After the lock down experience who has marked forever an entire generation of young people nowadays all European students are returning at school, in different dates but more or less the mid of September it’s the month of the reprise of the ordinary life for the young people however even if on the mainstream there’s a long political debate which started since the summertime season here I want to analyze the idea itself of Educational System with particular reference to the one I know the most which is the Italian one of course.
Back in the days at my school days (early 80s)

The typical path of a child who is preparing to learn new educational models begins with the kindergarten then follow the primary school and finally the secondary school, this is the so-called ‘Compulsory School’ which provides or the basic tools or rather learning to write/read and count, it’s 8 years total time estimated unless during the path arose some problem, of cognitive or learning difficulties it might depends from various factors.
The kindergarten, which is not mandatory, it’s officially the starting moment where a child it’s spending time without his relatives and start to learn from others adults figures the existence of other models of inspiration and confrontation plus of course to socialize with other children, in my opinion it’s an important psychological training which prepare the child to the second step or rather the primary school, it should be a free service offered to all the families of the Nation, and the Nation must prove to be absolutely efficient providing the best services and skilled competent persons.
My recollections of the kindergarten years are clear as vivid filmic images projected in my mind, we used to wear a colored apron, my class used a light blue, each color for any classroom, there was even pink, don’t know why but pink wasn’t considered as a masculine color.
Everyday started with a prey, during the day we used to do some activities as drawing, play some group games, others stuff like that and after lunch we had the chill out moment of resting in particular, I recall that I can’t fell asleep so I used to pretend I was sleeping just because I've fallen in ‘love’ with the teacher who used to go around and gave caresses to all of us, I was aware she knew I wasn’t sleeping but she came to me anyway and this is the sweetest recollection I have of my first years in this world.
The so called first ‘love’ infatuation is an important step in the psychological grown of a child it marks his/her way of seeking attention method therefore it influence in a certain way it’s communicational skills background.
It was indeed an important service for those families like mine where both relatives used to work, so the kindergarten started on the early morning till the late afternoon more or less till 5.00 p.m. a full time service that was also a cost for the families, but everything was well organized I mean it was all close at hand, the houses where we lived were built in the 60’s around the Car Factory, I’ve seen in an old book of the history of my neighborhood some pictures of Aldo Moro attending the inauguration of these big palaces, Aldo Moro the man that later on will be kidnapped and killed by the Red Brigades.

All a group of Palaces have been built around ‘Mother Fiat’ so the kindergarten and the primary schools arose consequently, the economic boom gave a strong input in different ways, the constructions of modern infrastructures, of public housing and in particular of all those services that back in the days didn’t existed simply because the mass immigration from the South of Italy was huge and Torino was unprepared at all.
The world around me back in the end of the 70s on a hand was productive, dynamic and lively in all ways on the other hand it was also a world particularly full of hatred and violence and even if I was a child who clearly didn’t have the way to understand the universe of the adults, it was on a emotive plan that in particular I still keep in mind of the huge tension of those days as it was in the air you can’t breathing it.
I perfectly Recall the color of the Police cars which was of a military green with the icon of old telephone handset and the number to dial up just in case printed on the doors 113, the sound of the sirens was frequently heard around my neighborhood the law enforcement at that time was quite busy indeed on patrolling the areas.

The primary school differently from the kindergarten of course was a bit more demanding, it lasted five years, for many children that day was a traumatic experience or rather I recall of many children crying because they didn’t want to separate from their family, the sentiment of being abandoned it’s a sad and painful sensation indeed, I have to assume all of these children didn’t had a previous experience at the kindergarten and that’s probably the reason why of that reaction, I felt amused looking around all those cry babes especially big child that with no doubt differently from me haven’t found that primal ‘love’ experience I had at the kindergarten on the contrary I was experiencing the detachment from my ‘first love’ while too many children males on top were attached to their mother silk, in a way it's proving I am right about the importance of the kindergarten.
On the Secondary School the classroom used to be mixed of both sex, on the first years we still used to wear an apron but it was a different one more like a kind of uniform indeed, each classroom had a big desk with a blackboard behind and the cross on top of the wall watching all of us. The Catholic religion for a long time used to be the National religion, the only one, due to the ‘Lateranensi paths of 11 February 1929 paths’ between the Italian Kingdom and the Vatican State dated to the Fascist period, Mussolini for that treaty was defined ‘the man of providence’ since the taking of Rome by the Royal Army of Italy the Carabinieri the Pope remained with hostile sentiments with the new born Italian Kingdom for 58 years the relationship between the Catholic Church and the Italian Kingdom wasn’t good and among all the enemies of the newly born Nation priests were on the top of a list which included, deluded Republicans by Mazzini betray, a large anarchist movement very active in Italy, socialist and then communist.
Historical antecedents – which determined the subsequent organization of the school world -
The Lateranensi Path basically sanction the birth of the Vatican State as an independent State and open the relationship between the Italian Kingdom and the Holy see interrupted since 1870, this is an important moment in the history of Italy the Holy see used to consider the newly born Italian State as an invader who have occupied its territories and prevented the Pope to exercise his spiritual power, note that the religion and in particular the so called ‘Spiritual Power’ played an important role in the history of the whole Western European continent.

