Ra's music was generated by interpreting the following strings as packs of cards and simulating with them the following “Beggar my Neighbour” games:
0000022442200000 0004000 0000022442200000 00400
0002022442202000 0002022442202000 0004000
0000022442200000 0004000 0000022442200000 00400
0004022442204000 00400 0004022442204000 0004000
0006022442206000 0004000 0006022442206000 00400
0008022442208000 0004000 0008022442208000
0007022442205000 00400 0007022442205000
0002022442205000 0002022442205000
0000022442200000 0004000 0000022442200000 00400
0007022442205000 00400 0007022442205000
0002022442205000 0002022442205000
by Eidon
As you can see, the pattern 000x02244220x000 is the major seed of this Grundgestalt.
Instruments are contrabass, drums, pizzicato strings, Latin and African percussions, overdriven guitars, single-coil muted guitar, celesta
Duration is 133.700s.
The music generation repository is here. (It is still to be updated with the Beggar-my-neighbour generator...)
Ra's video was produced via the latest version of Feedpovray by running the following command:
feedpovray --input=111222333 --y=3 --z=6 --output=111222333.pov \
--prologue=prologue.001122222222.b \
--pigment="pigment { bozo frequency 3 color_map { [0.00 color Red] [0.33 color Blue] [0.66 color Yellow] [1.00 color Red] } rotate -45*z }"
In this version of Feedpovray, the quantum object is either a sphere or a cube with a unit radius or side.
The resulting Povray script was edited as follows:
global_settings { ambient_light Orange }
light_source {
color Orange*2
background { color Red }
plane {
<0,0,1>, 0
texture { T_Silver_5E }
133.700*23.976 + 10 = 3216 PNG frames were produces, and then turned into a video via the command
ffmpeg -framerate 23.976 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' -i "$1" -c:a aac -b:a 128k -c:v libx264 -r 23.976 -pix_fmt yuv420p -filter:v "fade=in:st=0:d=5, fade=out:st=128.7:d=5" video.mp4
Copyright and other information
© 2020 Eidon. All rights reserved. desrever sgnorw llA
If you like this music you might consider following @eidon_channel@open.tube and subscribing to my channel
My blog collects a few of my Grundgestalts!
Ra' videoclip is also available on Open Tube