What is The Flowers of Evil? If you asked me one week ago, my answer would obviously have been “it's a book by Baudelaire”. But now and henceforth, to me, The Flowers Of Evil is a Novel in the form of a manga, written and drawn by Oshimi Shūzō.
I am in love with the genre; I have read hundreds of works. From the early works of Tezuka Osamu to the last one by Mori Kaoru, still in progress.
But none of those gut-punched me like Aku no Haka, 惡 の 華, did. Maybe I won't read manga any more, I don't know; or more probably this is not true. But my current feeling is that there is no need to say anything else, beyond what Oshimi has said.
I have just finished it; more than two thousand pages read in just a few days. And now, what to do? How to express what boils inside of me?
I decided to turn to music, to chance, to mathematics. I listened and composed, layer by layer, and I saw a whole emerge.
That whole is Nakamura.
Because, of course, the whole thing is just, Her.
Vertigo grabs the defeated soul and pushes Him with both hands in an abyss obscured by human miasms; She throws Him down on the edge of a millennial abyss, where, as putrid Lazarus tore his shroud, in its awakening He moves, ghostly corpse of an old rancid love, splendid and sepulchral.
The pictures here are from The Flowers Of Evil, by Oshimi Shūzō, published in English by Vertical. All rights belong to the author, who I hope shall forgive me for using those pictures here. It's advertising, come on.
Music is © 2020 Eidon ( All rights reserved. You can also listen to it on FunkWhale and PeerTube.