have to keep in mind that all these parties have received substantial financial funds from Moscow despite the Soviets had missiles pointed to all European towns ready at any moment to be launched. While the U.S.A. are on the other side of the Ocean it’s on continental Europe that the battlefield of the cold war took place and Berlin in particular was the main camp of the fights, the city full of secret agents from all over the world altogether face to face, Berlin was the city of the famous checkpoint Charlie , where the captured spies got exchanged, the city who was absolutely on the target of the Stasi, well it’s in this city that in the end the Eurocommunist held the first conference of all the 29 European communist parties, West Berlin under strict control of the Stasi who managed to infiltrate the Western Germans institution to its high level, see the case of Brandt. Eurocomunism Yugoslavia and other communist Nations were in a different position of course but still represented a model of inspiration for the West as they managed to build a different model, in conclusion all of these parties never accepted democracy and they proved to be repressive too against whoever had a different point of view, in the West as in the East whoever had a different political ideology was considered a Fascist, the Kosovar workers of the miners were just a bunch of fascists to be reeducated or eliminated at all. And today there’s no difference all those who are opposing the EU model are considered as Fascist, racist, the Politically Correct it’s a method invented by the ‘democratic’ left wing to silenced the opponent, in the USA as in U.K. too cultural minorities are launched to smash statues or to attack conservative, republicans whatever. POLITICALLY CORRECT EU built and supported by former communist leaders is not a case that has taken several dictatorial and antidemocratic aspects plus the idea of internationalism it’s been exchanged with globalization that the left wing embrace it at all ignoring or maybe pretending to do so that the economic model of a direct control of the markets over all regardless of different ethnic people had created acute tensions as the Greece crisis or the Brexit referendum indeed. I will examine in another post the dissolution of Yugoslavia Federation as I was at college during those early days of the 90s and have memory of all what happened only a few miles from us, the genocide and the brutality of a war in the heart of continental Europe and the role of the EU diplomacy of that times, where Germany wasn’t already united at all and the fallen of the old system invested Italy too, the ruling class of that time wiped out except the Communist party who survived and changed name, sometimes I think that only apparently the West have won the cold war as meanwhile all the Western countries were occupied to fight communism the various KGB, Stasi and others have subliminally infiltrated all those intellectual who in the so called second Republic period of Italy occupied key position in the educational system and from there all the rest, mainstream, jurisdictional system, of course the same thing happened in the U.S.A the expression of a Deep State controlling political process regardless of people democratic will it’s quite spread all over the world. The dissolution of a fake federal state as it was Yugoslavia it’s an important lesson we have to consider also to understand the importance of why we have to stop the mass immigration ongoing process that It’s installing masses of different ethnics groups with different values and religion too capable to destabilize the national equilibrium of the native people of Europe.


With the approval of the Resolution 10 October 2019 against external electoral interference in the European headquarters, voted by a large majority, extremely dangerous scenarios open up for all Member States and in particular for all the extra-parliamentary parties / movements which are declared anti-EU. one more reason that, in my humble opinion, imposes a sort of alliance / coalition between all the realities of the so-called Italian Sovereign Area but I would say in general of all continental Europe there is no doubt that unity is strength.

The EU is an enlarged Germany there was not only the approval by all European states for a reduction of war debts, integrating West Germany and the former DDR has set in motion a similar process that involved all other European States, this key concept is absurd to reiterate but it is often precisely what escapes the vast majority of people, unification was not only a process of economic adjustment of the former DDR to the Western model of West Germany but involved the whole of the rest of the European nations, each with its own economic situation different from each other. The tensions that subsequently affected the recent history of the EU, see Greece and Brexit, are just the tip of the iceberg and a confirmation of all this The process was made possible thanks to the 'various collaborators' in Italy Ciampi and Prodi in the lead but there are many, precisely through the adoption of the Single Currency the Reunification process was possible and as I reiterated it affected all European countries. On August 30th 2020, few day ago, Kennedy jr. in Berlin he made his speech citing several times his uncle killed in Dallas 'Ich bin ein Berliner' he repeated several times addressed to all the people present in the square, (I wrote a post on purpose reporting his full speech), there were several citizens of other European states, including Italians, calm down, I am not a Berliner I am Italian and I am European this is the basic message that every true Sovereignist, Nationalist must proudly affirm to counter the universalistic Kennedy message, that the Mainstream has ignored JFK's grandson it can also be there, after all, it is not a prominent political figure but it's not because that message, it was ignored by the media, must therefore pass for 'Revolutionary' well anyway, let's say that the nature of the demonstration against the restrictions due to covid are the only things which I share for the rest re-read that post, because at each paragraph of Kennedy jr's speech I explain my point of view, the point of view of an Italian and European Nationalist. With respect to the new EU resolution on foreign interference, I reiterate a certain concern that is also strongly motivated by the recent political events that have affected Italy, see the fall of the yellow-green government, Salvini on trial and resumption of migratory flows massively towards the our coasts by OGN of each Member State, Germany in the lead but above all in addition to the well-known philanthropist Soros, other characters of that cultural humus of the left have been added, including recently the boat painted by the British street artist known with the name of Bansky, in his country he does not dream of downloading thousands of Fake RFGS but he tries, starting from Spain, to download them in Italy under the illusion that his street art gives him the right to favor illegal immigration in our country by a private ships that we all must admire as one of his new works of art, to be honest it's just some pink graffiti now and there anyway.... I think it is absolutely important to take a few steps back and examine what East Germany was, which thanks to the Single Currency reunited with the West, contributing to the birth of today's EU in which the Eurocommunists of the past were the object of particular interest by the espionage system of the East and the communists of that time helped to build. During the Cold War, the DDR distinguished itself from Moscow in a competition between the KGB and the Stasi, the other secret services of the rest of the Soviet Satellite States had a 'minor' role to put it this way, a different story for the Stasi whose leaders they recycled peacefully in the new German Federal State, it is a historically established fact that the Stasi had far exceeded the KGB for 'efficiency' Eastern Germany it was an open-air prison in which following the first popular uprisings it was immediately completely evident that the Germans of that time didn't give a damn about Communism. The People were Re-educated and this happened through a capillary control in an era in which the technological means available were not in the least comparable to the current ones, today Politically Correct for example is a form of 're-education' same thing concepts such as Gender Theories and attack frontal to traditional values, to the male figure in general, especially the family, are precisely forms of mass re-education.

Germany splits in two in October 1949 the DDR was officially born at that time or rather the very first germs of the Stasi, the DDR was just an eye facade structure and this is not a minor detail, it was in February 1950 after just three months after the German Communist government decided to transform the 'Directorate for the Protection of the Popular Economy into the Ministry for State Security' then the Stasi was officially born under the command of Wilhelm Zaisser, at the beginning it was a detachment of the Soviet security services but slowly it affirms itself and takes its place. In 1953 the first major popular demonstration against the DDR, against Communism explodes in the country and records a very high participation of citizens, it is the test bench of the Stasi the party leader Walter Ulbricht is forced to ask for the intervention of Moscow which as in his style sends the army, 20,000 soldiers and the usual tanks, the Soviet repression sadly famous for leaving nothing to chance indeed when you have to crush a people you have to do it literally and a truck does not have the weight of an armored vehicle. war which is precisely the tank, today we have this world situation of the covid and the restrictions and social distances are refined means of repression that have triggered the various demonstrations such as Berlin and London and the reactions of the mainstream and the various Eurocrats were not long in coming , Deniers, Crazy etc.etc. After the revolt of that time, the sums are drawn up, it is clear that the DDR has no popular consensus and this is where the role of the Stasi comes into play, without Preventive Control and Repression there is no hope of survival for German Communism. There are men for every season and, having been ascertained for the 'delicate' task, a new character is needed, Zaisser skips and his deputy Erich Mielke is replaced, an iron communist from the first hour already at the time of the Weimar Republic had distinguished himself for having organized of the attacks against the police he escaped from there in the Soviet Union and had a let's say 'particular' role in the Spanish civil war that of the ruthless killer with the task of eliminating Anarchists and Socialists in the head, not being a prominent intellectual, he saves himself from the Stalinist purges that as it is known that he made a clean sweep of all the communists of the first hour. Mielke with extraordinary funds will be able to establish a sprawling and at the same time deadly control over the German population. The politically destabilizing elements are immediately thrown into the Berlin 'Honenschonhausen' prison, imprisoned, tortured in various ways the Stasi refines its techniques by massacring the political activists deemed most dangerous as they are capable of inciting the crowds, today you are obscured, mocked, banned on your channels social media you are practically canceled overnight, as has happened to many exponents and individual citizens who are critical of the Single Dominant Thought of which the EU is the legal physical structure.