The Italian Kingdom tried several times to regulate the relationship with the Holy see, unilaterally outlined its relations in 1871, with the so-called “Guarentigie law” it was a controversial and difficult relation also because it was about the political activity of the members of the Holy see and their participation on the Italian political life and of its government, If the right wing tried to find out a sort of compromise refused by the Pope Pio IX who drastically considered it as “monstrous product of revolutionary jurisprudence “, the left-wing who had a strong anticlerical attitude and a massive influence on the government decisions obtained that all the faculties of theology had to be suppressed by the Italian universities and that the seminaries had to be subjected to state control.
All started with the ‘Breccia of Porta Pia’ of the September the 20th 1870 an important step of the Italian Risorgimento the take of Rome, who had previously historical antecedents failed because of the foreigners military opposition France on top, Rome was taken by the Italian army while Otto Von Bismarck entered in France, so the Pope Pio IX considered himself as a ‘Political Prisoner’.

In 1874 Pius IX issued the ‘Non expedit’, with which he forbade Italian Catholics to participate in political life. Only in the Giolitti period would this prohibition have been progressively eliminated, until the complete return of Catholics “as electors and as elected” in Italian political life: only in 1919, with the foundation of the Italian Popular Party of Don Luigi Sturzo, were Catholics present officially the Italian political world.
The dispute between the Italian state and the Holy See found a solution in 1929, during the Mussolini government, with the Lateran Pacts, through which an effective bilateral settlement of the matter was reached.
Mussolini indeed resolved a delicate matter that all previous governments have failed, a second important path between Italy and Vatican State occurred in 1984 the ‘Accordo of Villa Madama’ signed by Bettino Craxi Italian Prime Minister and Agostino Casaroli was a revision of the previous successful path who introduced the possibility to finance the Catholic Church with the ‘8xMille’ is the share of income tax subject to IRPEF (income tax), which the Italian State distributes, based on the choices made in the tax returns, between itself and religious confessions, actually there are 12.
Basically, thanks to two Socialists, the Italian State has regularized diplomatic relations between two States at different times, a particular situation being the Vatican in the very heart of Rome.

