Infinite Flowers for You

...anata no tame no hanata no tame no hanata no tame no hanata no tame no ...


Infinite Flowers for You's music was generated by simulating the following “Beggar my Neighbour” games:

00000333300000 00020333302000 00040333304000 00060333306000 
96600000333300000668 86600000333300000667 96600000333300000668 
00000333300000 00020333302000 00040333304000 00060333306000 
440000002200000044 00000220000
440000002200000044 00000220000
00060333306000 00040333304000 00020333302000 
96600000333300000668 86600000333300000667 96600000333300000668 
00000333300000 00000333300000 

As you can see, several games here have the structure 000x033330y000, where x and y are decimal digits.

The music generation repository is here.

Anata no tame no h's video was produced via Feedpovray by running the following command:

feedpovray —input=0000033330000 —y=5 —z=9 —max-size=3 —output=0000033330000.pov \ —prologue=prologue.001122222222.b \ —pigment=“pigment{ gradient <0,1,0> sinewave colormap{ [ 0.0 color rgb<1,0,1> ] [ 1.0 color rgb<1,0,0> ] } scale 0.35}”

The quantum object is here a sphere whose radius is a random number between 1 and 3 (cf. option max-size).

The resulting Povray script, 0000033330000.pov, was edited as follows:

camera { sky <0,0,1> direction <-1,0,0>
right <-4/3,0,0> location <300+clock*10000, 300+clock*10000, 300+clock*14000> look_at <0,0,0> angle 2 }

globalsettings { ambientlight Yellow }

light_source { <310,-10,310> color Orange*2 }

background { color Orange }

© 2020 Eidon. All rights reserved. desrever sgnorw llA

If you like this music you might consider following and subscribing to my channel !

The videoclip is also available on Open Tube