The Stasi Agents study all the techniques of classic espionage, stalking, mail control, secret searches and in particular of 'Operational Psychology' or through the basic foundations of human psychology the objectives are subliminal to destroy a feeling, an idea, to create tensions within defined social groups, producing real illusions such as forcing an innocent person to confess something or worse still being able to insinuate doubt about their own ideas and beliefs, provoking fears and panic attacks, inducing depression, which is a serious pathology and with very serious consequences in a person's life, a subtle and in some respects much more refined work dictated by the need that the people at the time had no esteem for communism, it was precisely created in a certain sense, educated from the depths of soul. Of course, society is made up of various layers and depending on the control exercised by the Stasi agents themselves, they formed over time depending on the dedicated control, who controlled the magistrates, who the scientists, etc. etc. a sort of secret and parallel university within the state apparatus. The control was particularly tight against Western intellectuals who, not surprisingly, were the most sensitive to recruitment by the Soviets, in this sense the communist agents had an easy life thanks to Western freedoms or the fact that it was a matter of infiltrating agents in open societies the exact opposite of communist ones that were ironclad and closed to the outside world. With the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, the Stasi takes advantage of the escapes to the West by infiltrating the various fugitives of secret agents who will sneak into West German society with the clear purpose of spying on it better, living it directly, now that of the Stasi it is an Absolute Power all those who try to cross the wall will be killed. Khrushchev

In 1964 Khrushchev who had shown small openings towards the West gives way to Leonid Breznev who stiffens relations and relies on his German ally who is always ready for the calls of mother Moscow who rewards her by increasing funds and support of every gender, in the meantime in West Germany comes the social democrat (the communist euro) Willem Brandt, advocate of a policy of detente and rapprochement with East Germany known as 'Ostpolitik' and it is thanks to his commitment that the DDR will make his entry into the United Nations, but thanks to this approach he will be kept under close observation by the Stasi, which will even manage to support him with one of his secret agents and for this reason make him fall from the chair of prime minister in May 1974, it emerged that one of his most trusted collaborators Gunter Guillaume William Brandt Gunter Guillaume was none other than a Stasi agent under the orders of the capitan of the foreign missions of the Stasi Markus Wolf known for years as 'the Faceless Man' this confirms his particular operational efficiency, but also the fact that the men we believe to be our democratically elected representatives are nothing more than puppets managed by others, in this our dear Prime Minister Conte and the whole band of 5 Stars I would say that they are precisely the plastic demonstration of how much this practice is still in vogue today, held by the balls by the Democratic Party which in turn is on the leash of Brussels which dispenses armchairs and assignments to everyone. When we talk about Stasi we are talking about an Orwellian-type control entity, capable of producing over 6 million dossiers going well beyond, but also for reasons of time, 1 or 2 million informers available, to the secret services of National Socialist Germany but the opposite is also true, many former National Socialists 'adapted' to the new situation and ended up becoming part of the Stasi themselves, after all, dividing a nation as Hitler's Germany was in two could certainly not be considered a simple operation. surgery such as dividing a cake into equal parts indeed, the Nuremberg trial played an important role in this. Markus Wolf

It was always by Mark Wolf that the 'Romeo Spys' or Stasi agents who had the aim of making secretaries who worked on behalf of institutional offices fall in love, people who got married and even had children, others instead maybe after 20 years discovered that they had simply been used and exploited in all senses, this to explain well how sneaky and efficient the 'Psychological Operative' training was Women have always been at the center of these espionage operations, even in the Arab world and they are still today, if we look closely, among the most assiduous supporters of the mass invasion of fake refugees from simple towns, in various social roles but we also think only to the various captains or leaders of the various NGOs engaged in the ferrying of thousands of irregular immigrants who are invading our coasts, women are the weak link of Western culture and history confirms this. The DDR established itself internationally above all thanks to sports competitions such as the Olympics and the World Cup, the success was spoiled by the massive use of anabolics, drugs of all kinds and real poisonings, everything came to the surface only after the complaints of various athletes, especially women…. who paid the consequences on a physical level, the World Cup in particular were the occasion of the occasions where the two Germanys found themselves playing together, as happens in 1974 in West Germany where despite the famous names of its champions as Muller, Becknbauer once again the use of various drugs made a difference. In 95 the Gorbachev era begins to crumble communism little by little and with the massive demonstration in Leipzig in October 1989 the Stasi remains displaced, over the years the DDR has entered as to say in competition with Moscow and has done everything to establish itself as an Independent Communist State, Gorbachev's policy was a slap in the face to the various KGB secret services and precisely Stasi in the head who found themselves completely unprepared or perhaps they wanted us to believe it, I doubt they were unprepared indeed, the unfolding of the events that from there to little will determine the collapse of the Berlin Wall I doubt they escaped the Stasi and KGB agents, however when the demonstrators arrived at the Berlin Stasi headquarters the agents were unable to get rid of all the dossiers they had accumulated over the years and today they are in fact available in Germany. The various directors and agents were not criminally prosecuted, this allowed their relocation to the new Germany and a new employment in the formation of new services but above all in the formation of a sort of single European people, with the technological means available today for persuasion operations. , control, repression and above all orientation of public opinion thanks to the mainstream and the ability to pass laws such as the EU resolution of 15th October 2019. We remain vigilant but above all united both in Europe and in the United States, the Nationalist movements and parties must join n united forces and try not to fall into stupid provocations but above all avoid being brainwashed.

Alekesej Naval'ny westernized in Alexey Navalny, appears from official data available online to be the 'Leader of the Russian Opposition', political activist and blogger secretary of the 'Democratic and Progress Party' as well as 'President of the Democratic Coalition' previously co-chaired with Boris Nemcov, murdered in February 2015.

Nemcov is not just any name he was Boris Yeltsin's deputy from 1997 to 1998, half-jewish on the maternal side, his father was deputy building minister and obviously a member of the CPSU, he made a political career marked by important reforms in favor of creation of a free market, in 1997 the polls attested to around 50% therefore had a strong popular support that stopped in 1998 following the collapse of the Russian stock market, The Market is always the Market ...., Nemcov in that period he is part of the economic team of Anatolji Cubajs considered the Father of the Great State Privatizations criticized for having favored the great post-Soviet oligarchs he was however the man to whom Yeltsin entrusted the economic direction of the new Russian Federation, Nemocv will be forced to resign from office Deputy Prime Minister, he will resume that chair but with the end of Eltisn's Politics he again loses every chance. Nemcov for his reforms was particularly praised by the West the Iron Lady M.Tatcher will visit him in 1993 in his city in the Soviet era called by the name of Gorky famous Russian literary poet, later Nizinij Novogord, as happened to others cities that recovered their original name before the advent of the October Revolution. Gorky was, and still is, an important industrial and research center, geographically in the center of Russia, during the Second World War it was particularly bombed by the German air force, but it was able to recover and due to this important characteristic during the Cold War it was along an inaccessible and particularly protected place, in short, the beating heart of the economy and a crucial scientific pole for the then Soviet Union.

