So this is my third “movement” into The Flowers Of Evil. I've been re-reading the manga this week, and I've just met her again: Tokiwa. So it was natural to me to start experimenting with her name, and this night I came up with this track.
Every persons in this story is so fascinating, and Tokiwa is no exception. She is special to me, not just because of her pivotal role. I love her determination, and I love that categorical imperative that is born in her. That awareness of her potential — no, actually, of her mission. She's going to become Herself, no doubt. She is going to create her conceptual continuity. And I love the fact that her trigger is Kasuka, and therefore Nakagawa too. Oshimi Shūzō reaches cathartic perfection here, providing a meaning and a resolution to the boundless pain experienced by the persons in this story.
(I've just realized that the previous paragraph closes itself with an expression used at its beginning — and so this has been an involuntary reference to the true world called The Flowers Of Evil...)
Percussions, glockenspiel, marimba, music box, and three flutes (transverse flute, 尺八, and Mellotron MKII flute.)
The picture is from The Flowers Of Evil, by Oshimi Shūzō, published in English by Vertical. All rights belong to the author, who I hope shall forgive me for using that picture here. It's a form of advertising, after all...
Music is © 2020 Eidon ( All rights reserved. You can also listen to it on FunkWhale and PeerTube.
Little by little Les Fleurs Du Mal are blooming...