For a long time after the two wars there was an episodes film ‘Don Camillo e Peppone’ which had a national success that summarizing used to describe the Italian society formed after the Second World War as a country in which only two communities coexisted, namely the Church and the Communist Party.
Italy as always been a country of parishes and still is not only the Catholic Church, the Democratic Party coalition, the Center right coalition, furthermore also all the organized crimes groups as Cosa Nostra, Camorra, Ndrangheta, Sacra Corona Unita. The film as said before summarized in the description of the Italian society excluding all the rest but at the same time imposed the coexistence of two big social cultural parties or rather the D.C. Christian Democracy and the P.C.I. Italian communist party in the intention of the authors it is evident that both parties are reciprocally influencing themselves operating for the well being of the people, but affirmed also the political union among secular catholic of left-wing inclination with catholic pure element giving shape to that center-left coalition that represent the socials aspects of the catholic action alongside the principles of a Marxism with a human face less hostile with the Holy see.
After the five years of the primary school the second mandatory step I’s the Secondary School a three years courses of studies in which many things changes starting from the relationship with the teachers of course plus a more accurate plan of studies on various disciplines, it was also included Music and Art.
During my first years at the Secondary school ( 3 years totally ) the Catholic Religion was still the only one admitted, for us didn’t existed any other one, at that time I didn’t knew neither of the existence of others religions to be honest anyway we used to had one hour of Religion a week, differently from all others teachers who have been selected through a national public competition, the person in charge for the teaching of Religion was a priest chosen directly by the Vatican institutions however the hour of religion wasn’t mandatory but in those days very few children didn’t participated or rather the so called “Jehovah’s witness” and in my classroom there was just one who got off the classroom, no other Religions were admitted and even if compared with the past where the Catholic one was officially the only National Religion and where even to swear at God was considered breaking the law punished with an administrative penalty, during my times Italy was already partially going through a secularization process but still no other Religion was admitted at all.
The secondary school was different, no aprons, mixed classroom but now it was included the possibility of not passing to the next class, the environment was the same, a big desk with a blackboard and the cross watching from above all of us.
No more a single teacher but a group of teachers each for any subject, at the entering of any teacher we had to stand up and salute, it was a form of respect, my first English lessons started at the secondary school and the first few words learnt was the formula of initial salute which was a ritual we have to do with any teacher; so at the teacher arrival we stood up saying ‘Good morning teacher’ he replied ‘Good morning pupils’ then we had to wait for his command which was ‘Sit down pupils’ and us ‘Thank you sir’, it’s curious I didn’t had a good relationship with my English teacher as I was a young little heavy metal punk look like teenager and despite him used to live in England during the swinging London time he was quite of a boring person particularly rigid with me, we had arguments all times because of my aesthetic style we , mashed hairs scratched jeans and t shirts with skulls stuff like that anyway It was the 80s and as any teenager I used to have my idols as today students have their ones I can admit he was probably right in a way but I was a sort of natural rebel in a Italian society still strongly influenced by the Catholic point of view.

Note in the Italian language differently from the English the third person It is used in a conversation in a different way, generally it is a form that a young or even two adult perfectly unknown to themselves uses as a form of respect, or it is used in the case of a young person when he/she is referring to an adult, in the secondary school the teachers used to refer to the students using the same form to remark the fact we weren’t considered ‘children’ anymore.
On my first day at the secondary school I had a fight with a classmate sitting beside me, it all happened during the hour of Religion, under the fixed stare of both Jesus Christ and the Priest who was doing his lesson, our priest was a tall man dressed in black with the white typical collar round his neck was a man on his 60s with few white hair just beside his head which was mainly bold, we nicknamed him ‘Don big belly’ Don Big Belly had strong big hands too and used to pulled us by the ears just to make us stopping the fight anyway since that day I’ve been marked as a ‘special one’ student
It is important to underline that the States at that time used to provides all the necessary books for the student of the Public School which was a good thing indeed considering that many families can’t afford those expenses, today it’s a total different world I know and if in some way I do know something about the schools of today it’s because of my nephews, my school was titled in honor of Cristoforo Colombo, would you imagine what a BLM or Antifa direct action would be? The institute was and still is located in a little square surrounded by big palaces of ten floors flats, on a side the red palaces on the other a grey long column of 9/10 floor flats, all quite big indeed a little public garden separate with the primary school, both schools had the same color a kind of timid yellow.
I can admit that the ‘Political Dominion’ of the Left materialized itself since the primary school even if with less invasive forms but it was a presence undeniable, I had the luck to have a genuine teacher despite she was strongly politicized, she was a very beautiful young woman and apart the ordinary stuff she used to teach us the songs of ‘Fabrizio de Andrè’ for example which is one of the most famous Italian folk songwriter and on that days was still alive and prolific in his writings.
At the end of the complete cycles of studies on the fifth year there was the examination known as ‘State Exam’. I keep a good memory of the very last day with that teacher, she left us delivering a written message of best wishes to all of us which was about the importance of learning to observe the world around with critical eyes and to avoid to use a criteria of the type it’s all black and white, afterwards with the passing of the time on my skin I can say I have understood what she meant that day.
The secondary school exposed somehow how precarious and badly organized it was, my neighborhood was considered at high presence of criminality mainly because was a neighborhood made up of southern people emigrants, there was a lot of criminality indeed If I have to make a parallel it was like The Bronx of New York city, the teachers were all elders waiting to complete their working years just to go on pension and didn’t had any skill for dealing with a mass of teenagers who were turbulent as the environment around was violent and full of junkies and local bandits too.
My years at the college started on the final stage of the cold war, that division had deeply influenced our society, on my early years as teenager I’ve practiced a bit of boxing under the suggest of a wise man who was one of my teachers o ‘Physical Education’ who understood me better than my parents and especially saw in me that a sport like that can have mitigate my being a nervous guy, the boxing time ended up soon as after few months have joined the Boy Scout I had a fight with a guy and I’ve smashed his nose with a left jab only.
For that punch I’ve been banned from the Boy Scout, the managers with two policemen came to visit my place and informed my family, it was a terrible experience for me it was like a trial but without an attorney beside, it was just me against all the world, to be honest I didn’t wanted to hurt that boy so badly but I was defending myself as he started to attack me, growing up in a neighborhood as Mirafiori South of that time where fights used to be ordinary I had to learn to defend myself therefore when that guy challenged me with a bully attitude I had no choice but defending myself.
Curiously my father didn’t gave the rest, as usually did, but discovering of my boxing lessons forced me to abandon it plus the presence of the law enforcement who remarked that because of my young age there wasn’t consequences of what otherwise would have been considered as a crime, banned from the Boy Scout and abandoned boxing I’ve started to do Karate that in the 80s was very trendy indeed due also of the successful films of Bruce lee but I wasn’t really convinced to go on so because of a great passion for music I’ve started to practice drumming without my parents support and it was a difficult task as had no lessons at all o any kind, today you can check tutorials on youtube and learn easily anyway.
Considering my musical passion started when I was 13/14 years old child at the time of the college I had already formed my own hardcore thrash metal band, the aesthetics differences were really important and all of us had care of it, in my school there was a big group of punks and heavy metal passionate so during the historical day the Berlin wall falling down, no one of us was really understanding the importance of that historical moment however with others students we occupied the school, I and my mates we managed to organized various gigs in the afternoon inviting friends and of course girls. Before to start playing I took the mic.( I’m a drummer ) And have read a sort of communicate celebrating the end of the totalitarian regime considering the eastern world agitations of those days of which the TV was constantly reporting on the news, as well the stories about the numbers of people who back in the days during the most critical moment have died trying to escape from the communist regime, so the title of first song we played was named by the way ‘Death through the TV’ with a poor English I wrote a song which was about the confusions that dominated also the social life in Italy and in particular about those people who have died trying to escape from the communist totalitarianism regime of which I knew a few by watching the TV
The division between communist and fascist was huge so my introduction speech during that gig which was about the end of the communist regime it wasn’t seen as a good thing by the majority of the teachers of the school and in particular by the Principal who was a staunch communist who used to keep in his office a large photograph of Antonio Gramsci instead of the cross, the founder of the Italian Communist party who was of Sardinian origin like him.

