

“Yesterday evening something interesting happened to me; I wrote down a random string and used it as input for generating a number of seeds for my music. When I listened to it, I realized there were two themes that I felt were 'special'; they were beautiful to my ear. I wish I were able to compose one such theme, I said to myself. So I set myself in motion as if I was possessed by those musical ideas. I mixed the material into a piece made of four parts. When I finished, it was quite late in the night...”

(from a message I wrote to a dear friend of mine).


ca=“ \\\n” a=10078970003540 cc=“” z=“” b=“” for i in seq 8 ; do b=${a}${z} cc=“${cc} ${a}${z} ${z}${a} \\\n” z=“${z}1” done

echo -e $ca $cc > zz

chmod +x zz zz

The shell script interprets the input strings as packs of cards and simulates with them “Beggar my Neighbour” games: \
 10078970003540 10078970003540
 100789700035401 110078970003540
 1007897000354011 1110078970003540
 10078970003540111 11110078970003540
 100789700035401111 111110078970003540
 1007897000354011111 1111110078970003540
 10078970003540111111 11111110078970003540
 100789700035401111111 111111110078970003540

The music generation repository is here. (It is still to be updated with the Beggar-my-neighbour generator...)

Kwaidan's video was produced via Feedpovray. Each part renders a different set of permutation numbers.

The video fragments were created with ffmpeg:

    ffmpeg -framerate 23.976 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' -i "$1" \
           -c:a aac -b:a 128k  -c:v libx264 -r 23.976 -pix_fmt yuv420p \
           -filter:v "fade=in:st=0:d=5, fade=out:st=$duration:d=5" video.mp4

where “$1” is the audio data.

Finally, I concatenated the videos and added chapters, also via ffmpeg.

© Eidon ( All rights reserved.

© Eidon. All rights reserved.

If you like this music you might consider following and subscribing to my channel

My blog collects a few of my Grundgestalts.

Kwaidan's videoclip is also available on Open Tube

From 'Black Hair', first episode of the movie 'Kwaidan'