Founder of the Union of the forces of the Right? a sort of 'Freedom Pole' ( Italian center-right Berlusconi coalition name) to draw a parallel on the Western model of the Center-right – Conservative/Republican roughly, in open opposition to Vladimir Putin in the 2004 Ukrainian elections, the period of the so-called 'Orange Revolution' supports the candidate Juscenko who appoints him as economic adviser, the thing in itself in Nemcov's political intentions was to favor relations with Russia but in fact caused a great deal of sensation in Russia, in Ukraine Nemcov prestigious position is not even viewed with much favor, I would say that so many enemies are found, so much so that in the end he was dismissed from the position of adviser to Juscencko in 2006, therefore many enemies and the situation became even more delicate, however, he tried to build a coalition of parties capable of gathering a certain electoral weight but due to internal competitions he abandoned the race aware of weakness policy of his candidacy.

With the 2014 Russian armed intervention in eastern Ukraine, he openly sided with Ukraine by addressing directly to the Russian armed forces defined as a sort of criminals. He undergoes various attacks but was assassinated on the evening of February 27, 2015 in the streets of Moscow right near the Kremelin with 4 bullets in his back, one day before the announced march against the war in Ukraine, a white big car was framed around that very evening and the images of the cameras indicated it as the car of the attackers, the statements of Putin, who is not one who speaks at random and so they were dry and lapidary 'The cruel murder appears as a commissioned murder with the clear provocative intent' in short a burning dead man thrown near the Kremlin, a politically 'useful' strategic death ideally placed against President Putin. Nemcov Nemcov Death

Returning to Alexey Navalny, who appears to have been poisoned with the Novichok while flying from Siberia to Moscow, he therefore feels ill and reaches Germany where he is treated and the presence of a poison is identified which is a bit like putting the name and surname to the whole thing. aleksej naval'nyj Immediately big words from Merkel and to follow the various Eurocrats on a leash, Gentiloni made the 'Big Voice' on twitter ..... I can already imagine him live what a great loud voice, now that the West and the EU in particular both in open hostility towards Putin is nothing new, the Georgian front was resolved in 2004 as we all know, the Ukrainian one is still open and the mainstream no longer talks about it and yet it is about three and a half hours by flight from ' Italy, among other things, no migratory flow of Ukrainians fleeing the war ........ 'if Nemcov had a certain effective political weight even quantified around 50% in the period of his maximum' splendor 'this Alexey Navanly seems is estimated from the point of view of political projections around 2% hence calling him 'Leader of the Opposition' seems to me a bit of a gamble but in any case if the EU considers him this way he will have his reasons and Gentiloni too that Loudly Speak up against this thing, another fact that certainly cannot escape anyone has a minimum of common sense but we really have to believe that someone like Putin is so fooled as to poison someone who politically does not count for anything, then poison him with a poison easily traceable and attributable to Russian hands when they could have eliminated him in various ways, for example wih a plane crash like the one that hit Enrico Mattei back in the days? a car accident but in short we are talking about Putin a former KGB not Inspector Clousesau of the Pink Panther .... and besides, as if it were not enough to get him to Germany where it was obvious the type of poison would be discovered? the KGB during the cold war operated with fine methods and techniques, many of which are still unknown of course but so much is. For the Western Mainstream it is certain that it is Putin's fault we will soon evaluate further sanctions and we will see how the Chancellor in office since 2005 will move, for Italy the EU sanctions have been a damage to our national economy but it does not matter we have Great Statesmen in key roles in the EU nomenclature that while 'Loudly Protest' are concerned with 'working for us' for the' interests of our country ', right? ..... who is increasingly subservient to this pseudo European union which, as Del Rio says' It has guaranteed Peace for over 70 years 'I'm sure you have heard it countless times ..... bitter irony aside from the majority EU approved a resolution of 10th October 2019' On interference and disinformation in national democratic processes and Europeans' 469 votes in favor 143 against 47 abstentions, what are defined as' electoral interference 'to understand well what they refer to ....... in the intentions of the supporters they serve to favor the anti-EU forces obviously considered Extremists and Populists, here is a sort of 'Segre Commission' ( an Italian commission against hate speech, fake news etc.tc.) in light of all this, a post like this can most likely be censored? the fcb page itself which is openly anti-EU for sure, we will see later, as we see how the electoral consultations in Italy and the referendum wanted by the 5Stars Suckers will end, who always bark then with their heads down vote confidence in the government and many greetings and all the various idealisms remain attached to the armchair. https://soundcloud.com/taurinorum/putin-first-extended-version

