“The Dark Side of the Rainbow”-effect

You probably heard of “The Dark Side of the Rainbow” — the pairing of “Dark Side of the Moon” with 'The Wizard of Oz”.

Well, I have been experimenting with pairings of that type, and have found that, unexpectedly, pairings that “work” are not as rare as one may think.

Consider for instance this case:

I took a famous short movie, “Ballet Mécanique”, and I played it in reverse — from its last frame to its first. Then I paired with my composition “GoHachi”. In order to match the video with the audio, I sped up the former: the reversed “Ballet Mécanique” was played at 64.58 frames per second instead of 25.

I found the result surprising: the music, “magically,” matched closely the action on the video.

Which was confirmed by other experiments! I'll tell you more, if you're interested.


