
Dogū in Télos A Dogū (Japanese: 土偶, “earthen figure”, Jōmon period) happily embedded into the Island of Télos, as portrayed in one of the Maps of Piri Reis.

Télos — a piece in three parts.

The first one exposes and develops a theme. The second part briefly proposes an abridged variation. The third part couples xenochronically theme and variation.

After I finished writing the first part, I started to ask myself about a title. The feeling I had was of something that had come to me from ancient times.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, and without a reason that I could identify, the word “Télos” popped in my head. I looked it up on Wikipedia and found that “télos (Greek: τέλος lit. 'end', 'purpose', or 'goal') is a term used by philosopher Aristotle to refer to the final cause of a natural organ or entity, or of human art.”

That was it then. The goal, the end, the purpose: it's all in and for itself: Music. “Music”, as we all know, “is the best.”