antifaschistischer Schutzwall

In 1961 East Germany ruled by Walter Ulbricht had a barbed wire fence erected around West Berlin who later would be the known Berlin Wall, in Ulbricht mind that wire fence It was necessary to stop people of the east to leave behind the communist world. We must take in consideration some important aspects if we want to understand why the migration process started, differently from the U.S.A. the U.S.S.R. suffered the Nazi occupation of its territory and a huge of soldiers and civilians, 25.000, have lost their life, the siege of Stalingrad and the counter fighting response of the Red Army supported by the cold Russian weather changed the course of war more specifically just to give an idea the Soviets soldiers lost was of 8.000.000 the US 405.000. U.S.A. didn’t had any portion of its territory occupied therefore didn’t had any damage to its economy, so while U.S.S.R. was struggling to provide to restore its model of economy the U.S.A. had the advantage and the possibility of being able to provide concrete aid, in the shops of West Berlin nothing was missing as it was New York, in East Berlin instead the difficulties in supplying the shops to restart the economy were many. The people of the Eastern side started then to move away and it was a serious matter as it would have affected negatively on the reconstruction as on the economy capacity, both U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. made fortune and great scientific progress because of the former Nazi Scientist also some of the most brilliant elements of the Italian scientific community contributed to the built of the nuclear bomb, national socialism economy model proved to be efficient all over the expectancies stimulating the excellence in any human being to the advantage of the collectivity. The cold war started even before the construction of that wall, already during the second world war there were fights between communist partisans and fascist or other partisan too see the Eastern borderline with Italy for instance memorable the case of the city of Porzus were Italian and Slovenian communist partisans killed a catholic groups of partisans as their goal was to bring Italy under the communist regime. The tensions however between USA and U.R.S.S. took a serious level during the Cuban crisis, with the failed attack on the Pigs Bay, back on those days the risk of a nuclear war was huge indeed and Kennedy decided to visit then the city of Berlin where it made its most famous speech of which I do report here an extract. «Two thousand years ago the greatest pride was being able to say civis Romanus sum (I am a Roman citizen). Today, in the free world, the greatest pride is to say 'Ich bin ein Berliner.' All free men, wherever they live, are citizens of Berlin, and therefore, as a free man, I am proud of the words 'Ich bin ein Berliner!' “ 26 years later the cold war was at its final stages and another American President went to Berlin in the summertime of 12/06/1987 Ronald Regan speech addressed to Gorbaciov asked ‘to tear down that wall’ two years later the wall will fell down and after 2 years the Red Flag was lowered the cold war officially was over. At the present time I do understand that Robert Kennedy junior, son of the legendary Robert and grandson of John Fitzgerald is not important as the President of the U.S.A. but still remain an important political figure and it’s speech of last day 30th of August in front of a huge crowd in Berlin (38.000 people) people from all over Europe it was totally ignored by the mainstream media the majority of the people don’t know anything about it or rather the public opinion knows that a bunch of Nazi deniers of the covid high risk gather in Berlin to protest against the radical measures adopted by the ruling class. Anyone of us can find out the complete speech at any moment that’s true but the classic medium it’s still the most powerful among all the others and it is dominant for what about the public opinion orientation, the web it’s controlled too, the debate around the free speech it’s today a priority and in my opinion a real democratic emergency. In 1961 Mister Ulbricht have built a wall calling it ‘The Antifascist wall’ not by a case, everywhere today we have antifa organizations in the West who on a hand are taking all the benefits of democracy on the others they consider anyone who disagree with them as a ‘Fascist’ would you imagine BLM and Antifa smashing and looting In Northern Korea ? Or in Viet Nam or in China? And not paying the consequences?
I’ve started to write this blog mainly because I felt that with all this covid situation that there was something absolutely wrong and in particular I thought and still I do that it is absolutely important at this stage to bypass mainstream media and to give a testimony from my point of view, the point of view of a common citizen of a Western country by the way the first country of the West to be seriously affected by this pandemic, even if I don’t have a huge of followers I don’t mind I see someone it’s reading it and might find interesting anyway, I am sure that all people that can manage to use internet have no problem at all to get all these information that the mainstream ignores however having my political ideas by the lecture of Kennedy jr speech I’m just to doing my critical analysis. Kennedy Jr. he begins by saying “70 years ago, my uncle John F. Kennedy came to this city because Berlin was the frontier against global totalitarianism. Today it still is. My uncle came here and proudly said to the German people: “Ich bin ein Berliner”. Today everyone who is here can proudly say once more: “Ich bin ein Berliner”. Well I will never say I am a Berliner as I am not! I don’t have anything against the Germans people the point is that I am proudly Italian and a European too, the global totalitarianism doesn’t have a physical frontier and this is a fact, I wish it have ones but it doesn’t exist it’s like the covid19 indeed an invisible ghost who in the hands of the ruling class has had the power to lock down entire Nations, it’s the concept of Nation here to be targeted by globalism, a Nation has defined borderlines and normally these borderline are patrolled and defended in case of necessity, would you think that covid19 would have spread at the same velocity it happened if we had those borderline with check in and out points of controls ? I don’t think so anyway I can prove it but it’s my opinion. I agree anyway that yes there’s a form of global totalitarianism that it’s working hard on two evident levels, the freedom of speech and consolidated traditional values Kennedys says “Let me tell you one more thing: they didn't do a good job with public health protection, but they did a great job of using quarantine to bring 5G to all states and to get us into digital currency, which is beginning of slavery. Because if they check your bank account, they check your behavior.” I can speak for what about the Italian situation of course but generally the difference between Europe and the U.S.A. on this matter it’s huge of course. In Italy soon after the fell down of that ‘Antifascist Wall’ things have drastically changed and the NHS have been affected a lot due to the EU policies of cuts better known as ‘EU Austerity policies’ the institutional left has fully embraced globalization and in Italy has led the transition from the national currency to the one currently in use, the euro, since 2001 various governments have certainly alternated but it’s up to the left in particular the managing of the whole process that has imposed cuts and privatizations on refrain of 'Europe Asks Us' the extreme left and antifa associated to all those political parties we call here ‘extra-parliamentary’ have been critical towards globalization in a generic way; the G8 of Genova it’s been marked by the brutal repression of the Italian law enforcement but for other reasons that it would take too long to investigate now. What really matter here about the ‘No Global’ disputes is that, except a small part of Antifa/anarchist/black block whatever that substantially doesn’t vote the majority of the demonstrators during the G8 held in Genova as in any other town in the world were people who have elected those politicians to whom they criticized the fact that they arrogated to decide the future of the world, the antifa didn’t understood that they have legitimate those leaders to do so and the crucial point was not so much whether or not they were entitled to make important decisions for the whole world in the end they have been legitimated as all have being elected, the point was that the intertwining of politics and the financial world was now well established that the G8 itself was just a media representation of a democratic decision-making that in reality did not existed then as it does not exist today, the financial elites are in fact those who decides everything of the political agenda of any Western Country. The No Global failed and got beaten up for what? instead of being critical towards the idea of the fact that those leaders were not in the situation of really deciding anything as for example the evidence of the real differences among National economies of various Western Nations and in the case of Europe there were a lot and still there are, so without taking in consideration these aspects they created and supported a economic model that in its intention should have helped the world to better distribute the richness. They didn’t mind that they have sacrificed and killed the working and the medium class too of several western countries to the exclusive advantage only of the big corporation financial lobbies that with relocations of entire industrial sectors taken in countries where there are minor costs of the labor and precarious trade union to defend their rights or even inexistent at all, they have left a huge of people with the ass on the ground, not happy at all they started to relocate those cheap manpower by a forced immigration process which it’s still ongoing under our noses every day and whoever start to questioning it soon its attacked by the mainstream of being a racist, a fascist etc. as we say in Italy 'they killed two birds with one stone' because on the one hand by relocating industries and then later by importing low-cost labor in the West they killed the western working and medium class that had to compete with Nations as China or Bangladesh with considerable differences mentioned before and suddenly what remained of it it’s been forced to face even an internal aggressive competition for that little of job positions that remained available on the other, they are depriving African and Middle Eastern countries of their production capacity by encouraging illegal mass immigration deluded by a ‘Non Existent European Dream’ in this way can continue to exploit the rich resources available to these nations without the risk of having one day to face a real political awareness of the masses that could start fighting for all their rights, to stay at home and have the direct control of their natural and precious resources, furthermore by using and financing directly several OGNs for the mass immigration transported into the Southern cost of Europe, Italy on top, they are encouraging the left and all that area of various antifa to eventually protest and even attacking whoever denounce this diabolic mechanism masked of humanitarian purposes. Kennedy again And we see all these advertisements on TV that repeat as a slogan: “5G is coming to your city; it will change your life for the better!” These advertisements are very convincing, I must say. Because as I look at them I think: it is great looking forward to fifth generation technology because I will be able to download a video game in 6 seconds instead of 16. Is this why we are spending 5 trillion dollars on 5G? No, the reason is for surveillance and data collection. It's not for you or me, it's for Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and everyone else. Their fleet of satellites will be able to survey every square meter on the planet, 24 hours a day. And this is only the beginning, it will also be able to follow you, to each of you, through your Smartphones, biometric facial recognition, GPS. Do you think 'Alexa' is working for you? You're working for Bill Gates, spiandov

Well he has mentioned few names worldwide known of course but what really scares me it’s all those real people who are behind the whole process which it’s evident to all of us, the so called ‘Deep State’ the ones who has launched a sort of constant ‘civil war climate’ in the U.S. since Trump election the same who insisted for U.K. to change its mind and abandoning the Brexit process, then to be honest 5g technologies are effective to better control modern armaments and to be able to do ‘blitzkrieg war’ in a future that isn’t even that far, and looking at the actuals outbreaks of war in the world the whole covid19 experience of lockdown was, in my an opinion, nothing more than a mass exercise for future war scenarios, then why Italy first? Simple Italy for its geographical positions it’s a military target, full of U.S. military sites throughout all the country but in particular in Sicily there’s the M.U.O.S. or rather ‘Mobile User Objective System’ which is a modern satellite telecommunications system of the US Navy, equipped with five geostationary satellites and four ground stations, one of which in little city of Niscemi, with three large parabolas with a diameter of 18.4 meters and two antennas 149 meters high. It will be used to coordinate in a capillary way all the US military systems located around the globe, in particular the drones, unmanned aircraft, which will also be allocated to Sigonella another Sicilian small city. Kennedy concluded “So the pandemic is a convenient crisis for the elites who are dictating their policies. It gives them the ability to wipe out the middle class, destroy the institution of democracy, and put all our wealth into the hands of a handful of billionaires to make themselves rich by impoverishing others.