On those days it was still hard for someone to be openly critical with communism, first the Italian Communist Party used to be the biggest one of all western countries and had put his hands in particular on the public educational system as in all over the public sector, educational system and administrative apparatus taking the direct control of the State machine without having any government responsibilities plus of course the huge union weight on the left-wing hands who used frequently to put pressure on the National government.
As many others boys and girls of course I didn’t had any direct awareness of the political aspects and in spite of this evidence I used to be seen anyway as a sort of fascist even if I didn’t had any specific knowledge of politics things in general, my passion for black colors plus other insignificant things put me under that light, I didn’t got it in those days but I got it now.
My generation has grown up with the constant TV bombing of the evilness of Fascism of the fact that we weren’t free that our ancestors were living under a criminal regime made up of others Italians who used to rule our life with rigidity and with the use of the strength, an authoritarian regime, who coexisted with the Monarchy, that was considered responsible of crimes within the country as outside the borderline with colonialist wars.
The propaganda as said was huge and the message was clear If we had Democracy was because of the arrival of English and Americans and those allies of the Soviet Union that set us free from ‘ourselves’.
As the TV was constantly occupied on the transmission of a huge of documentaries about fascism and Nazism parallel with American classic films at school it wasn’t different every occasion was good indeed to introduce the topic and especially when it came up with historical lessons, let’s say that even there I’ve paid somehow the consequences of my ‘rebel attitude’ as I used to be very passionate about Italian history and literature my curiosity stimulated me to do even more as working hard on personal research or simply focusing on some specific historical aspects in particular of the both world wars, this wasn’t seen very well of course, having a student who put some serious questions when around the most loved student it was nicknamed ‘The Red Baron’ well didn’t helped a lot indeed to me, but I didn’t gave a damn my rebel attitude was genuine and I used to put all of my teenage inquietude in my passion for extreme rock n roll music not only American or English but in particular Italian and back in the days in Turin we had a good lively underground scene of hardcore punk music and others stuff too.
During the years after the end of the second world war the communist have military occupied all the structures that make the State functioning, so the public educational system in particular was politicized till the point of creating a system where even the books to buy was written by authors who had formed in the public educational system watered by the Marxist doctrine, the private sector of education was much better and clear, I mean the catholic schools on top were rigid keeping separate sexes classes, during the years then as mushroom several private schools are born not always of a good quality.
The insistence of a forced Manichean division of black and white reinforced by the cold war time created a shot circuit in my mind, but at certain point I became aware of the fact that the history wasn’t black and white and that politics played a role influencing a delicate matter in a way that was embarrassing , It was curious for me to be surrounded by radical left-wing antifascist political activist while all the Western world was in open conflict with the U.S.S.R. according with them that wasn’t the real communism, it wasn’t clear which one was the real one, the Yugoslavian? The Chinese or the Cuban? The point was that all these political activist in fact were enjoying the democratic freedoms of the West even if they were particularly critical with it considered as the ‘Bourgeois capitalistic System’ and all this bollocks of which also Italy was in a way a part of , and my mind goes to the ‘Liberation celebrations’ or the gold medal given to any city where the red partisans distinguished themselves for their support on the conquest of Democracy, to me the event of a ‘Liberation celebration’ appeared and still does as a pure hypocrisy because it was clear if we had ‘democracy’ we had to be ‘grateful’ to the Americans and all the allies anyway. Growing up I’ve learnt more and became more aware of the things of Politics aware till the point to understand that in the eventuality of the advent of a communist totalitarian regime the first ones that the dictatorial system would have eliminated were all those suckers who used to compete to demonstrate who was the real cool tough true communist guy among the others.
I still strongly believe that Togliatti the historical leader of the Communist Party who lived in exile in Moscow during all the war it was absolutely aware of the barbarian system of the Soviets and that’s the probable reason why when it was shoot in the 1966 from the hospital bed issues a famous TV interview/appeal asking to all Italian Communists to do not engage in any 'popular revolt' Togliatti was ware o what happened to all those communist leaders of any of those countries who went under the direct control of Moscow, it was much better to be the leader of the biggest Communist party in a Western world with the power to negotiate with the government by the direct control over the biggest Union rather than a puppet in Moscow hands whose life was literally hanging by a thread who can have disappeared and got killed with a bullet in his head in some building of the secret services at any moment.