The only thing that stands between them and our children is this crowd that has come to the square in Berlin. We will tell him: you will not change our freedom, you will not poison our children, and we want our democracy back.”

Thank you all and don't stop fighting.

Well it’s absolutely important that people can protest against this pandemic crisis but it’s important to understand what’s really is going on, the E.U. project it’s the product of those financial elites, deep state who are in control of political decisions we can smash their plan by dissolving this fake Union and starting from a democratic political process of which this demonstration might be a starting point restore the Nations with borderlines and each one with the total control of the monetary production, only in a second step the native European people could start thinking about a sort of Europe Nation in the form of a Federation with a central political government that acts as an arbiter between the Nations, avoiding tensions between themselves and that is capable of giving support in the event that one of the federal nations is in particular difficulty but each Nations must be free and independent from others , the economic model must be changed any Nations must have Monetary Sovereignty and taking control of the politics restoring those democracy values too often trampled by the E.U. scam. Stopping the ongoing invasion also and especially because it has been provoked with fake revolutions and criminal wars to export ‘Democracy’ to help real war refugees only but in particular to rethink the whole international politics in particular in relation with these countries of origin of all the fake refugees in order to help those population to get rid of the same financial elites that are exploiting their lands and deporting the people to create social tensions if necessary just to avoid that a real struggle might see all ordinary people of Europe as of Africa united against the ruling economic model.

Berlin protest ( while in the streets of Minsk people would like to join the European Dream )

President Frank-Walter Steinmeier : declared the attempt of demonstrators who have reached the Reichstag as an “intolerable attack on the heart of our democracy” that Germany would “never put up with.”

38.000 people much more than those of the previous anti covid restriction protest of the first of August, a demo that was banned since the beginning with various accusations included pseudo political reasons, it's a fact that eurocrats coalition government of Germany as in Italy and others EU country have managed the covid situation trampling on basic constitutional rights as the free right of people to gathering together to protest against the ruling class. In Italy we had a three month lockdown unjustified, the southern regions wasn't affected by any risk and many people started soon to questioning about the high number of victims related to the covid pandemic, mostly elders with natural precarious health conditions, bodies burned no autopsy allowed and the images of military trucks carry on a huge of coffins to be burned had a strong impact on terrorizing the population especially elders. the comments of the German ruling class all disapproving otherwise the discounted support, of many of their fellow Eurocrats attached to their armchairs and Italian 'intellectuals' to the Minsk protests are all of the same tenor, after the Georgian bankruptcy of 2008, the 'forgotten' Ukrainian front 2014 now Belarus. EU diplomacy, which has been able to write shameful pages in contemporary European history since the Berlin Wall fell, today stands out only for a change of internal forces, yesterday there was England, Germany was divided in two, and the 'Italy had a significant political weight, but 'Mani Pulite/Clean Hands' was about to receive the bombs of' Cosa Nostra 'or the coup d'état that destroyed a political class' guilty of having increased the public debt' to the point of making us the First European economy with the highest rate of economic growth. The Del Rio on duty ( PD mp former Minister of Public Transports and national infrastructures ) or the Bersani (former PD chief secretary leader) in short, the various 'Europe it's asking us to do so' often on many occasions have made shameful statements such as 'The EU has guaranteed peace in Europe for over 70 years' an ignoble mystification launched and relaunched by all compliant media imbued with Euroshitty Propaganda, only the 5Stars elector or Antifa can believe this nonsense someone like Di Maio ( Actual Minister of Foreign affairs ) who has not even lived through those years, many of us, even if adolescents, remember how we lived in Italy but above all what produced the collapse of the Wall of Berlin in Continental Europe and in our beloved country.

The Italian Communist Party

leader Occhetto's tears changed the name of the party, several names till the actual one Democratic Party of yankee inspire, while antifa and supporters of the communist party threw coins at Craxi ( Socialist leader and former Prime Minister of Italy during those days) who came out of the Hotel Rafael, the antifa and all the various followers of Italian communism who were all on the payroll of Moscow that it's important to remind from Hungary had missiles aimed at our cities on were spared by #'Tangentopoli' Clean Hands investigation, Di Pietro ( the man symbol of the whole judicial operation taking off his toga on live stream and the images of the bombs in via D'Amelio the Capaci massacre, the Ceausescu spouses shot live by a firing squad, the Romanian 'modus operandi' capital execution inspired by the unique model of the CIA coup d'état remembered a lot in some passages, the Italian one even if the context at that time was that of a real war, to draw a similar parallel we must look at the events of the 'Mare Nostrum' Arabs Springtime and among all the countries certainly the Libya is the most apt comparison, with the images of Ghedaffi captured beaten up and then shot in the head.

The Yellow Vests

were massacred with unprecedented brutality to the Berlin protesters it wasn't that bad but they suffered charges and accusations of all kinds when European civilians take to the streets en masse no one thinks of sending blue helmets, or even worse, aviation to protect Democracy and Human Rights that are violated and trampled on.

In Italy,

being in the electoral campaign, the covid emergency is being handled, which increasingly appears to be anything but what they want us to believe, but above all the Migrants issue to distract Italian public opinion from the outbreaks of war that the EU and the American Deep State light up in the East. As much as I am disgusted with American politics, it is a fact that Trump's policy at least mitigates the risks of further war scenarios and it is for this reason in the first place that the American Democratic Party and that deep state controlled by them has unleashed BLM and Antifa, the EU is unable to do anything, There Is No True European Union and this is the real Problem, the current EU, both internally and internationally, is unable to do anything concrete, curiously the offices of the German Polizei have been particularly heated precisely near the Russian Embassy, ​​will it be a coincidence? I do not believe at all the tweets of the Eurocrats like Gentiloni ( former Prime Minister and actual EU commissioner for economy of the Democratic Party ) and Letta ( other former Prime Minister of Italy and member of the Democratic Party) Mr 'steel balls' in support of Minsk protesters and the charges in front of the Russian embassy ... the message it's pretty clear. Interior minister Horst Seehofer spoke about 'misuse of the right of freedom of expression' ashemful words are not a surprise, the break through the police barricades around the Reichstag has been called as a 'Nazi Propaganda' action declared The CDU head, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht has demanded the state to use its full power of repression against the ‘attackers’: “We must defend ourselves, with the utmost consistency, against these enemies of our democracy, the people or rather those who by voting have sent them where they are suddenly became all Nazist terrorist?! it's the idea itself of what 'democracy is' at its roots to be sick for the German ruling class, a coalition government of Frau Anghela Merkel which is in charge since 2005. Both Germany and Italy who shared in the past a path of alliance during the world war two have this political thing called 'The Center' Moderate political creature that its a common trait for the countries who have lost the war a particularity you don't see in evoluted democracy as U.K. for example. The EU it's not a real federation of Independent Nations and that's the reason why has never worked on the contrary has only heightened tensions among members states till the Brexit, the ongoing tensions between France and U.K. focused on the migration phenomenon are confirming two important things, first the migrants are used mainly as a form of political pressure to destabilize internal politics of a country secondary a part of being a big financial business are useful to keep public opinion divided and distracted by more serious scenarios as the outbreaks of war supported by Eurocrats policies. The repression in Italy never stopped and the mainstream propaganda it's bombing on the fact that now young people are at risk, therefore discos clubs activities have been shut down and forced quarantine for those who went in holiday in country as Spain, Croatia and many others, the electoral campaign it's almost invisible and there's a constitutional referendum too promoted by the 5Stars'deadly'movement to cut the numbers of m.ps and senator with all real problems Italy it's facing now by the way it's clear the intent to reduce and minimize the role of the National assembly of Italians political representatives in favour of that fake expansive parliament of Bruxelles, the Italian parliament frequently bypassed by Conte 'The people lawyer' since the covid emergency became a national issue gave a taste of what is democracy for these employee at the Markets services, that Globalist financial lobbies who are in control of the system of power dislike National states it's a fact and those supporting it are all those 'useful idiots' raised and educated by the democratic education system which it's run in a regime of absolute monopoly by the left, The Single Thought Dictatorship doesn't admits no other opinion nor the free expression of it in the form of a mass protest as the one that took place yesterday in Berlin.

Beppe Grillo

With the expression of First Republic historically it’s considered the time soon after the end of the world war two 1945 and the consequent referendum that changed the Italian system from a Monarchy into a Democratic Republic, during the cold war Italy was ruled by the catholic center party known as Christian Democracy the symbol was of a shield with a cross at the center the Christians catholic values in defense from the red danger, by the way the Italian communist party was the biggest of its kind of all western countries. I’m born during the ongoing cold war and lived my childhood till my early teens to the fall of the Berlin wall of the 9th of November 1989 the consequences of that event will change radically the old continent and its effects overwhelmed the Italian political system of that time, it was a real coup d’état that deserves to be well explained as it represent a model that later on would be used in others contest albeit with different shades. The popular sentiment was of a total disguise and opposition to the traditional parties, Italy by the way in the early 90s was leaded by the Socialist Party and became the first economy of Europe with the highest growth rate, a country who had lost the war raised itself from the dust and without natural resources managed to became an Industrial power member of the G7 group or rather the most important economies of the world meeting. Despite all the political system turned to be corrupted at all and the Communist party always left as opposition party managed the popular demos against the ruling class of that time spreading through all the country the idea that the traditional politics was dirty(except the Communist party of course) till the fundaments and that Italians deserved a new course, a new way towards the actual E.U. However the first obstacle on its way into the European dream didn’t hesitate too long to shown itself, the prominent figure of the Cavaliere del Lavoro, a title given to all great personalities of the Italian capitalism, Silvio Berlusconi, tycoon of the biggest private communication empire, a man who made himself fortune during the first Republic and prospered with the Socialist leading the country before the Berlin heart quake. Berlusconi scared of the idea that the communism could have took the power managed to form its own political party then created a conservative coalition block that included Alleanza Nazionale the heirs of Fascism and a good part of the Moderate Catholic. The reformed system and the second Republic birth took place in a delicate moment as the ongoing biggest trial to Cosa Nostra wasn’t finished at all and several blast interested the country with the killing of a huge important people as politicians, policemen, chief of the army and of course those magistrates who put behind bars over 300 hundreds Cosa Nostra members. berlusconi The new system soon called bipolar inspired to the American one thus foresaw the presence of two opposing coalition the conservative one ‘The Pole of Liberties or also ‘The House of Freedoms’ vs the center left coalition the former communist party turned into the democratic party of the lefts block which included part of former D.C. and others figures of the ‘old’ system called ‘The Olive’ coalition whose will occupied the scenes for a long time. Prodi e Ciampi Italy was entering deeply in the E.U. on 2001 the national value was substitute with the introduction of the Euro, skepticism and diffidence were the main feelings and the Democratic party pushed a lot in this direction imposing a tax as necessary tribute of Italian people to join the European club and in particular to balancing the national account to the new reunited German standards ( that never paid in total its wars debt ), the decline of Italy begins in those days and it will get worse till the present time. Berlusconi attempted to cut bridges with the antidemocratic financial organization of moneylenders who governed the EU, Berlusconi managed to create solid diplomatic relationship with Putin who became a close friend of the Cavaliere furthermore Italy signed an important treaty of friendship and cooperation with Gheddaffi Libya Bengasi 30th August 2008, Bengasi is the seat of the Italian consulate and there’s also an important site of ENI ( who always have had a privileged partnership with Italy.) The E.U. power couldn’t accept the idea of Italy could have leaved the E.U. and it’s international policies was lived as a threat to others EU members, Italy had all the tools to get stronger and competitive, Germany and France on top planned a coup d’état that was absolutely necessary and considering that in the political fight the Democratic party didn’t managed to overcome against a tycoon of communication as Berlusconi mediaset empire, despite all magistrates investigations against Berlusconi, an external help was absolutely vital at that stage. The coup was so strategically prepared, with the Resolution 1973 of the United Nations Security Council. The Security Council resolution was proposed by the United States, France, Lebanon and the United Kingdom, the so called Arab springtime signed a change regime of the Northern African main countries in particular the richest ones as Egypt and of course Libya, Tunisia was the lab the first one where the West supported a regime change but also for other political and more strategic reasons, so the so called ‘Gelosmini Revolution’ overthrow Ben Ali who wasn’t killed but had to flew and leave the country. On March 19th 2011 France attacked Libya in ‘defense’ of the civilians innocent victims of the civil war that in the meantime was started in Libya too, French Air force as first ones attacked the surrounding of Bengasi south west or rather bombed important Italians investments fruits of the long diplomatic and commercial relationship, Berlusconi initially wasn’t keen to join the war of course but it has been forced by the pressure of the President of the Republic Napolitano, old big head of the Communist Party. The Last Berlusconi government then will fall soon after on the pressure of the E.U. and the financial attacks of markets focused on the high spread. On details The key dates of the plot are three as former Minister of Economy of Berlusconi government said recently. The EU Council meets on 21st July and welcomes “the budget package recently presented by the Italian government”. “Monsieur Trichet – remembers Tremonti – remained silent and good”. On 4th August, at the monthly press conference of the ECB, Trichet replied “I have no comments to make” to the journalist who pointed out to him the purchases of Portuguese and Irish and non-Italian securities. The next day, August 5th, the storm broke out with the letter signed by Trichet-Draghi which dictated draconian measures to Italy. “Blackmail – cut short the former minister – a burden imposed in the form of diktat and in violation of the European rules that provide for the independence of the ECB from European governments, and of governments from the ECB”. The consequences were what we know: “A budgetary restriction imposed on an economy that is already slowing is a very serious economic policy error. Immediately afterwards the ECB flooded the financial and banking system with liquidity”: the whole system was in collapse, regardless of Italy. Meanwhile, a group of bankers, politicians and financiers (Bazoli, De Benedetti, Prodi, Passera, Monti, Caloia) had met in Milan to plan the post-Berlusconi. In the following months, Berlusconi leaked the possibility of exiting the euro. Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, member of the Executive Committee of the ECB until the fateful November 2011, writes in the book Die austerity: “It is no coincidence that the resignation of the Greek Prime Minister Papandreou took place a few days after his announcement to hold a referendum on the euro, and that those of Berlusconi also took place after the hypothesis of exit from the euro was aired in private talks with the governments of the other euro countries”