What About the School of Today
Well considering that as it’s the UE time it should be interesting to understand how teachers are explaining to the young the European History first of all, the covd19 has provoked a trauma on this generation in particular therefore a change has been imposed due to the necessity of preventing the diffusion of this deadly virus, not few problems has arisen indeed and this since the summertime it was and still is a political debate that include different points of views that goes even over the normal debate of the topic itself. Since ages I recall various Ministers of Education, Galloni of Christian Democracy back in my days after him a huge of Left wing Minister apart the window of the Berlusconi government o which we have to recognize the introduction of the National celebration of the ‘Day of Memory’ of the Tito partisan massacres of Italians on the eastern borders, the genocide of the ‘Foibe’ captivity cavern underground where in groups of ten those bastards used to throw down there a huge of Italians, entire population of little city beaten up, women and even young girls raped all this to provoke a voluntary exodus while the British army kept closed eyes back in the days those refugees who were forced to leave their houses to save their life didn’t had justice neither OGN ready to welcome them with open arms and every year all the left-wing and with her also the 5 Stars Movement who has expressed the actual Minister of Education try to prevent any popular celebrations, the left-wing always tried even to stop the projection of documentaries as of films that speak up of those atrocities, and every year a shameful revisionist attempt pretend to justify, genocides mass rape and murders as that was a consequence of the Fascist occupation, of territories where the majority of inhabitants were Italians.
The School of today it’s facing other problems as the perfect setting to prevent covid19 as I’ve said and the actual Minister and with her all the government has been criticized because of the bad management of the whole thing, we are talking about financial scandals o not clear operations on the productions of the necessary stuff for which the government initially gave a billions of euro to a company of 4.000 euro total of initial capital with one worker who according with the 5 Stars movement should have been capable of provide the furniture of the new model desk single unit with wheels to facilitated the forced social distance of a meter among students, the estimate cost of a single one it’s around 300 euro and the necessary number of it it’s of 3.000.000 pieces, The Minister of Education specifies not only that the price will be established by the European tender in progress, but also that the costs of this new school furniture will be borne by the Ministry of Education and not by the school facilities.
To know the final price of the counters, one will therefore have to wait for the closing of the public tender declared last month, in the meantime schools have opened a huge of stuff it’s missing and also a huge of teachers are missing too, the opposition it’s collecting signature to ask for her resignation and a strive it’s on the horizon scheduled for the 24th of this month.