According to Tremonti, what really frightened the European chancelleries was Italy's clear resistance to entering the bailout fund. He and Berlusconi asked “to calculate the contribution of each country to the new bailout fund not on the basis of the percentage of participation in the capital of the ECB (18 per cent for Italy), but as a percentage of the actual degree of risk exposure abroad”. Which for Italy did not exceed 5 percent? The most exposed countries, France and Germany in the lead, unloaded their risks on us. At the G20 in Cannes on November 3-4, Obama and Merkel tried to impose aid from the International Monetary Fund on Italy and Spain on halt terms. Tremonti quote the book by the then Iberian Prime Minister Zapatero, ‘El Dile

ma’: «In the corridors there was talk of Mario Monti. There was an extremely critical environment towards the Italian government. “I know better ways to commit suicide” was the phrase Tremonti used to resist. The bolt left no opening. Italy would not have yielded ». The blow came from another speculative intervention on BTPs. «Everything regular then? Is everything clean? »Asks Tremonti. Rhetorical questions. The coup d’état was finally complete, once Berlusconi was forced to leave The Mainstream have seen the birth of a new private TV Channel whose role it’s mainly political and it’s fully controlled by left wing political activist this to remedy the scarce media firepower of the left tied to only RAI public TV and in the case of government takeover only then the support of the technical government of Monti was huge with the pressure of press and media with front page title as ‘Do It Soon’ to save the Italian economy exposed to the markets the Italian good relationship with Putin fallen too, Ghedaffi killed and the Libyan Nation destroyed which provoked the mass invasion to the Italian ports supported by OGN of Germany and France mainly but also of other EU members. Despite all the decline of Italy didn’t arrested the EU policies of Austerity didn’t produced any good effect of course as the plan was indeed to weaken the Italian economy this with the help of the constant pressure of the Democratic Party totally enslaved by the EU that imposed cuts and privatizations that who have impoverished the country by killing the working class and obliterating the middle class. The Italian popular reaction was increasing and the spread malaise to the Democratic Party aware of getting less popular worked secretly to create a new box which main goal was to catalyze the entire popular malcontent. Grillo Casaleggio Since the advent of the internet technologies one of the most active company for web site and internet marketing promotion Casaleggio Associate of Milan have been working with all the main political party the founder of the company Gianroberto Casaleggio planned to create a new model of making politics according with the ongoing radical change of the modern societies of the world. Among the clients of the Casaleggio associates there was Beppe Grillo a comedian who worked in the mainstream during the 80s and early 90s and then was kicked off by the Socialist officially because of the offensive satyr of the histrionic comedian as like Italy was the U.R.S.S., Grillo website became the first Italian most visited website for a long time, alongside the work on the web Grillo toured all the peninsula to present its satirical shows full of political contents but also of purposes too, the strategic plan was giving its fruits a huge of Italians used to open an account on its website and so the Casaleggio idea of a direct democracy took place little by little imaging a new way to do politics overcoming the traditional ideologies no more left or right but in particular the alleged popular involvement in important decisions. The Big Brother experiment gave good results and following that model Grillo first attempted to take the Democratic party membership card, but has been refused, then collected signatures for three referendum and by doing so it proved himself the capacity of its machine of volunteers free citizens ‘self- organized around the idea of a revolutionary model of policies making’ anyone can be a politician and do better than the corrupted Italian traditional parties. Grillo now organize free shows on the main cities with special guest willing to be part of the cool event of the moment and most important Grillo obtained the support of important Mainstream media of the caliber of ABC Australia, BBC, CCN, Al Jazeera, then by recruited aspiring politicians, clean-faced young graduates with no skills, people with no significant professional experience of any kind, easy to indoctrinate to the new model and to use as a persuasion system to capture electoral support. VDAY Torino VDAY Torino Grillo belong to that generation who fought the cold war and during those days the most important terrorist group was the Red Brigades who used as symbol a star with 5 points, the armed party failed on its revolutionary intent to impose with violence a regime change however a good part of those who back in the days used to fight ‘the system’ later on would be part of it and forcedly tool their space, Grillo so attempted with democratic methods to achieve the same and the symbol of the five stars recall that experience of which Grillo as many others external probably silently sympathize with. The V-day Tour or rather ‘FUCK OFF DAY tour’ had the main goal to destroy traditional parties credibility instead of the ambush and the shooting, the public media pillory who didn’t eliminate physically anyone rather politically the public image of many politicians was destroyed and the Italian mainstream journalists too accused of being the main responsible of the actual decline moral and socio economic of the country, the audience increased V-day by V-day till the most important one, the Turin V-day of the 25th of April 2008 the day of the celebration of ‘Liberation’ from Nazi fascism. Appendino Chiamparino In that V-day there are all the main political elements of the ‘New Political Toy’ Grillo declared ‘we are those who are continuing the work of our grandfathers, those partisans who fought to liberate the country’ ‘We are The New Resistance’ as the Red Brigades used to say indeed or rather that they wasn’t happy at all with the result of the liberation war and that it was necessary to go ahead with the battle to really free the country and give a change regime in Italy, Grillo operated form a point of view more intellectual and political similarly just avoided the use of weapons and real killing as he held a more powerful weapon, The Propaganda Machine, by excluding the Italian press and also denouncing the mainstream he forced all journalists and media to run behind it’s creature, the members of the 5Stars movement as robot obeyed and kept off the media , properly brainwashed they agree with the idea the Italian press wasn’t comparable with the foreigners ones and the only intent of the gangster of journalism was to destroy the revolutionary ongoing project. Mov5Stelle UE Many Italians brainwashed and earned by the proposal of the Citizenship Income or welfare income without doing anything in masses voted for them, the referendum to free Italy from the Euro cage proposed and supported with great commitments of time and energy was done intentionally as many Italians were and still are aware of how crucial it’s this thing indeed, it’s the main political affair. The first electoral attempt failed but in a way they introduced themselves little by little especially in the EU institutions were crated a coalition with Farage Ukip leader jut to be present in a parliamentary group after having lost the European election in which they assumed to be victorious, the one in which Renzi made a 40% result, they cut some head inside cleaning and changing attitude, Grillo who always stayed on the front line was put away. By the time they managed to win the national election or rather to get more votes mainly from formers voters of the Democratic party, not even a surprise, the eu influences and financial elites covered with huge of money people that few years before didn’t have a stable job, some of them neither a particular scholar title, completely easily buyable, then after the first attempt as coalition government little by little with the pressure of the President of Republic and the pressure of EU leaders on the Italian Premier they provoked a political crisis stopping the Lega on the financial aspects that EU disliked to finally take back to power that Democratic Party that is the main responsible of the Italian decline and total enslavement to Aachen Dominion. In conclusion at E.U. Aachen Dominion headquarter are aware of Italians hostilities towards the actual regime so they are trying to ties hands and feets the next government with loans and further debts as the EMS that have occupied a great debate between government members and of course the actual opposition the fact is that with the EMS ItalExit would be almost impossible but the last word hasn't been written yet. Mov5Stelle UE Mov5Stelle UE


Introduction. The voice: Massacres, in Italy I’s a long and full bodied chapter written with the blood of many innocents Italians citizens , unresolved massacres it’ correct as for the majority of them none really paid with a trial and then with years of jail or any form of repayment, this is a book of horrors and general infamous of the democratic institutions not only Italians but of others western countries theoretically ‘allied’ of Italy. I was born in the middle of a war in a cold day of January 1974, a time when that bloody book was being written, as any child the world to discover was a wonderful place full of beauty and any other human being a possible friend, I can’t knew anything of the world around of how cruel and unjust it was and still is despite was a child however I recall the tension and nervousness around, there was so much of it you could breathe it and it’s obvious on the long term to be exposed at such air produce consequences physics that are invisible and imperceptible to the human naked eye but as you are growing up they contribute somehow to your growth as human being. The world of today it’s changed through all these years, of the early years of my life I recall faces, images and facts some of them are clear in my mind as if I’m looking it right now, in the late 70s we didn’t have mobile phones, internet or powerful computers as the one we use today, so those of my generation have a lot of printed photos and films stored somewhere in the draws of some old solid wooden cupboards, in those images the imperceptible consequences of the mood are like invisible skeletons as much as this country really has accumulated over the years to come. The colors during all this time as the quality of the material has undergone the passage of all these years and it gives the idea of how many time has actually passed and how the simple things of everyday life have changed.

The Historical contest

Anni di Piombo Contemporary historians use the expression ‘Year of Lead’ and it starts from the late 60s till the early 80s of the twentieth century, it’s a wrong consideration as the so called ‘years of lead’ has started during the second world war, in the north of Italy groups of partisans and bandits outlaw received weapons and ammo by the British intelligence who is responsible of several terrorist attacks not human errors but real terrorist attacks that killed civilians women, elders and children by it the goal was of light up a popular rebellion against the Italian institutions incapable to defend the civilians , some example of such a vile attacks, the bombing of Gorla primary school, October the 20th 1945 that killed 184 innocent children, or the Montecassino Monastery but really the list it’s so long I just want to report that apart the human error which it’s considerable in a state of war of occupation many of these air bombing were done with the clear will to kill innocent civilians, as well the civil war was planned and directed by those foreign intelligences who financed groups regardless of political colors and soon after the war most of them became enemies of the west, a similar operation took place in the south were US military forces financed and supported big names of Cosa Nostra, after the end of the war the terrorism goes on especially on the eastern border with former Yugoslavia where Tito partisans helped by some Italians communist group therefore at the orders of the Italian communist party have killed other partisans, civilians and of course Italian soldier loyal to the country. The communist partisans never engaged an armed conflict directly against the Italian army or the German one, the used to follow some isolated soldier during a free license moment and shot him in the back then running away by doing so little by little the civil war began and both sides are responsible of ignoble crimes but this is the result of ‘Divide et Impera’ a strategic planned political design who have clear responsible that from behind maneuvered everything. The Italian territory was a battlefield were soon the cold war has started therefore the ‘years of lead’ indeed begins back in those days. In the Italian Republic period the war continued in a new not conventional form also called war at lower intensity, various terrorist attacks hit trains on travel, banks, train stations, public squares and also the airspace a huge of innocent civilians have died without know why and their relatives never had justice. Many of these terrorist attacks on large target as on single personalities, politicians, magistrates, policemen, are linked and the Italian secret service play its role on misleading the investigations and in many cases all has been silenced as Secret of State the people can’t be informed, must not be informed as the consequence might lead to a probable revolution alongside these dirty business the mainstream and the jurisdictional system too did their part except some rare occasion, but those who wanted to investigate more in depth has been killed with no mercy.


Ustica is an island in the Tyrrhenian Sea located about 67 km north-west of Palermo the capital city of Sicily Mappa Isola di Ustica

27th of June 1980 Above the strait between the Italian islands of Ponza and Ustica the civilian flight Douglas DC9 of the Italian company Itavia it was hit by something, it was then deconstructed and fell into the Tyrrhenian Sea. All 81 occupants of the aircraft died in the massacre, including passengers and crew, it was soon classified as an incident but investigations soon will demonstrate that wasn’t an incident. The civilian flight departed from the Bologna airport of Borgo Panigale directed to Palermo airport of Punta Raisi Capodichino, various hypothesis on what happened that day and despite the misleading and the evident difficulties for the magistrate who investigated the case the plausible hypothesis, among other things accepted with validity in criminal and compensatory matters, concerns an international involvement, in particular French, Libyan and American, with the DC-9 that would have found itself on the line of fire of an air combat, finally being accidentally targeted by a missile (specifically fired by a NATO fighter against a MiG of the North African state of Libya ) Renzo Martinelli who, in my opinion, Is one of the most valid film director of Italy probably the only one director of genre films at the moment, has made a film that reconstructs the political climate of that period and tells the story with great descriptive depth of the singular facts that took place on that cursed day, the film it’s dedicated to the memory of all those innocents Italians who are composing a long list of others victims of a cruel war in which Italy paid a salad price, and all relatives still are asking for a real justice or simply to know the true to understand why their beloved have died during a ‘peacetime’ but in particular why the Italian institutions have done nothing on the contrary they have put obstacles to the investigation till the application of that Secret of State too many times abused on the Italian Republican history. Even the holy father Pope Wojtila has been the target of a terroristic attack that almost killed him by the hands of a Turkish citizen member of a Turk nationalistic terrorist group known as ‘The Grey Wolf’ the image of those days as the killing of John F. Kennedy are inserted in that contest of Cold War, Kennedy died During the fascist era nothing similar happened apart the controversial singular episodes as the kidnapping and then killing of the Socialist m.p. Matteotti, the Vatican State had an historical deal with the Italian Kingdom as Mussolini indeed resolved an historical contention that since the unification of Italy in 1861 remained unresolved, the ‘Dictator’ man of the evil shared the power in Italy with the Royal Family of Savoia and of course with the Vatican State differently by what have done Hitler in Germany or Stalin in the U.R.S.S. It’s since that bloody day of june 1980 that the Italians relatives are waiting to know the true as many others of the others massacres , it’s a recent new that the actual Italian government in the face of its Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte ‘The Lawyer of the People’ as he introduced himself to the Italian people has further classified until 2029 important documents on the Ustica massacre decided by Palazzo Chigi, the government central building, “because the truth would hurt Italy” A decision taken in response to the request for access to documents made by Giuliana Cavazza, honorary president of the “Verità per Ustica/ True for Ustica” association and daughter of one of the 81 people who died in the massacre of 27 June 1980, on a letter on reply to Mrs Cavazza formal request the actual government replied stating that making public the notes of Colonel Stefano Giovannone, head of the SISMI ( Italian secret service operative outside the Italian territory) center in Lebanon from 1973 to 1982, who in the days before the massacre warned the Italian government of the imminent dangers facing our country, especially at the hands of the PFLP, would cause “serious harm to interests of the Republic. Ten days earlier the Services from Beirut warned us that an attack on a plane was possible among various retaliations because we did not free the Italian leader of the Popular Front for the liberation of Palestine. On the morning of June 27, 1980, Beirut always warned us that retaliation would come from the evening. But for our government the desire to know what happened in Ustica is not sufficiently worthy. Incredibly, even if you know “ The recent answer of the actual Chief commander of the Italian Secret Service refutes President Conte and the other members of the coalition government who, for Ustica and Bologna, had beaten their breasts asking for desecretation, The intelligence services of course depends on the actual government, a coalition government formed by a supposed to be revolutionary and sincerely populist ,in the noblest pure meaning of this expression, anti EU political movement known as the 5Stars Movement and the Democratic Party who have lost all the recent electoral elections, both national and local, due to the Italian system after the first Conte coalition government crisis with the Lega party that finished that experiment denouncing it was politically impossible to go ahead the ball passed on the President of Republic that before closing chambers and declare new elections has the duty to verify it is still possible to form a new government, surprisingly the 5 Stars Movements betraying all the promises made during the years to get more consensus among the Italian people, and an alliance in particular with the left was out of any logic, a huge of public statements and complaints on their part about the Democratic Party were particularly hostile, they also compared the Democratic Party as the Mafia organized crime and for this reason really nothing would have hinted at an ingenious betrayal to the Italian people. They have introduced the figure of Conte who presented himself as ‘The Lawyer of the People’ despite all this clowns and their ignoble actions the Italian people and in particular those real patriots that initially gave their vote to these scumbags traitors knows the true of all the shit they keep on hiding under the carpet, the smell of shit it’s huge and the only certainty we have at the moment it’s that their political death it’s just a matter of time.

The generation of those ‘children’ like me who were born in the 70s who insist on knowing the truth is growing and organizing themselves politically despite the betrayals of the 5 Stars and the hostility of the mainstream and all their friends globalists internal and external, no despair because we already know the truth but in particular we know a final showdown will come.