Today school it’s been always criticized by the left-wing on different aspects, first of all the presence of the cross, which is in every public building, the reason it’s that might offend those students born here by migrants of Islamic background furthermore the forced introduction of the gender theory justified by the willing of preventing bullying among the students, LGBT associations without a consult with the families simply imposed their presence with the support of teachers and principals too pretending to impose that it doesn’t exist any natural difference between male and female and that someone might feel a man or a female according with which leg they stands up from the bed in the morning of the sensibility of a boy or a girl who doesn’t have homosexual orientation or that is also particular sensitive with the Catholic Religion they simply don’t mind, back in the days the teaching of Religion wasn’t mandatory you had the freedom of choice to attend or not, today the hour of Religion turned into an historical lesson of the different religions on the attempt to facilitated a sort of integration, despite the fact of the history of this country and the delicate relationship with the Papal State who took a long time of debating the left-wing it’s now pretending that the Italian society must adapt to people who have decided to emigrate in Catholic Country that have been through a process of secularization that never happened in the whole Islamic world, they could have emigrate elsewhere In some of those Arab rich countries for example but the most important consideration here it’s that the absurdity of the fact we have to adapt to uses and costumes of people who have never contemplate a secularization and this represent a drastic regression.

The LGBT associations have gained too much power and are imposing their own ideology hiding behind the waved flag of civil rights, having for years ridicule the Catholics believers and attacking the idea itself of the traditional family described as a sort of horror scenario where the worst crimes are constantly and repeatedly consumed attacking all those people who manifested their attachment to the traditional family even physically, there are several shameful episodes where Antifa and LGBT representatives have physically attacked catholic demonstrators painted as nazist, fascist and intolerant with the support of the Democratic Party, it has been significant in this sense the picture of an m.p. of the Democratic party waving a cartel with the message 'God Motherland and Family what a shitty life’ is the self-proclaimed paladin of ‘Civil Union’ who has promoted a political campaign named ‘It’s time to be Civil’ she as the whole LGBT world have always politicized a battle of principles monopolizing it and did it with such a level o cretinism that doesn’t regard the LGBT people only rather it’s about the whole Italians population freedoms that doesn’t necessary want to get married not matter why.

As there are private schools of Catholics or of any other kind the LGBT association should have promoted their model of education counting on the free will of those who recognize it as a good one instead they pretend to impose their model taking the advantages given by the fact that the left-wing it’s military occupying the whole public educational system and this is not correct at all.
The pathological cretinism of these associations and the arrogance with which they pretend to impose their ideology it’s blind on the fact the Islamic people miss the whole process of secularization and nether miss out to show all their contempt of homosexuality at all, here’s again an example of how some Westerner are poisoning the Western Culture the same that gave them a freedom that elsewhere would have be impossible even to imagine.
The youth has the rebel seed naturally inside and a counter reaction at all this imposed decadence it’s a reality which escape from our control and its growing up despite all opposing the creation of male too effeminate, you can be a gay or a lesbian person and at the same time not sharing antifa as any other LGBT association policies who want to reduce the figure of the Western man to a effeminate ridicule idiot incapable of self-defending himself and androgynous women strong dressed up like a man or even gender fluid people pretending to be adopted as educational model, never in the history of the mankind the Western civilization have reached such a level of decadence and ignorance as it’s today which is the result of years and years of a cultural monopoly who doesn’t have anything to do with progress.
The freedom and respect for diversity doesn’t born from the assumption that my beliefs have to be universally, imposed, and accepted by all so again the natural and free association of people on the basis of common aspects have determined the birth of National States who has always being the house where people have got those guarantees of both Rights and Duties
conquered during years of struggle and confrontation that now are under attack by a globalized vision of the world that wants to destroy everything and shape a mankind of no differences at all among people neither those natural ones.
The counter-attack on the establishment of the ‘Single Thought’ must start from the school but with the due cautions, no prisoner and no political action must be the result of necessarily responding to those idiots who are poisoning it now, the political agenda must not be indirectly infiltrated, if anything, it must be avant-garde and express one's moral and educational superiority through the original initiative and discern from conditioning that has absolutely nothing of political but just garbage.